Gita Series – 109: Bhagavad Gita Chapter IX. Verse 33 – 34
“Knower of Vedas and royal sages attain Me easily by their sheer devotion. Having attained the perishable and unhappy existence, they constantly worship Me. Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me and pay reverence to Me, thereby establishing a connection with Me and entirely depend upon Me and you shall come to Me.”
Throughout this Bhagavad gita chapter, Krishna stresses the importance of attaining Him. He is ever ready to offer liberation with open arms. He now summarises the preconditions to attain liberation. Liberation is something that comes to us cheap. It is not a perishable object. It cannot be obtained with a nurtured desire, nor is the fulfilment of a desire. Liberation is the only thing that is offered free to us. The methods to attain liberation also come free of cost. No physical strain, no punctuality, no co-workers, no differentiation between the poor and the rich, no recommendations. All that is needed is the purification of mind with the help of knowledge. There are only two requirements, one is the mind and another is the knowledge. Both are subtle in nature. The knowledge helps us to understand the Brahman; hence it is called the Supreme knowledge. It is called supreme knowledge, because it is needed to know the Supreme Self, again subtle in nature. There is difference between ordinary religious knowledge and Supreme spiritual knowledge. Ordinary knowledge can be obtained through study of scriptures and religious texts. This is associated with worshipping an object and performing rituals for the sake of the society. If someone does not perform a ritual prescribed by the society, he will be termed as an atheist. But contrary to the accusation of the society, a true spiritual man is closer to the Lord, the fact which is unknown to the society. A Self-realised person does not in any way behave differently from an ordinary person. He had already burnt his ego and as a result of which he has surrendered himself to the Lord. He always stands connected to the Lord. He knows with confidence that the Lord alone can give him the final liberation. As he is aware of this truth, he does not go after celestial gods. He directly goes to the Supreme Brahman with total faith that He alone is capable of offering the eternal liberation.
If all these prerequisites are complied with, he develops a deep devotion to the Lord, which subsequently transforms into pure love for Him. As he longs for the Lord, the Lord also yearns for His devotees. Love for the Lord quickly becomes mutual and at a point of time the Lord’s love for the devotee becomes more intent. Lord grants His devotee whatever is needed for him even without the devotee asking for it. His dependence on the Lord is reciprocated by the Lord. When the time is ripe for the devotee and when his karmas are totally spent away, Lord appears in person, takes the hand of his devotee and walks away with Him into eternity. After all, the Lord is the embodiment of compassion and He treats His devotees like His children.
Further Readings:
Bhagavad Gita. Chapter IX. 29 - 32
Tarun Sharma
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