(There may be corrections, as the letters are smudged; this was taken from a very old book)
कालीं कूर्चं परं नाम दक्षिणे दक्षिणे कालिके तता ।
वशिष्ठ मन्त्रं प्रोच्च्यार्थ मोचय दयमीश्वरि
कालीं कूर्चं परे निरमेशास्याश्चापहारिणी ॥
कालीं भीमं ठटं भद्रकाली भीमं शिवस्यहि
शापं मोचय युग्मापो विध्येयं चापहारिणी ॥
kālīṁ kūrcaṁ paraṁ nāma dakṣiṇe dakṣiṇe kālike tatā ।
vaśiṣṭha mantraṁ proccyārtha mocaya dayamīśvari
kālīṁ kūrcaṁ pare nirameśāsyāścāpahāriṇī ॥
kālīṁ bhīmaṁ ṭhaṭaṁ bhadrakālī bhīmaṁ śivasyahi
śāpaṁ mocaya yugmāpo vidhyeyaṁ cāpahāriṇī ॥
वासनां कमलां मायां रुद्रशापं विमोचय
मोचयापो मायाक्यातां चिन्नमस्तांक मोचनम्॥
vāsanāṁ kamalāṁ māyāṁ rudraśāpaṁ vimocaya
mocayāpo māyākyātāṁ cinnamastāṁka mocanam ||
Further Readings
Kāmakalākālī Trilokya Mohana Kavacham
May 19, 2013 12:08 AM
Raviji, how many times to recite the ŚĀPAVIMOCANA MANTRAS before reciting the Mantras of Dakshinakali and Chinnamasta?
May 19, 2013 12:24 AM
Except this and a part of the mantra, no other details are available. According to me, it is enough to recite this one time before the commencement of the main mantra.
May 19, 2013 12:27 AM
Thank You Raviji. Hope you can share Tara Mahavidya curse removal also.
May 19, 2013 12:39 AM
I am trying my best to get these mantras. These curse removal mantras have almost become extinct. It is difficult to get all these mantras. But I am doing my best. Hope Divine Mother helps us to get these mantras. If they are not published now, it is going to be difficult to get these mantras later.
May 15, 2024 12:05 PM
Praying Tara Maa's curse removal mantra can be posted soon.
May 17, 2024 12:05 AM
It is inline with the mantras of Śrī Tārā Devī on this website.
May 19, 2013 01:50 AM
Yes Raviji,praying to the Divine Mother to help you to get these curse removal mantras,to prevent it from becoming extinct and help souls in their quest to self-realization.
June 06, 2013 01:36 PM
You do understand that these are Mantroddhar shloks and not mantras themselves right? Reciting these verses will not do any good. Kali means kali vija, kurcha means hoom and so on. These verses (which by the way are corrupted, not sure where you copied these from incorrectly) code the actual shapoddhar mantra. Every Mahaavidyaa has shapoddhara, utkilana, sanjivana, dipana and other mantras. Samparadik Gurus impart this to disciples. Manasataramgini Blog or Kamakotimandali.com/blog are the best sites to get authentic info from advanced Upasaks.
June 09, 2013 12:41 AM
Advanced upāsaka-s mean their proximity to Her and not the number of texts they have read. The sole object of our existence is to realize Her and get liberated. Your comment here is not in good taste,that too anonymously, though there is nothing wrong in pointing out mistakes. Please read Upanishads, Vedanta and Brahma Sutras before making these sweeping comments.
June 09, 2013 08:37 AM
I had bad experience with one of the so called advanced upasakas. He initiated me into a mantra and along with that he taught many procedures. It is now six years and I am not able to improve. That way you are the only person who gives right mixture of practice, meditation, etc. We learn many things from your site. The so called advanced upasakas should be ignored totally. In blogger you have the option of spamming comments. Do not publish such comments.
June 09, 2013 08:55 AM
I know comments can be spammed. But it is not a good idea. Different people have different opinions. I have also taken consistent view that realization cannot be attained only through rituals. Rituals only form the foundation for spiritual path. Liberation can be attained only through a purified mind. An advanced upāsaka remains only as an advanced upāsaka till the end and liberation always eludes him. My Guruji used to emphasize this point repeatedly. Whatever it is, his comment is not in good taste and unbecoming of an "advanced upāsaka".
July 19, 2017 02:13 AM
Hello Raviji, and all the users of this web... I want to share with you all my little knowledge about this matter. This are evidently the coded version of the mantras.The first "Dakṣiṇākālī" verses comes directly from the Devīrahasya (seventh chapter), or a really simillar text. They are the śāpavimocanamantra for the 16 syllabes (ṣoḍaśī) mantra of Kālī: kālīṃ (krīṃ) kūrcaṃ (hūṃ) paraṃ (hrīṃ) nāma dakṣiṇe kālike tatā || vaśiṣṭha mantraṃ proccyārtha mocaya dayamīśvari| kālīṃ (krīṃ) kūrcaṃ (hūṃ) pare (hrīṃ) nirameśā (svāhā) syāścāpahāriṇī || And the decoded śāpavimocanamantra for the Kālīṣoḍaśīmantra should be: krīṃ hūṃ hrīṃ dakṣiṇe kālike vaśiṣṭhaśāpaṃ mocaya mocaya krīṃ hūṃ hrīṃ svāhā|| The second part is the "bhadrakālī śāpavimocana mantra: "kālīṃ (krīṃ) bhīmaṃ (bhaiṃ) ṭhaṭaṃ (hūṃ) bhadrakālī bhīmaṃ (bhaiṃ) śivasyahi| śāpaṃ mocaya yugmāpo vidhyeyaṃ cāpahāriṇī || And the decoded mantra shoul be: krīṃ bhaiṃ hūṃ bhadrakālī bhaīṃ śivasyahi śāpaṃ mocaya mocaya||The Cinnnamasta verses doesn't come directly from the Devirahasya, but I think they are from a very similar or dependant text: vāsanāṃ kamalāṃ māyāṃ rudraśāpaṃ vimocaya| mocayāpo māyākyātāṃ cinnamastāṃka mocanam || And this is the Devi Rahasya version: vāgbhavaṃ (aiṃ) kāmarājaṃ (klīṃ) ca śivaśāpaṃ vimocaya| paraṃ (hrīṃ) niramiyaṃ (svāhā) vidya mumukhyāḥ śāpahāriṇī|| It's easy to see the similarity between both texts... tthe decoded mantra: aiṃ klīṃ śivaśāpaṃ vimocaya hrīṃ svāhā||Hope you and all the users of this page find this useful. I know that many are reluctant to reveal these mantras, but how can I? That I have found these mantras by chance, and all that I have is only by the mercy of my Goddess; how can I selfishly hide them from the sincere seekers....
PS: Sorry for my english, it's not my mother language and its a little dificult for me.
July 19, 2017 09:07 AM
Thank you very much for your wonderful revelation. These are very important in one's sadhana. You have rightly pointed out that we should always help others in revealing certain secrets of mantras. I thank you on behalf all the viewers of this site and on my own behalf.
July 20, 2017 02:40 AM
Narasimha Sir,Thank you so much for decoding these curse removal mantras. Can you tell us the mantra of Kali Sodashi, and Bhadra kali and Chinnamasta as i thought the curse removal sloka posted above and now decoded by you was for DakshinaKali mantra. I think Ravi Sir posted a Kali sodashi mantra in Saundarya Lahiri, but i don't know if its the same.
July 22, 2017 12:27 AM
Found more info about the sapavimochana of the Vidyārājnī mantra in the Devi Rahasya to share: If my reading of the text is correct the curse is removed by the Vidyārājnī adding "sauḥ krīṃ krīṃ krīṃ hūṃ hūṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ" at the end. I hope someone could confirm or give more info about this.
July 22, 2017 12:30 AM
Sorry the delay, I wasn't home to check it... the version i have of the D.R. doesnt describe a shodashi for Kālī, so I can't be sure if the one in this page is the same mantra intended to be "uncursed" by this metod. The Bhadrakālī mantra described in the Devi Rahasya is this: "krīṃ krīṃ krīṃ hūṃ hūṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ bhaiṃ bhadrakālī bhaiṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ hūṃ hūṃ krīṃ krīṃ krīṃ svāhā" And the Cinnamastā mantra: "śrīṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ aiṃ vajravairocaniye hrīṃ hrīṃ phaṭ svāhā" The text doesn't give any furter details about nyasa (Rishih, Kara or Anga) nor dhyana of this mantras.
July 23, 2017 01:11 PM
Thank you for sharing. So we should be adding this curse removal mantra sauḥ krīṃ krīṃ krīṃ hūṃ hūṃ hrīṃ hrīṃVidyārājnī to the Vidyārājnī end? It should be like this " krīṁ krīṁ krīṁ hūṁ hūṁ hrīṁ hrīṁ dakṣiṇekālike krīṁ krīṁ krīṁ hūṁ hūṁ hrīṁ hrīṁ svāhā sauḥ krīṃ krīṃ krīṃ hūṃ hūṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ " and how many recitations to remove the curse? This is the mantra given by Ravi Sir on Saudarya Lahiri for Kali Sodashi " hrim srim krim parameshwari kalike hrim srim krim swaha" Thanks again as i couldn't find anyone to share this.
July 23, 2017 10:33 PM
Yes that's the way... the text doesn't say how many times this mantra should be repeated, but I thinks it's enough to recite it one time before the commencement of the main mantra.
July 24, 2017 02:39 AM
Thank you, hope you can share more gems of Devirahasya soon.
August 11, 2017 08:12 PM
Narasimha Sir, Can you post Tara Mahavidya curse removal from Devi Rahasya pls.Thank you for your amazing share
January 31, 2018 12:54 PM
Sir I was suffering from many disease from many years.In those days, I used to worship lord shiva and goddess durga.One day goddess durga appear in my dream and saying. that your all problem will remove from your life if you stop eating animal flesh or meat.But unfortunate I ate this.One day a baba appear in my dream cursing me that you will not get even a piece of grain in future.From those day I use to see a man ,wearing a rag clothes wandering here from there in search of food.I used to see this all the time even I eating,moving,and even doing some other work.I continuously used to see.I feel from inside that I would become a begger.From those days I am becoming mentally weak,feeling like that I shall lost my mental capability.please tell me how shall I remove all this problem from my life.Any mantra,any pooja or any sadhna of any god and goddess.please must reply.
January 31, 2018 01:12 PM
When Goddess Durga "told you" to stop eating non-vegetarian, why did you eat? You know what is the cause of your present situation. Surrender to Her for solutions.