Gita Series – 164: Bhagavad Gita Chapter XVIII. Verse 23 – 25
“Those actions that are prescribed in Scriptures done without the thought of doership, without attachment, without prejudice and without concern for fruits of such actions are sattvic in nature. Those actions that are performed with immense strain, with intent on the fruits accruing out of such actions and with egotism are rajasic in nature. Those actions that are performed out of ignorance, beyond one’s capacity, without considering the consequences on self and others are tamasic in nature.”
All the actions are classified under the three guṇas. Those actions that are performed merely to follow the Scriptural directives, without the thought of doership, without concern for the fruits of actions, without prejudice are classified as sattvic in nature. One has to be unselfish while performing actions that are classified under this category. Actions are classified not on the basis of actions but on the intent of the performer. If a person chooses to do charity for publicity, it is not considered as sattvic in nature, even though the act of charity is sattivic.
If actions are performed beyond one’s capacity, both physical and financial, in order to reap the accruing benefits and in the process causing inconvenience to others are classified as rajasic in nature. Such acts are nothing but the arrogant exhibition of one’s pride. Any action done with a sense of doership does not confer merits. The end results of such actions are nothing physical and financial strain. If one performs any action beyond his capacity, he only accrues only bad karmas. Many festivities and rituals come under this category. Lord never wants anyone to propitiate Him with material offerings. He longs only for unstinted love.
Those actions that are performed out ignorance, with immense physical, mental and financial strain, causing hindrance to others, without thinking about the consequences of performing such acts are classified as tamasic in nature. By performing such stupefying acts, one ends up in financial debts and physical miseries. At that time, neither the Lord nor those who were with him, come to his rescue. This is a typical example of digging one’s own grave.
All the actions should be done without ego and pride, with humility and without causing inconvenience to others, within one’s physical and financial capabilities and without intent on the fruits of actions. Such actions should have the approval of the Scriptures. If any acts performed in contravention of this, ultimately yield only irreparable sorrows and miseries.
Further Readings:
Bhagavad Gita Chapter XVIII. 12 - 16
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