When the Yogī realises knowledge everywhere, this sūtra says that he is able to cross the power of limitations and moves further to attain liberation.
Śuddha-tattva-sandhānād vā apaśuśaktiḥ शुद्धतत्त्वसन्धानाद्वाऽपशुशक्तिः (sūtra I.16)
Śuddha – pure; tattva – principle (36 principles); sandhānāt – perpetual awareness; vā – or; apaśuśaktiḥ (a + paśu + śakti) a – devoid of; paśu – limited self; śakti – power.
Or (with reference to the previous aphorism) through the perpetual awareness on the pure principle i.e. Śiva, the aspirant becomes devoid of binding power of an individual. Śuddha-tattva as such consists of first five of the thirty six tattva-s, beginning from Śiva (tattva 1) to śuddha vidya (tattva 5). But contextually, śuddha-tattva here means Paramaśiva,* the Supreme Śiva not categorised in any of the 36 tattvas, the ultimate in Trika philosophy. Paramaśiva is the state of Absolute Consciousness and the Highest Reality.
*Different stages of Śiva are explained with reference to seven states to turya. Iśvara is the state of brahmānanda (4/7), all pervading bliss. Sadāśiva is the state mahānanda (5/7), the state of total Bliss. Śiva is the state of cidānanda (6/7), the Bliss of Consciousness. Paramaśiva is the state of jagadānanda (7/7), Universal Bliss, the seventh and the final state of turya. Paramaśiva can be construed as the combination of both Śakti and Śiva, but only with traces of Śakti tattva.
When that Yogī realizes that pure principle of Paramaśiva, he becomes aware of the entire universe. When he realizes the universe, the Yogī becomes the lord of the universe, as the power of limitation associated with the individuals (paśu-s) is totally dissolved. In other words, when the Yogī, by perpetually meditating on Paramaśiva, the purest of all consciousness, enters the state ofParamaśiva. When this happens, the Yogi’s individual consciousness and binding power get dissolved and become one with universal consciousness, which is pervaded by Paramaśiva. Therefore the Yogī, in no way is different from Paramaśiva. Thus, the Yogī becomes the Lord of the universe, like Paramaśiva. This state can be attained only be persistent practice and dedication.
Spanda-Kārikā (II.5) also explains this by saying that the one who has realized the Self as the entire universe and always stay united with the Self, looks at the entire universe as His playground. This man gets liberated while living (jīvanmukta). For him, there is no difference between subject and object; happiness and sadness; and all other opposite dyads. Everything is the same for him. He is not born again, as he becomes one with Paramaśiva. However, his journey towards Paramaśiva is not complete yet and these are discussed in the next aphorisms.
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