Śrī devī khaḍgamālārcanam श्री देवी खड्गमालार्चनम्
All nāma-s to prefixed with om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ (ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं) and suffixed with namaḥ pādukāṁ pūjayāmi (नमः पादुकां पूजयामि). First two nāma-s are given as examples.
001. ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं ॐ नमस्त्रिपुरसुन्दर्यै नमः पादुकां पूजयामि।
om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ om namastripurasundaryai namaḥ pādukāṁ pūjayāmi |
002. ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं हृदयदेव्यै नमः पादुकां पूजयामि।
om aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ hṛdayadevyai namaḥ pādukāṁ pūjayāmi |
003. शिरोदेव्यै śirodevyai
004. शिखादेव्यै śikhādevyai
005. कवचदेव्यै kavacadevyai
006. नेत्रदेव्यै netradevyai
007. अस्त्रदेव्यै astradevyai
008. कामेश्वर्यै kāmeśvaryai
009. भगमालिन्यै bhagamālinyai
010. नित्यक्लिन्नायै nityaklinnāyai
011. भेरुण्डायै bheruṇḍāyai
012. वह्निवासिन्यै vahnivāsinyai
013. महावज्रेश्वर्यै mahāvajreśvaryai
014. शिवादूत्यै śivādūtyai
015. कुलसुन्दर्यै kulasundaryai
016. त्वरितायै tvaritāyai
017. नित्यायै nityāyai
018. नीलपताकायै nīlapatākāyai
019. विजयायै vijayāyai
020. सर्वमङगलायै sarvamaṅagalāyai
021. ज्वालामालिन्यै jvālāmālinyai
022. चित्रायै citrāyai
023. महानित्यायै mahānityāyai
024. परमेश्वर-परमेश्वर्यै
025. मित्रीशमय्यै mitrīśamayyai
026. षष्ठीशमय्यै ṣaṣṭhīśamayyai
027. उड्डीशमय्यै uḍḍīśamayyai
028. चर्यानाथमय्यै caryānāthamayyai
029. लोपामुद्रमय्यै lopāmudramayyai
030. अगस्त्यमय्यै agastyamayyai
031. कालतापनमय्यै kālatāpanamayyai
032. धर्माचारमय्यै dharmācāramayyai
033. मुक्तकेशीश्वरमय्यै muktakeśīśvaramayyai
034. दीपकलानाथमय्यै dīpakalānāthamayyai
035. विष्णुदेवमय्यै viṣṇudevamayyai
036. प्रभाकरदेवमय्यै prabhākaradevamayyai
037. तेजोदेवमय्यै tejodevamayyai
038. मनोजदेवमय्यै manojadevamayyai
039. कल्याणदेवमय्यै kalyāṇadevamayyai
040. रत्नदेवमय्यै ratnadevamayyai
041. वासुदेवमय्यै vāsudevamayyai
042. श्रीरामानन्ददेवमय्यै śrīrāmānandadevamayyai
043. अणिमासिद्धये aṇimāsiddhaye
044. लघिमासिद्धये laghimāsiddhaye
045. महिमासिद्धये mahimāsiddhaye
046. ईशित्वसिद्धये īśitvasiddhaye
047. वशित्वसिद्धये vaśitvasiddhaye
048. प्राकाम्यसिद्धये prākāmyasiddhaye
049. भुक्तिसिद्धये bhuktisiddhaye
050. इच्छसिद्धये icchasiddhaye
051. प्राप्तिसिद्धये prāptisiddhaye
052. सर्वकामसिद्धये sarvakāmasiddhaye
053. ब्राह्म्यै brāhmyai
054. माहेश्वर्यै māheśvaryai
055. कौमार्यै kaumāryai
056. वैष्णव्यै vaiṣṇavyai
057. वाराह्यै vārāhyai
058. माहेन्द्रियै māhendriyai
059. चामुण्डायै cāmuṇḍāyai
060. महालक्ष्म्यै mahālakṣmyai
061. सर्वसङ्क्षोभिण्यै sarvasaṅkṣobhiṇyai
062. सर्वविद्राविण्यै sarvavidrāviṇyai
063. सर्वाकर्षिण्यै sarvākarṣiṇyai
064. सर्ववशङ्कर्यै sarvavaśaṅkaryai
065. सर्वोन्मादिन्यै sarvonmādinyai
066. सर्वमहाङ्कुशायै sarvamahāṅkuśāyai
067. सर्वकेचर्यै sarvakecaryai
068. सर्वबीजायै sarvabījāyai
069. सर्वयोनये sarvayonaye
070. सर्वत्रिखण्डायै sarvatrikhaṇḍāyai
071. त्रिलोक्यमोहन चक्रस्वामिन्यै trilokyamohana cakrasvāminyai
072. प्रकटयोगिन्यै prakaṭayoginyai
073. कामाकर्षण्यै kāmākarṣaṇyai
074. बुद्ध्याकर्षन्यै buddhyākarṣanyai
075. अहङ्काराकर्षिन्यै ahaṅkārākarṣinyai
076. शब्दाकर्षिन्यै śabdākarṣinyai
077. स्पर्शाकर्षिन्यै sparśākarṣinyai
078. रुपाकर्षिन्यै rupākarṣinyai
079. रसाकर्षिन्यै rasākarṣinyai
080. गन्धाकर्षिन्यै gandhākarṣinyai
081. चित्ताकर्षिन्यै cittākarṣinyai
082 धैर्याकर्षिन्यै dhairyākarṣinyai
083. स्मृत्याकर्षिन्यै smṛtyākarṣinyai
084. नामाकर्षिन्यै nāmākarṣinyai
085. बीजाकर्षिन्यै bījākarṣinyai
086. आत्माकर्षिन्यै ātmākarṣinyai
087. अमृताकर्षिन्यै amṛtākarṣinyai
088. शरिराकर्षिन्यै śarirāakarṣinyai
089. सर्वाशापरिपूरकर चक्रस्वामिन्यै
sarvāśāparipūrakara cakrasvāminyai
090. गुप्तयोगिन्यै guptayoginyai
091. अनङ्गकुसुमायै anaṅgakusumāyai
092. अनङ्गमेखलायै anaṅgamekhalāyai
093. अनङ्गमदनायै anaṅgamadanāyai
094. अनङ्गमदनातुरायै anaṅgamadanāturāyai
095. अनङ्गरेखायै anaṅgarekhāyai
096. अनङ्गवेगिन्यै anaṅgaveginyai
097. अनङ्गाङ्कुशायै anaṅgāṅkuśāyai
098. अनङ्गमालिन्यै anaṅgamālinyai
099. सर्वसङ्क्षोभण चक्रस्वामिन्यै sarvasaṅkṣobhaṇa cakrasvāminyai
100. गुप्ततरयोगिन्यै guptatarayoginyai
101. सर्वसङ्क्षोभिण्यै sarvasaṅkṣobhiṇyai
102. सर्वविद्राविन्यै sarvavidrāvinyai
103. सर्वाकर्षिण्यै sarvākarṣiṇyai
104. सर्वाह्लादिन्यै sarvāhlādinyai
105. सर्वसम्मोहिन्यैsarvasammohinyai
106. सर्वस्तम्भिन्यै sarvastambhinyai
107. सर्वजृम्भिन्यै sarvajṛmbhinyai
108. सर्ववशङ्कर्यै sarvavaśaṅkaryai
109. सर्वरञ्जिन्यै sarvarañjinyai
110. सर्वोन्मादिन्यै sarvonmādinyai
111. सर्वार्थसाधिन्यै sarvārthasādhinyai
112. सर्वसम्पत्तिपूरण्यै sarvasampattipūraṇyai
113. सर्वमन्त्रमय्यै sarvamantramayyai
114. सर्वद्वन्द्वक्षयङ्कर्यै
115. सर्वसोभाग्यदायक चक्रस्वामिन्यै
sarvasoubhāgyadāyaka cakrasvāminyai
116. सम्प्रदाययोगिन्यै sampradāyayoginyai
117. सर्वसिद्धिप्रदायै sarvasiddhipradāyai
118. सर्वसम्पद्प्रदायै sarvasampadpradāyai
119. सर्वप्रियङ्कर्यै sarvapriyaṅkaryai
120. सर्वमङ्गलकारिन्यै sarvamaṅgalakārinyai
121. सर्वकामप्रदार्यै sarvakāmapradāryai
122. सर्वदुःखविमोचिन्यै sarvaduḥkhavimocinyai
123. सर्वमृत्युप्रशमन्यैsarvamṛtyupraśamanyai
124. सर्वविघ्ननिवारिण्यैsarvavighnanivāriṇyai
125. सर्वाङ्गसुन्दर्यैsarvāṅgasundaryai
126. सर्वसौभाग्यदायिन्यै
127. सवार्थसाधक चक्रस्वामिन्यै
savārthasādhaka cakrasvāminyai
128. कुलोत्तीर्णयोगिन्यै kulottīrṇayoginyai
129. सर्वज्ञायै sarvajñāyai
130. सर्वशक्त्तये sarvaśakttaye
131. सर्वैश्वर्यप्रदायै sarvaiśvaryapradāyai
132. सर्वज्ञानमय्यै sarvajñānamayyai
133. सर्वव्याधिविनाशिन्यै
134. सर्वाधारस्वरूपायै sarvādhārasvarūpāyai
135. सर्वपापहरायै sarvapāpaharāyai
136. सर्वानन्दमय्यै sarvānandamayyai
137. सर्वाक्षारस्वरूपिण्यै sarvākṣārasvarūpiṇyai
138. सर्वेप्सितफलप्रदायै
139. सर्वरक्षाकर चक्रस्वामिन्यै
sarvarakṣākara cakrasvāminyai
140. निगर्भयोगिन्यै nigarbhayoginyai
141. वशिन्यै vaśinyai
142. कामेश्वर्यै kāmeśvaryai
143. मोदिन्यै modinyai
144. विमलायै vimalāyai
145. अरुणायै aruṇāyai
146. जयिन्यै jayinyai
147. सर्वेश्वर्यै sarveśvaryai
148. कौलिन्यै kaulinyai
149. सर्वरोगहर चक्रस्वमिन्यै
sarvarogahara cakrasvaminyai
150. रहस्ययोगिन्यै rahasyayoginyai
151. बणिन्यै baṇinyai
152. चापिन्यै cāpinyai
153. पाशिन्यै pāśinyai
154. अङ्कुशिन्यै aṅkuśinyai
155. महाकामेश्वर्यै mahākāmeśvaryai
156. महावजेश्वर्यै mahāvajeśvaryai
157. महाभगमालिन्यै mahābhagamālinyai
158. महाश्रीसुन्दर्यै mahāśrīsundaryai
159. सर्वसिद्धिप्रद चक्रस्वामिन्यै
sarvasiddhiprada cakrasvāminyai
160. अतिरहस्ययोगिन्यै atirahasyayoginyai
161. श्री श्री महाभट्टरिकायै
śrī śrī mahābhaṭṭarikāyai
162. सर्वानन्दमय चक्रस्वामिन्यै
sarvānandamaya cakrasvāminyai
163. परापररहस्ययोगिन्यै
164. त्रिपुरायै tripurāyai
165. त्रिपुरेश्यै tripureśyai
166. त्रिपुरसुन्दर्यै tripurasundaryai
167. त्रिपुरवासिन्यै tripuravāsinyai
168. त्रिपुराश्रियै tripurāśriyai
169. त्रिपुरमालिन्यै tripuramālinyai
170. त्रिपुरासिद्धायै tripurāsiddhāyai
171. त्रिपुराम्बायै tripurāmbāyai
172. महात्रिपुरसुन्दर्यै mahātripurasundaryai
173. महामहेश्वर्यै mahāmaheśvaryai
174. महामहाराज्ञ्यै mahāmahārājñyai
175. महामहाशक्तये mahāmahāśaktaye
176. महामहागुप्तायै mahāmahāguptāyai
177. महामहाज्ञप्तये mahāmahājñaptaye
178. महामहानन्दायै mahāmahānandāyai
179. महामहास्पन्दायै mahāmahāspandāyai
180. महामहाशयायै mahāmahāśayāyai
181. महामहा श्रीचक्रनगर सम्राज्ञ्यै
mahāmahā śrīcakranagara samrājñyai
182. नमस्ते नमस्ते नमस्ते स्वाहा namaste namaste namaste svāhā
Related Articles:
Sri Devi Khadgamala Archana -Part 1
October 17, 2013 11:02 AM
तेत्रदेव्यै tetradevyai hope this should be "Neradevyai". please check.
October 17, 2013 11:13 AM
Thank you very much for pointing out this error. This has been rectified now.
January 06, 2014 01:33 PM
RESP. SIR, PLZ. guide about the importance of KHADGAMALA ARCHNAM. HOW to recite it ?
January 06, 2014 02:43 PM
This can be explained in two ways.
1. If we try to understand this from material plane, they are various śakti-s, sages and saints who are are in Sri Nagara, which is Her Abode. There are worshiped in navāvaraṇa pūjā. Parāśakti in Her purest form is in the middle of Śri Cakra along with Shiva. When we decide to surrender to Her, we have to reach Her in the first place. Reaching Her is not that easy. We have to take permissions from śakti-s, sages and saints posited in the nine āvaraṇa-s and only after we obtain permission from all of them we can "see" Her. Their names are mentioned in the khaḍgamāla.
2. From the spiritual perspective, these are the impurities of antaḥkaraṇa (mind, intellect, consciousness and ego). When our consciousness transcends all the impurities, we reach Her. This can also be explained differently. Khaḍgamāla devi-s represent various aspects of māyā, When we transcend māyā, we realize Shiva, which is possible only through Her Grace.
May 08, 2014 06:20 PM
What is the meaning of Lord Vishnu,Rudra,Brahma sitting below her throne?Does Sri Chakra also includes worshipping Kali also as her parivara devata?
May 08, 2014 06:56 PM
This is explained here
Lalitā Sahasranāma
No, Kāli is not worshiped in Śri Cakra.
March 08, 2020 08:32 AM
Sir, Kali is worshipped as 'Tithinityā devi-s' since they are related toTime, and Maa Kali related to time. Correct me if I am wrong.
March 08, 2020 10:46 AM
Truly speaking, there is no difference between Sundari and Kāli for a spiritually evolved person. But objectively, we can see them differently. In the perspective of time, we can refer to Her as the timeless state.
December 11, 2014 01:00 PM
Dear Sir,
Kindly note the below point.
1) Garimasidde name is missed, this should come after Lagima Sidde.
2) 122. सर्वदुःखविमोचिन्यै arvaduḥkhavimocinyai alphabet 'S' is missing Sarvaduḥkhavimocinyai
3) 179. महामहास्पन्दायै mahāmahāspandāyai is actually mahāmahāskandāyai K instead of P
December 11, 2014 08:05 PM
122 is a typographical error and I have corrected.it. Thank you. With regard to 179, what is given in the article is correct. It is only महामहास्पन्दायै mahāmahāspandāyai. Spanda means vibration, motion, activity (please refer Spandakārikā).
February 13, 2015 07:02 PM
Khadgamala stotram is more of worshipping gross form of Lalitha.Do we really need to get the blessings of those Khadgamala Devi's to reach her?
As long as Sakthi in form of kundali reaches Sahashara,will that be enough to move ahead to Turiya?
February 13, 2015 09:43 PM
This is a very pertinent point for discussion. This can be interpreted in two ways. One, from the point of view of Self-realization (Upanishads point of view) and on the materialistic point of view.
From the materialistic point of view, yes we have to go past all these Devi-s. They are nothing but different aspects of Lalitāmbikā. If one is able to understand the essence of Upanishads, yes, they need not go through any rituals at all. It could be waste of time for them, as these rituals consume lot of time and money. What one gets at the end is nothing but mental satisfaction and this satisfaction is directly proportionate to one's ego. In the present day hectic world, this can be safely be avoided. There is no need for any rituals at all. But, those who enter into the path of devotion, they are necessary so that they have strong foundation when they move from dualistic worship to monism.
Those who want to really move forward in a faster pace, there is no need to understand these Khadgamala devis. Straight away take a mantra (it really does not matter whether it is Bālā or Pañcadaśī or Ṣoḍaśī) and work with that mantra on breath, mind and ultimately one's consciousness. The purest form of Consciousness is Shiva. This is the more effective and quicker way to the path of Liberation.
This is the Ultimate Truth. In sat-cit-ānanda, sat means reality, cit is Consciousness and ānanda is Bliss. In sat-cit-ānanda both Shiva and Shakti exist. Only in this state Bliss can be experienced. The next stage is sat-cit-ekaṁ brahma. Here ānanda is not there, hence no Shakti. It is pure Shiva alone, where we get absorbed, it is liberation.
August 20, 2021 05:03 PM
So from a vedantic perspective, these deities do not exist at all? If we chose the path of devotion, elaborate rituals become important and therefore comes a gamut of dieties. But when we traverse the path of self realization, it's purely an internal process. So will a vedantin actually take pity on those who are propelled by devotion and performance of elaborate rituals? Because a vedantin may think there's actually nothing to do except for contemplation of the self. However can we equate the process of contemplation to performance of rituals? Because both the process helps us in shedding the unwanted layers. Or performance of rituals and japa are really important for liberation? Because it actually gives us a sense of satisfaction that we are putting efforts and therefore there will be a reward against the vedantic way of not doing any rituals. Is it a merely a social conditioning of mind that results are directly proportional to the intensity of human efforts? These two concepts are very conflicting. It would only best if we do what we feel drawn to. However, when a conflict arises internally, both doing and not doing becomes draining.
August 20, 2021 09:24 PM
We perform rituals etc till we grow spiritually to the extent it is not necessary. The mind automatically gives up these things. All these are important for progression. Also note that taking up vedantic approach when one's mind is not ready will not be of much use as it becomes mechanical and you go back to bhakti
May 10, 2015 09:08 PM
can you suggest any book where i can get the kharga mala of 10 mahavidya
August 13, 2015 12:56 AM
The following need to be corrected as well from an IAST font perspective.
086. सर्वबीजायै sarvabījāyai => 068. सर्वबीजायै sarvabījāyai
165. त्रिपुश्यै tripueśyai => 165. त्रिपुश्यै tripuśyai
Also, some variations of the Khadgamala have the 'Shrim Hrim Aim Om' at the end, providing a samputikarana of the stotram.
August 13, 2015 11:00 AM
Thank you again for pointing our errors. I have corrected them. I am sorry for the errors.
October 19, 2015 04:26 PM
While uttering (नमः पादुकां पूजयामि) should we offer flowers or Kumkum on Shri Yantra
October 19, 2015 05:53 PM
Yes, we can offer either flowers or kumkum.
February 19, 2016 09:38 PM
Respected sir,
I'm a 43 yr old homemaker. I read "understanding and worshiping SRI CHAKRA" an eyeopener in many ways to me. Section 1 is like a dictionary to me.
I have not taken initiation into Srividya from any guru. But I have a srichakra,(Bhuprastarah)and on fridays I keep neivediyam, light lamps, chant Lalitha Sahasranam, Lalitha Trishati, Kadgamala sthothram etc...
In the internet I read different opinions on qualifications to chant these, such as, should take initiation,not necessary and the like. There are also sites selling srividya deeksha at different competitive rates.I donot know any guru as of now to give deeksha and guide me truly towards my spiritual upliftment.
Meanwhile after starting this pooja my problems in life has increased many fold. With no mistakes on my part, problems knock my door, particularly on fridays or Thursday itself it starts. Now I'm worried if it is because I'm doing pooja without taking deeksha. I don't know proper sanskrit, but I do my sincere effort to correct my pronunciations and my pooja is completely satisfactory to me.I'm undergoing ashtama shani period too.
My question is can I continue with the pooja? or is any modifications required? Please guide. Thankyou.
February 19, 2016 09:53 PM
Please write to me at ravi@manblunder.com
June 22, 2017 12:11 PM
Dear Sir -- Number 37 and 38 are repeated twice. Ratnadevamayyai and kalyanadevamayyai are also repeated twice. After Laghimasiddhaye, Garimasiddhaye is missing.
June 22, 2017 02:21 PM
Thank you very much. I have corrected repetitions. But, there are already ten siddhi devis and we cannot include another one. Sometimes, same siddhi is called by different names.
June 11, 2018 07:31 PM
Ravi Ji, Can we recite Khadagmala Stotram and Archanam with kumkum and flowers even if we are not initiated into Shri Vidya? Vineet Gupta
June 11, 2018 07:36 PM
One needs initiation to chant or do archana with khadgamala. Initiation into Panchadashi mantra is the minimum requirement for this. This will also solve your problem with Lalita Trishati.
April 11, 2020 07:51 PM
Nameste Ravi Guruji , Download document here ending with "182. नमस्िे नमस्िे नमस्िे स्वाहा namaste namaste namaste svāhā" is this complete or nyasas, dhanayam ,,Pañcapūjā , digvimoka and samarpanam to be added. Paranam Sunil Shah
April 12, 2020 12:29 AM
It is good to add them to the end. You may practice it that way.
April 18, 2020 06:58 PM
Thank You ,Krishnaji.
June 01, 2021 08:12 PM
Namastey Ji, Any info on if Nyasa and Samarpanam to be done after the Khadgamala archana mantra as well ? Usually for Japas we do Nyasa before and after (twice) right ? . Requesting to kindly post if any info is available and as time permits Thank you
June 03, 2021 09:55 PM
It is suggested to perform the hṛdayādi nyāsa with dikvimocanam, dhyānam, pañcopacāra pūja and samarpanam, even if it not specified after the stotram. It is implicit.
June 04, 2021 04:37 AM
Ah thank you ji
December 01, 2022 03:12 PM
I am doing Khadgamala Archana daily on the Sri Yantra Maha Meru in my home. Along with Nyasas, Karanyasa, Anganyasa, Dhyanam as indicated in the PDF downloaded from this site; I do Lam ityadi Manas Panchopachara Puja saying at the end Parikalpayami Namaha. I do physical Panchopachara Puja on Fridays and on special occasions. Shall be grateful if you could kindly confirm whether my approach of doing Manas Panchopachara Puja is correct. Thanks ji.
December 02, 2022 02:12 AM
The Laṁ ityādi pañca pūja is internal and not external. For external worship, it is suggested to go for the Laghu Śrīcakra pūja which is more effective. It is important that one should be initiated into the Pañcadaśī or higher mantras to be eligible for either of these practices.
March 14, 2023 01:03 AM
I am initiated into panchadasi mantra. I have a prana-pratishthit meru yantra at home which I worship by doing abhishekam with gangajal everyday while reciting LSN and khadgamala. I pour gangajal with uttarini at each point on meru corresponding to name in khadgamala but only say the name for e.g., animasiddhe. Should I say om aim hreem sreem animasiddhaye namaha padukam tarpayami pujayami namaha instead? I also read that doing kumkum archana everyday requires annadaanam also since kumkum increases rajas guna. please advise. thank you.
March 14, 2023 10:03 PM
Please follow as described at the top of this document. The prefixes and suffixes must be added with the attribute in the middle. I am not aware of other food offerings that you mention as being mandated. There is nothing wrong, if you wish to offer food to the hungry.