Garuḍa Purāṇa 11
Garuḍa asks the Lord to explain Yama’s kingdom. The Lord not only begins to describe Yama’s kingdom, but also begins to describe the procedure to be followed immediately after death.
The distance between the earth and Yama’s world is 1,032,000 Kilometers (approximately 641,255 miles. (Distance between the earth and the moon is 384,000 KMs and the distance between the earth and the sun is 149,598,000 KMs). Due to the effect of karma, a man falls sick causing his death. The mode of one’s death also depends upon one’s karma. When a man is dead, his body should be kept on the ground after purificatory rituals discussed earlier. Śālagrāma (sacred stone) should be placed near the body. Tulasī leaves (basil) should be placed in both the hands of the body and also on its neck. Pieces of gold should also be kept in the nine apertures of the body. The body should be covered with two sheets of clothing. The body should be carried through the back door. Sons and other relatives should carry the body on their shoulders. While placing the body on the pyre, head should be facing north. His son should perform ceremonies facing the eastern side.
When the subtle body is leaving the gross body, which is known as death, the messengers of Yama arrive on the scene. When the subtle body finally comes out of the gross body, causing death of the gross body, the subtle body is still able to see the entire universe. The departed soul could see the messengers of Yama and the attendants of Lord Viṣṇu. This means that the soul can see both good and bad and the departed soul begins its journey according to its karma. A subtle body which has a bad karmic account feels for its sins at this stage.
A soul has to travel the entire distance to reach the world of Yama. The path becomes rough for the sinners and the path becomes comfortable for virtuous. Lord begins to describe Yama. He has four arms holding a conch, a discus, a bow and a staff. He treats the virtuous with respect and sinners with rudeness. He hits the sinners with iron rod and club. He sits on a buffalo (Yama is called mahiṣa vāhana; mahiṣa means buffalo and vāhana means vehicle). His body appears dreadful to sinners and radiant to virtuous. The soul is in the size of one’s thumb (it means the subtle body. Soul and the subtle body always travel together. The subtle body is pushed out of the gross body by air. The subtle body cries out when it comes out of the gross body).
It is said that one should not boast of his body as it is liable to death and decay. The purpose of acquiring wealth is charity; purpose of speech is to say the truth; purpose of a body is spirituality. The subtle bodies of those who do not follow the virtuous path are tortured by the messengers of Yama on the way to Yama’s place.
The Lord proceeds to explain the purpose of six piṇḍa-s. The first one is offered at the doorway where the departed soul is called as pāntha (pāntha means wandering). The piṇḍa offered here satisfies those deities that dwell at the entrance door. (It is believed that some deities reside at the main entrance door of a house. It is always ideal to offer incense sticks at the entrance door. A conch with anti clock wise lines tied on a yellow cloth above the main door frame is said to ward off evil spirits entering through the main door). In the courtyard of the building lives Khecara, a gandharva. Third piṇḍa should be offered to Bhūta at the resting place. Bhūta is considered as one of the demigods. Fourth piṇḍa is offered to piśāca-s (piśāca is said to be a flesh eating demon), rākṣasa-s (rākṣasa means an evil demon) and yakṣa-s (yakṣa means a supernatural being and said to be the attendants of Kubera). These three said to preserve the sanctity of the dead body till it is completely burnt. The fifth piṇḍa is offered at the side of the pyre where the dead body is placed. The dead body is now known as preta. Because of these five piṇḍa-s, the preta attains purity to be placed on the fire. Fire is considered as very sacred. Vedas worship Agni (fire) more than any other gods. By satisfying the above referred non-human characters, preta attains purity to offer it to the fire.
The funeral pyre should be lit from the eastern side. Once the body is completely burnt, the remains of the bones are collected and during this time the sixth piṇḍa is offered. The ashes are then immersed in sea or river. At the southern part of the house, a pit is made and for the next ten days, piṇḍa-s are offered here daily, along with milk and water. There is no specific mantra or any specific rites while offering these piṇḍa-s. The piṇḍa offered during the ten day period is divided into four parts. Two parts build up a new body for the dead. The third part goes to Yama’s servants and the fourth is consumed by the preta. The subtle body gets a proper shape in three days and three nights and on the tenth day, the subtle body develops hunger. Irrespective of other offerings made to the preta (the subtle body of the dead is always called preta), it gets satisfied only by offering flesh (normally, a piece of banana is offered instead of flesh). During eleventh day and twelfth day ceremonies, the preta eats as much as possible. On the thirteenth day, the soul’s journey begins to the world of Yama dragged by the servants of Yama. During it journey, the soul regrets for every evil action it had done during the past birth.
Further reading: Soul is nothing but the Brahman Himself. Sins committed by a person do not affect the Soul within. The suffering is only to the gross body when life exists in a body and to the subtle body, when the subtle body leaves the gross body at the time of death. Depending upon one’s karma, the subtle body also undergoes sufferings and pains or happiness and pleasures. One’s karmic account is embedded in his subtle body. Apart from karmic embedment, subtle body also has the impressions of his subconscious mind. Karma affects, both the subtle body and the gross body independently. Subtle body undergoes pains or pleasures in the hell or heaven as the case may be and the gross body undergoes pains or pleasures in the earth. For s single evil action, there are two types of sufferings, one for the subtle body and another for the gross body. When the gross body suffers, the subtle body within does not suffer. Based on these believes, it is said that thoughts are more powerful than actions. Impressions of thoughts get embedded in the subconscious mind, which always goes along with the subtle body and has the capacity to manifest in subsequent births.
For further details on the types of bodies, use search in manblunder at the top of this site.
Further Readings:
March 22, 2013 02:58 PM
Ravi, nowadays in the western world, lets be realistic - what if you have no-one to do any prayers. What happens when all that is done is the dead body is cremeated? Is it okay to throw the ashes in the water? - if you are lucky to have someone to do it.
Can such a person say or do any prayers before death?
Please give Yama gayatri, mantra, stotra, etc.
Thank You!
March 22, 2013 04:35 PM
There is a lot difference between what Vedas say and what other Scriptures say. Vedas stop with some verses that worship preta, or the dead body. It is the normal respect all of us give to a dead body. Shatra-s are later versions, compiled for convenience. The moment the death happens, the Self within goes away along with sub-conscious mind, either to be born again or for a sojourn in Cosmos or merger with Brahman. If we consider Soul as God Himself, to whom we offer these rituals? To God? Obviously not. How we can do karma for God? Is it right in the first place? Suppose we do karma for the subconscious mind of the departed, do we have enough power to modify his karmic account. Even God does not do this.
April 16, 2013 11:59 AM
What sort of karmas a person should do if he wants to get a peaceful death and a safe journey to the other world.
April 16, 2013 12:24 PM
There are three types of karmas. Let us understand like this. Sum total of all our karmas is the store house of all our karmas, accrued over several births. A part of it is carved out and is given to us in this birth. Suppose the sum total of karmas is 100 and let us assume that we are given 20 to experience in this birth. Balance 80 is still there in the store house. Either we spend entire 20 or increase it to 30 is in our hands. If we think bad about others and perform actions that hurt others, 20 is bound to become 30.
Experiencing karmas sometimes may be good and many times it is bad. That is many times we suffer mentally, or physically or both. The best way to accumulate good karmas is to think good for others. As you know, mind is very powerful than our actions. Hence our thoughts are more powerful than our actions. It is enough if we think good for others. If we still want to do in the form of actions, helping the needy both financially and physically will accrue good karmas. On the contrary, if anyone spends money by performing homa and other rituals for personal gains, such actions cause huge amount of bad karmas. It is enough if we keep God in our mind, as He is omnipresent. We are in no way going to satisfy Him, by resorting to unwanted rituals.
April 17, 2013 07:41 AM
Thank you so much for your reply Sir, The main belief of giving birth to a male child in the family is that he will do the pithru karyas so that the departed souls of the family will get mukti or any sort of relief. Nowerdays I see many are not doing any shraddha karmas even though they have taken birth in a family which has all the hindu culture. Due to various reasons I have seen in my own family they are not interested in doing these pithru karmas. After the 13th day ceremony they straight away do the yearly ceremony and later on forget that also. This is really pity. In these conditions what will be the condition of the departed soul do you think it has to suffer?
April 17, 2013 07:43 AM
I have one more questsion. According to our vedic mantras we have a particular form for each God or Goddess. Where as in case of pithru devatas, say Vasu Rudra and Adithya - do they have a form or they are formless?
April 17, 2013 08:41 AM
It is always a ticklish situation and cannot be explained unilaterally. There are two kinds of people. First group comprises of spiritually advanced persons and the second group comprises of rituals oriented. Former believe God is within and the later has not matured enough to look for the God within. They continue to live in the world duality (dvaita). They also will transform one day either in this birth or in future births.
Therefore, this needs to be explained from the points of view of both. For ritual oriented persons, all the rituals, prescribed in dharma śāstra-s, they have to necessarily carry out all the rituals for the first 13 days. If they do not, their conscience will hurt them. But monthly rituals are only later developments and need not be done, as these rituals for the whole year are done during the first 13 days. Obviously, these people have to do yearly ceremonies.
But the perception of realized souls are totally different. This is based not only on truth revealed by Upaniṣad-s, but also on logic. First question, who are you? You are the Self, you are Brahman. They confidently know they are Brahman. They also know that no power in the universe can do away their accrued karmas; their karmas are to be experienced only by them. For the Self within, no body can do ceremonies. It is like undermining God Himself. Therefore, absolutely there is no need to perform any ceremonies for the dead. Vedas too never ask anyone to perform ceremonies either at the time of death or later. There are some Vedic mantras, about which I have explained already in this site.
Further, one f the thriving businesses is performing last rites. Priests ruthlessly demand huge money and if money is paid, they do perform anything in order and skip many mantras. By giving money to someone who is worthless, the giver also accrues bad karmas. For such people, these ceremonies have no significance.
I do not perform any of these ceremonies. But, I served my parents during their old age and always ensured that they spend their old age happily and gracefully. Both of them died instantaneously, in my presence. I have the satisfaction of serving my parents and there can be no happiness than this. There is no need for me to perform any rituals to them. I know very well, they will bless me. Why should I waste money and accrue bad karmas too by paying to someone, who is not worthy of it.
It is always better to go with your conscience and spiritual intellect.
April 17, 2013 08:52 AM
Any god is formless. When Brahman Himself is formless, how can there be forms to gods? For this answer, there is a natural question. Then why we have forms, when you say that Brahman is formless?
One should understand the basic difference between Brahman and gods. Brahman is Supreme and from Him alone everything originate. For example, there is the Self within my body and my body misrepresents Brahman within, by wrongly projection me as Ravi, a person with a form. But what is the reality? My body is only a sheath that covers Brahman within and everyone calls me Ravi due to
māyā. But for a realized person, I am also Brahman, as he sees beyond three types of bodies, gross, subtle and causal.
Gods and goddesses that we speak of are energy levels created by Brahman to sustain the universe. How do we know that a departed soul moves from the earth to the heaven or hell, if they are there. How do we know that the soul moves from Vasu to Rudra and Rudra to Adithya. We will never know this. When the soul leaves the body, it carries with it, the impressions of subconscious mind, where karmas are stored. When the karma is ripe enough, the subconscious mind enters into another body. Soul acts only as a propeller, as without soul, the subconscious mind cannot move. Based on these factors, we say that soul merely remains as a witness. I have written in detail about this in several places in this site.
April 17, 2013 02:49 PM
Ravi - I had wanted some more info after your response to my post. Here it is plus your point of view. God does work in mysterious ways!
April 24, 2013 10:46 PM
When a person dies it is only the mortal body or the cloak which has fallen. But the persons atma is still there. At this juncture is it correct to chant the name of the God, say like Vishnu Sahasranama continously till the dead body is taken for the last rites.
April 24, 2013 10:57 PM
Krishna says that one should die by fixing his consciousness between his eyebrows and thinking about Him. In the instant case, there is nothing wrong in reciting Vishnu Sahasranama, etc as Self is omnipresent. What has left his body is also the Self.
April 25, 2013 01:47 PM
Ravi Sir, Please let me know why people say that we should not give tarpanam till the first year death ceremoney is completed.? Pithru tharpanam is a thanks giving done during certain days like amavasyas and pithru paksha is my understanding correct?
April 25, 2013 02:05 PM
Because the so called "soul" takes one year to reach the world of ancestors. Unless on joins with his or her ancestors, tarpana cannot be done. This is my personal unshakable opinion. When we accept karmic theory, this tarpana, yearly rituals, etc cannot be accepted. When everything is the Self, how can we perform tarpana to the Self? Most of the people do not agree to my point of view, but this is the reality. Right, if someone says, he is not performing ceremonies for the Self, but the subtle body, this also cannot be accepted, as the subtle body cannot exist separately without the Self. By performing monthly ceremonies after death, how we can change the direction of the departed person's karmic account? When God Himself goes by the Law of Karma, who are we to manipulate one's karma and whether it is possible for us to manipulate by performing rituals? Here we are not accepting non-dualism or Advaita. This is an extremely sensitive as well as complicated issue.
April 26, 2013 06:09 PM
There are various versions which our elders speak of regarding sapindikarana also.Actually they say the sapindikarana should be done only in the 12th month. Not on the 12th day ceremoney. Please let me know your comments. Further the Vaikunta samaradhane which done at the end of the 12th month is the authenic one and not the one which is done on 13th day after the death. This is what the priest told me when my father passed away last year.
April 26, 2013 07:06 PM
As you said there are different versions. Garuḍapurāṇa says that it should be done on the day of first anniversary. But according to śāstra-s sapiṇḍikaraṇa should be performed on 12th day and for any reason, it is not performed, it should be performed on 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 35 days. There is another injunction. If sapiṇḍikaraṇa is not performed on the 12th day, no auspicious functions should be performed in the family, including marriages. Probably this could be the reason for performing sapiṇḍikaraṇa on the 12th day. Vaikuṇṭha samārādhana should be performed only at the end of first year. What is performed on 13th day is purely a purification rite.
April 06, 2020 10:16 PM
Respected sir, Could you please clarify the difference between Vaikumtha Samaradhana performed on the 13th day and at the end of the first year? What is the purpose of these two and what is to be performed during these two rituals?
April 26, 2013 11:25 PM
Thank you very much for your reply Sir. When we read the Garuda Purana, only at the year end they will be reaching the yamaloka and later on the judgement etc., takes place then the decision is made whether to move the soul to Pithru loka or any other place or once again back to earth for further janma. So the correct sapindikarana would be at the end of the 12th month. This is what I feel.
April 29, 2013 09:59 AM
Sir, Can you please let me know whether a person can perform Brahmopadesham (Upanayanam)of his son after he has completed the last rites of his mother in law just a month back. For this question some say yes and some say no. What is the correct procedure to be followed?
April 29, 2013 12:11 PM
Strictly speaking, performing upanayanam within one year from mother's death is not advisable. But in exceptional circumstances, it can be performed after second ūnamāsika (45 days). Authoritative Scripture on these issues is Saṁkṣepa Dharma śāstram (संक्षेप धर्म शास्त्रम्).
April 29, 2013 04:20 PM
Here in this case it is the death of the mother-in-law. Even in this case the same rule apply?
April 29, 2013 04:25 PM
It is not mentioned in the Scripture. To my knowledge this rule is not applicable to mother-in-law, as gotra (lineage) is different.
May 11, 2013 05:12 PM
what will happen to the subtile who doesnt have kids and how this body will be liberated to reach brahman? if he had done good deeds in this life time.
May 11, 2013 05:35 PM
Body will not be liberated. Liberation is to the subconscious mind which is made mobile by the Self within. For merging with Brahman only criteria is that he should not have any karmic imprints. All his or her karmic imprints should have been experienced by him. When there is no left over karma, his soul is liberated and merges with Brahman. He is now freed from the pains of transmigration.
May 11, 2013 10:50 PM
My Name is Rajaram
Per my view this world is considered as karma bhoomi, a life enter this world due to karma good or bad, i would say good atma are born with golden spoon and have a wonderful life with joy and here, he also acculmalates karma in this world and sinful atma are also born to this same world and expereince life per his karma and he also accumatles and it becomes a endless task falling in to the ocean of samsara. only with the divine grace one can get rid of it. Can you please guide me if an total surrender to the lotus feet of the divine will remove us from all karma whether good and bad and end this indefinte ocean of birth and rebirth cycle? please also guide us how to identify that we do not have karmic imprints before the last breath of this life?
May 11, 2013 11:29 PM
You are absolutely right till ....ocean of samsara. The next part needs further explanation.
Trika philosophy says that when Divine Grace descends, all the karmic imprints are annihilated. But Advaita looks at this from different angle. It says all the karmas are necessarily to be experienced. Karmic imprints will not be annihilated by Divine. By constantly thinking about Divine, further accrual of karmas will be stopped. This is called surrender. After we surrender to the Divine through our minds, we acts only on His behalf as at the time of surrender, it is the ego that gets annihilated. There is no 'this' or 'I am'. It is all about That (Divine).
It is difficult to say whether we have exhausted all our karmas. The only possible symptom is frequent experience of Bliss. When you think about Divine, emotions will pervade you and tears will roll down, without your knowledge. One can experience Bliss only if traces of karmic impressions remain. In certain instances, one will experience immense pain and miseries. This means that he is about to exhaust his karmic account and attain liberation.
May 12, 2013 10:44 PM
Thank you very much for the wonderful explanation. In bhaghavat geetha, 8th chapter Lord krishna says that the soul which leaves the body during the northern hemisphere of sun (uttarayana punayakalam will attain brahman and will not have rebirth at all)and during the dakshinayanan the same will subside in the moon and will be back to the earth again. kindly explain this in details for our understanding. Thank you
May 13, 2013 12:27 AM
This is explained in Praśna Upaniṣad in a subtle manner. According to this Upaniṣad (I.9), uttarāyaṇa means those who follow the spiritual path. Spiritual path is the path of knowledge to attain the Lord. Therefore, uttarāyaṇa means the path of knowledge leading to Self-realization and consequent liberation. When a soul is liberated, it is not reborn and this is what Kṛṣṇa meant Bhagavad Gītā VIII. The other path is dakṣiṇāyana, the path of rituals. According to this Upaniṣad those who perform Vedic rites and rituals with some desire in their minds (material desires) go to the ancestors (the moon) only to reborn again. But, this concept is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. After all, death cannot be predetermined by anyone. What matters is whether one follows the spiritual path or the ritual path; former leads to liberation and later leads to transmigration. Presently I am discussing this aspect in the series on Brahma Sūtra.
May 19, 2013 11:24 PM
Per rishi manthanga words sabari got moksha by reciting only rama nama which took her directly to bramha loka. Purana says chanting of rama nama itself will liberate the person from the entire karma. whether by chanting rama nama on through the entire life in kaliyugu will liberate a person from entire karma? to reach the divine without any rebirth? please provide your valuabe comments ?
May 19, 2013 11:43 PM
Sabari never thought about anything or anyone except Rama. Chanting any God's name will take us to Brhamaloka or even higher lokas, provided we chant with utmost love for that God. But chanting God's name will not remove karma, as karma is to be experienced. Therefore, our first step is to surrender to God and if the surrender is done through a cleansed mind, from that point onwards, karmas cease to accrue. But the existing karma has to be experienced. This is the reason, many spiritually advanced persons suffer in their lives. They are known as jīvanmukta-s. This means that they are liberated, but continue to have their gross body to experience the remaining traces of karmas. Once all the karmas exhausted, he leaves his body (death) and merge with God.
May 20, 2013 12:51 AM
Raviji....Just one word Amazing!You just shared the secret to Moksha in the simplest way as possible.Many so-called masters and Gurus are giving long speech and taking huge money from disciples,but none of them is being able to connect people to God.Your reply is like Lord Shiva himself telling the secret of self-realization in the simplest.Anyone who will follow what you just said WILL surely get Moskha....
Pranam to Your Holy Self
May 20, 2013 08:30 AM
Your words are too strong and I don't I am worthy of it. But I fully agree with you when you people spend of too much of money, many times beyond their capacities to get mantras initiated. When mantra initiation is done, it should be done with compassion and love for the aspirant with prayers to Her to make the aspirant a Self realized person in due course. But this procedure is not followed. While initiating there are lot of mental procedures are involved. Once initiated, Guru has to constantly follow up with the initiated to ascertain his or her status and monitor his progress. Unfortunately, other considerations override this important factor. My only wish is that the one who gets initiated should understand that Divine Grace cannot be purchased and can be attained only through sadhana with the able guidance of a Guru. Ultimate aim is not anything else but only liberation.
Thanks for your good words.
May 20, 2013 08:30 PM
Raviji Thank you for your wounderful comments, per my understanding ultimate surrender means that giving up everthing to thy lotus feet and thereafter witnessing the happenings, in such a case i do not exist there and that i had been merged with the brahman and are only witness the happenning. nothing to do thereafter divine will take up, accept as it is and be with it. The will of the divine shall move us forward ?
one day i happened to hear the kathakalashepham of Sabri Moksham and rama namam this was a turning point in self.
Thanks a lot raviji for this woderful explanation.
pranams to thy lotus feet Raviji
May 20, 2013 09:20 PM
I am extremely thankful for your good words. But, kindly do not compare my human feet to Lotus Feet of "Brahman". I am only trying to do my bit and in the process, I also learn from other. The whole exercise is a sort of interactive forum. Once again, I thank you for your appreciative words.
May 25, 2013 12:18 PM
Dear Sir,
I recently lost my mother and was very keen to perform all the rites and rituals as per the advice of the acharyas. I was particular that I dont use any shortcuts, but follow the shastras as far as possible. But I must also admit that neither have I fully understood the meaning of these rituals, nor have I understood the 'spiritual' aspects behind concepts like Brahman, Self, Atma etc. Nevertheless, I was keen to learn more about the meaning of the rituals and also the spiritual concepts behind it if any, so I have been searching the net and saw your blog. Here , you have posed the question 'who are we doing these rituals for' ? , my answer is, it is for 'myself'. The first few days after the bereavement of a dear one is the most difficult, during that time, if our mind is engaged in organisng for the last rites and various rituals, our mind does not get choked with grief. Similarly for the first 13 days, then for one year if we regularly perform the rituals (which if one can believe has been performed for centuries)is a good way of handling grief and channeling one's energy into action. After performing a ritual, I did get a momentary sense of satisfaction of having successfully completed an activity. Thus, I feel the last rites, first year and yearly rituals for our ancestors/others are for the benefit of'oneself/person performing the karma', as it gives them a formal structure to confront grief and accept it, so that life can go on.
May 25, 2013 01:13 PM
At the end of the day, it is our satisfaction that alone counts. I see a valid reasoning in your views here. Let us pray that her soul rest in peace.
June 18, 2013 05:14 PM
there is also one more reason for doing the sapindikarana on 12th day itself, if the kartha of the rituals also die before performing the sapindikarana ritual, the departed soul cannot join the pithrus of the family. To avoild the loss, the ritual is performed on the 12th day itself without taking risk, waiting for a year.This was told by our prohithar, during my grandfather's ceremoney.
June 18, 2013 05:50 PM
Question : The pitru rituals are not done for the persons who has deceased. because his soul will not wait for the rituals we do or will not come and get the thila tharpana. it is going to sail in the way of its karma. if it is a realized soul, it will directly reach ParaBrahmam and become unseparable. if the soul is with good karmas going to enjoy its karmic palan in higher worlds(aabramha bhuvanaan lokaan - bhagavath geetha) if the soul is with bad karmas, will our offerings would sheild the karmic effects? never... Burning of one's Karmic effects is possible only thro a sadhaachaarya samandham. if the departed soul has a sadhaachaarya samandam, thee is no question of bad karmas itself. then why to perform somany rituals? 13 days premlinary rituals, then monthy maasyams and sodhakumbams, then 6th month ona masyams and a first year ceremonies ?
I got a answer for my question from a learned person. Just placing it for the welfare of others.
When shastras formulate a ritual for a person, it becomes the duty of the person to follow. sri krishna says, "Shruthi, Smrithi mayai vaakya". it becomes the command of sri krishna. he says those who not follow them, they become the people not in his good books. "aagnya chedhi mama drohi". the act of not following the regulations of shruthi and smrithi is again a bad karma loaded on the person who supposed to do it. Sri krishna also adds "Mathbhakthobhi na vaishnava:".
so what will be effect of this bad karma earned by not performing the rights? for this astrologers say, this will affect the generations of the person who earned this karma. they show a dozen of examples that in many families, due to pitru dosha, a child with lot of physical illness is born. The person with this bad karma has to see his generations is suffering from huge illness.
Here am not supposed to comment on the realized sould who have come out of rituals. for them the rule is different. for the people who are still in normal level should perform the rituals as prescribed.
there is no other shaastrams is so easy to follow than our Hindu dharma shaastram. it prescribes many alternatives if the kartha is not capable of running a bull, it asks to roll a coconut, if kartha not capable of giving Bhoodhaana, it prescribe to give the fibre of coconut, if not capable of giving Gold, prescribes to give seeds like wise it gives lot of alternatives but the palan is same. But provided if the person is capable of doing the beter should not choose a lesser one.
June 18, 2013 07:36 PM
Ravi Sir, While doing Amavasya tharpanam, should we give the tharpanam to the departed Father and Mother or can we give tharpanam to our other kith and kin like uncle aunt cousin or any other close relative who has left this world. Is there any issue if do this in our house?
June 18, 2013 08:53 PM
Amāvāsya tarpaṇa is meant for the following: If father is not alive, for father, father's father (if not alive) and great grandfather. Similarly, for mother (if not alive), father's mother (if not alive)and father's mother. In the same manner it is done for mother's lineage - mother's father, mother's grandfather and her great grandfather. Mother's mother, mother's grandmother and mother's great grandmother.
Apart from this tarpaṇa is also given to our unknown ancestors. Beyond this, no other tarpaṇa is given. Uncles, cousins, etc are covered under unknown ancestors. Amāvāsya tarpaṇa can be done at home. There is no issue at all.
I have read somewhere that ancestors are fond of smell while roasting sesame seeds. It would be ideal to make small balls of fried black sesame seeds mixed with jaggery.
June 19, 2013 07:37 PM
Ravi Sir, To whom should we give this roasted sesame seed balls mixed with jaggery.One more question sir, If start doing pithru tharpanam on Amavasya days, we should continue to them on all amavasyas. But if we miss any one of the amavasya will that be a problem or is there any alternative day we can complete this tarpanam.
June 19, 2013 10:08 PM
We can eat them. It is a sort of prasāda for us. If you miss out an amāvāsya, you can't compensate this by performing tarpaṇa on any other day. If you are not able to perform ritualistically, you can mentally pay your respects to the ancestors.
June 19, 2013 07:39 PM
Can you please let us know the procedure and the mantras for pithru tharpanam or where we can get the book which can give this details.
June 19, 2013 10:24 PM
There are books available in various Indian languages. May be you have to buy this in a book store.
June 19, 2013 07:56 PM
Ravi Sir, One more question. The instance DEATH is an experience. The Atma or the soul comes out of the body. Now it will not have any aadhaara to quench its thirst or hunger. The mind still exists still giving the pain. Nower days the priest who will guide the last rites will say you can start all the karyas from fifth day or seventh day or on the ninth day, People now will act according to their convenience stating that the will start from the ninth day, so from the third day till eigth day the atma without body should under go all sorts of hunger and thirst. is this correct? As per Garuda Purana, they say that each day when the do the pinda pradhanam one organ is formed for the departed soul. Finally on the 12th day it will have a delicate body of one's palm size. Please let me know your opinion about this.
June 19, 2013 10:34 PM
During death, soul along with subconscious mind leaves the body. After death, mind does not exist. Mind is the subtle body, which also leaves during death. It is in the subconscious mind, our karmic imprints are embedded. When there is no subtle body, there is no question of mind and hence no question of pain for the departed soul. There is no need for support for the soul as the soul alone gives support to the causal, subtle and gross bodies. For the rest, I do not want to give my opinion.
June 19, 2013 10:11 PM
i am the beginning,the middle and the end,krishna says
July 27, 2013 02:27 AM
Ravi Sir, Recently one of my family friend an ardent devotee of Lalithambika, due to her own personal problems she was little depressed for some time and later on she committed suicide by hanging herself on June 24th 2013. Is there any way in our shastras to move her out of the pretha janma. What will be the fate of suicide atmas and how long will they take to incarnate once again. The above mentioned lady had been initiated into panchadasi also by one of her relatives and she had done lots of Pujas and Havans relating to Devi in her house. How come none of her punya did not come to her rescue when she was heart broken?
July 27, 2013 09:56 AM
It is very unfortunate that she ended her life unnaturally. According to śāstra-s the only for redemption is to perform is Nārāyaṇa bali and this is explained in Garuḍa Purāṇa and methods of performing Nārāyaṇa bali is also explained (Garuḍa Purāṇa II.4.115 – 161). But there is a reference in Mahābhārata about this and I am looking for the reference. It is said that entire Mahābhārata should be recited (preferable) or heard in seven days and there are certain procedures for doing this. Once I get this, I will publish this here.
For your other questions, there are no specific answers as they are covered by the theory of karma.
More than anything else, you can be rest assured that she would have merged with Lalitāmbikā and Lalitāmbikā never allows Her ardent and sincere devotees who always think about Her to suffer under any circumstances. At the same time, She does not absolves us from our karmic imprints, which have to be experienced. Signs of waning karmas are visible when one begins to pursue spiritual path, which leads to Bliss and ultimate liberation. How one is liberated is not in our hands. The lady under reference could have been liberated this way.
July 27, 2013 11:35 AM
Further reading is available in this link
July 27, 2013 02:26 PM
In future, please mail these types of questions to me directly. A few of our readers do not like to see such topics here. Thanks for understanding.
July 30, 2013 07:11 AM
Ravi - this information though quite sad is still reality. I am sure the majority of readers find it educational and as such I feel we should not be denied this opportunity to learn.Individuals are liberated according to their karma and devotion.
August 02, 2013 11:00 PM
Sir,The Day my father died in Oct 2009 at 5 am . It was around 2 am I dreamt of Garuda hovering over my place, and a black cat was seen walking in the terrace of my place of stay. In the morning at 5 am i had a call from home stating he passed away . Is this Garuda coming in the dream a good one for the departed soul ?
August 02, 2013 11:10 PM
Garuda is certainly good. The whole Garuda Purana is based on Garuda's questions. According to me, this dream means that your father should have been liberated.
August 19, 2013 02:37 PM
August 19, 2013 05:21 PM
This a complicated question to answer without ambiguity. We depend upon purāṇa-s to come to certain conclusions. On the contrary, Upaniṣad-s say that everything is Brahman. Where to draw the line is based on one's personal spiritual evolution. When we go with purāṇa-s, karmic theory becomes questionable. So, the final decision is made only by our mind.
September 25, 2013 07:12 AM
My father died on the 18th of September this year. I am his only son and performed his last rites. I am a Telugu Niyogi Brahmin. His last rites rituals will be completed on the 29th of September which will be the 12th day of his passing away. My question is this:. My son's wedding has been planned for the 12 of December and his Upanayanam for the 9th of December. Can I continue to perform these two rituals for my son?
September 25, 2013 08:45 AM
Yes, they can be performed after performing 13th day function comprising of udakaśānti and navagraha-homa.
October 11, 2013 02:35 PM
If what you said it correct, in Mahabharath why Bhishma who had the Vara of Ichcha Mrithyu waited for the Uththarayana to come and then only passed away. Was he not aware the concept that you have mentioned. Could you quote some document to substantiate your views.- - - P.Mohan Ram
October 11, 2013 02:52 PM
There is no way we can draw a comparison to Bhisma. What I have said here is related to normal human beings. Further, there are bound to be differences between any two Sacred Scriptures on the explanation, though, the essence of their revelations remain the same. The views expressed are not mine, but that of Sacred Upanishads. Normal human beings surely cannot decide their death, whereas great sages and saints can decide their death.
October 13, 2013 01:02 AM
My wife passed away at the age of 32. Even till her last breath she wanted to live her life with me, she fought death to the extent she could. The relationship of husband and wife is only for one janma or I can expect to fulfill her wishes in the next janma as husband and wife again ?
October 13, 2013 09:15 AM
Pained to know this. But birth and death depends upon karmic account. No body knows how one is reborn, where, etc. If karma of both of you permits, this is possible.
October 30, 2013 01:11 AM
Too good... Sir thank you.... Kindly enlighten us about time of death... At what time if a person dies he goes to heaven or hell, sir my second question is at what time one should have an intercourse to have a divine child...there are some information based on time of intercourse one can get male or female child.... Thank you
October 30, 2013 08:27 AM
Thank you for your kind words.
Time of death is not in our hands and is considered as Divine Secret.
There are ancient and authentic texts where time for conjugation is prescribed. The time is based on the presence of Moon in different stars, lunar days. During such times, lagna should not be occupied by any planets. Lunar days to be avoided are full moon day, new moon day and 8th lunar day. Getting a male or female child are explained in some other ancient texts. Mostly these revelations are made by Siddhas.
October 31, 2013 09:23 AM
Will souls continue to accrue karma when they are in hell or higher lokas? For example,we have seen many stories where Devas are cursed by Sages and they are born in earth. How is that possible?
October 31, 2013 09:56 AM
A soul is nothing but Brahman. Brahman on His own cannot act and will not act. To accrue karma, soul needs a body to act. Hence, when a soul is in higher realms, it will neither accrue karma nor will experience karma. Devas are considered as bodies who live in higher planes and it is believed that they live with bodies with a particular form or shape. When they have bodies, they are bound to accrue and experience karmas. Sages curse those devas only if they slip from the dictums of dharma. Be it gods or humans, when they slip from the path of dharma, they have to accrue karma and experience the karma at a later period of time.
October 31, 2013 10:04 AM
Ok.In that case, Will souls in higher lokas like Tapa,Gnana lokas also has bodies and accrue karmas?In that case,Will Navagrahas control them also?
October 31, 2013 10:15 AM
It depends upon one's faith and spiritual evolution. Therefore, these questions can always be answered in two ways. If we ask a jñāni, he will simply smile at us and walk away. On the other hand, if you ask a scholar, he will answer thus. No, they will not. Because those lokas are much higher than lokas of gods. There is no prakṛti in those lokas. Gods lime Indra have huge desires and such gods are far inferior to realized souls like great sages and saints. For realized souls, there is no question of any planetary influences. Nothing can control them once they realize the Self.
October 31, 2013 01:04 PM
Ok.So those Pitru loka and Svarga loka will continue to accrue karma.Thanks for explanation
October 31, 2013 01:14 PM
No, they will not accrue further karma, but will continue to remain with the accrued karma. Karma can be accrued only through mind and senses. A soul in isolation will not accrue karmas because it cannot act and without action, karma is not accrued.
October 31, 2013 01:16 PM
In the second para second line, please read 'Gods lime Indra' as 'Gods like Indra'. I am sorry for this typo error.
October 31, 2013 02:44 PM
I didnt Understand this. If Devas like Indra are greed and do some bad thing and are born in earth due to this ,it is actually adding new karma.I suppose doing bad thing is an act originated in their mind.Please clarify.
October 31, 2013 02:52 PM
That is why, I differentiated between gods and realized souls like Sages and Saints.
October 31, 2013 07:22 PM
I am an Assamese Brahmin. My father expired on 9th June 2010. we have completed our rituals as per Assamese norms. only the Asthi Visharjan is remaining till date.please guide us where Asthi Visharjan can be done / which is the beast place as per Hindu norms / Puranas?
October 31, 2013 07:31 PM
River Ganges and any sea. These are the best places to perform this.
November 01, 2013 03:51 PM
SirOne more query.I have seen in many stories where Asuras torture Devas, Indras and others will go to Vaikunda or Kailash requesting Lord Vishnu or Siva to destroy the asuras.Is that mean, Indras and other Devas in lower worlds have power to see Lord Vishnu and Siva and visit their worlds whenever they want.
November 01, 2013 05:25 PM
If we read Upanishads, such queries will never come to our mind. There is lot of difference between the conveyances of Upanishads and Purnanas. .
November 25, 2013 04:44 PM
Dear Sir,
I have a query. recently my mother passed away and we have conducted the rituals as advised. As per our shastras, the eldest son only can be the kartha for any rituals.
My elder brother had already done karma for my fathers Aunt, even when both my parents were alive. Here again he has done the rituals for my mother.
As per the shastras, the eldest son is not supposed to conduct any rituals for any one, while the parents are alive. But I didn't want to interfere as this may disturb the family relationship.
kindly advise, if the rituals conducted will be accepted by the soul, or should any remedial rituals has to be done. If so, I can organise for the same at my end.
November 25, 2013 07:52 PM
As per our śāstra-s, the eldest son is not supposed to do any funeral rites for others as long his parents are alive. This is to be strictly followed. There are various references in śāstra-s on this. As long as rituals are performed by those who were dear to the departed soul, such rituals will be 'accepted' by the soul. There is no remedial measure needed for this point. At this point of time, it would be better not to disturb the peace prevailing in the family, which is a hard commodity to get today. Your thinking and logic on this count is absolutely correct.
December 05, 2013 03:52 PM
Sir, My mother passed away on 28nov2013 at 2:30 pm. I always keep looking the reason/purpose of my birth. Pl tell me
December 05, 2013 06:51 PM
Only God knows what is the purpose of your life.
December 08, 2013 02:00 PM
Guruji,I had lost my brother he commited suicide ,my father Refused to do the final ritual , hence i did all antim kriya ,rite from agni sanskaar to everything till disposing the ashes in ganga.Recently someone brought to my notice tht ,if someone committs a suicide tht person should not be cremated as per the rituals instead the body should be fed to the animals or birds .And whoever performs the last ritual for the suicidee will never get moksh and will have to live a life like hell .I also notice my life is going in to complete destruction.Please advice guruji.
December 08, 2013 02:10 PM
What you have done is not a ritual but a mahāyajñā. What is said about throwing the body to animals, etc is wrong. On the contrary, you are bound to be liberated for the simple reason that you have done his last rites without any expectoration. Please do not take into your mind what others say. If you allow these wrong advises to percolate into your mind, these impressions are bound to affect you. What you have done is perfectly right and you have upheld dharma. Your life will never become miserable.
December 08, 2013 02:13 PM
Thank you Guruji, your words means a lot to me .
December 10, 2013 06:42 PM
Dear Friend..To my knowledge doing the last rites, is always a good thing as you are trying to get moksha for a soul. I stand by Guruji's words
December 22, 2013 12:25 PM
Dear SirMy husband passed away last month and we don't have any sons. only 5 year old daughters. I don't have anyone to do all the rituals.( upto 10th day ritual was done by my husband's father). all i could do was pray to God and i was next to him reading thiruvasakam and mahamrityunjaya sloka minutes before his death. is there anything i can do for his soul's peace. Also, in my grieving process i regularly talk to my husband in my mind and ask him to help me in the mess i find myself in. Is this something that will affect his soul's peace and prevent him from attaining moksha. should i stop calling out to him to help me . will my calling out increase the burden on the soulConfused
December 22, 2013 12:39 PM
I am extremely sorry to hear this. All those, who read this will certainly offer their prayers so that your husband's soul becomes one with Shiva. What you have read and done just before his soul left his body will ensure that he is not reborn. There shastra-s interpret differently, I can confidently say that you need not do any further rituals for him. Where is the question of doing any rituals, when his soul has already merged with Shiva? Your thoughts cannot prevent a soul from attaining liberation. Before the Grace of Shiva, our thoughts are nothing and our thoughts have no power to change the destination of the soul. Over a period of time, your mind will get set to the reality. Thinking about him in no way will affect your karma. Over a period of time, move on to spiritual path. If you need any further assistance please email me at
December 22, 2013 12:51 PM
Dear Sir
Thanks for the quick response. It gives me immense peace of mind to know that my husband's soul is one with Almighty Shiva. I hope he and Almighty God guide me to raise his daughters well. Thank you for your help Sir
January 19, 2014 08:41 AM
Dear Sir,Can any solution for the work it has been done by me past.But now i re-grate and want to be free from these punishments.Is there any way to be free from these.?
January 19, 2014 08:56 AM
Ultimately, it is the mind that alone counts. If you regret for your mistakes of the past and shed a few drops of tears, you will be absolved of any possible punishments. Remove all those impressions in your mind that cause pain by getting into silence. When you realize your mistakes, you will not be punished.
January 19, 2014 09:22 AM
Thnks for your kind reply Sir.Sir can i ask youan important ques. that i unable to get out of this.Sir since 3 years i'm trying to get out of the 5 evil said by lord in Shreemad Bhagabatgita.But the one KAMA ......that i still cant get out of this.Please sir tell me some way.
January 19, 2014 09:26 AM
Please write to me directly at
January 27, 2014 04:01 PM
Just to be more clear - I heard from many that reading Garuda Puranam is not good at normal days and that needs to read only within 10 days from one's death. Is it true? If yes, no one will come to know about do and don't in real life. I had a chance to read few things, then realized even a small sin makes one's family miserable.
January 27, 2014 04:53 PM
Many people say this and unfortunately it is not true? One can definitely read this at home and there are no restrictions on this. It is not about death alone. It also deals with the ways and means of our lives and sets ethical and moral standards.
January 27, 2014 05:06 PM
Thanks for clear reply. Having heard from few that Garuda Puranam should read only in the untoward home within ten days, I was so upset, Your reply brings peace......
February 02, 2014 10:12 PM
Namaskar Sir, My question is.... How far is pithru loka from Bhoo loka. Within what time the soul reaches pithru loka. How is the time calculated in Pithru loka. As we say our one year is equal to one day to them. is that correct. What will be the nature of life. How do pithrus look like.
February 02, 2014 10:37 PM
If we look at these lokas (worlds), they are related to different cosmic planes. Pitṛ loka is the place where our subconscious mind which is attached to a soul sojourn to be born again. If there are no karmic imprints in a subconscious mind, the soul is liberated as there are no karmic imprints to be experienced. Based on this, it can be explained that Self-realization is different from Liberation. Only if one attains Liberation, he or she is not reborn. Even Self-realized persons are also reborn, till they are liberated in subsequent births.
February 27, 2014 10:16 AM
sir i got dream that i am giving tharpanam to some one. what is the interpretation ,bad or good ?
February 27, 2014 10:18 AM
Dream is only a dream.
December 05, 2014 07:42 PM
Dear Ravi,
I had stumbled into your site just now and on this comment you had made in 2013....
I just wantd to share a similar/ connected thought.
I am glad, I now know these groups of 'spiritually advanced persons' exist.... because right at this moment, I am virtually surrounded and being pressured by a huge group of 'rituals oriented persons' as you call them - my close relatives... cousins, uncles, aunts....
It's just about 2 days since my father passed and I am supposed to conduct these rituals, "for them" to get released from the impurity of this event ...
For them, this is important and meaningful, just because it's "tradition"... while all the deviations from the original sanskars are conveniently forgotten and the rituals are way too diluted.... even if they succeed in logically explaining their tradition...
And, for the so called 'family elders', only my nod for the rituals will guarantee moksha for the departed soul....
If this is guaranteed, there is no meaning they should insist on good and bad karma...
And I shudder at the fate of fathers who do not have sons or 'karthas' to send them through to moksha...
Great site,great job.
March 01, 2018 03:03 PM
@GAUTHAM Please dont say that you shudder at the fate of fathers not having sons to send them through moksha...there is nothing wrong in having daughters or not having children at all.Daughters and sons are both your own self,own blood,if they are raised equally given equal opportunities then why should they not get equal rights to perform their parents' last rites?Its never true that parents can't get moksha through their daughters. Garuda Purana insists that the elder son does it but nowhere has it categorically barred daughters from performing it.In fact so many daughters do mukhagni today even in rural areas(you can check it from the net & one of my aunts had done it too). Gopinath Munde's daughter doing it was a high profile example.In future this is sure to reduce people's yearning for a male child. Use your brains sir. Don't misinterpret traditions and bring unnecessary social inequalities. And not having any child is not a problem either.Do you think a great person like Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam would not attain moksha ?All depends on your karma & how you please God .Nothing else.
March 23, 2020 11:04 PM
When some one should perform Annual Death anniversary. Some one said it should be exactly 365th day and some said it can be in 11 and half month. What garud purana says here
March 24, 2020 11:08 AM
It is based on thithis. Better you consult your family priest
April 28, 2021 11:09 PM
Hi is it acceptable or not for daughters to perform the final rites for there parents if they are not married and no under the menstrual cycle?
April 30, 2021 09:52 PM
The Śastras forbid it, but it is being performed these days, based on family considerations and circumstances. Only priests with a reformed mindset help with the rituals.
July 11, 2023 02:07 PM
If Elder son is available and is fit and fine , But middle son do last rites of mother . Both son wanted to do rites . but because of family pressure elder didnt executed it . Is this ok?
July 11, 2023 11:07 PM
There are other rites that all siblings and even relatives can offer for the departed. Please go through these rituals as followed in your tradition and area to bring peace to the departed as well as to yourselves. Pitṛ tarpana can be offered every month on the specific lunar day marking the departure of the parent and also on the new moon Amāvāsya.
August 04, 2024 07:08 PM
On 12th day Saundi in the visway devar sthan a man was asked to sit. For 7 days from that day he is asauchi. In between if Amavasya comes can he perform tharpanam. Further he has to perform 4000 Gayathri from 8th day in 1000 or 500 per day as prayachittam for performing viswaydevar sthan, In sankalpam for Gayathri what he has to mention?
August 06, 2024 10:08 AM
We don't have the expertise to answer this question and would suggest that you refer to the priest who has conducted the śrādh rituals for guidance.