Very Secretive Raja Shyamala Ashtottara Shatanamavali
Dear Readers, from 22nd Jan 2023 marks the begining of Magha lunar month and the initial 9 nights are worshipped as Sri Raja Shyamala Gupta Navaratri. A powerful time to receive the Grace and Blessings of Divine Mother Raja Shyamala Devi. To know more please read the following article. Magha Gupta Navaratri
As a Divine Gift to all the readers of Manblunder, Krishna Reddy did a lot of research and with the help of another staunch Devotee of the Divine Mother, Mr.Lorren, together unearthened this very secretive and powerful Raja Shyamala Ashtottaram. All the Devotees may chant these 108 Names during these 9 days and after, to get connected with the Divine Mother and receive her Blessings. We want to take this opportunity to Thank Krishna Reddy and Lorren for their selfless service to all of us - by Manblunder Admin Team
Prologue: The Aṣṭottara Śatanāmāvali (108 attributes) of Śrī Rājaśyāmalā Devi is a brief enumeration of all Her qualities as the Supreme Mother. She is none other than Śrī Lalitā Herself in the mode of representing the intelligence behind the entire Creation and ensuring its continuity through the laws of karma, life, death and rebirth etc. She is the master of the entire Creation and all are answerable to Her. She remains unchanged and yet She is the very essence and content of all sentient beings and the insentient matter, energy and consciousness. She is verily the Parabrahman!
This Aṣṭottara Śatanāmāvali has some variations to the stotram due to differences between various sources. The exact source of this stotram is unknown and the stotram itself is very obscure and kept secretive by the upāsakas. This is the second and most secretive variation of this stotram. It is dedicated to Shri Lorran, a great Śrī Rājaśyāmalā Devi upāsaka who had requested me earlier to publish this stotram. I was unaware of it and it is only by his word and grace, the translation of this stotram has been possible.
The Divine Mother is Mantrini and is the cause of all mantras and their fruition. There is nothing impossible for Her to manifest and She will never disappoint Her sincere devotees. May all Her devotees benefit from this extraordinary and most beneficial stotram and nāmāvali. May the Divine Mother bless us all at all times and particularly in the coming Śyāmalā Navarātris starting on the 22nd January.
Śrī Rājaśyāmalā Aṣṭottara Śatanāmāvali (श्री राजश्यामला अष्टोत्तरशतनामावलि) – |
Devanagari |
Meaning |
1 |
Om̐ Jagad-dhātryai Namaḥ |
ॐ जगद्धात्र्यै नमः |
Saluations to the Divine Mother by whose will and power, the entire Creation has come into being! |
2 |
Om̐ Mātaṅg-īśvaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ मातङ्गीश्वर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the One who is overjoyed and intoxicated with the divine knowledge of the arts and sciences. The Divine Mother is the source and cause of all knowledge, verbal and written - known and unknown, past - present and future, as well as all sound vibrations - internal and external, music, science etc. She is also inferred to as the power of an elephant, when associated with the form of Śrī Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati. This attribute also affirms that Śrī Śyāmalā Devī is none other than Śrī Mātaṅgī Devī. |
3 |
Om̐ Śyāmalāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ श्यामलायै नमः |
Salutations to the One who is dark complexioned. The dark complexion is a reference to Her as Śrī Kālī. She is the dark matter and the void. She is the hidden secret who is imperceptible to the uninitiated and ignorant. |
4 |
Om̐ Jagad-īśānāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ जगदीशानायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the Lord of the entire Creation. She rules over all the sentient beings and the insentient matter. |
5 |
Om̐ Parameśvaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ परमेश्वर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the absolute Supreme Reality and is eternal. The entire Creation is within Her and She constitutes the entire Creation! |
6 |
Om̐ Mahā-kṛṣṇāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महाकृष्णायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is deep dark blue in complexion representing the infinite void. |
7 |
Om̐ Sarva-bhūṣaṇa-saṃyutāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वभूषणसंयुतायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is adorned with all types of ornaments lending to Her dazzling beauty. |
8 |
Om̐ Mahādevyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महादेव्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the Supreme Singular Reality. |
9 |
Om̐ Maheśānyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महेशान्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is Supreme over all gods and goddesses and is the Ultimate Reality and Singular Truth. |
10 |
Om̐ Mahādeva-priyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महादेवप्रियायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the favored deity of Indra, the celestial god king and His retinue of gods and goddesses. |
11 |
Om̐ Ādi-śaktyai Namaḥ |
ॐ आदिशक्त्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the primordial Supreme power. |
12 |
Om̐ Mahā-śaktyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महाशक्त्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the primordial Supreme power and there exists none with greater power. |
13 |
Om̐ Parā-śaktyai Namaḥ |
ॐ पराशक्त्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the Supreme Singular Reality. |
14 |
Om̐ Parātparāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ परात्परायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is totally transcendent and superior to everyone in the entire existence. |
15 |
Om̐ Brahma-śaktaye Namaḥ |
ॐ ब्रह्मशक्तये नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the cause of the creation of the entire universe. |
16 |
Om̐ Viṣṇu-śaktaye Namaḥ |
ॐ विष्णुशक्तये नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the cause of the sustenance of the entire universe. |
17 |
Om̐ Śiva-śaktaye Namaḥ |
ॐ शिवशक्तये नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the cause of the destruction of the entire universe. |
18 |
Om̐ Amṛteśvarī-devyai Namaḥ |
ॐ अमृतेश्वरीदेव्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the cause of the cerebral nectar called amṛta, which invokes immense pleasure as it oozes from the pineal gland. |
19 |
Om̐ Paraśiva-priyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ परशिवप्रियायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the dearest of the Supreme Reality - Paraśiva |
20 |
Om̐ Brahma-rūpāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ ब्रह्मरूपायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is in the form of Brahma, the Creator of the Universe. |
21 |
Om̐ Viṣṇu-rūpāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ विष्णुरूपायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is in the form of Viṣṇu, the Preserver of the Universe. |
22 |
Om̐ Śiva-rūpāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ शिवरूपायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is in the form of Śiva, the Destroyer of the Universe. |
23 |
Om̐ Sarva-kāma-pradāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वकामप्रदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the cause of the fulfillment of all desires. |
24 |
Om̐ Sarva-siddhi-pradāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वसिद्धिप्रदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the cause of the fulfillment of all tasks and is also the grantor of all magical powers. |
25 |
Om̐ Nṝṇāṃ-sarva saṃpat-pradāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ नॄणांसर्व संपत्प्रदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the grantor of all types of wealth and prosperity to Her devotees. |
26 |
Om̐ Sarva-rājasu-śaṅkaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वराजसुशङ्कर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is favorable and auspicious to all those holding higher positions of power. |
27 |
Om̐ Strī-vaśaṅkaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ स्त्रीवशङ्कर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who attracts all women of interest to us. |
28 |
Om̐ Nara-vaśaṅkaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ नरवशङ्कर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who attracts all men of interest to us. |
29 |
Om̐ Deva-mohinyai Namaḥ |
ॐ देवमोहिन्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who mesmerizes and attracts the celestial devas as well. |
30 |
Om̐ Sarva-sattva-vaśaṅkaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वसत्त्ववशङ्कर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who attracts all types of sentient beings and insentient matter as well. |
31 |
Om̐ Śāṅkaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ शाङ्कर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who bestows auspiciousness, prosperity and happiness upon us. |
32 |
Om̐ Vāgdevyai Namaḥ |
ॐ वाग्देव्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who bestows speech within the sentient beings. |
33 |
Om̐ Sarva-loka-vaśaṅkaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वलोकवशङ्कर्यै नमः |
Saluations to the Divine Mother who attracts all realms and the beings within them to fulfill all our wishes. |
34 |
Om̐ Sarvābhīṣṭa-pradāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वाभीष्टप्रदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who fulfills all our cherished wishes without fail. |
35 |
Om̐ Mātaṅga-kanyakāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ मातङ्गकन्यकायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who was also born as the daughter of Mātaṅga. |
36 |
Om̐ Nīlotpala-prakhyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ नीलोत्पलप्रख्यायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who shines with the splendour of a blue lotus. |
37 |
Om̐ Marakata-prabhāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ मरकतप्रभायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who shines with the splendour of an emerald. |
38 |
Om̐ Nīlamegha-pratīkāśāya Namaḥ |
ॐ नीलमेघप्रतीकाशाय नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother whose complexion bears resemblance to the dark clouds. |
39 |
Om̐ Indra-nīla-sama-prabhāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ इन्द्रनीलसमप्रभायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother whose complexion bears resemblance to a dark blue sapphire. |
40 |
Om̐ Caṇḍyādi-devyaiśyai Namaḥ 40 |
ॐ चण्ड्यादिदेव्यैश्यै नमः ४० |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is none other than the misery dispelling Durga-Caṇḍi and Her retinue of gods and goddesses. |
41 |
Om̐ Divya-nārī-vaśaṅkaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ दिव्यनारीवशङ्कर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who attracts the celestial damsels and all types of angelic beings. |
42 |
Om̐ Mātṛ-saṃstutyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ मातृसंस्तुत्यायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who resides within all the Mātṛka śaktis. |
43 |
Om̐ Jayāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ जयायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who brings victory in all our undertakings. |
44 |
Om̐ Vijayāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ विजयायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who ushers success in all undertakings. |
45 |
Om̐ Bhūṣitāṅgyai Namaḥ |
ॐ भूषितांग्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is adorned with all types of ornaments lending to Her dazzling beauty. |
46 |
Om̐ Mahā-śyāmāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महाश्यामायै नमः |
Saluations to the Divine Mother who appears in a dark blue complexion. She represents the infinite void and dark matter from which light emerges. |
47 |
Om̐ Mahā-rāmāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महारामायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is extremely charming and irresistable. |
48 |
Om̐ Mahā-prabhāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महाप्रभायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who emits a brilliant luminescence. |
49 |
Om̐ Mahā-viṣṇu priyaṅkaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ महाविष्णु प्रियंकर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the dearest of the Supreme Reality - Mahā-Viṣṇu, the Omniscient. |
50 |
Om̐ Sadāśiva-manaḥ-priyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सदाशिवमनःप्रियायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the dearest of the Supreme Reality - Sadāśiva, the eternally pure. |
51 |
Om̐ Rudrāṇyai Namaḥ |
ॐ रुद्राण्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the power of destruction of Lord Rudra. |
52 |
Om̐ Sarva-pāpaghnyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वपापघ्न्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who destroys all types of sins, injustice and malice directed at us. |
53 |
Om̐ Kāmeśvaryai Namaḥ |
ॐ कामेश्वर्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who fulfills all our cherished wishes without fail and also ensures the successful completion of all tasks. |
54 |
Om̐ Śuka-śyāmāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ शुकश्यामायै नमः |
Saluations to the Divine Mother who has two parrots perched on Her arms. The god of love Kāmadeva and His consort Ratī devi, the goddess of passion are represented by the two parrots, which are the vehicles of Kāmadeva and Ratī devi. Śyāmālā devi delights both Kāmadeva and Ratī devi and they inturn invoke their qualities in the devotees of the Divine Mother. The abuncance of the rajasic tattva, composed of passion, desires etc is described by this attribute. The parrots also signify the sacred scriptures such as the Vedas, Tantras and all other sources of knowledge. She is fond of those who recite the sacred scriptures, with complete understanding of their underlying essence. The sattva tattva is also abundantly signified. |
55 |
Om̐ Laghu-śyāmāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ लघुश्यामायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is extremely subtle and fully vibrant even in the tiniest sentient beings and insentient matter. She is abundandtly resplendent in all subtleties present in the entire Creation. |
56 |
Om̐ Rāja-vaśya-karāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ राजवश्यकरायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who helps us in attracting the highest echelons of power in the society and gaining their attention and grace. |
57 |
Om̐ Vīṇā-hastāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ वीणाहस्तायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who holds the musical instrument Vīṇā. This lute type instrument has 24 frets representing the syllables of the Gāyatrī mantra. There are four melody strings that represent the holy Vedas. Also, there are three drone strings on the side, that signify the three nāḍīs or spiritual channels in the body that facilitate the rise of the Kuṇḍalini. They are the central channel Suṣumnā, the right channel Piṅgalā and the left Iḍā. The stem of the Vīṇā itself represents the spine along which the Kuṇḍalini flows. The music from the Vīṇā signifies all the frequencies and wavelengths of the entire Creation. |
58 |
Om̐ Gīta-ratāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ गीतरतायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who takes great pleasure in listening to music, songs, literature and all knowledge. |
59 |
Om̐ Sarva-vidyā-pradāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वविद्याप्रदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who grants all types of knowledge to Her sincere devotees. |
60 |
Om̐ Śaktyādi-pūjitāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ शक्त्यादिपूजितायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is prayed to by all the inherent powers - śaktis, manifested in the entire Creation. |
61 |
Om̐ Veda-gītāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ वेदगीतायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who takes great pleasure in listening to the holy scriptures such as the Vedas and types of higher spiritual knowledge. |
62 |
Om̐ Deva-gītāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ देवगीतायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is continuously praised by all the celestial gods - devas and goddesses - devis. |
63 |
Om̐ Śaṅkha-kuṇḍala-saṃyuktāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ शङ्खकुण्डलसंयुक्तायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is adorned with earrings of conch shells. The conches represent the treasures of the oceans as well as the mystical vibrations inherent within them. |
64 |
Om̐ Bimb-oṣṭhyai Namaḥ |
ॐ बिम्बोष्ठ्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who has red lips resembling the bimba fruit. |
65 |
Om̐ Rakta-vastra-parīdhānāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ रक्तवस्त्रपरीधानायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother clad in red colored garments. The red color adds to Her preference of the Rajasic tattva. |
66 |
Om̐ Gṛhīta-madhu-pātrikāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ गृहीतमधुपात्रिकायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who has partaken an enormous quantity of the intoxicating amṛta. The Amṛta refers to the immense joy inducing cerebral fluid laden within the pineal gland. |
67 |
Om̐ Madhu-priyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ मधुप्रियायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is extremely fond of the intoxicating amṛta. The Amṛta refers to the immense joy inducing cerebral fluid laden within the pineal gland. |
68 |
Om̐ Madhu-māṃsa-bali priyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ मधुमांसबलि प्रियायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is fond of offerings consisting of meat and intoxicating liquor. The reference is to the Pañca-makaras consisting of meat, fish, liquor, wheat and conjugal bliss that are part of the Kaula-mārga, the path of the Kaulas. Meat denotes the sentient beings and the liquor is the cerebral fluid within the pineal gland whose discharge during deep meditation causes immense joy. Her favored devotees will easily derive great pleasure with the awakening of the cakras and Kuṇḍalini energy. |
69 |
Om̐ Raktākṣyai Namaḥ |
ॐ रक्ताक्ष्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is seated upon a crane. The reference is to the Goddess of knowledge, the Divine Mother Sarasvati devī. |
70 |
Om̐ Ghūrṇam-ānākṣyai Namaḥ |
ॐ घूर्णमानाक्ष्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who sways to and fro and remains restless. She is the Dynamic Super-consciousness that permeates the entire Creation. |
71 |
Om̐ Smitendu mukhyai Namaḥ |
ॐ स्मितेन्दु मुख्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who appears sparkling with a smiling demeanor. She smiles upon the entire Creation and assures us of Her protection at all times. |
72 |
Om̐ Saṃstutāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ संस्तुतायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is extolled for Her greatness and blessings. |
73 |
Om̐ Kastūri-tilakopetāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ कस्तूरितिलकोपेतायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who adorns musk markings on Her forehead. The markings are symbolic of Her presence and rulership of all the triads. |
74 |
Om̐ Candra-śīrṣāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ चन्द्रशीर्षायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is bedecked with a crescent moon on Her forehead. The crescent moon represents the descent of consciousness from a dimensionless dot to the an arc symbolic of a container, meaning a sentient body or insentient matter. |
75 |
Om̐ Jagan-mayāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ जगन्मयायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who bears the entire Creation within Herself. |
76 |
Om̐ Mahā-lakṣmyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महालक्ष्म्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who represents auspiciousness, prosperity, abundance, luck and all types of cherished possessions. She is Mahā-lakṣmī Herself. |
77 |
Om̐ Kadaṃba-vana-saṃsthitāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ कदंबवनसंस्थितायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who resides in the forest of Kadamba trees. The flowers of the Kadamba tree in Asia are very fragrant and yellow in color. She is present in the fragrance of all flowers and their calming influence is compared to Her grace, that sets at rest all doubts that we may have about Her and the Divinity in general. She is also the constituent of the tanmātras, which are the subtle sources of all the physical senses. The tanmātras are part of the astral body. "She is the superconsciousness, similar to a jungle of individual consciousness!" - Giovana. |
78 |
Om̐ Mahā-vidyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महाविद्यायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who represents the Supreme spiritual knowledge that can only be perceived as consciousness and cannot be described by the five senses. |
79 |
Om̐ Stanabhāra-virājitāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ स्तनभारविराजितायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is well endowed with large breasts. She is the provider of sustenance for the entire Creation. |
80 |
Om̐ Haraharyādi-saṃstutyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ हरहर्यादिसंस्तुत्यायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the manifestor of Hari (Viṣṇu), the Sustainer and Hara (Rudra), the Destroyer of the Universe. She is also the manifestor of Brahma, the Creator. She is the combined force of the multi-dimensional multiverse and the power of infinite Brahmas, Haris and Haras. |
81 |
Om̐ Smitāsyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ स्मितास्यायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who always bears a smiling face. |
82 |
Om̐ Puṃsāṅ-kalyāṇadāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ पुंसाङ्कल्याणदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the most benevolent to the entire Creation. |
83 |
Om̐ Kalyāṇyai Namaḥ |
ॐ कल्याण्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who showers Her benevolence upon all sincere devotees. |
84 |
Om̐ Kamalālayāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ कमलालयायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is seated upon a blooming lotus. The lotus represents an expanding consciousness. |
85 |
Om̐ Mahā-dāridrya-saṃhartyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महादारिद्र्यसंहर्त्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who removes all types of poverty, misery, hunger and distress. She ushers in abundance and with it contentment. |
86 |
Om̐ Mahā-pātaka-dāhinyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महापातकदाहिन्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who removes all types of great sins and crimes, as well as all bad karmas through Her grace. She burns all karmas, however bad they may be and grants us self-realization and liberation. |
87 |
Om̐ Nṝṇāṃ-mahājñāna-pradāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ नॄणांमहाज्ञानप्रदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who grants higher spiritual knowledge to all human beings who have the utmost faith in Her. |
88 |
Om̐ Mahā-saundaryadāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महासौन्दर्यदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the most magnificent and beautiful in the entire Creation. |
89 |
Om̐ Mahā-mukti-pradāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ महामुक्तिप्रदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who grants emancipation (mokṣa) to all Her sincere devotees. |
90 |
Om̐ Vāṇyai Namaḥ |
ॐ वाण्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the most eloquent in Her speech. She is the cause of speech in all its forms - "Parā" which finds manifestation only in Prāṇa - life force, "Paśyanti" which finds manifestation in the mind, "Madhyama" which finds manifestation in the Indriyās - body organs, and Vaikharī which finds manifestation in articulate expression. |
91 |
Om̐ Paraṃ-jyotiḥ svarūpiṇyai Namaḥ |
ॐ परंज्योतिः स्वरूपिण्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the Highest (Paraṃ) light (Jyoti) or perception that there can ever be. |
92 |
Om̐ Cid-ānand-ātmikāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ चिदानंदात्मिकायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is pure bliss and enjoyment at its highest degree. |
93 |
Om̐ Alakṣmī vināśinyai Namaḥ |
ॐ अलक्ष्मी विनाशिन्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who abolishes all types of poverty, bad luck, misery and despair of Her sincere devotees. |
94 |
Om̐ Nityaṃ bhaktābhaya pradeyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ नित्यं भक्ताभय प्रदेयायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who assures Her sincere devotees of Her complete protection at all times and never disappoints. |
95 |
Om̐ Āpan-nāśinyai Namaḥ |
ॐ आपन्नाशिन्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who rescues Her sincere devotees from all dangers and miseries and does not let any harm befall them at any time. |
96 |
Om̐ Sahasrākṣyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सहस्राक्ष्यै नमः |
Salutations to the all-seeing Divine Mother. She is one with a thousand eyes and nothing escapes Her vision. She is always watching and guarding Her sincere devotees. |
97 |
Om̐ Sahasra-bhuja-dhāriṇyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सहस्रभुजधारिण्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who has a thousand arms. Her arms hold all the divine weapons to protect us from all types of harm and danger. She grants every desire of us and Her sincere devotees prayers are always answered and fulfilled completely to the point of contentment and joy. |
98 |
Om̐ Mahyāḥ-śubha-pradāya Namaḥ |
ॐ मह्याःशुभप्रदाय नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who ushers wholesome auspiciousness upon Her sincere devotees as well as the entire Creation. |
99 |
Om̐ Bhaktānāṃ maṅgaḻa pradāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ भक्तानां मंगळ प्रदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who ensures wholesome success and victory in all undertakings of Her sincere devotees. |
100 |
Om̐ Aśubha saṃhartyai Namaḥ |
ॐ अशुभ संहर्त्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who removes inauspiciousness, bad luck, misery, disaster, despair and all types of bad influences from Her devotees and their loved ones. |
101 |
Om̐ Bhaktāṣṭ-aiśvaryadāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ भक्ताष्टैश्वर्यदायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who bestows all the eight types of wealth and abundance to Her sincere devotees. The eight types are abundance of opulence, food, children, success, confidence, intelligence, properties and conveyances. |
102 |
Om̐ Devyai Namaḥ |
ॐ देव्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is ardently worshipped by the celestials and is divinity personified for the entire Creation. |
103 |
Om̐ Mukha-rañjinyai Namaḥ |
ॐ मुखरञ्जिन्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is all-pleasing invoking great excitement and joy. |
104 |
Om̐ Jagan-mātre Namaḥ |
ॐ जगन्मात्रे नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the Mother of the entire Creation. |
105 |
Om̐ Sarva-nāyikāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ सर्वनायिकायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the leader of the entire Creation. |
106 |
Om̐ Parāpara-kaḻāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ परापरकळायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is also Her devolved states of Parā and Aparā and all other Kalā devis. |
107 |
Om̐ Paramātma-priyāyai Namaḥ |
ॐ परमात्मप्रियायै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the dearest to the eternal reality - the Divine Father Paramaśiva. |
108 |
Om̐ Rāja-mātaṅgyai Namaḥ |
ॐ राजमातङ्ग्यै नमः |
Salutations to the Divine Mother who is the Highest principle and is called as Rāja-mātaṅgi. |
This Ashottram with meanings is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at
January 23, 2023 09:01 PM
Thank you Krishna for the splendid translation of the 108 names dearest to Mother Mantranāyikā. These 108 names are gems decorating Mother Pradhāneśī's body, names fully capable of exterminating the sins of the entire universe. All obstacles and problems are instantly destroyed, just as piles of poisonous vegetation are invaded and exterminated by the blazing fire. Let's meditate on Mother Saṅgītayoginī sitting on an adamant lion throne. This throne is set on a platform studded with nine precious Navaratna stones. A beautiful bright open red lotus flower rests on the diamond throne on which Saciveśānī is seated. Let the intelligent devotee know that Mother Vīṇāvatī holds Lord Śiva Himself in her hands like a beautiful Vīṇā musical instrument. Let the devotee know that Lord Śiva is unable to produce any sound without Mother Vaiṇikī and her matchless musical abilities. Let the devotee know that when Mother Mudriṇī uses her lotus hands to touch Lord Śiva, beautiful songs are born and countless worlds and beings are created. Let the devotee know that the countless worlds and beings are different songs of Mother Śukapriyā. May devotees not forget the beautiful voice of Sadāmadā. Let's meditate on Śyāmalā who is chanting with magnificent voice, while playing Vīṇā or Lord Śiva. Mother Kadambeśī's voice seems to eclipse the beauty of the music produced by her Vīṇā, proclaiming that she too is the independent power of Lord Śiva, by her own voice and power. Eager to instruct their disciples and the entire world in the best possible way, all circles of Gurus rest at the feet of Mother Padhāneśī. These circles of countless Gurus do not say anything, it is the very voice of Mantranāyikā that echoes through them. Interested in always being the most intelligent and with the knowledge to destroy every possible obstacle, all forms of the incomparable Lord Gaṇapati form a circle at the feet of Mother Kadambavanavāsinī. Lord Gaṇapati made this place his home because he also always wanted to be close to all Gurus and help them in the best way. Oh Mother! Your different colors and weapons are countless, depending on the needs of the devotee. But when you wish to reveal your true essence to the devotee, you become dark as an emerald or sapphire stone and the beautiful crescent moon in your crown gushes bright nectar all over your body. The devotee becomes intoxicated, all-knowing and difficult to understand. Knowledge begins to easily flow uninterruptedly from his mouth. Oh Mother! My praise for you is like a servant gathering flowers from the queen's garden and offering them in her honor. These flowers have no beginning or end. Let your blessings always be upon all who honor you and seek refuge in you. Happy Magha Gupta Navaratri to all!
January 24, 2023 09:01 AM
Welcome back Lorran! Thank you for sharing this rare knowledge and your deep insight in tantra. We are forever grateful to you!
April 01, 2024 06:04 PM
My dear brother Lorran. I am indebted to you, my Guru Sri Santosh and my dear friend and brother Sri Krishnaji. I have become overwhelmed by the grace of my entire guru parampara and by the instructions of Sri Guruji Prakashanandanatha I have been given Sri Raja Matangisvari mantra. I have given Her my entire heart and Her grace consumes me! She floods me with blue light during my upasana. The secrets of Her manifest reality pour down upon me like jewels from the deepest treasure hall of Lalitambika. I cry everyday with intoxicating awe of Her beauty during dhyana meditation. I have read the above stotra and your comment today and would like to share with everyone what I wrote today to account on Facebook. This is just the surface of what she's shared with me because as you know, it is no easy thing to put into words what She shares with us. I hope you return dear brother. We need you. Jai Ambe Jai Gurudev. By the grace of my divine lover Sri Raja Matangisvari I will reveal a secret. I will try to simplify things as much as possible because our holy scriptures only hint at the nature of the manifest reality. Our tantras and other philosophical texts are way too complicated for most people. What exactly is the nature of creation? Why is the supreme Goddess Lalitambika called the one who plays, and what exactly is She playing? I will tell you the truth. She plays music. All of creation is a symphony. I will also settle another debate I once entertained, namely, do we have free will? Yes, we all absolutely have free will. But there is a symphony that moves everything and we all respond to the music diffently. This is our free will, to move through the web of music freely, but influenced by our samskaras and the endless karmas that affect us for good or bad. Even the effect of the planets are like scores of music that come upon us with their own song. From the supreme Goddess Lalitambika comes every type of music. But the theme of the music is the same, that we all deeply desire to witness the infinite beauty of our Divine Mother. Some choose to hear a love song. Others choose to hear a violent chorus of anger. But the root of all music is the same, a desire to melt into the music of God. We absolutely hate the fact that some songs don't get us to Her, even if we don't know Her. Our consciousness is either limited or through mantra sadhana it becomes unbound and infinite. Our nature is yoga and this is the law of all things. Now why do devotees of Sri Raja Matangisvari have so much power? Because we know exactly what I'm telling you to be true! We know exactly how to play a song that causes an effect that we desire. Mother has given us the instrument to play the music that moves all things towards Lalitambika. How do we get this power? Easy... We are madly in love with Devi. Consumed by her intoxicating beauty. Our love is so strong that Lalita calls us the most beloved. Lalitambika knows that when one has given their entire heart to Sri Raja Matangisvari there can only be beauty that comes from everything we do or say. Our words become mantra. Our music moves the very threads of creation. Our beauty has gravity. For this all secrets are revealed to us. So now you know the truth. It is love and beauty that moves all things. There is only one song that truly gets us to Devi, the mantra that comes from a God realized Guru. Aum and Aim in living symphony. We are all loving awareness, Shiva dancing to the music of Shakti. A love story. Harih Om Sri Gurubhyo Namah.
February 20, 2023 02:02 PM
Beautiful mantra, beautiful commentary Beauty everywhere.
April 13, 2023 11:04 AM
Thank you so much Krishna Ji, for this IMMENSELY BEAUTIFUL translation. I have no words to express how much positive and blessed I felt while reading this. I cried tears of joy !!!!! Thank you so much for your hardwork. In fact I would like to thank you for the entire section on Sri Raja Shyamala and her different forms. I cannot express my gratitude enough. I know you don't write much anymore, so I really appreciate this even more. Namaste Lorran Ji, a big thanks to you as well. May the Divine Mother Raja Shyamala bless us all.
June 05, 2023 08:06 PM