1. Our sufferings are our own making and not thrusted on us by God. What we sow, so we reap.
2. The world is the most beautiful place to exist. But due to our mistaken cerebration and consequent mistaken understanding, our mind is percolated with mistaken notions. Unless these mistaken notions are eliminated, understanding the Self is not possible.
3. Ultimate Truth is not revealed to everyone, as it is the crux of understanding the Self. Wrong believes in falsity is spiritual ignorance. Hence ancient sages and saints took extensive care not to reveal the Truth to underserving ones, ever-suspicious ones and ever- argumentative ones. Buddha refused to answer repeated questions as he thought he could be mistaken or misquoted. Truth that is misunderstood and misrepresented is more dangerous than inherent ignorance.
4. A spiritual seeker should not have preconceived notions after possessing Scriptural knowledge. It is better to teach a person with innate ignorance rather than teaching someone with Scriptural knowledge. Religious faiths and believes (duality) take us farther away from the Self.
5. We believe that we are Self-realized, just because of reading some Scriptures. We do not understand that every Scripture reveals the same thing, but in different ways. Destination is one, but the paths are different. When we think that we are learned and we have complete knowledge, it is nothing but the reflection of our ego. A realized person will never say that he is complete or realized.
6. A true yogi will be always be hiding himself or will not be revealing his true identity. He will not clamour for pomp and vanity. He will teach by sitting under a tree and will not charge a poor spiritual seeker to make him poorer still. Gurus are extremely rare to find today.
7. Body is not the Self as the body is perishable. Only the Self within is imperishable. Attachment to body gives rise to desires and subsequently greed. Self’s existence is perpetual, unlike human body. Self is like someone occupying a house, for a predetermined time. The same tenant moves to another house for another period of time. The individual soul is like the tenant under reference, moving from one body to another body till all karmas are exhausted.
8. Only experience can lead to realization and no amount of bookish knowledge will lead to Liberation. More and more one reads, more and more one gets confused. There will be only questions with no answers in sight. On the other hand, with basic knowledge if one enters into the phase of sādhana, he or she will begin to observe the path to Liberation. He will be able to distinguish between the real and unreal.
9. Body experiences karmic afflictions and mind experiences the essence of sādhana. The worst enemy of mind is ego. When Self is omnipresent, where is the question of ego? Ego belongs to mind or body or both? Who are we to take pride? Is not everything happening due to the Law of the Lord? Ego is the worst enemy in spiritual life and very difficult to get rid of. A bit of ego in a spiritual man will make him to plan for a posh ashram. This is known as pampering of mind, which is millions times worse than pampering the body. Ego arising out of bookish knowledge is worse than innate spiritual ignorance. Teaching is different and guiding is different. Teaching comes of out of bookish knowledge and guidance comes from one’s own experience.
10. Self is seated royally within and all we need is our own efforts to know the Self. No medium is necessary between the seeker and the sought. One book leads to another book and one question leads to another question and there is no end to this duplicity of conveyances. Even if we repeatedly read all answers for the question “Who am I” we will get an answer that we are Self. But where is that Self? Within heart? If yes, how can the Self be omnipresent, as It is situated only inside heart (heart chakra)? Unless the Self is really realized, all such questions arise only out of innate ignorance. Unlearning is a prerequisite to realization. Only after unlearning, the mind becomes clear. It is best advisable to leave these mundane queries aside and look within to know the Self. Trying to find out the exact location of the Self is an indication that we are still associated with our mind and body combine.
11. The Self that we are looking for beyond shapes and forms. Self has no name, it is not Shiva, it is not Vishnu, it is not Śakti and still Self is anything and everything. That is why it is called omnipresent. Spiritual knowledge is not gained through text books but through experience. One, after having attained the Knowledge and having had the revelation of Truth attains the Self. There may be multiple philosophies, texts and Scriptures and if we spend reading each of them, this birth is not enough to realize the Self.
12. We have to shed our innate spiritual ignorance and move towards Truth to understand and realize the Self within.
June 09, 2015 08:43 PM
Firstly trying to find self with us or fixing a position for it does not make sense, as it is everywhere.
Hence our body itself is composed of the self. According to me Self is like a base particle (word used for convenience) which is responsible for all manifestation, it is the fundamental particle on which this manifestation has happened?
Hence when we know that Self is within us, what stops us in realizing it? Meaning we are conceptually sure that the Self is within us, then what is it that is affecting our self-realization?
June 09, 2015 10:26 PM
The only logical answer for this is to practice till we get an answer?
June 09, 2015 10:34 PM
And this answer has to come out of our own experience.
June 13, 2015 09:35 AM
Even without reading a single line from scriptures, even without doing a wee bit of Sadhana, one may realize Self. Self is the means and ends of everything, and stands at the ultimate destination of all efforts. Nothing in this universe, gross or subtle, that is not pervaded by self. Gnana is Self. Sadhana is Self. Vidya and Avidya are nothing but Self. Thus thinking, one gives up all inquiries and achieve realization. This is Anupaya,
June 20, 2015 08:53 PM
Realization cannot be happened through books. It has to happen with in us. Realization is experience not pursuance !
June 20, 2015 11:04 PM
Everything has to happen only within us, my friend. It doesn't take much intelligence to make such observations. Why write for the sake of writing? No one claims realization happens through books. It happens through Self inquiry, and certain scriptures aid this inquiry. Vashista himself declares in his most meritorious (and the most unread) piece of work: "After hearing, thinking and understanding this work, one has no more need of practising austerities, or of meditation and repeating the Mantras and other rites: and a man requires nothing else in this world for the attainment of his liberation". He is confident that his scripture will aid an intelligent and a vigilant seeker, not just in self-realization, but liberation itself. And here we are, unleashing our blatant ignorance about the usefulness of scriptural study...
June 24, 2015 01:06 AM
Only Self-realized people can give a serious opinion about Self-realization.
June 24, 2015 08:58 PM
You are right. That's why I was quoting Vasishta. Even my words about of attainment of realization through self inquiry is entirely based on the opinion of Vasishta for your kind information. Also, I have said anywhere that the views expressed are of my own opinion. I'm quite aware that I'm not qualified to express any kind of opinion on the subject matter of self realization.
June 29, 2015 12:05 PM
If all that is true, why are you expressing opinions on the subject-matter of Self-realization? That is called: Ignorance. And Ignorance is His Play too.
June 29, 2015 01:49 PM
Do you have any problems in understanding plain English? I clearly told you that I'm expressing only the opinions of self realized sages and they form the basis of my perspective. Again, It is directed towards a particular person and only he has the right to assent or dissent based on his perspective. Who are you here? it's up to the author of this website to moderate me. I don't require your assent or dissent to do what I feel like doing. I don't give a damn about your views. If you feel like trolling, there are millions of website out there. Why are you wasting your time here?
July 02, 2015 02:59 AM
I cannot imagine the great sage VasiShTha saying these rude words to someone only because the other person has a different opinion. Did I kill your mother, sister, daughter, etc. as to deserve so much violence and aggression on your part? What has happened to you?
OK, now it is my final goodbye to this blog. I am withdrawing my Shakti too away from this website. The owner of the site knows the meaning of my words. He was my disciple some years ago and knows my achievements very well. I won't return here any more due to the many gratuitous offenses. Best of luck for all the good people coming here!
July 02, 2015 02:41 PM
How can this man make such comments filled with ego and hatred? Is this persona a Guru? I am surprised that he is calling Raviji as his disciple. I know that Raviji talks only about his Guruji, whose picture is available in his write up “about me”. Who is this person to withdraw his Shakti from this site? Is he a realized person? Is he Shiva to withdraw his powers as and when He likes? I have gone through all this comments and no realized person would ever emit such venom in his writings. The readers of this site are a closely knit family and there is no place for egoistic persons. I still wonder why Raviji is publishing these types of mean comments. This site has highest credibility established over several years.
July 02, 2015 04:51 PM
You have said the truth about Me, but you haven't understood it. My Shakti will return when everybody here treats me with due respect. Ravi knows that I am speaking the truth
July 02, 2015 05:05 PM
If we keep thinking about what has been said/written, there is no end. It is better that we move on. Words are very powerful as it can uplift a person/group or hurt the same. Once spoken it will forever remain in our minds. So hopefully these types of events should not occur as it is regressive for all.
July 02, 2015 06:19 PM
If I had perpetuated any offense against the regular readers of this website or the author by my comments as pointed out by this person called "Gabriel Pradiipaka", I sincerely and publicly apologize for same. Let my Lord, the great Shiva, forgive me for my indiscretions. I personally apologize to anyone and everyone who have ever been offended by my words. Against the accusation of "violence and aggression" against me, it is for the regular readers and author of this blog to judge me and take appropriate action. The author of this blog can personally contact me chastise me as he pleases as I have great respect and affection for him. Let the will of my great lord prevail always!