This is part XXVII of kundalini series. When kundalini reaches Sahasrara, the result is bliss. You are going to be liberated. You will be in a state of ecstasy. Your jiva which we call as soul is also carried with kundalini to sahasrara. We have earlier seen that soul is placed in the heart chakra. The force of kundalini takes your soul along with it to sahasrara. In sahasrara your jivatma merges with paramatma. Your soul merges with the Brahman. Initially, your jiva is able to see the Brahman. But it takes time for your jiva to understand and realise the Brahman. The jiva, your own self where your karmic account is embedded is about to merge with the Brahman. Your karmas either good or bad will get nullified once your soul merges with the Brahman. If this happens, you are no more controlled by your karmas. You will be controlled by the will of the Divine.
As you have been already purified by the five elements in the five lower chakras and your ego has been dissolved in ajna chakra, your soul is so pure and perfect now; it qualifies for its union with the Brahman, the Supreme, the God, the paramatman or whatever name you want to call the ultimate. When your soul or Self understands and realises the Supreme Brahman, it is called the self realization. This is called realization within. You are not to be born again. You are not going to have sufferings and miseries. You become calm and peaceful. You become secluded. Your mind is like crystal clear water. Your Ishta Devata is with you. Your Guru is by your side eternally. But remember that the path to self realization need not be the path of kundalini alone. There are other paths as well, about which we have already discussed. The path of kundalini though short, is full of risks. From this point onwards, the meditation should happen perpetually. You will be able to make the kundalini ascend and descend at your will and command.
The most important thing is that the kundalini cannot remain in sahasrara for ever. She has to descend and go back to her house. She may like to descend by herself. You have to make her descend. You have to use your consciousness to bring her down. Keeping your eye balls together and looking internally at your chakras and concentrating there will be of great help in bringing down the kundalini to the lower chakras. In the same way visualizing the kundalini going down along with your breath by concentrating on your spinal cord will also help. If you still feel that the kundalini has not fully descended, you can lie down flat on the floor without any head rest or pillows and concentrating on the base chakra which will certainly bring down the kundalini back to her house. Otherwise you need not use bhandhas and exercises. The one exercise you can use is to rotate your shoulders front-up-back and down. This will enable the kundalini to descend easily.
If you do not bring the kundalini back to the base chakra you will encounter all sorts of problems which we will discuss later in this series. You can also take your consciousness beyond sahasrara to explore the cosmos, but let us discuss about this on some other occasion. There are certain problems associated with kundalini and it is called kundalini syndrome. In most of us, the kundalini would have partially ascended to any of the lower chakras, the fact we may not be aware of. This type of ascending kundalini causes various ailments such as piles, heat related ailments. You will feel extreme heat in the perineum. There will be itching sensation in your spine area. Your pulse rate will go up rapidly. Any wrong medication will further worsen the problems. If the kundalini does not ascend through the central canal of the spinal cord and instead rises through the ida or pingala, you may possibly go insane. This is not to frighten you in anyway, but this is a word of caution.
Further Readings:
September 19, 2009 03:10 AM
It may be said that I have the symptoms of Kundalini syndrome. I am working through them. I believe that my chakras are twisted and torqued out of place mostly due to mechanics from weight lifting abuse. I've been working with an acupuncturist twice a week for 3 years as well as daily lengthy meditations to get my chakras unknotted. I've also been taking some supplements such as magnesium, a phyto-poppy blend, l-theanine, rhodiola, magnolia and 5-htp. I've used Lavender, Neroli, jasmine and other essential oils too. As I relax the clenching and tension through meditation, I feel more and more, the releases of 'kundalini syndrome'. I've realized that I have to heal and align my chakras and spine physically and pragmatically before kundalini can flow uninterrupted. I think most of us don't have an unblocked path through our chakras due to diet, stress, posture abuse, injuries, etc., and Kundalini syndrome might occur- OR most may just stay frozen and entirely detached from their bodies for a lifetime, with no understanding of subtle energy bodies. Anyhow, my point is, at least from just my experience- as I 'treat' kundalini syndrome with meditation and profoundly deep relaxation, I come closer to uninterrupted kundalini. I think the 'syndrome' is so pleasurable and orgasmic because these trapped stagnations, tensions and anxieties, are finally freed- pathways and qi is allowed to flow where blockages may have been for years and it feels like an internal deep massage- pressure from stagnation is released and removed from pushing against nerves and the spine. I've been lucky that I've been able to work through these blocks. I can tell that the 'syndrome' symptoms are subsiding into free flow. It's been an absolutely incredible and transformative experience. I feel as though I'm healing, growing and enhancing my health and quickening my karma, whatever that may mean.
September 23, 2010 01:00 AM
Those who have not seen/experienced Brahman have much to say. Those who have seen/experienced won't say anything. There is no need for analysis/ review/ cerebral or intellectual breakdown of concepts since the ego identification with the Self disappears upon experience with Brahman.
September 23, 2010 03:44 PM
"Those who have seen/experienced won't say anything."
Should it be true, no person other than the first one who realized Brahma would've attained Brahma. Words look nice and profound, but they are not consistent with the facts. As there were and there are more people realizing Brahma, they had to get the adequate knowledge somewhere, obviously. Therefore, at least one of those who realized Brahma had to say something about It.
December 31, 2010 04:39 AM
Well. After going through a spiritual crisis and then thankfully an emergence. I came across Kundalini Yoga. Maya Fiennes. It was a revelation to begin with. But.... when your chakras are open and the kundalini is rising and you connect. Great ... but ... you still have to deal with your shit!! when open, the good suff comes, but also the painfull. So painfull, the pychosis is looking like a way out for me. So ... Kundalini can be wonderful, if you study it before hand and know about when to raise it, but also know when not to go there. For your own sanity. Will be having words with Maya Fiennes people to address this problem. With love from a joyful sufferer that witnessed the Divine, but still continues to suffer.