Self is knowledge. According to Sage Ramana, Self is beyond jñāna and ajñāna. Self is only Self and cannot be explained or described. That is why, Upaniṣad-s negate everything to elucidate Self by saying ‘neti, neti’ (not this, not this). What remains after everything is negated, that is Self. This means that Self is inexplicable, devoid of any shape or form. Jñāna and ajñāna are about objects, which are considered as non-self. Then what is Self? It is pure consciousness. However, making inquiries about the Self is known as the higher knowledge or spiritual knowledge as opposed mundane knowledge. Only this knowledge is needed for Liberation. What is spiritual knowledge? We have realised the unreal, the material world. We have to go past this realization – realising the material word as the real. If this innate ignorance is removed, then we attain jñāna says Sage Ramana.
Self is already within us and we are ignorant of Its Blissful existence within us. Self was there within us, is within us and will continue to exist till our body falls. Whatever the practice we do is only remove the innate spiritual ignorance. What is innate spiritual ignorance? It is wrongly or ignorantly identifying Self with our body and mind. The Self exists in us all the time and searching for Self elsewhere is like inquiring way to our house by remaining in our house itself.
Ramana said, “The pure Being is the reality. Others are mere associations. The pure Being cannot be otherwise than consciousness. Otherwise, you cannot say that you exist. Therefore, consciousness is the reality. When that consciousness is associated with upādhi-s (that which is put in the place of another thing, a substitute, substitution, said to be applied to certain forms or properties considered as disguise of the Self) you speak of self-consciousness, super-consciousness, unconsciousness, sub-consciousness or even tree consciousness etc. The faltering common factor in all of them is consciousness.
“You natural state is always there. Your meditation, etc. come only temporarily. Reality being yourself, there is nothing for you to realize. All that is required is that you should give up regarding the unreal as real, which is what all are doing. The object of all meditation, dhyāna or japa is only that, to give up all thoughts regarding ‘not Self’ to give up many thoughts and to keep the one thought.
“Nirvāṇa is perfection. In that state there is neither subject nor object. There is nothing to see, nothing to feel, nothing to know. Seeing and knowledge are the functions of the mind. In nirvāṇa there is nothing but the blissful pure consciousness “I am”. “I” (the Self) and “This” (the material world) appear together now. But This is contained in the I; they are not separate. This has to merge into and become one with “I” that remains over is the true “I”. The true jñāna is not something that is attained. . It exists as one’s own svarūpa (one's own form or shape)”
Self is not separate apart from our own Self; our egoless state, which is difficult to attain. Even the greatest sages and saints have fallen down from their highest states because of ego. Self is not an object of thought; Self really exists as the Self within. Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad (I.iv.10) explains this. “This self was indeed Self in the beginning. He knew that he was Self. After knowing this, he became all (omnipresent). Gods (titular gods) who realized this became all. And to this day whoever in the same manner knows the Self as Self (Brahman) becomes this (universe).”
Taittirīya Upaniṣad (I.vii) explains this in different way. “The Self is beyond the reach of sense organs. It is independent and without attributes. When a person rests fearlessly in the Self, he is not afraid of anything. A person may be learned, but if he still thinks he is separate from the Self, this Self itself becomes a source of terror for him.”
Kaṭha Upaniṣad (II.1.2) explains why we are not able to realize the Self. “Self is within us, yet we do not see It, as our organs are always outgoing. The Self is the chief of body-mind combine and is within us hidden subtly. By default, our organs go to the material world. The only way to reach the Self within in is to turn the organs from the material world to look within. It is a tough task like changing the course of the river and turn it towards its origin. Though it is hard, still this can be done with practice (sādhana). Those who succeed in this attempt are freed from transmigration (Liberation).”
Sometimes, we look upon god as a person and give him or her a personal identity to such gods. We give personal god (Iṣṭa Deavta) a shape and form. Such mistaken identities are based on our ego. Self can be realized only in egoless state and in pure mind. Ego mind is aware of itself as conscious and intellect.
Self cannot be just explained. It has to be experienced. First, Spiritual ignorance is to be shed and next we have to have an egoless state. Even the first one is possible, getting into egoless state is extremely difficult. Ego plays spoil sport in realizing the Self.
Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavad Gītā (X. 57 onwards) “Mentally resigning all your duties to Me in the form of even-mindedness, be solely devoted to Me and constantly give your mind to Me. If out of your ego, you are not listening to me, you are lost. The Self abides in the heart of all creatures causing them to revolve according to their karma. Take shelter in Him alone with all your being. By His mere Grace you shall attain eternal supreme peace. Give your mind to Me and be devoted to Me, you will come to Me alone. I truly promise you.”
For truly realizing the Self, we need nothing, except to purify our mind and purge our ego. We need to explore within, instead of searching the Self outside. What is there outside is within us and vice-versa. Pure dedication and perseverance are the only factors that are needed to realize the Self.
Further reading:
There are three types of jñāni-s - yogi, saint and sage. Some of the Scriptures explain their discrimination. Yogis are considered as the least and it is said that they have not transcended spiritual ignorance. There are difference of opinions among yogis themselves. Saints are considered as better than yogis, but they also contradict themselves. Sages are considered as the best as no two sages will have different opinions. They will never contradict each other.
Between a yogi and a saint, a saint is far superior and can be followed too. Between two saints, their opinions will always differ depending upon their spiritual evolution. Saints are moody in nature and often found with ego. Sages do not have ego, though some of the texts say that ancient sages too had too much of ego. But in general, they are devoid of ego. It is always better to follow the teachings of sages. But such sages are extremely rare to find today. Shedding ego is the most crucial point in Self-realization. Ego is the worst enemy in Self-realization.
June 27, 2015 01:22 PM
Excellent article sir. In some tradition,they classify as siddha-muni-rishi. You are the only Rishi I know.
June 28, 2015 04:21 PM
Wonderful article sir.pranams.
June 29, 2015 01:19 AM
There is contradiction in this article.
June 29, 2015 01:20 AM
There is contradiction here: Ego is not the enemy of Self-realization.
June 29, 2015 02:06 AM
Because ego appears by His Light. If nothing can appear without His light (ego included), so how could ego be an obstacle in His way? That makes no sense.
Ego is the worst enemy of ego. But this has nothing to be with Self-realization. When the Self says: "Now I don't want Self-realization", bondage shines forth. Next, when He says: "Now I want Self-realization", Liberation emerges. In the meantime, in the period between His saying "Now no" and "Now yes", He experiences the state of bondage, which is no bondage really but an expression of His Absolute Freedom. Because Self-realization is Freedom and absence of Self-realization is also Freedom. When He, the Free One, wants to play to be bound by His ego, etc., He invents all these stories about ego being the worst enemy, or Maayaa veiling Him, or Satan doing this or that, etc. All these stories are like the ones told by a grandmother, like the play of light and shadows. May He enjoy them then!
June 29, 2015 10:30 AM
When we talk about ego.only the necessary ego is required for self realisation and we should shed off all the uncessary ego. You can find more details in this website for details on ego. There is no contradiction
June 29, 2015 10:43 AM
Uncessary ego is a problem because it creates karma. Then we have to experience that karma to nullify it. In turns it becomes a cycle or rebirths. That's why to avoid this unnecessary problems we should be shed off ego. It you say that when we don't want self rerealisation it is freedom. Then the actions performed has consequences from which we cannot escape. So the so called freedom is limited. But absolute freedom of self realisation is beyond this as he does not accrue karma.
June 29, 2015 12:02 PM
If the Self has to wait for us to nullify karma, Self-realization would never happen. That is not true then. That is only taught to people to calm their nerves. Ego cannot tolerate that he must not and cannot do anything for attaining Self-realization. This is the cruelest Truth that destroys all fantasy. As this is so hard, ego is given a human explanation about a process which is divine and beyond human understanding. All this is again "His Play". And His Play happens when He says "I don't want Self-realization".
When He says "I want Self-realization", all those dualistic thoughts and explanations are vanished because there was never "a person" being different/separate from Him. Even if the dualistic thought about a man in bondage and a God in Freedom is retained, the immensity of the Lord is so Colossal that one cannot affirm that these trifles, viz. ego, unnecessary ego, karma, world, etc., can get in His way. To affirm this would be a massive contradiction in itself... and this is again His Play. Because absence of Self-realization is also Self-realization.
June 29, 2015 01:13 PM
Completely agreed that ego is necessary for self realization, but to what extend this is required, is the question? If the ego let free and is allowed to do whatever it wants then where is focus placed on? Meaning, is the ego focusing on the body or the self?
Can please explain how absence of Self realization is self realization, it will be helpful understand the this with a different perspective and your explanation.
As you rightly say that when we want self realization all these aspects become immaterial as a person will not differentiate between the Brahman and himself. But to achieve that level of knowledge at the beginning of any persons spiritual journey is nearly impossible. Hence we need first control our ego, actions etc, as this discipline is necessary for taming the mind to achieve the consciousness that you have explained.
June 29, 2015 06:49 PM
Spirituality or Self Realization is not a ' Technical process' where we say that only a particular percentage of devotion or effort or egolessness will lead a person to success.
Realizing our own real nature is Self-realization. The seeker seeking himself!! Shiva playing hide & seek with Shiva!!
During this phase of 'seeking' the seeker leaves no stone unturned. He goes to guru, comes to know about Mahavakyas, thinks & ponders on them, reads Upanishads etc. etc. All this process is sadhana for realization & this is the phase where Ego is to be kept aside. Learning something is possible only if you admit that yes, you want to learn& you surrender to the teachings of your teacher (try to fight your ego deliberately)
No doubt, nothing can happen without His own Sweet Will. When the efforts ripen and of course He Wills, Self hidden inside, reveals Himself in His full glory, grace and bliss. Shiva finds Himself!!!
When Self shines, everything else...the remaining ego, the games playing mind, the seeker himself, the process of seeking..... all gets swayed away in the flow of Deep Bliss & Ananda.
Nothing else remains... Just Self prevails... Our own true nature... The Essence Of Our Existence...Shiva Himself.
June 29, 2015 08:37 PM
When I say that the Self says "no" or "yes" about Self-realization, I mean that the person himself says so in different ways: e.g. "For truly realizing the Self, we need nothing, except to purify our mind and purge our ego. We need to explore within, instead of searching the Self outside. What is there outside is within us and vice-versa. Pure dedication and perseverance are the only factors that are needed to realize the Self." or also "But to achieve that level of knowledge at the beginning of any persons spiritual journey is nearly impossible. Hence we need first control our ego, actions etc, as this discipline is necessary for taming the mind to achieve the consciousness that you have explained." or also "Uncessary ego is a problem because it creates karma. Then we have to experience that karma to nullify it. In turns it becomes a cycle or rebirths."
In all those phrases, the Self (a.k.a. the person) is tacitly saying: "Now I don't want Self-realization". As the person is Shiva, all of his words are "Mantra-s" effectively delaying Self-realization, as it were. Why should you wait for Self-realization if you are already the Self? This is inconsistent and absurd in the end. Every time you say: "I cannot now because... something", the Self is saying that, and yes, He won't have Self-realization.
But in the end the Self does not need to get Self-realization because absence of Self-realization is Self-realization. Why? It is very simple: Because you cannot realize you lack Self-realization without realizing Yourself (your Real I). It is like saying: "I have no tongue!" by the tongue. It is just a Play and not the Final Truth.
All in all, it is very important what you say about the Self because you are Him. If you say "No", it will be "No", if you say "Yes", it will be "Yes". People that cannot understand this are the Self thinking that Himself is somewhere else outside or "deep inside". This is another Play.
But in the end, why should you want Self-realization if you are already the Self? If you are the only Inhabitant in this universe, how the heck you came to this state where you need Self-realization? As you can see, all this is another Play of this frisky Self (You!). Regarding spiritual practices... they are like lamps trying to reveal the self-effulgent Sun. Evidently, they cannot do that, but the Self (people!) will insist on doing that, because this is another Play too.
Self-realization is about "intelligence", and not about "practices". When the Self becomes intelligent, Self-realization happens automatically. And while the Self is not intelligent enough, absence of Self-realization will remain here. Both things are the same in the end, because there is neither bondage nor liberation from bondage. All this is another play as well. May this Self be praised always!
June 29, 2015 09:28 PM
Thank you for explaining. So you mean to say that. If the Self itself is delaying the Self Realization then when will the Self allow us to realize it. Meaning if we are in a state of ever self realized, when do we consciously get that awareness?
Then if we think on the flip side -
As per your clarification the Self decides everything, but the Self is not supposed to do anything and it is just a spectator. It just watches and allows us to do whatever we want. It is only us who have to understand the nature of our self, only then self realization is possible? Meaning we have to use our mind, intellect and knowledge accompanied by practice (sadhana) to realize self.
More over if we are in ever realized state what is stopping us to realize our inherent nature. Is it our nature (thought processes like ego, knowledge etc) is stopping us or is it that we are not ready for it or is it that we are ignorant that we are already realized? (If we are already realized then, it brings back to the question why there is a lack of that awareness)
My question may be little elementary but kindly provide some new perspective as this will be helpful.
What is the question that I’m not asking, which is delaying this.
June 29, 2015 09:39 PM
Also my mind is rejecting the idea of you saying that "For truly realizing the Self, we need nothing, except to purify our mind and purge our ego. We need to explore within, instead of searching the Self outside. What is there outside is within us and vice-versa. Pure dedication and perseverance are the only factors that are needed to realize the Self" is not in want of Self realization, as it is only this inquiry which is making us to move towards realizing our Self, otherwise we are oblivious to the awareness that is needed.
June 30, 2015 11:51 AM
In one of the above comments Gabriel Pradiipaka, said “the person” instead of saying the author. Again he used an abbreviation a.k.a (abbreviation for ‘also known as’). If he does not want to acknowledge me as the author of that article, there is no need for him to read this article and make comments.
He has pointed out the following. “"For truly realizing the Self, we need nothing, except to purify our mind and purge our ego. We need to explore within, instead of searching the Self outside. What is there outside is within us and vice-versa. Pure dedication and perseverance are the only factors that are needed to realize the Self." or also "But to achieve that level of knowledge at the beginning of any persons spiritual journey is nearly impossible. Hence we need first control our ego, actions etc, as this discipline is necessary for taming the mind to achieve the consciousness that you have explained." or also "Unnecessary ego is a problem because it creates karma. Then we have to experience that karma to nullify it. In turns it becomes a cycle or rebirths."
I am only quoting Ramana Maharishi to counter his argument.
“All thoughts are from the unreal i.e. the ego. Remain without thinking. So long as there is thought, there will be fear. So long as there is thought, even of ‘aham Brahmasmi, there will be forgetfulness.
“Aham Brahmasmi is only an aid to concentration. It keeps off other thoughts. That one thought alone persists. See whose thought it is. It will be found to be from 'I'.
“Where does the ‘I’-thought originate? Probe into it. The 'I'-thought will vanish. The supreme Self will shine by itself, effortlessly. When the one real, ‘I’ alone remains it will not be saying 'I am Brahman.' Does a man say 'I am a man'? Unless he is challenged why should he declare himself a man? Does anyone mistake him for a brute that he should say, 'No, I am not a brute, I am a man'. Similarly, as Brahman or ‘I’ alone exists, there is no one there to challenge it and therefore no need to be saying 'I am Brahman.'”
Has this Sage not quoted about mind and ego? Anyone will accept that Ramana Maharishi is a realized sage. Then who is right? When someone is commenting in public forum, some decency is required. When the author of the article is not acknowledged, what is the need for a comment on the article?
I apologise to the readers if I have written anything wrong here. I am also not writing this out of ego. But at the same time, I cannot continue to be silent when someone is continuously maligning me. I leave it to the readers to decide.
June 29, 2015 11:15 PM
The eternal problem is that you separate the Self from "you". So, you cannot understand the Self, because He is not you but "someone else". This is not the right way to reason about the Self, i.e. you.
The Truth is non-dual (you are the Self), while the Play is dualistic (you are not the Self). You can attain Self-realization from the Truth that you are the Self, but you cannot attain Self-realization from the Play, i.e. by feeling that you are not the Self. This is the whole problem.
Anyway, as you are the Self whether or not you realize Him, the question about bondage and liberation is just a Sport and not the Final Truth. Why? Because you are alone here. Nobody else is binding you. It is just you binding you... but this is mere Sport, Pastime. Every time you say things "to delay" Self-realization, you are binding you despite your being Free. And when you say things "to bring" Self-realization, you are liberating you despite your being Free. All this is mere Sport too, because you are all the time Free. You are so Free that you decided to live like a limited person with an ego which is to be controlled or purged or whatever. This is just humbugs! It is just something that shows your Freedom and not your bondage!
June 30, 2015 01:03 PM
If you think like that about another person who "was your Guru" (to make the things worse), why are you teaching "non-dualism"? If you think that "someone else" is attacking your article or you or your teachings, why are you teaching all this? Non-dualism is when the Self is alone completely in unity with Himself.Besides, even in the case that Gabriel "was attacking" Ravi, as you pointed out, what is your problem? You told all people here that Self-realization is attained by purging one's own ego. So, do it yourself and teach by example. What is the point for you to post these whining messages like an offended lady. This is not the right behavior of someone who is teaching such great wisdom.The tree is known by its fruits.
June 30, 2015 01:09 PM
Additionally, when I said "a person", I referred to that: To any person. If you misunderstood that by "Ravi", that is due to your great sense of self-importance.
My only interest is to teach people about non-dualistic Trika, not to criticize your articles. But even if I was interested in doing that, you approved my posts with my "supposed" criticism. What is the point of doing that and next to protest about it? All this makes no sense.
One time, many years ago, you told me that I should never say "sorry". Therefore, I won't say sorry now, by following your advise. Hanumaan now knows his own power.
June 30, 2015 07:34 PM
With experience, I have not seen Guruji to have attached great importance on himself, he publishes all comments so that he is not biased and leaves it to the readers to to take their own call.
He can definitely control comments by disapproving it, but what is the point in doing so?
Apologies if I have spoken out of my reach, but I'm a regular reader of this website and have not seen Guruji coming back with a reply. Anything can be told, but have a constructive discussion will be more useful for people like us than this.
June 30, 2015 09:19 PM
I have been having a constructive discussion... conversation (better)... but here he comes like an offended lady with these "emotional" things that are not suitable to an author (let alone a Gurujii). If he took such an offence at my words, he could have sent me a private message by e-mail explaining the matter to me, instead of posting here his "emotions".
Or he can write rules for the posts, by making clear that he doesn't want any criticism/different opinions, and so forth. After all, this is his website. Or he can disapprove the posts directly and that is it. Or he can ban a person he considers offensive. But to post here against a person in the way he did looks childish to me, given the magnitude of the topics being discussed.
His mere idea of me as someone who left his huge website and innumerable activities with a lot of disciples to come here in order to "malign him" is just childish in my eyes. In the past I was his Guru and did a lot of good things for him. And he praised me a lot at that time. Why should I come here to malign him then? This makes no sense. If my difference of opinion is an act of maligning in his eyes, this is not my problem. He should specify somewhere, as I explained before, that he doesn't want a different viewpoint or even criticism. It is very simple to do.
Besides, I cannot either understand how a disciple could have an ex-Guru. All in all, the whole question looks absurd from beginning to end. I was having an interesting exchange of ideas with you, but unfortunately this cannot continue in this blog for obvious reasons. Best of all for you and the rest of people commenting here.
July 01, 2015 02:27 AM
I know Gabriel that you were the Guruji of Raviji , don't really know what is happening here.
July 01, 2015 02:27 PM
Then my gentle doubt is that who are “you” there exists as self to recognize the truth? All the display of self is just a play of “ego” or self? When every impressions and feelings taken away from you, what is there remaining is the self? You should be there very much to realize that you attained self?
It is the simple and subtle way by Sages to renounce everything by “neti”, by grinding all the detections. When you comprehend that you are no more there, your sportsman’s spirit of labeling you as self also will vanish away I believe.
May 23, 2021 07:38 PM
Namaskaram Gurugaru.Its a beautiful article.While meditating on" there is nothing to see , nothing to feel and nothing yo know" one can experience bliss.Thankyou for the perfect guidence.