Brhadaranyaka Upanishad (IV.iv.5) says “The self (soul) indeed is the Brahman, as also identified with the intellect, the mind and the vital force, with eyes and ears, with earth, water, air, ether and fire and what is other than fire, with desire and the absence of desire, with anger and the absence of anger, with righteousness and unrighteousness, with everything identified, in fact with what is perceived and what that is inferred. As it does and acts, so it becomes. By doing good, it becomes good and by doing evil it becomes evil. It becomes virtuous through good acts and vicious through evil acts. Others, however say, “The self (soul) is identified with desire alone. What it desires, it resolves. What it resolves, it works out. What it works out, it attains.”
The Upanishad says that there is no difference between the Brahman as Self and the Brahman as self. The Brahman is known by different names such as Self, Paramatma (Para-atman), God, etc. Soul too has different names such as purusha, self, jivatma (jiva-atman), etc. When the soul interacts with mind and senses, it becomes susceptible to karmic afflictions, as the soul attains a body to perform actions. When it is said that the Brahman is Self, then what is self? In fact the difference between Self and self is too subtle to interpret. This question is raised in Brhadaranyaka Upanishad ‘katham atmethi’ (IV.iii.7), which means ‘which is the self (soul)?’ The difference if any is to be empathized as the karmas afflict only the self and not the Self. The Self is beyond everything and it is the source of everything that exists in the universe. But the self is a miniscule of the omnipresent Self. The self is not identified with the body or mind. It continues to be independent. This self has been explained as mind, intellect or self-illuminating atman (soul) within heart’s cavity (biological heart does not have any cavity). A soul is mainly guided by the intellect, which invariably fails to use its full potency due to the influence of maya (illusion). “Three he designed for himself” says the same Upanishad (I.v.3). ‘Himself’ here means the soul. The three are the mind, the speech (shabdha Brahman) and the vital force also known as prana. The soul is placed among them ‘like a rock in the midst of trees’. The soul does not undergo any change and remains as a mere non-tumultuous spectator. It quietly watches the other three growing. In terms of subtleness, the self is subtlest of all. Then come intellect and then prana. Sound however undergoes transformation from subtle to gross before it is delivered.
Intellect, prana and sound in different proportions make the organs of perception and action to perform. When they perform for the sake of performance alone, they do not cause any karmic afflictions. Actions are needed to sustain the embodied soul and organs (both action and perception) have been provided merely as tools to sustain the embodied soul. But the originality of the intellect gets deluded by semblance of maya giving rise to the worst enemy of spirituality, the ego. Ego takes fictitious and wrongful credit for all the actions done by the organs of action and perception without any reasoning. Ego is the supreme destroyer of entire spiritual aspirations. Krishna says (Bhagavad Gita XVIII.14, 15 and 16) “the contributory factors for whatever actions, right or wrong, man performs with mind, speech and body. He, whose mind is free from the sense of doership, and whose reasoning is not tainted by worldly objects, does not really slay even having slaughtered all these creatures, nor is bound by sin.” But the fact remains that “all actions cannot be given up in their entirety by anyone possessing a body, he alone who renounced the fruit of actions is a called a man of renunciation” (Bhagavad Gita VIII.11). But this principle is easier said than done. If desire is nurtured, it always manifests as ego causing ownership of actions leading to karmic afflictions. There is only a single antidote for ego, renunciation. To renounce, one has to have the highest kind of knowledge that can be attained only internal query and exploration. The answer for such query dawns only in the highest meditative stage.
(To be continued)
February 11, 2013 02:01 AM
Its always a delight to be on your site and read your amazing post and thank you for reviving ancient secret text of tantras.
Last month the Maha Kumbha Mela started which occurs every 12 years and this one is special as it occurs every 144 years.I dreamed to go but circumstances prevent to go to India at this time.
My question is: Is one's karma that decides if one's shoulb be present at this Maha Kumbha Mela?
I have a friend who has been molested by a fake guru and that guru in question is attending the maha kumbha mela,is it his good karma that brought him there or just money?and he even met swami nityananda there who has been also caught in scandals.
Should one really go to kumbha mela?
Many question arises on karma, this fake guru have ruined thousands of people lives,destroy families, separated couples,stolen money,stolen sacred catholic relics,and much more atrocities but he was able to go to this Maha Kumbha Mela and as if karma has no effect on him.
Hope you can clear my mind on this issue,
February 11, 2013 09:04 AM
How can one's sins be eradicated if he takes a dip in holy waters? It is against the theory of "Law of Karma" which is also know as "Law of the Lord". As far as fake gurus are concerned, they are not to be blamed as they want to mint money through wrongful means. The problem lies in the mindset of people. How can spirituality be commercialized? Does God has any monetary value? It is absolute ignorance that make a person to approach these fake gurus. Unfortunately, even if a True Guru shouts from the top of a mountain and says simple ways to realize God, nobody listens, as there is no price for HIS teachings. Ignorant people consider these TRUE GURUs as worthless. One can attain liberation by following the teachings of a TRUE GURU. No body is willing to listen because they guide their students gradually but steadily. One can enter into the spiritual path coincidentally in a matter three to six months. This period is extremely crucial. Once a student crosses this stage, he can move forward comfortably.
February 12, 2013 01:13 AM
Yes Absolutely,
The people are responsible for their acts to follow these fake gurus.
February 11, 2014 07:11 PM
Along with the past life karmas, do we pay for the bad acts done in this life during this lifetime only?
February 11, 2014 07:32 PM
Past actions already exist as karma and we can do nothing about this. These karmas are to be experienced. Karmas accrued during this life time can to a certain extent be removed by working on our sub-conscious mind through third ventricle situated between pituitary gland and and the pineal gland.
February 11, 2014 07:13 PM
Do we pay for the bad acts done in the present life along with past life karma?
February 11, 2014 07:36 PM
do we pay for our bad deeds done in this birth in this life only?
February 11, 2014 07:48 PM
Not necessarily. If the intensity is too bad, it is then carried over to the next births.
February 11, 2014 07:57 PM
Thank you manblunder. Sometimes, I do see people paying for their evil acts in this life only. For example, taking bribe, cheating people in spirtulaity and in healthcare. Personally I have seen their families or their children suffer a lot. I assume that once the past life Punya expereince is over the evil acts done in this life will start reflecting in this life itself.
February 11, 2014 08:30 PM
OMG! My name is Ravi and not manblunder. That is my site. Thank you for taking up this topic.
What you have mentioned is absolutely true. Particularly in spiritual path and health care are worst affected, as I do not want to discuss about corruption, though we are aware of this. Out of the sum total of karma, a portion is carved out to spend during this birth. When someone cheats in spiritual life and health care, they accrue huge karmas and override the karma that is made to spend in this birth. In such an eventuality, not only he is affected, but also his entire generation is affected. How can one pledge his or her conscience to make money? How can one make money and indulge in uncivilized acts in spiritual world? Is God so cheap? People are equally responsible for this situation. Such ruthless creatures are to be identified and exposed.
February 13, 2014 03:19 PM
Sorry Ravi ji. One more question is I have about astology and astrological predctions? How true it is? There will be so many people born at the same time and same day everyday? Why some have such extreme luck and other dont have?
February 13, 2014 05:09 PM
Don't feel sorry. All of us are learning everyday and most importantly we learn through our experience. Beyond astrology, there is the concept of karma. We are bound by karma. Secondly, astrology can be taken only for a broader guidance and it is difficult to address specifics. Astrological remedies can give only psychological support and surely such remedies cannot override our karmas. To a certain extent, some issues can be solved through recitation of certain mantras. Spending money on remedies, according to me will not help.
Coming back to your question, every person has his or her own karma. Even though many are born at the same time, their experience is according to their karmic account.
March 25, 2014 09:38 PM
I have a about good people who suffer due to bad karmas of past birth and no amount of their goodness and good deeds will help them to erase their bad karmas. If the evil people with good past karmic record can override their good karmas if they cheat in healthcare and spiritual activites. Is it possible to erase the past karma with good deeds and good thoughts?
March 25, 2014 10:16 PM
There are different opinions on this. But, the fact is that good karmas and bad karmas are to be experienced separately and one cannot override the other. Yes, these are the two areas, where many are pledging their conscience. They will undergo extreme miseries mostly in this birth, failing which in the next birth.
March 25, 2014 10:25 PM
I often observe these days, many good people suffer so much for no reason. Living with honesty and right conscience itself poses so many challenges and I do wonder how the commercial spiritual business goons who cheat in the name of god and health can have a peaceful life. Externally they might appear to be happy but internal mental agony and pain, god alone knows.....
March 25, 2014 10:38 PM
When good people suffer, it means that they are experiencing their last karmic impressions. Once their entire karma is exhausted, they are on their way to liberation. Those cheaters may lead peaceful life for now, but they are bound to experience horrific times subsequently. If there is any inner pain, it is often reflected externally also. Yes, God alone knows, but He never allows the guilty go unpunished. It is a good thing that you have chosen to write this here. Thank you.
March 26, 2014 08:27 PM
Thanks for your reply. I have my own father who takes bribe in government sector and I don't accept his wrong means of earning. I strongly protest it and I also have set of relatives who cheat in healthcare as doctors. Protesting against them gives happiness though they belong to my own family, because I save many people from them getting cheated. GOD and TEMPLE are marketed very easily these days taking advantage of many innocent people.
August 02, 2014 04:26 PM
Interesting comments and discussions. Apparently, I know a person in healthcare who says all diseases are curable and attracts lot of money. This person is healthy and fit despite of all the misleading things he is doing in health and minting crores of rupees too. How can this happen? and for how long will these kind of things happen? Why does not their bad karma seem to affect them in anyway.
September 18, 2014 08:49 PM
Namaste Guruji,
my father died on 18TH/sep 2011 due to cancer.
he was very healthy person and very simple person and pure veg diet and always lived according to God and dharma.
but his last wish never came true. he wanted his grandchild i.e my kid to take her to school and loved like anything but
he passed when she was 2and half year babby
what happens to the soul even though done good karma and love thier children and grandchildren till last breath. he did not want to die he did not want to leave us and go
whether he will come to our family again. can he watch us and help us. what happens to good person but love for his children is too much at the time of death?
plz reply
September 18, 2014 09:48 PM
One's rebirth is purely based on one's karma. However, desires at the time of death influences the nature of rebirth. Beyond this clarification, nothing can be explained, as these things are beyond our perception. Time of death, karma and rebirth are not in our hands.
October 23, 2014 08:59 PM
Fake gurus, fake doctors, commercialized schools and hospitals are the latest trends of this generations. Apparently even I do observe nothing goes wrong and they continue with their chosen path successfully. Fake gurus will have many followers and centres across the world, and fake doctors are in the same line too, opening centres across everywhere, schools are not be questioned at all? Why does god allow to grow this kind of people and organizations? I also wonder no bad karma affects them, they are fit and healthy always.
October 29, 2014 09:13 PM
My best friend is one the purest sweethearts i have seen. She has been only suffering with one or other thing since childhood to marriage and continues to suffer so much. No god listens to her prayers, nothing turns positive to her. Touch or do anything struggle and bad luck have become part of her life. I think this kali yuga is ages of bad and evil, because my friend being so good never got anything good in life. Surprisingly, I see many with evil faces and evil acts live a better life. Does the concept of karma really exists? What is the reward of goodness that god has given her? Always pain and miseries.
October 29, 2014 09:28 PM
When a person is about to be liberated, he or she should all his or her karmas. Then the next step would be to make a surrender to God, by dissolving one's ego. If surrender is made, then further accrual of karmas are stopped. At this time, this person is called jivanmukta. Sufferings in this life is due to the accrued karmas over past several births. You will soon see your friend with full of bliss and happiness.
May 18, 2015 01:51 PM
sir, how to remove the bad karmas through the performing puja of which god how to do it, every person facing bad karmas
May 18, 2015 02:25 PM
Karmas cannot be removed by any means. What we have sown, so we have to reap. Karma has to be experience. Further accrual of karmas can be stopped only if we complete the process of surrender, which can happen only through meditation.
May 23, 2015 09:29 PM
as per the narrations of mystical stories, lord shiva had chopped off ganeshas head due to extreme anger, lord krishna himself would had avoided the war when arjuna hesitated to kill his own relatives. Afterall, all the material wealth is temporary. The peace in the war would had saved many peoples life, was killing really neceassary or war necessary? None of the stories we see forgiveness, but as per the philosophy the common man are adviced not to take revenge and not to retaliate and expect us to noble and good in everything. How do ordinary people develop such noble qualities of forgiveness?
May 24, 2015 01:15 AM
All these stories are based on some moral teachings. Epics cannot be looked at from one angle and there are multiple faces for them. Krishna negotiated to avert war; but nobody listened to him. He has to uphold dharma. He acted decisively to uphold dharma. Forgiveness is the greatest gift and if we learn to forgive, we are closer to God.