Part 2 Grahamātṛkā nyāsa (ग्रहमातृका न्यास)
This nyāsa is for obtaining the grace of all the graha-s (planets, e.g. the sun, moon, dragon’s head and dragon’s tail), fused with the powers of the mātṛkā-s, in order to obtain all our material and spiritual desires and progress on the path of self-realization and attain liberation.
viniyogaḥ (विनियोगः) -
atha grahamātṛkāmantrasya ।
dakṣiṇāmūrtiḥ ṛṣiḥ ।
gāyatrī chandaḥ ।
śrī mātṛkā graharūpiṇī sundarī devata ।
mamopāsya śrīvidyāṅgatven ṣoḍānyāse viniyogaḥ ॥
अथ ग्रहमातृकामन्त्रस्य ।
दक्षिणामूर्तिः ऋषिः ।
गायत्री छन्दः ।
श्री मातृका ग्रहरूपिणी सुन्दरी देवत ।
ममोपास्य श्रीविद्याङ्गत्वेन् षोडान्यासे विनियोगः ॥
Meaning:- To fulfill our wish of reciting the ṣoḍhānyāsa, that is a part (aṅga) of śrī vidyā, who’s preceptor (ṛṣiḥ) is Dakṣiṇāmūrti. The meter or chandas is Gāyatrī. The deity associated with this mantra is Śrī mātṛkā graha-rūpiṇī sundarī (One who governs all the deities associated with the Sanskrit letters that govern the guṇas or qualities such as sattva (gentle), rajas (passion) and tamas (violent) manifested in the form of graha-s or heavenly bodies such as the sun, moon, planets and the intersection points of the Earth and Moon’s orbit (dragon’s head and tail).
ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ (ऋष्यादि न्यासः) - |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
dakṣiṇāmūrtaye ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi |
दक्षिणामूर्तये ऋषये नमः शिरसि |
Open the right palm and touch the top of the head with the ring and thumb fingers joined at the top. |
2 |
gāyatrī chandase namaḥ mukhe |
गायत्री छन्दसे नमः मुखे |
Now touch the lips of the mouth with the above mudrā. |
3 |
śrī mātṛkā sundaryai devatāyai namaḥ hṛdi |
श्री मातृका सुन्दर्यै देवतायै नमः हृदि |
Touch the heart with the right palm. |
4 |
mamopāsya śrī vidyāṅgatvena ṣoḍhānyāse viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge |
ममोपास्य श्री विद्याङ्गत्वेन षोढान्यासे विनियोगाय नमः सर्वाङ्गे |
Run both the palms all over the body. |
5 |
iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ |
इति ऋष्यादि न्यासः |
kara nyāsaḥ (कर न्यासः) – |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
am̐ kam̐ kham̐ gam̐ gham̐ ṅam̐ ām̐ aim̐ aṅguṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ |
अँ कँ खँ गँ घँ ङँ आँ ऐँ अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः |
Use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs. |
2 |
im̐ cam̐ cham̐ jam̐ jham̐ ñm̐ īm̐ klīm̐ tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ |
इँ चँ छँ जँ झँ ञँ ईँ क्लीँ तर्जनीभ्यां नमः |
Use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers. |
3 |
um̐ ṭam̐ ṭham̐ ḍam̐ ḍham̐ ṇam̐ ūm̐ śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ sauḥ ūm̐ sauḥ madhyamābhyāṃ namaḥ |
उँ टँ ठँ डँ ढँ णँ ऊँ सौः मध्यमाभ्यां नमः |
Use both the thumbs on the middle fingers. |
4 |
em̐ tam̐ tham̐ dam̐ dham̐ nam̐ aim̐ sauḥ anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ |
एँ तँ थँ दँ धँ नँ ऐँ सौः अनामिकाभ्यां नमः |
Use both the thumbs on the ring fingers. |
5 |
om̐ pam̐ pham̐ bam̐ bham̐ mam̐ aum̐ klīm̐ kaniṣṭhikābhyāṃ namaḥ |
ओँ पँ फँ बँ भँ मँ औँ क्लीँ कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां नमः |
Use both the thumbs on the little fingers. |
6 |
am̐ yam̐ ram̐ lam̐ vam̐ śam̐ ṣam̐ sam̐ ham̐ ḻam̐ kṣam̐ aḥ aim̐ karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ |
अँ यँ रँ लँ वँ शँ षँ सँ हँ ळँ क्षँ अः ऐँ करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः |
Open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm. |
7 |
iti kara nyāsaḥ |
इति कर न्यासः |
ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ (षडङ्ग न्यासः) - |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
am̐ kam̐ kham̐ gam̐ gham̐ ṅm̐ ām̐ aim̐ hṛdayāya namaḥ |
अँ कँ खँ गँ घँ ङँ आँ ऐँ हृदयाय नमः |
Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra. |
2 |
im̐ cam̐ cham̐ jam̐ jham̐ ñm̐ īm̐ klīm̐ śirase svāhā |
इँ चँ छँ जँ झँ ञँ ईँ क्लीँ शिरसे स्वाहा |
Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead. |
3 |
um̐ ṭam̐ ṭham̐ ḍam̐ ḍham̐ ṇam̐ ūm̐ sauḥ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ |
उँ टँ ठँ डँ ढँ णँ ऊँ सौः शिखायै वषट् |
Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where the tuft of hair, is kept. |
4 |
em̐ tam̐ tham̐ dam̐ dham̐ nam̐ aim̐ sauḥ kavacāya hum̐ |
एँ तँ थँ दँ धँ नँ ऐँ सौः कवचाय हुँ |
Cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips. |
5 |
om̐ pam̐ pham̐ bam̐ bham̐ mam̐ aum̐ klīm̐ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ |
ओँ पँ फँ बँ भँ मँ औँ क्लीँ नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् |
Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājña cakra. |
6 |
am̐ yam̐ ram̐ lam̐ vam̐ śam̐ ṣam̐ sam̐ ham̐ ḻam̐ kṣam̐ aḥ aim̐ astrāya phaṭ |
अँ यँ रँ लँ वँ शँ षँ सँ हँ ळँ क्षँ अः ऐँ अस्त्राय फट् |
Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand. |
7 |
iti ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ |
इति षडङ्ग न्यासः |
dhyānam (ध्यानम्)-
raktaṃ śvetaṃ tathā raktaṃ śyāmaṃ pītaṃ ca pāṇḍuraṃ ।
dhūmra-kṛṣṇaṃ ca dhūmraṃ ca dhūma-dhūmraṃ vicintayet ॥
ravi mukhyān kāmarūpān sarvābharaṇa bhūṣitān ।
vāmorūnyasta hastāṃśca dakṣiṇena varapradān ॥
रक्तं श्वेतं तथा रक्तं श्यामं पीतं च पाण्डुरं ।
धूम्रकृष्णं च धूम्रं च धूमधूम्रं विचिन्तयेत् ॥
रवि मुख्यान् कामरूपान् सर्वाभरण भूषितान् ।
वामोरून्यस्त हस्तांश्च दक्षिणेन वरप्रदान् ॥
Meaning:- Salutations to the Sun god Sūrya, who shines forth resplendently in crimson red, the moon god Candra in white, Mars (Aṅgāraka/Maṅgala) in red, Mercury (Budha) in purple, Jupiter (Bṛhaspati) in yellow, Venus (Śukra) in pale white, Saturn (Śani) in dark purple, Dragon’s head – Rāhu in smoky gray and Ketu in dark gray. All of whom revolve around the Sun. Lord Sūrya is resplendent with all types of ornaments and appears with His left hand resting on His left thigh enhancing His supreme authority and also displays the wish granting varada mudra from his right hand.
nyāsamārambham (न्यासमारम्भम् ) – |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
am̐ ām̐ im̐ īm̐ um̐ ūm̐ ṛm̐ ṝm̐ ḷm̐ ḹm̐ em̐ aim̐ om̐ aum̐ am̐ aḥ sūryāya reṇukāmbāyai namaḥ (hṛdi/heart). |
अँ आँ इँ ईँ उँ ऊँ ऋँ ॠँ ऌँ ॡँ एँ ऐँ ओँ औँ अँ अः सूर्याय रेणुकाम्बायै नमः (हृदि) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the heart. Salutations to the Sun god Sūryā accompanied by the atomic particle light rays emitting Reṇukāmba devi. The mātṛkā bīja-s am̐, ām̐, im̐, īm̐, um̐, ūm̐, ṛm̐, ṝm̐, ḷm̐, ḹm̐, em̐, aim̐, om̐, aum̐, am̐ and aḥ, grant us the secrets of the entire Creation and help us evolve spiritually, finally granting self-realization and liberation. |
2 |
yam̐ ram̐ lam̐ vam̐ candrāyāmṛtāmbāyai namaḥ (bhrūmadhye/between the eyebrows). |
यँ रँ लँ वँ चन्द्रायामृताम्बायै नमः (भ्रूमध्ये) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the space between the eyes on the forehead. Salution to the Moon god Candrā accompanied by the spirituous Amṛtāmba devi. The mātṛkā bīja-s yam̐, ram̐, lam̐ and vam̐ illumine us with the discerning knowledge, grant spiritual powers and reveal our true nature to us. |
3 |
kam̐ kham̐ gam̐ gham̐ ṅam̐ maṅgalāya dhūmrāmbāyai namo (netrayoḥ/both eyes). |
कँ खँ गँ घँ ङँ मङ्गलाय धूम्राम्बायै नमो (नेत्रयोः) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch both the eyes. Salutations to the planet Mars - Maṅgala accompanied by the smoky Dhūmrāmbā devi. The mātṛkā bīja-s kam̐, kham̐, gam̐, gham̐ and ṅam̐ grant us the discerning knowledge to free us from all karmas, detachment from all triads and establish our identity with the Supreme Self. |
4 |
cam̐ cham̐ jam̐ jham̐ ñam̐ budhāya jñānarūpāmbāyai namo (karṇayoḥ/both ears). |
चँ छँ जँ झँ ञँ बुधाय ज्ञानरूपाम्बायै नमो (कर्णयोः) |
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch both the ears. Salutations to the planet Mercury – Budhā accompanied by the higher awakening knowledge bestowing Jñānarūpāmbā devi. The mātṛkā bīja-s cam̐, cham̐, jam̐, jham̐ and ñam̐ relieve us of all evil thoughts and influences, balance our material and spiritual aspirations and grant us spiritual emancipation and unification with the Supreme Self. |
5 |
ṭam̐ ṭham̐ ḍam̐ ḍham̐ ṇam̐ bṛhaspataye yaśasvinyambāyai namo (hṛdayoparibhāge/upper heart region). |
टँ ठँ डँ ढँ णँ बृहस्पतये यशस्विन्यम्बायै नमो (हृदयोपरिभागे)
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the region above the heart. Salutations to the planet Jupiter - Bṛhaspati (Guru) accompanied by the fame bestowing Yaśasvinyambā. The mātṛkā bīja-s ṭam̐, ṭham̐, ḍam̐, ḍham̐ and ṇam̐ destroy all afflictions of the physical, astral and causal bodies, grant us abundant wealth, spiritual knowledge and attainment of spiritual powers. |
6 |
tam̐ tham̐ dam̐ dham̐ nam̐ śukrāya śāṅkaryambāyai namaḥ (kaṇṭhe/throat). |
तँ थँ दँ धँ नँ शुक्राय शाङ्कर्यम्बायै नमः (कण्ठे)
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the throat. Salutations to the planet Venus – Śukrā accompanied by the devoted Śāṅkaryambā. The mātṛkā bīja-s tam̐, tham̐, dam̐, dham̐ and nam̐ grant us composure, contentment, removal of all impurities and revelation of our true identity. |
7 |
pam̐ pham̐ bam̐ bham̐ mam̐ śanaiścarāya śaktyambāyai namo (nābhau/navel) |
पँ फँ बँ भँ मँ शनैश्चराय शक्त्यम्बायै नमो (नाभौ)
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the navel. Salutations to the planet Saturn – Śanaiścarā accompanied by the cakra piercing Śaktyambā. The mātṛkā bīja-s pam̐, pham̐, bam̐, bham̐ and mam̐ grant us stability of mind, removal of all worries, freedom from all types of bondage and ushering auspiciousness all around and finally liberate us from the cosmic illusion - māyā. |
8 |
śam̐ ṣam̐ sam̐ rāhave kṛṣṇāmbāyai namo (pādayoḥ/feet) |
शँ षँ सँ राहवे कृष्णाम्बायै नमो (पादयोः)
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the feet. Salutations to the dragon’s head Rāhu accompanied by the dark complexioned Kṛṣṇāmbā. The mātṛkā bīja-s śam̐, ṣam̐ and sam̐ grant us comforts, contentment, render selfless service, humility and success in all undertakings. |
9 |
ham̐ ketave dhūmrāmbāyai namo (gude/anus) |
हँ केतवे धूम्राम्बायै नमो (गुदे)
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the anal region. Salutations to the dragon’s tail Ketu accompanied by the smoky complexioned Dhūmrāmbā. The mātṛkā bīja ham̐ liberates us and keeps us immersed in the Divine at all times. |
10 |
ḻam̐ vārāha śanti rūpāmbāyai namo (liṅge/genitals) |
ळँ वाराह शन्ति रूपाम्बायै नमो (लिङ्गे)
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the genital region. Salutations to the Divine Lord Vārāha, who supports the Earth (as the gravitations force) accompanied by the peace bestowing Śantirūpā. The mātṛkā bīja ḻam̐ liberates us, grants all siddhi-s (magical powers) and keeps us immersed in the Divine at all times. |
11 |
kṣam̐ kūrmāya kṣemāmbāyai namo (pṛṣṭhe/back) |
क्षँ कूर्माय क्षेमाम्बायै नमो (पृष्ठे)
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the back region. Salutations to the Divine Lord Kūrmā, who provides the foundation for Sustenance, accompanied by the well-being representing Kṣemāmbā. The mātṛkā bīja kṣam̐ grants divine grace and pardon, vanquishes all karmas to merge us completely into the Divine and keep us immersed in the state of liberation. |
Click here for Part 1: Ganesh Matrika Nyasa
This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at
Narasimha Sumanth
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