Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Part 9: Verses 36 – 38
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Skill 13: Verse 36
By plugging the seven openings in our head by using fingers of the palms and inwardly focusing on the ajna chakra, a light in the form of the moon can be seen. When one fixes his concentration on this light, it fades out and merges into nothingness. In that light, Bhairava is realized. The visibility of the light is only the starting point of absorption. When the light fades out, our consciousness should continue to remain engrossed in Bhairava. In the initial stages, this may appear to be difficult.
This practice is known as ‘maha yoni mudra’. Close the ears with thumbs, eyes with index fingers, two nostrils with middle fingers and place the ring fingers on the upper lip and the small fingers on the lower lip. Now all the seven openings in the head are closed and all the organs of perception (hands are rested, mouth, eyes, nostrils and ears) are plugged. This enables the mind to concentrate on the ajna chakra. Behind the ajna chakra, the pineal gland is located. This gland is known as the gland of divinity. When consciousness is fixed on the ajna chakra, the vibration of consciousness activates the pineal gland.
If the concentration is fixed on the ajna chakra, a moon like light appears. The index fingers are to be placed at one inch from the outer corners of the closed eyes. The index fingers can be comfortably placed on the bony support to the eyebrows (known as supercillary arch), lightly pressing the upper eye lids (more on this discussed in the next verse). The position of fingers is important in seeing the moon like light. First, the light will be dim, and then it becomes powerful and finally fades away. Concentration on the ajna chakra is to be fixed by focusing the eye balls on the ajna chakra. Undue pressure should not be applied on the eye balls, as this could cause damage optic nerves. Initially, the light may not appear due to the following reasons. The wrong positioning of the index fingers on the eyes. In such situations, the position of the index fingers can be moved slightly, either up and down or side wards. The second possibility is that pupils of the eyes may not be focussing on the ajna chakra. The focus should be exactly on the meeting point of the eyebrows. Third possibility is lack of concentration on this point. If all these three issues are taken care of, the light is bound to appear after a minute or two. The closure of the organs of perception and fixing concentration on ajna chakra should happen simultaneously.
The light that appears is known as bindu. In this bindu, Bhairava is realized. Regular practice of this skill activates sahasrara. In this situation, the vibratory energy, on reaching the pineal gland splits into two parts. One part traverses upwards to the sahasrara and another part reaches the back head chakra, the point just above the ajna chakra at the back of the head. If this happens, all the lower chakras will be automatically activated.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Skill 14: Verse 37
When the eyes are so pressed by applying mild pressure (as referred in the previous verse), and making small movements the light appears like the flame of fire known as ‘tilak’. One should meditate on the upper point of the flame also known as bindu at the top of the head (sahasrara) and in the heart (anahat chakra). The verse says that the flame like light appears when the pupils of the eyes (dhama) are shaken up. Simultaneously meditating both on sahasrara and anahat is important. A link between sahasrara and anahat can be visualized for this purpose. One will be absorbed into ‘laya’ or inward focusing of consciousness on the light where Bhairava is realised. During this stage, thought process is annulled, as the entire consciousness is fixed on the flame, sahasrara and anahat. What is important to master this skill is inward focusing of consciousness and suitable movement of the eye balls using the index fingers.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Skill 15: Verse 38
One hears the sound of anahat (Shabda Brahman) by his ears, when his deep consciousness is fixed on the Brahman. Since the external sound is blocked by placing the thumbs on the ears, the sound of anahat also known as sabda Brahman is realized from within. This sound is caused by internal vibration at heart chakra. The sound could be of any type, such as the sound of a musical instrument, sound of a conch, sound of water, sound of a bell, sound of a bee, etc. Someone could also hear the sound of OM. Since the sound is so subtle, the highest level of concentrations is required to absorb the sound. Please use the search engine at the top of this site to know more on sabda Brahman. This internal sound arises from sushumna that gets activated through prana (breath). In fact, this is the sound of kundalini as She alone traverses through sushumna. When he fixes his consciousness on this sound, he forgets the material world and gets absorbed in the Brahman.
This sound cannot be heard in the first few practice sessions. Intense amount of concentration is required to listen to this sound. It also should be noted that nowhere usage of mantras or yogic exercises is recommended but what is advocated is the highest form of consciousness. Absorption happens only when the level of consciousness is pure (devoid of any external influence).
Further Readings:
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra- Part 8
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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