Atha Ekamukhī Rudrākṣa Dhāraṇavidhiḥ (अथ एकमुखी रुद्राक्ष धारणविधिः)
Source: Rudrākṣa dhāraṇa vidhi.
Purpose: To obtain all the four puruṣārthas: dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kāma (desires) and mokṣa (liberation) by wearing the one-faced Rudrākṣa bead.
Initiation: Required.
- Prayogaḥ (प्रयोगः) –
evaṃ dhyātvā mānasopacāraiḥ saṃpūjya kuryājjapasahasrakaṃ tadantaramābhimukhyasāmīpyaṃ ghaṭopari tāmrapātraṃ nidhāya tatra rudrākṣaṃ kṣiptvā paṅktiprāṇāyāyaṃ kṛtvā ।
paścāt vāme jalapātraṃ dhṛtvā jatra tale savyahastaṃ dhṛtvā dakṣiṇapāṇinā sahasrajapaṃ kuryāt ।
punastasyopari jalaṃ kṣipet rudrākṣaṃ dhārayet ।
evaṃ sarvatra vidhirjñayaḥ ।.
एवं ध्यात्वा मानसोपचारैः संपूज्य कुर्याज्जपसहस्रकं तदन्तरमाभिमुख्यसामीप्यं घटोपरि ताम्रपात्रं निधाय तत्र रुद्राक्षं क्षिप्त्वा पङ्क्तिप्राणायायं कृत्वा ।
पश्चात् वामे जलपात्रं धृत्वा जत्र तले सव्यहस्तं धृत्वा दक्षिणपाणिना सहस्रजपं कुर्यात् ।
पुनस्तस्योपरि जलं क्षिपेत् रुद्राक्षं धारयेत् ।
एवं सर्वत्र विधिर्ज्ञयः ॥
Meaning: After contemplating in the mind, the dhyāna of the mantra, one must complete mantra japa for a 1000 count. Next, place the associated rudrākṣa(s) relevant to the mantra, in a copper mug/jug/vessel on top of a copper plate preferably and place it in front of ourselves. Perform five rounds of Prāṇāyāma. Then place a water jug to the left. Using the right hand, perform another round of mantra japa for a 1000 count. Next, sprinkle water from the water jug upon the rudrākṣa(s) placed in front and then wear them. This same procedure should be repeated for all faceted rudrākṣas with their relevant mantras.
- Viniyogaḥ (विनियोगः) –
asya śrī śiva mantrasya ।
prāsāda vāmadeva ṛṣiḥ ।
paṅktiḥ chandaḥ ।
śivo devatā ।
hakāro bījaṃ ।
aum̐ śaktiḥ ।
mama caturvarga siddhyarthe rudrākṣa dhāraṇārthe jape viniyogaḥ ॥
अस्य श्री शिव मन्त्रस्य ।
प्रासाद वामदेव ऋषिः ।
पङ्क्तिः छन्दः ।
शिवो देवता ।
हकारो बीजं ।
औँ शक्तिः ।
मम चतुर्वर्ग सिद्ध्यर्थे रुद्राक्ष धारणार्थे जपे विनियोगः ॥
Meaning: This prayer/mantra japa is to invoke Śrī Śiva and perform His mantra japa to obtain His complete grace in the fulfillment of the four puruṣārthas: dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kāma (desires) and mokṣa (liberation) and to energize and activate the one-faced Rudrākṣa bead for wearing purposes.
The sage (ṛṣiḥ) is Śrī Prāsāda Vāmadeva, the meter (chandas) for the mantra is Paṅkti and the deity(devatā) is Śrī Śiva. The seed (bīja) mantra is ham̐, the power (śakti) of the mantra rests with the mantra aum̐.
- Ṛṣyādi nyāsa ( ऋष्यादि न्यास ) - |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
Prāsāda Vāmadeva ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi । |
प्रासाद वामदेव ऋषये नमः शिरसि । |
Open the right palm and touch the top of the forehead with the ring and thumb fingers joined at the top. |
2 |
Paṅktiśchandase namaḥ mukhe । |
पङ्क्तिश्छन्दसे नमः मुखे । |
Now touch the lips of the mouth with the above mudrā. |
3 |
om̐ em̐ aim̐ Śivo devatāyai namaḥ hṛdi । |
ॐ एँ ऐँ शिवो देवतायै नमः हृदि । |
Touch the heart with the right palm. |
4 |
ham̐ bījāya namaḥ guhye । |
हँ बीजाय नमः गुह्ये । |
Touch the genitalia with the right ring finger and thumb joined together. |
5 |
aum̐ śaktaye namaḥ pādayoḥ । |
औँ शक्तये नमः पादयोः । |
Touch the feet with the right ring finger and thumb joined together. |
6 |
mamābhīṣṭa siddhaye rudrākṣa dhāraṇārthe viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge ॥ |
ममाभीष्ट सिद्धये रुद्राक्ष धारणार्थे विनियोगाय नमः सर्वाङ्गे ॥ |
Run both the palms all over the body. |
7 |
इति ऋष्यादि न्यासः ॥ |
Thus ends the Ṛṣyādi nyāsa. |
- Karanyāsaḥ (कराङ्गन्यासः) - |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
om̐ om̐ hrām̐ aṅguṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ । |
ॐ ॐ ह्राँ अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः । |
Use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs. |
2 |
om̐ em̐ hrīm̐ tarjanībhyāṃ svāhā । |
ॐ एँ ह्रीँ तर्जनीभ्यां स्वाहा । |
Use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers. |
3 |
om̐ hram̐ hrūm̐ madhyamābhyāṃ vaṣaṭ । |
ॐ ह्रँ ह्रूँ मध्यमाभ्यां वषट् । |
Use both the thumbs on the middle fingers. |
4 |
om̐ aum̐ hraim̐ anāmikābhyāṃ hum̐ । |
ॐ औँ ह्रैँ अनामिकाभ्यां हुँ । |
Use both the thumbs on the ring fingers. |
5 |
om̐ aim̐ hraum̐ kaniṣṭhikābhyāṃ vauṣaṭ । |
ॐ ऐँ ह्रौँ कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां वौषट् । |
Use both the thumbs on the little fingers. |
6 |
om̐ om̐ hraḥ karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṃ phaṭ । |
ॐ ह्रः करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां फट् । |
Open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm. |
7 |
iti karāṅga nyāsaḥ ॥ |
इति कराङ्ग न्यासः ॥ |
Thus ends the six-part Karāṅga nyāsa. |
- Ṣaḍāṅga nyāsaḥ (षडाङ्गन्यासः) - |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
om̐ om̐ hrām̐ hṛdayāya namaḥ । |
ॐ ॐ ह्राँ हृदयाय नमः । |
Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra. |
2 |
om̐ em̐ hrīm̐ śirase svāhā । |
ॐ एँ ह्रीँ शिरसे स्वाहा । |
Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead. |
3 |
om̐ hram̐ hrūm̐ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ । |
ॐ ह्रँ ह्रूँ शिखायै वषट् । |
Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where the tuft of hair, is kept. |
4 |
om̐ aum̐ hraim̐ kavacāya hum̐ । |
ॐ औँ ह्रैँ कवचाय हुँ । |
Cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips. |
5 |
ॐ ऐँ ह्रौँ नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् । |
Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājñā cakra. |
6 |
om̐ om̐ hraḥ astrāya phaṭ । |
ॐ ॐ ह्रः अस्त्राय फट् । |
Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand. |
7 |
इति षडाङ्ग न्यासः ॥ |
Thus ends the six-part Ṣaḍāṅga nyāsa. |
bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digbandhaḥ ॥
भूर्भुवस्सुवरोम् इति दिग्बन्धः ॥
Meaning: May the directions be charmed and bound, to prevent any external influences of the triads – the Earth, atmosphere and the heavens.
- Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं) -
Muktā-pīna-payoda-mauktika-japā-varṇair-mukhaiḥ pañcabhis-tryakṣau-rājitam-īśam-indu-mukuṭaṃ pūrṇendu-koṭi-prabham ।
śūlaṃ ṭaṅkakṛpāṇavajradahane nāgendraṃ ghaṇṭāśukaṃ pāṇim-bhīti-varānda-dhānam-aparaṃ tejojjvalaṃ cintaye ॥
मुक्तापीन-पयोद-मौक्तिक-जपा-वर्णै-र्मुखैः पञ्चभिस्त्र्यक्षौ-राजितमीशमिन्दु-मुकुटं पूर्णेन्दु-कोटि-प्रभम् ।
शूलं टङ्क-कृपाण-वज्र-दहने नागेन्द्रं घण्टाशुकं पाणिम्भीति-वरान्दधानमपरं तेजोज्ज्वलं चिन्तये ॥
Meaning: May we meditate upon the creamy pearl colored rudrākṣa with a single face, capable of granting spiritual emancipation (self-realization and liberation). Praise be to the Rudrākṣa that adorns the crowns of the dazzling five-faced three-eyed Lord Śiva, who rules over the entire Creation and represents all the pentads and triads in it and is resplendent with the brilliance of a zillion suns. He holds a trident, a sharp-edged sword, a thundering lightning bolt, the king of serpents – Nāgendra wrapped on His body, a beak shaped bell and displaying the wish granting Vara mudra. |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
lam̐ pṛthivyāthmane gandham kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
लँ पृथिव्याथ्मने गन्धम् कल्पयामि नमः ।
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the little fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
2 |
ham̐ ākāśātmane puṣpam kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
हँ आकाशात्मने पुष्पम् कल्पयामि नमः । |
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the thumbs of both hands with the upper tip/nails of the index fingers, with the back of the hand facing us. |
3 |
yam̐ vāyavyātmane dhūpam kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
यँ वायव्यात्मने धूपम् कल्पयामि नमः ।
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the index fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
4 |
ram̐ vahniyātmane dīpam kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
रँ वह्नियात्मने दीपम् कल्पयामि नमः । |
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the middle fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
5 |
vam̐ amṛtātmane naivedyam kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
वँ अमृतात्मने नैवेद्यम् कल्पयामि नमः । |
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the ring fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
6 |
sam̐ sarvātmane tāmbūlādi sarvopacārān kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
सँ सर्वात्मने ताम्बूलादि सर्वोपचारान् कल्पयामि नमः । |
Hold the fingers of each palm in a folded manner with the tips of each fingers of both hands touching each other and the thumbs facing the heart, in a Namaste position. |
7 |
Iti Pañcapūjā ॥ |
इति पञ्चपूजा ॥ |
Thus ends the Pañcapūjā. |
- Mantraḥ (मन्त्रः) -
Meaning: This is a six syllabled mantra with each syllable representing a bīja (seed) mantra. The bīja mantras are described below. The first and sixth bījas are the same. –
- om̐ (ॐ) consists of – au = healing and deep cleansing, m̐ = removes misery. Ushers in auspiciousness.
- The bīja em̐ (एँ) represents the mātṛkā śakti Ekapadā devi, who represents all the triads that make up the Creation, such as the śakti-s (powers) icchā (desire), kriyā (action) and jñāna (wisdom) etc. It is also the yoni bīja representing Creation, Sustenance and Destruction and all other triads.
- The Haṃsavatī Devi Mātṛkā and Ākāśa bīja (seed) mantra ham̐ (हँ) represents the True Self and the aspect of attaining liberation and merger with IT. This is the last bīja in the word ‘aham’ representing the ego or the individual self, beginning with ‘a’, the creation and ending with ‘ham’ the liberation and merging with the True Self.
- Auṣadhātmikā Devi Mātṛkā bīja (seed) mantra aum̐ (औँ ) represents the curative power of medicine and promotes healing.
- The Aiśvarya mātṛkā bīja aim̐ (ऐँ) represents and bestows immense knowledge, mastery in arts and amazing creativity.
- Ṣaḍāṅga nyāsaḥ (षडाङ्गन्यासः) - |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
om̐ om̐ hrām̐ hṛdayāya namaḥ । |
ॐ ॐ ह्राँ हृदयाय नमः । |
Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra. |
2 |
om̐ em̐ hrīm̐ śirase svāhā । |
ॐ एँ ह्रीँ शिरसे स्वाहा । |
Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead. |
3 |
om̐ hram̐ hrūm̐ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ । |
ॐ ह्रँ ह्रूँ शिखायै वषट् । |
Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where the tuft of hair, is kept. |
4 |
om̐ aum̐ hraim̐ kavacāya hum̐ । |
ॐ औँ ह्रैँ कवचाय हुँ । |
Cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips. |
5 |
om̐ aim̐ hraum̐ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ । |
ॐ ऐँ ह्रौँ नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् । |
Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājñā cakra. |
6 |
om̐ om̐ hraḥ astrāya phaṭ । |
ॐ ॐ ह्रः अस्त्राय फट् । |
Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand. |
7 |
iti ṣaḍāṅga nyāsaḥ ॥ |
इति षडाङ्ग न्यासः ॥ |
Thus ends the six-part Ṣaḍāṅga nyāsa. |
bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digvimokaḥ ॥
भूर्भुवस्सुवरोम् इति दिग्विमोकः ॥
Meaning: May the directions get unlocked to allow ourselves to experience the grace from all the triads of the three worlds.
10. Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं) -
Muktā-pīna-payoda-mauktika-japā-varṇair-mukhaiḥ pañcabhis-tryakṣau-rājitam-īśam-indu-mukuṭaṃ pūrṇendu-koṭi-prabham ।
śūlaṃ ṭaṅkakṛpāṇavajradahane nāgendraṃ ghaṇṭāśukaṃ pāṇim-bhīti-varānda-dhānam-aparaṃ tejojjvalaṃ cintaye ॥
मुक्तापीन-पयोद-मौक्तिक-जपा-वर्णै-र्मुखैः पञ्चभिस्त्र्यक्षौ-राजितमीशमिन्दु-मुकुटं पूर्णेन्दु-कोटि-प्रभम् ।
शूलं टङ्क-कृपाण-वज्र-दहने नागेन्द्रं घण्टाशुकं पाणिम्भीति-वरान्दधानमपरं तेजोज्ज्वलं चिन्तये ॥
- Pañcapūjā (पञ्चपूजा) - |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
lam̐ pṛthivyāthmane gandham kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
लँ पृथिव्याथ्मने गन्धम् कल्पयामि नमः ।
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the little fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
2 |
ham̐ ākāśātmane puṣpam kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
हँ आकाशात्मने पुष्पम् कल्पयामि नमः । |
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the thumbs of both hands with the upper tip/nails of the index fingers, with the back of the hand facing us. |
3 |
yam̐ vāyavyātmane dhūpam kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
यँ वायव्यात्मने धूपम् कल्पयामि नमः ।
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the index fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
4 |
ram̐ vahniyātmane dīpam kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
रँ वह्नियात्मने दीपम् कल्पयामि नमः । |
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the middle fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
5 |
vam̐ amṛtātmane naivedyam kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
वँ अमृतात्मने नैवेद्यम् कल्पयामि नमः । |
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the ring fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
6 |
sam̐ sarvātmane tāmbūlādi sarvopacārān kalpayāmi namaḥ । |
सँ सर्वात्मने ताम्बूलादि सर्वोपचारान् कल्पयामि नमः । |
Hold the fingers of each palm in a folded manner with the tips of each fingers of both hands touching each other and the thumbs facing the heart, in a Namaste position. |
7 |
Iti Pañcapūjā ॥ |
इति पञ्चपूजा ॥ |
Thus ends the Pañcapūjā. |
- Samarpaṇam (समर्पणम्) -
guhyādi guhya goptvātvam gṛhaṇāsmat kṛtaṃ japaṃ ।
siddhirbhavatu me deva tvat prasadān mayī sthirā ॥
गुह्यादि गुह्य गोप्त्वात्वम् गृहणास्मत् कृतं जपं ।
सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देव त्वत् प्रसदान् मयी स्थिरा ॥
Meaning: May these secret offerings of mantra japa offered at my dwelling, yield the expected benefits and remain with us at all times by your benevolent grace O Lord!
May 30, 2024 11:05 AM
“Ekapadā devi“ sounds masculine. Perhaps Ekapadi devi is more feminine. I am novice in samskrta, will be very grateful if you clarify about this form of Devi. Found no mentions in abhidhana that I poseess.
May 31, 2024 12:05 AM
Ekapadā with the dīrgha ̍'ā̍' is Feminine in gender. The dīrgha ̍'ā̍' and 'ī' are used for denoting the female gender in Sanskrit.