This is part VI of mind series. We have seen that mind is broadly classified into two parts. One is conscious and objective mind and the other is subconscious and subjective mind. Conscious and objective mind works with maya or illusion. Subconscious and subjective mind works with atman. When we talk about subject and object, are we not recollecting our discussions on prakasha and vimarsha forms? Please visit finding god for details. You are right; we are almost there, closing in towards our destination. A thorough understanding of the mind enables us to identify the prakasha vimarsha maha maya swarupini. What is required is the right and proper inputs to our mind. If the inputs are right, mind will have proper ground for training. Mind can be trained in the way you like, provided you become its master. You can become a master only if you know its intricacies. Mind is full of complexities; therefore to acquire complete knowledge of mind is difficult. You can’t win over your enemies unless you know their strength and weakness. In the same unless you understand your mind’s strength and weakness, you can’t conquer your mind. This is the reason why we are taking so much of pains to understand mind. The first step towards conquering the mind is control your sensory organs thereby cutting off unwanted inputs to the conscious mind. Bad association gives bad inputs to our mind. Rituals are prescribed in ancient scriptures only to prevent our mind from wandering.
Mind should have a proper direction. Any bad influence causes bad impressions in our subconscious mind which ultimately result in bad actions. The influence of bad actions affects our karmas. Whether good or bad, our karmas affect our jiva which continues its transmigration. One of the main aims of self realisation is not to be reborn. Therefore our mind has to be always pure and serene. Generation of thoughts is another problem. Mind and thought are interrelated. Therefore you have to be watchful on the kind of thoughts that are generated. Do not associate with your thoughts, be a witness to it. Let us understand this with an example. What is the difference between associating with a thought and being a witness to a thought? We have discussed about a music concert earlier. Let us take that as an example here. Thought arises because of an action. You listen to the music. When the music is good, you enjoy the music. Even after you leave the concert hall you think about the soothing music. In this case you are a witness to your thoughts. If you want to become a musician by yourself, you are associating with the thought. In the first case you are not influenced by your thought and in the second case you are influenced by your thought. To become a musician you have to learn music, the process is time consuming and your main area of activity gets diverted. It is a vicious circle, one leading to another. That is why associating with the thought is dangerous. Being a witness causes nothing. You simply enjoy your thought and this enjoyment costs you nothing.
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