Dhyāna verses of Kāmakalā Kālī
(source: Mahākālasaṁhitā Kāmakalākālīkhaṇḍaḥ)
(This is an edited version. Readers discretion is advised as some descriptions are repulsive in nature)
Kāmakalā Kālī is like the redness at dawn, like red hibiscus. Her eyes are like Cuckoo bird and appear like jambul fruit (Jamun or jambu). Hair is thick and long, reaching her feet. Her three eyes appear like burning coals. Her face is like a full moon and a red lotus. Two long upper teeth are protruding and hence compared to red lotus (petals of a lotus flower). Her form is frightening because of her dangling tongue. All her thirty two teeth are visible as her mouth is open. Her head is constantly shaking and her form is terrible. She drinks blood from the human heads hanging from her neck. She has a crooked shoulder. There is blood on her forehead. Her ear ornaments are hanging down, reaching her shoulders. She is wearing a huge white necklace made of human heads from which blood is constantly dropping. She is wearing a waist band made up of children’s heads woven together with intestines. She has long sixteen arms. Her hands are adorned with human skulls. She is wearing bangles made of blood vessels of the dead. The kaṭisūtra (girdle around her waist) she is wearing is a rope made from the hair of the dead. Dead children’s hands are woven together to make the chain (waist-girdle) around her waist. In her fingers, she wears rings made of flesh and bone marrow.
In her right hands, she holds a sword, trident, chakra, arrow, hook, lālan (a poisonous animal that looks like mouse), clippers and chain made of skulls and bones. In her left hands, she holds noose, axe, snake, bow, hammer like weapon, jackal’s baby and a cup made of skull filled with blood, fat and marrow. She is wearing an anklet interwoven with skeletal bones. She is in the graveyard amidst burning pyres and she is standing on the back of a vast dead body. The fire coming out of her mouth is spreading in all directions. She is standing on one foot and has lifted the other foot, ready to step forward. On her either side, two terrible looking jackals are standing, who spit fire from their mouths. These jackals, which look like burning coals surround Kāmakalā Kālī and look at her constantly. She keeps feeding them with heads from a cup made of skull and they keep on eating.Her hair is not tied or combed. She laughs wildly and noisily which is frightening. She has a short form and laughs always.
During annihilation, she is like billions of suns and a billion lightening. She ends a period (yuga). She eradicates enemies and is terrible.
Kāmakalā Kālī Mūlamantra:
ॐ क्लीं क्रीं हूं क्रों स्फ्रें कामकलाकालि स्फ्रें क्रों हूं क्रीं क्लीं स्वाहा।
om klīṁ krīṁ hūṁ kroṁ sphreṁ kāmakalākāli sphreṁ kroṁ hūṁ krīṁ klīṁ svāhā |
Further Readings:
Dakshinakali and Chinnamasta Curse Removal Mantras
March 21, 2013 03:11 PM
Thank you Sir for the extraordinary description of Kamakalakali,Can you provide us a picture also?
March 21, 2013 04:19 PM
If I get Her picture, I will publish it here. Thank you.
June 19, 2021 08:28 PM
Do you have a picture of the KamaKala Kali Yantra? Is it the same as Kali Yantra? I have seen different ones so not totally sure. Thank you so much .
June 21, 2021 02:32 AM
We do not have this yantra yet. We will post when we obtain the same.
March 21, 2013 03:13 PM
What kind of realization does one get when recitingKāmakalā Kālī Mūlamantra? Does this mantra give full Realization of the self or Material and protection benefits?
March 21, 2013 04:24 PM
If we go by the bīja-s, it is also capable of giving material wealth and protection not only from external enemies but also internal enemies such mind, ego, etc.
March 22, 2013 10:13 AM
Sir, Kamakali mantra seems to give immense heat to the body, is it true?
March 22, 2013 10:15 AM
And Sir, how do you relate Her to ShoDashi?
March 22, 2013 10:22 AM
There are two types of mantras. One is sattvic type and another is rajasic type. Mantra of Kamakala kali comes under rajasic type. It is bound to generate heat in the body. The difference between these types of mantras is that the former works on ajna chakra and the latter works on navel chakra, where fire to sustain the body is placed. The heat can be reduced by reciting īṁ (ईं) after completing the mantra.
March 22, 2013 12:41 PM
Raviji,please tell us more about guhya kali,guhya means secrets,why is this form of Kali kept secret?
March 22, 2013 01:25 PM
For that matter, any mantra is guhya (secret). I don't think that there is any significance attached to guhya, as at the end of every mantra, it is always said that the mantra is highly secretive in nature and should not be imparted everyone.
If you visualize Kālī in the way it She is described in this dhyāna verse, it is but natural that one's mind gets agitated due to the repulsive nature of Her description. According to me, one should have reached a certain level of spirituality to contemplate Her. Otherwise, it could afflict weak minds.
March 22, 2013 02:25 PM
I like to look at the MahaKali Dasmukhi picture as one can think of Shiva as well.
March 22, 2013 02:38 PM
Interesting to know where do you feel the heat .. what is it like .. how long it last, etc
March 22, 2013 04:48 PM
I have no personal experience on this. But, while reciting certain mantras, it works on mūlādhāra chakra and produce heat and this heat moves to navel chakra affecting one's digestive capacity. If the heat is intent (this is very rare), it affects all the psychic chakras and cause imbalance among them. Remedies in such cases are very limited. One has to consume more of milk and milk related products, fruits, etc to bring down the heat. If one thinks that the heat is too much to bear, then he should strop reciting that mantra. Ultimately, such mantras are to be recited after getting initiated from a proper Guru. He can stop the generation of heat through some means.
April 02, 2013 09:25 PM
Thank you for this description.
To do the sadhana of Kamakala kali do we have to worship any Bhairava?
What is the difference between Kamakala Kali and Guhya Kali?
April 02, 2013 09:44 PM
Worshiping of Bhairava is not necessary. Guhya Kālī is one of the nine types of Kālī-s.
April 04, 2013 09:52 PM
Can you please post the mantra of Guhyakali? Thank You
April 04, 2013 10:06 PM
It is here: http://www.manblunder.com/articlesview/kamakalakali-trilokyamohana-kavacham
May 10, 2013 07:01 PM
Please post original Sanskrit dhyan verse regards
May 10, 2013 07:22 PM
There are 43 couplets and it is very difficult to post them here. Please send me a mail and send you a scanned copy.
February 04, 2023 11:02 PM
Can you share this with me Krishnaji in mail or point it to me if there is an article for this? Thanks so much
February 05, 2023 07:02 AM
Please see this article, it has the verses and the explanation as well. https://manblunder.com/articlesview/kamakala-kali-dhyanam-detailed-explanation
May 25, 2013 05:55 PM
Thank You so much for having this wonderful forum. I really appreciate your efforts in putting this together for us.I have one question I needed to ask, I heard that Bharata and Rama did upasana of Guhyakali (I think also Ravana) can you please give more details on the mantras and dhyana of their upasana?
May 25, 2013 06:15 PM
I am not aware of this. I will check and if found this, I will surely let you know here.
May 25, 2013 10:15 PM
It seems that there is no direct reference to this in Rāmāyaṇa. However there are references in Rāmāyaṇa about Rāma worshiping Durga. However, here is a link which talks about Bharata worshiping Guhya Kālī
February 04, 2023 11:02 PM
Do you have the new link to this article?
February 05, 2023 07:02 AM
No we don't.
May 27, 2013 04:23 AM
Hello Ravi, this comment is from another reader. I looked at the "Bharata" link. I must say how much I appreciate all the "hard work" you put in giving detail and correct writing and spelling in whatever you post. This is why readers come to you for everything. They don't have to worry about anything being wrong. Thank You! for all the time and patience you spent answering all the questions.
May 27, 2013 08:37 AM
It is a joint effort by all of us and our ultimate aim to stay perpetually connected with Divine Grace, a sort of inexplicable happiness,known as Bliss. Thank you for your good words.
June 15, 2013 10:00 AM
Hello Ravi,
Why is kali called Kamakala? What does kama mean and kala mean? Usually kali is seen standing on shiva but in this description why is she standing on the back of a vast dead body (usual depiction is standing on shiva)? What is the difference between fierce kali form and softer form such as Tripurasundari?
Who does the upasana of this form of kali?
I will be very anxiously waiting to hear from you as these questions have been coming to my mind that need to be answered. I need your help finding a solution for all these.
June 15, 2013 12:51 PM
Kāmakalā is explained in Lalitā Sahasranāma 322 and you can read this in the link below.
kāmakalā rūpā
Kāma through refers to Manmatha in general, but while using kāmakalā as a single word, it refers to Paramaśiva, His Prakāśa form (Self-illuminating) and kalā refers to His svātantrya śakti, known as Vimarśa, which refers to Śakti. Thus kāmakalā refers to the union of Śiva and Śakti. Kalā also represents three guṇa-s. Most of the details about kāmakalā are explained in the above link. In fact, it subtly conveys
There are different versions about the origin of Kālī. It is said that She was created out of the energy of every Gods, including Śiva, Viṣṇu, Indra, Varuṇa, etc. Thus Kālī represents every god and hence considered as extremely powerful. Her standing on a huge corpse subtly conveys māyā, which is huger than described here. Corpse here symbolises the sum total of māyā of all the individuals. This is based on the fact that Her every string of Her hair represents individual souls. Cremation ground is Her Abode and this is based on the fact that ultimately every person is burnt (buried is inherent). The subtle conveyance is that during our active period, we are affected ego, desires, attachments, pride, prejudice, etc as a result we fail to understand the Reality of Brahman within, for which She is the cause. Since She represents māyā, which forms a veil around pure Śiva. First we have to realize Her and She only can take us to Śiva and we have no direct access to Śiva. In a short span of our lives (say 100 years) we perform all actions except realizing Her. Performing pūjā with pomp and vanity is not the right way to realize Her. Right way is to seek Her within through meditation. Since Kālī is depicted in ferocious form, it does not mean that She will be angry with us. But the question is why should we worship Her when Her most compassionate form Lalitāmbikā is known to us. I don’t say right or wrong, but the question is why we should worship a ferocious form. We have to always remember the famous saying “what you think, you become that”. That is why a learned Guru teaches his student “you are That” (That refers to Brahman). The student contemplates Brahman as pure and illuminating. First the student understands māyā and after having understood that, he proceeds to contemplate Brahman.
Both Her forms, Lalitāmbikā and Kālī, derive their power from Śiva. Both Her forms either stand or sit on Śiva which only conveys that none of Her forms can exist without Him, as all Her forms derive power only from Him. Further, Her different forms mean only svātantrya śakti of Śiva. svātantrya śakti means Śiva’s Absolute Power of authority. He transfers svātantrya śakti to Śakti, which alone is the reality. Her shapes and forms are conceived by us in order to establish our connection with Her, as our mind cannot conceive Brahman without form, at least in the beginning stages of spiritual life.
Who does upāsanā of Kālī or Lalitāmbikā is difficult question to answer. It all depends upon one’s perception. Left to me I will only go with Lalitāmbikā, Her Gracious and Compassionate and Auspicious form.
I have answered your question to the best of my abilities and there are scholars who can give much better interpretation.
June 21, 2013 08:31 AM
Hello Raviji,Could you please give more details on Bharata worshiping Guhya Kālī? Here the devi has 10 heads but I need more details regarding this form? And What is the difference between Kamakala guhyakali and other Guhyakali forms?
June 21, 2013 08:39 AM
Kāmakalā Kālī is a huge subject and there are many volumes of material on this. Since, I am not following this cult, I do not enough materials to give the right answer to your query. But, I remember that someone has posted this information in the discussion forum. I suggest that you post this question in the discussion forum as a separate topic. You may get more information.
August 21, 2013 03:03 PM
Other mantra of kaamkala kali are as follows:
1. ह्रीँ फ्रेँ क्रोँ वं छ्रीँ स्त्रीँ हूँ स्फ्रोँ ख्फ्रेँ हृस्ख्फ्रेँ क्ष्रौँ स्हौँ फटृ स्वाहा।
The rishi of above mantra is sanak,chhand is pratishtha,devata kaamkalaakali,shakti hreem,keelak gloom, sarvabhishtha siddhyarthe jape viniyogah.
2. ॐ ऐँ ह्रीँ श्रीँ क्रीँ क्लीँ हूँ छ्रीँ स्त्रीँ फ्रेँ क्रोँ हौँ क्षौँ आं स्फ्रोँ स्वाहा।
Its rishi is कर्दम, chhand is व्रहती, devata kaamkalakali shakti hreem, keelak hroom and viniyog as above.
The mantra that ravi ji gave its rishi is mahakaal, chanda vrihati, devata is trailokyakarshini kaamkala, bija kleem shakti hoom and viniyog is sarvatr sarvadaa sarvabhista siddhyarthhey.Do shadanganyaas with klaam, kleem,kloom,klaim,klaum,klah. Mahaakaal has considered the worship of this form of kaali to be main. From the text i have, sphrom is considered instead of sphrem. Well i will look for this and would inform for the same. I think her sodhanyasa,kavach,stotra,1000 names and vidhi are given in mahaakaal sanhita,if anybody have it they can look there for the required info.
August 21, 2013 03:05 PM
Other mantra of kaamkala kali are as follows:
1. ह्रीँ फ्रेँ क्रोँ वं छ्रीँ स्त्रीँ हूँ स्फ्रोँ ख्फ्रेँ हृस्ख्फ्रेँ क्ष्रौँ स्हौँ फटृ स्वाहा।
The rishi of above mantra is sanak,chhand is pratishtha,devata kaamkalaakali,shakti hreem,keelak gloom, sarvabhishtha siddhyarthe jape viniyogah.
2. ॐ ऐँ ह्रीँ श्रीँ क्रीँ क्लीँ हूँ छ्रीँ स्त्रीँ फ्रेँ क्रोँ हौँ क्षौँ आं स्फ्रोँ स्वाहा।
Its rishi is कर्दम, chhand is व्रहती, devata kaamkalakali shakti hreem, keelak hroom and viniyog as above.
The mantra that ravi ji gave its rishi is mahakaal, chanda vrihati, devata is trailokyakarshini kaamkala, bija kleem shakti hoom and viniyog is sarvatr sarvadaa sarvabhista siddhyarthhey.Do shadanganyaas with klaam, kleem,kloom,klaim,klaum,klah. Mahaakaal has considered the worship of this form of kaali to be main. From the text i have, sphrom is considered instead of sphrem. Well i will look for this and would inform for the same. I think her sodhanyasa,kavach,stotra,1000 names and vidhi are given in mahaakaal sanhita,if anybody have it they can look there for the required info.
November 16, 2013 01:45 AM
Can you please give the dhyanas of these mantras? Also what is the difference in these mantras when they have the same viniyog? Thank you
November 16, 2013 09:05 AM
I am sure Shri. Maneesh Yadav will provide this here.
December 02, 2013 11:59 PM
Can anyone please post the yantra of the kamakala kali with complete bijas. Thank you so much
December 03, 2013 01:01 AM
Hello Raviji,
Previously you have written that sphrem is the correct bija for kamakala kali mantra but now from the post by Maneesh Yadav he said it is sphrom. Could you please verify which one is the correct bija? Does this mantra removes Maya or veils us?
December 03, 2013 10:34 AM
स्फ्रों sphroṁ seems to be correct as said by Maneesh Yadavji.But in the same book in the second chapter, it is mentioned as sphrem स्फ्रें sphreṁ, which is referred as bhūtabīja.
December 31, 2013 12:56 AM
Hello Ravi,
I need some clarification on the description of the great goddess. In her right side she has 8 hands but on her left side it looks like she has 7 hands. Could you please clarify if this is correct or is there a weapon missing?
Thank you
December 31, 2013 09:01 AM
Only seven are mentioned in Her left hand and to my knowledge, nothing is missing.
December 31, 2013 09:58 AM
Its very strange. I never heard of any goddess or god having 15 hands. Could you please check the sanskrit slokas and re-confirm?
December 31, 2013 11:26 AM
I have posted these verses here.
three verses are posted here
December 31, 2013 06:46 PM
Could you please tell me what does lambatkacham nrumundam dharayanti...... of line 5 mean? does it mean she is holding a head? I am sorry I am extremely poor in sanskrit. Could you please clarify this? Thank you
December 31, 2013 07:05 PM
Maneesh Yadavji: One of our readers has a doubt on Kāmakalā Kāli dhyāna verse. It is about Her weaponries in Her left hand. The relevant verse is posted here. We request you to clarify this.
Kāmakalā Kāli dhyāna verse
April 08, 2014 10:26 AM
Sir, This is a great work done by sharing knowledge through your site.
I too have a small doubt. Please clarify my doubt.
What are the benefits we can experience by worshiping kamakala kali matha.
What are the difference of experiences we can get by doing different mantras of kamakala kali matha?
Thank you so much for your kindness Sir.
April 08, 2014 11:16 AM
This is given at the beginning of the article kāmakalākāli trilokyamohana kavaca
May 14, 2014 11:26 AM
So finally what's the decision ?Sphrom is correct or Sphrem is correct ?
May 14, 2014 01:46 PM
स्फ्रों sphroṁ is correct. In one of the above comments, Shri.Mahesh Yadav has also confirmed this.
September 13, 2014 02:52 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
July 14, 2015 09:09 AM
Can someone chant the mantra without Guru.
July 14, 2015 09:20 AM
For a mantra like this, you always need a Guru, as there are possibilities of wrong pronunciation. If you know Sanskrit well and if you are not able to get a Guru, then you can have Shiva as your Guru and start chanting this.
July 17, 2015 01:31 PM
Ravi Sir, Please explain the words about Aparaajitha devi and Pratyangira matha which avathara related to dasamahavidyas, please don't ignore
July 17, 2015 06:21 PM
Aparājitā is one of the Kula Devis in Tantric tradition. In some texts she is included in aṣṭa māta-s, She is worshiped in the first āvaraṇa.
A well wisher of mine had sent this note sometime ago on Aparājitā. I am reproducing here
It becomes apparent that there is only one power, the one and single subtle energy underlying the cosmic game of creation and annihilation, Great Mother Aparājitā, the Unvanquished, who expresses Herself in two polarities, Umā Pārvati – born of the Hill or the Mountain (Parvata), the Su_Meru manifested in all beings including the Mother Prthvi and the vagabond, Akula, Her Spouse who makes merry in the cremation grounds, the bliss of Yoga.
This model of the Universe is perfect Physics known as Tantra and just as the tensor calculus had to be developed for expressing the notions of general relativity, the 6th dimensional Physics or Tantra could be expressed only in terms of symbols which came to be described as Mātrkā, the set of 51 alphabets known as ‘Deva_nagari’- the City of Gods or the City of Nagas. These 51 Nagas or Ganeshas made up Her limbs and She is extolled in the sacred scriptures. She is Uma, Haimavati, daughter of the Mount over which the Moon, Himāmsu resides, it is nothing but the cerebro-spinal column within all human beings. She is described as the Mother of Earth, Bhū-Mātā, Mother of the Great King Naraka of Prāgjyotisha and the enchantress Aparājitā who devoured Naraka, spouse of Sun or Vishnu, the Great Bitch of the Bhairava, Kulatā, Mahāmāya deluding the world as eternal virgin, spouse of the Great Scoundrel."
With regard to Pratyaṅgirā, it is said in uttarabhāg of Lalitā Sahasranāma that she destroys all those who causes injury to the one who recites Lalitā Sahasranāma with devotion.
I am unable to go give more details than what I have given here.
September 01, 2015 06:51 PM
Dear Raviji!
Looked texts of practices Bala, Matangi and others.
Offer the next short variant of practice Kāmakalākāli.
There are no big mistakes?
Of course, this is only scheme. And most importantly, you wrote: “Performing pūjā with pomp and vanity is not the right way. Right way is to seek within through meditation”.
Thank You.
Kāmakalākāli Mūla Mantra Japa
klīṁ - aṅguṣṭhābhyām namaḥ
krīṁ - tarjanībhyāṁ namaḥ
hūṁ - madhyamābhyāṁ namaḥ
kroṁ - anāmikābhyāṁ namaḥ
sphreṁ - kaniṣṭhīkābhyāṁ namaḥ
kāmakalākāli – karatala karapṛṣṭhābhyāṁ namaḥ
Hrdayādi nyāsaḥ
klīṁ - hrdayāya namaḥ
krīṁ - śirase svāhā
hūṁ - śikhāyai vaṣaṭ|
kroṁ - kavacāya huṁ
sphreṁ - netratrayāya vauṣaṭ|
kāmakalākāli - astrāya phaṭ
Here is text: http://manblunder.com/articlesview/kamakalakali-dhyana-verses
Kāmakalākāli mūla mantraḥ
om klīṁ krīṁ hūṁ kroṁ sphreṁ kāmakalākāli sphreṁ kroṁ hūṁ krīṁ klīṁ svāhā
guhyāti guhya goptrī tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmāt kṛtaṁ japam
siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi stirā
November 16, 2015 11:46 AM
Guhya kali mantras
Om phrem siddhi karali hrim hoom chrim strim phrem namah svaha
But the above mantra is locked. It should be taken from ones Guru. Else it does not fructify no matter how many crores of japa one does with it.
There is another version of this mantra which has not been locked and it is as follows:
Om phrem siddhi karali hrim chrim hoom strim phrem namah svaha
Ramopasita Guhya kali mantra
Om phrem siddhi haskhaphrem khphrm karali khphrem haskhaphrem phrem phrem om svaha
For Bharatopasita mantras it is atharvaa rishi , jagati chandas, Guhya Kali Devata, Llim beejam, hoom shakti
, phrem kilakam, purushartha chatustaya viniyogaha
For Ramopasita it is
Paramesthi Rushihi, Suprathistha Chandah, Phrem Shaktihi, Haskhaphrem Kilakam, Sarva Siddhai Viniyogaha
There is one mantra which is Hiranyakasapopasita which must not be used by humans as it creates MahaPralaya,
It is
Khphrem Haskhaphrem om phrem hrim chrim hoom strim srim hrim rahakshamalavarayaeeuum srim om hrim haskhaphrem khphrem
Brahmopaasita Ekaakshari mantra
Manmada upasita tryakshari mantra
Om hrim phrem
Varunopaasita tryakshari mantra
Chrim phrem strim
Agni upasita panchakshari mantra
Om phrem hoom svaha
Suryopasita panchakshari mantra
Om hrim hoom chrim phrem
Sachi upasita panchakshari mantra
Hrim chrim hoom strim phrem
Daanavopasita navakshara mantra
Phrem khphrem siddhikarali svaha
Mrityukalopasita navakshara mantra
Khphrem mahachanda yogeshwari
Harita maharshi upaasita mantra
Hoom phrem siddhi karali hrim chrim hoom strim phrem namaha
Dakshopasita mantra
Phrem phrem siddhikarali hrim chrim hoom strim phrem namaou
February 23, 2016 01:33 PM
(1) I guess there are 8 weapons in left side. 'Kharparam' meaning inverted half skull bowl is missed out. Meaning she has 16 arms (2) 'Lambat(e)' means hands down, 'Kacha' means hair and "Dharayanti" means holding - meaning holding human head with hair grip in hands down position.... I am not a scholar so I may be wrong... many apologies in advance!
April 24, 2016 10:28 AM
can you please post kamakalakali kavacham in mp3 please
May 19, 2016 02:19 PM
hello sir i am a regular visitor or ur site hmmm my hard and long time doubt is , which is the correct bijakshara of kamakala kali ? and is it sphrom or sphrem ??? please let me know which one is correct ???and i also came to know about ravanoupasitha guhyakali mantra please please please kindly let me know about it sir please
May 19, 2016 02:20 PM
also searching for aghora siva mantram and the exact mantram of mahakali mata please do let me know that too
June 23, 2019 11:02 AM
dear sir... Im from sri lanka.First i must respect and be thankful to mr. Ravi and this blog for giving immense knowledge which is the most aluable in the universe. Im a newcommer in mantra shastra. But im so keen on these valuable shastra. please help.me to intiate into this mantra.
June 27, 2019 08:29 PM
Dear sir, This is an advanced mantra and I would personally suggest great caution before seeking an initiation. You may perform the sadhana by seeking an initiation to dakṣiṇa kāli first. If you are an advanced sādhaka, with experience in other tantric mantras, you may seek an initiation from any one of us listed on the mantra initiations page.
November 12, 2020 10:45 AM
Now a days there is a craze going on between south indian sadhaks for these goddesses like kalasankarshini, guhyakali, kubjika, kamakala and siddhalaxmi. Now they are fed up with stividya..
November 13, 2020 02:33 AM
We have to perceive them as Śakti sādhanas and one may take up any of them as per their guru's direction. It is not necessary to follow only Śrī vidyā. In addition, these sādhanas have no geographical or spatial limitations either. The Divine Mother is present everywhere in the Creation and invoked in all the dimensions and lokas.
March 03, 2023 06:03 PM
Namaskar. Why does no one pay attention to the fact that the Mahakala Samhita is not of Indian origin? In Indian Kali-Kula and Sri-Kula, this Samhita is not used, but they know about the goddess Kamakalakali and worship her. So Kamakalakali must have some other Mula Mantra, from purely Indian Tantras. For example, the high-ranking indian Kali Tantra states that the Mula Mantras of all forms of Kali should be modeled after the standard Dakshina Kali mantra, which is not at all like most of the mantras from the Mahakala Samhita... Also, please quote that passage from the Mahakala Samhita, where it is stated that there should be a Bhuta Bija in the Kamakalakali mantra.