Gita Series – 178: Bhagavad Gita Conclusion

Bhagavad Gita is not another epic. It is considered as the science of spirituality. The Lord speaks through the seven hundred couplets, the precepts of mankind as a whole. Kṛṣṇa takes the aspirant towards liberation, slowly eliminating every doubt of students of spirituality. While talking about the steps required for liberation, Kṛṣṇa also lays down guidelines for day to day living. He does not advocate spiritual practices, nor gives hopes to the humanity that He would absolve them from their sins. He makes it apparently clear that everyone’s life is determined by his own actions and says there is no divine intervention involved. One has to seek the Lord to get away from pains of transmigrations.

Among many other things to be followed, he stresses importance of doing one’s prescribed duties. Shirking from one’s responsibilities is considered as a sin. The second important factor is the mind. One has to keep the mind free of impressions. The main source for the impressions is the sensory organs. One has to use the sensory organs for an effective existence and not for pleasures. Today’s pleasure will be tomorrow’s pain. Pleasure and pain are realised only if one uses senses beyond one’s necessity. Kṛṣṇa discourages excessive indulgence in all the actions. Over indulgence causes addiction, which ultimately turns into monstrous proportions leading to one’s self destruction.

Another aspect of Bhagavad Gita is renunciation. If one remains inert without carrying out his duties saying that he is always united with the Lord, he is disowned by the Lord. What the Lord advocates is that one should perform his duties without intent on the fruits of actions. Fruits of actions are to be surrendered to the Lord, irrespective of the nature of outcome. If one understands and follows the theory of renunciation and surrenders, no further karmas accrue to him. One’s karma is the deterrent factor to liberation, as one has to exist in various shapes and forms till all his karmas are exhausted. The Lord rules the universe only through the Law of Karma. Evil thoughts are more powerful than evil actions.

One cannot attain liberation overnight. The spiritual progressions should be gradual with a strong foundation. Hence a great emphasis has been laid on spiritual knowledge. Only with the right kind of knowledge, the Lord can be realised. Only a thoroughly purified soul becomes eligible for liberation. The Lord is always waiting to offer liberation to souls. He is also longing for the love of His devotees (may sound like dualism). That is why, it has been repeatedly stressed in this Bhagavad Gita commentary that one’s devotion to the Lord should transform into love for Him. He says to Arjuna, “You are so dear to Me. I will never let you down. Believe me.” What a sort of compassion is this? The Lord is more concerned with our welfare more than our parents. Every breath of ours is being watched by Him. Every action of ours is recorded.

It is often said that Gita is unsuitable for modern times Scriptures cannot be changed to suit the modern times Holy Scriptures do not change, but humanity changes from bad to worse. There cannot be peace and harmony when there is no reciprocation. When the humanity sets its mind to transform from religious fanaticism to a spiritual pursuit, there is bound to be a peaceful co-existence. The Lord is not many He is one and He belongs to everyone. Out of ignorance and misguidance, men resort to different types of ritualistic worships. Commercialization of spirituality is the worst sin of all.

This Bhagavad Gita commentary is meant only for the beginners of spiritual pursuit. This Bhagavad Gita commentary does not follow a particular type of philosophy. It is the combination of all. The main idea of this exercise is to make the people choose the right kind of living that paves the way for ultimate liberation. Mind is the only factor that leads to liberation. Everyone should attempt to develop only positive thoughts and concern for the fellow beings. The Lord is the embodiment of compassion and love. When one decides to merge with Him, one has to be full of compassion and love. After all, fire and water cannot coexist. If one conclusively decides to have liberation, he has to have purity of thought and mind. The inner purity is more important than the external purity, as liberation takes place only through the mind.

With these words, the commentary on Bhagavad Gita is completed and placed before the lotus feet of the Lord seeking His grace for universal prosperity and peaceful co-existence.

Further Readings:

Bhagavad Gita Chapter XVIII. 64 - 66

Bhagavad Gita Chapter XVIII. 67 - 71 

Bhagavad Gita Chapter XVIII. 72 - 78