Importance of arghyam in Krishna Jayanti (Kṛṣṇajanmāṣṭamī pūjā or Gokulāṣṭamī).
Arghya means respectful offering to a guest. During various pūjā-s, different gods and goddesses are invoked. After completing the entire pūjā, arghya is offered to the concerned deity as a mark of respectful reception.
During Krishna Jayanti pūjā, kṣirārghyam (क्षिरार्घ्यम्) is considered as very important. This arghyam is to be offered by everyone present during pūjā, not just by the one who performed the pūjā. Milk is used (not boiled) for offering arghyam. In the right hand one has to hold two bananas, betel leaves with areca nut and flowers. Using the left hand one has to pour the milk into right hand using uttaraṇi, or seek the help of the one who performed the pūjā to do this.
Kṣirārghyam begins with a small saṅkalpa.
ममोपात्त समस्त दुरितक्षयद्वारा श्री परेम्श्वर प्रीत्यर्थं (or श्री नारायण प्रीत्यर्थं) श्रीकृष्ण पूजान्ते क्षीरार्घ्यप्रदानं करिष्ये।
mamopātta samasta duritakṣayadvārā śrī paremśvara prītyarthaṁ (or śrī nārāyaṇa prītyarthaṁ) śrī kṛṣṇa pūjānte kṣīrārghyapradānaṁ kariṣye |
There are three arghya-s. At the end of each arghya, milk is to be poured through right palm into a vessel, kept separately for this.
1. जातः कंसवधार्थाय भूभारोत्तारणाय च। पाण्डवानां हितार्थाय धर्मसंस्थापनाय च॥कौरवाणां विनाशाय दैत्यानां निधनाय च। गृहाणार्घ्यं मया दत्तं देवकीतनय प्रभो॥ देवकि सहिताय श्री कृष्णाय नमः ।
इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं॥
jātaḥ kaṁsavadhārthāya bhūbhārottāraṇāya ca | pāṇḍavānāṁ hitārthāya dharmasaṁsthāpanāya ca |kauravāṇāṁ vināśāya daityānāṁ nidhanāya ca | gṛhāṇārghyaṁ mayā dattaṁ devakītanaya prabho || devaki sahitāya śrī kṛṣṇāya namaḥ |
idamarghyaṁ idamarghyaṁ idamarghyaṁ ||
2. श्री देवकी वसुदेव यशोदा नन्दगोप रोहिणी बलदेव चण्डिका सात्यकयुद्धवाक्रूर उग्रसेनादि गोपगोपिका काळीन्दी काळियादिभ्यो नमः।
इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं॥
śrīī devakī vasudeva yaśodā nandagopa rohiṇī baladeva caṇḍikā sātyakayuddhavākrūra ugrasenāidi gopagopikā kāḻīīndī kāḻiyādibhyo namaḥ|
idamarghyaṁ idamarghyaṁ idamarghyaṁ ||
3. अत्रिनेत्र समुद्भूत क्षीरोदार्णवसंभव। रोहिणीश गृहाणार्घ्यं रमाभ्रातर्मनः पते। चन्द्राय नमः॥
इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं॥
atrinetra samudbhūta kṣīrodārṇavasaṁbhava | rohiṇīśa gṛhāṇārghyaṁ ramābhrātarmanaḥ pate | candrāya namaḥ ||
idamarghyaṁ idamarghyaṁ idamarghyaṁ ||
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September 01, 2015 07:53 PM
Raviji, there are four arghya-s, but then you mentioned only three arghya-s. What about 4th one?
September 02, 2015 06:54 PM
I have checked and there are only three. If you have the fourth arghya, why can't you publish it here for our sake.