Chatuḥ-ṣaṣṭyupacārāḍhyā चतुः-षष्ट्युपचाराढ्या (235)
She is worshipped with sixty four (chatuḥ-ṣaṣṭi) types of metaphorical expressions, which are called upacāra-s. For example offering Her scents, flowers, bangles, fanning Her, etc. Sixty four such offerings have been prescribed for Her. This nāma talks about the pūja ritual.
Catuḥṣaṣṭi-kalāmayī चतुःषष्टि-कलामयी (236)
She is in the form of sixty four types of arts. Kalā means art. There are sixty four types of arts in tantra śāstra-s. No concrete evidence is available to confirm or dispute these sixty four types. But these arts originate from aṣṭama siddhi (the eight super human powers). Śiva Himself declares to Pārvatī about these arts. Saundarya Laharī (verse 31) says Catuḥ-ṣaṣṭyā tantraiḥ sakalam meaning that these sixty four tantra-s constitute everything. The above referred verse says, “Having deluded the entire universe with the sixty four tantra-s, which are devoted to producing various siddhis relating to each, the Lord of jīva-s (souls) again brought into this universe, due to Your compulsion, Your mantra (Pañcadaśī), which is the sole means of achieving, by itself all the objects of human desires.” These tantras originate from the Pañcadaśī mantra and culminate in the Pañcadaśī mantra. This is evident from the fact the same Saundarya Laharī verse says ‘idam te tantram’ possibly meaning the Pañcadaśī mantra that is declared in the next verse of Saundarya Laharī. Since there is no differentiation between Her and the Pañcadaśī mantra, She is said to be in the form of all the sixty four types of tantric arts.
Following are the sixty four arts: gītam, vādyam, nṛtyam, nātyam, ālekhyam, viśeṣaka-cchedyam, taṇḍula-kusuma-balivikārāḥ, puṣpāstaranam, daśana-vasanāṅgarāgāḥ, maṇi-bhūmikā-karma, śayana-racanam, udaka-vādyam, udaka-ghātaḥ, citrā_yogāḥ, mālya-granthana-vikalpāḥ, keśa-śekharāpīḍayojanam, nepathya-yogāḥ, karṇa-pattra-bhaṅgāḥ, gandha-yuktiḥ, bhūṣaṇa-yojanam, indrajālam, kaucumāra-yogāḥ, hasta-lāghavam, citraśākāpūpa-bhakṣya-vikāra-kriyā, pānaka-rasarāgāsava-yojanam, sūcīvāpa-karma, vīṇā-ḍama-ruka-sūtra-krīḍā, prahelikā, pratimā, durvacakayogāḥ, pustaka-vācanam, nāṭakākhyāyikā-darśanam, kāvya-samasyā-pūraṇam, paṭṭikā-vetrabāṇa-vikalpāḥ, tarkū-karmāṇi, takṣaṇam, vāstu-vidyā, rūpya-ratna-parīkṣā, dhātu-vādaḥ, maṇi-rāga-jñānam, ākara-jñānam, vṛkṣāyur-veda-yogāḥ, meṣa-kukkuṭa-lāvaka-yuddha-vidhiḥ, śuka-sārikā-pralāpanam, utsādanam, keśa-mārjana-kauśalam, akṣara-muṣṭikā-kathanam, mlechitaka-vikalpāḥ, deśa-bhāṣā-jñānam, puṣpa-śakaṭikā-nimitta-jñānam, yantra-mātṛkā, dhāraṇa-mātṛkā, saṃpāṭyam, mānasī_kāvya-kriyā, kriyā-vikalpāḥ, chalitakayogāḥ, abhidhāna-koṣa-cchando-jñānam, vastra-gopanāni, dyūta-viśeṣaḥ, ākarṣaṇa-krīḍā, bālaka-krīḍanakāni, vaināyikīnāṃ-vidyāṇāṃ-ñānam, vaijayikīnāṃ-vidyānāṃ-jñānam. However, the list varies from text to text.
Mahā-catuḥ-ṣaṣti-koṭi-yoginī-gana-sevithā महा-चतुः-षष्ति-कोटि-योगिनी-गन-सेविथा (237)
Mahā-catuḥ-ṣaṣti-koṭi means sixty four crores or 640 million. Yoginī-gana are demigoddesses. She is worshipped by these 640 million demigoddesses also known as yogini-s. In Śrī Cakra, there are eight mātṛkā devi-s (also known as aṣḥta māta-s) like, Brāhmī, Māheśvarī, Kaumārī, Vaiśṇavī, Vārāhī, Indrāṇī, Cāmuṇdā, Mahālakśmī. The aṣḥta māta-s have eight deputies called as yogini-s which make sixty four yogini-s. Each of these sixty four yogini-s has one crore or ten million attendant yogini-s. Thus the calculation of 640 million yogini-s is arrived. These yogini-s attend to different aspects of administration of the universe.
In Śrī Cakra there are nine āvaraṇa-s (coverings or roundabouts). Each āvaraṇa is controlled by a yogini. The ninth āvaraṇa is controlled byLalitāmbikā Herself. Taking into account the other eight āvaraṇa-s, It is said that each āvaraṇa has ten million yogini-s. The number sixty four should have some significance. This numeric is used in three consecutive nāma-s 235, 236 and this nāma. It is possible that the numeric sixty four refers to sixty four tattva-s. The products of five basic elements like ether, etc combined with antakaraṇa (mind, intellect, consciousness and ego) making a total of sixty four. In fact, the entire human activities are controlled by these 64 tattva-s.
Please also refer nāma 230.
Manu-vidyā मनु-विद्या (238)
Vidya means Śrī Vidya, the ritual worship of Śrī Cakra. The base of Śrī Vidya worship is Pañcadaśī mantra. There are twelve types of Pañcadaśī mantra introduced by Manu, Kubera (the god of wealth), Chandra (moon), Lopāmudrā (wife of sage Agastya), Agastya, Manmatha (the god of love), Agni (the fire god), Surya (sun), Indra (chief of gods), Skanda (Lord Kārttikeya, son of Śiva and Pārvatī, also known as Subrahmaṇya), Śiva (Her consort) and Durvāsa. The basic mantra in all the twelve remains the same. In this Sahasranāma all these names are referred and the first of such reference is this nāma. This nāma refers to the worship done by Manu.
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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