Uttarabhāgaḥ - Palaśrutiḥ उत्तरभागः – पलश्रुतिः
Uttarabhāga or Palaśruti means concluding part that describes the benefits accruing out of the recitation of the main part. Here, main part means three hundred nāma-s, either in the form of nāma-s, which consists of fifty nine couplets. On an average, five nāma-s form one couplet.
Pūrvabhāga of Lalitā Triśatī consists of twenty seven verses, mantra part or main part consists of fifty nine verses and uttarabhāga consists of fifty eight verses. Thus, Lalitā Triśatī as a whole consists of (27 + 59 + 58) 144 verses in the form of couplets.
In pūrvabhāga, it is seen that Hayagrīva, at the command of both Śiva and Śakti, initiates Lalitā Triśatī to sage Agastya. Lalitā Triśatī needs initiation because it is based on Pañcadaśī mantra. In uttarabhāga, Hayagrīva not only explains the benefits accruing due to recitation, but also gives a brief description of Śrī Cakra and the formation of Lalitā Triśatī.
Hayagrīva to Agastya: Thus, I have taught you three hundred nāma-s of Parāśakti. Since this is highly secretive in nature, please protect this carefully. Out of these three hundred nāma-s, those beginning with Śivākṣara-s are revealed by Kāmeśvari and those beginning with Śakti akṣara are revealed by Kāmeśvara. Those nāma-s beginning with ubhayākṣara (combination of Śivākṣara and Śakti akṣara) are revealed by both of them. Since this is a divine revelation, how can this be compared to other hymns? (This cannot be compared to any other hymns because Lalitā Triśatī is compiled by Śiva and Śakti.) There is no other hymn that is equal to this, that is capable of providing benefits, auspiciousness, etc in all the three worlds. There is no doubt in this.
Agastya to Hayagrīva: “O! Highly distinguished Hayagrīva! Which of these are Śivākṣara-s, Śakti akṣara-s and ubhayākṣara-s?
Hayagrīva to Agastya: As Parāśakti has already ordered to reveal this to you I will reveal this secret to you now. The moment you come to know of this, you will attain siddhi (perfection) in Śrī Vidyā.Nāma-s which begin with “ka” (क) and nāma-s which begin with “ha” (ह) are Śivākṣara-s. (There are three “ka” (क) and two “ha” (ह) in Pañcadaśī mantra. Thus “ka” (क) x 3 x 20 = 60 nāma-s begin with “ka” (क). Similarly, there are two “ha” (ह) in Pañcadaśī mantra. “ha” (ह) x 2 x 20 = 40 nāma-s begin with “ha” (ह). Out of the three hundred nāma-s, 100 nāma-s begin with Śivākṣara-s.
Three “hrīṁ” (ह्रीं) in Pañcadaśī mantra are ubhayākṣara-s. “hrīṁ” (ह्रीं) x 3 x 20 = 60 nāma-s begin with ubhayākṣara-s. Remaining (300 – (100 + 60) = 140) 140 nāma-s begin with Śakti akṣara-s. (140 Śakti akṣara-s can be calculated like this: “e” (ए) x 20; “Ī” (ई) x 20; “la” (ल) x 3 x 20 = 60; “sa” (स) x 2 x 20 = 40; 20 + 20 + 60 + 40 = 140).
Those who recite Pañcadaśī mantra without knowing this will never attain siddhi in Śrī Vidyā. There are nine triangles in Śrī Cakra. Out of this, four upward looking triangles are Śiva- chakras and five downward looking triangles are Śakti chakras. Inner most triangle, eight angled, two ten angled and fourteen angled are five Śakti chakras. Bindu (central dot), eight petal lotus, sixteen petal lotus and outer square are four Śiva- chakras. Inner triangle and bindu; eight faced angle and eight petal lotus; two ten faced angles and sixteen petal lotus, fourteen faced angle and outer square merge with each other. Thus the inseparableness of Śiva- chakras and Śakti chakras (Śiva and Śakti) is established. The one, who knows this, is the knower of Śrī Cakra.
Parāśakti is in the form of a triangle and Parameśvara is in the form of a dot (bindu). Thus there is a perpetual connection between the triangle and the bindu. The one who worships Śrī Cakra without knowing this, does not get the benefits of worshipping Śrī Cakra. Parāśakti will never be happy with such a worshipper. There are many who know the grosser side of Śrī Cakra, but it is very rare to find a person who knows the subtle side of Śrī Cakra. The one who knows the secretive interpretations of Śrī Cakra should be worshiped.
When a person recites these 300 nāma-s, he enters into the state of Bliss. (The verse uses the word “śatatraye शतत्रये” which means 300. Therefore it is implied that one should recite in the form 300nāma-s and not in the form of 59 verses, as explained earlier.) After knowing this, you need to know nothing. Yu should not disclose this to anyone, who does not understand Śrī Vidyā. Lalitā Triśatī is more secretive than Lalitā Sahasranāma, hence you have should not impart this to anyone (without assessing their worthiness).
May 13, 2017 02:52 PM
Dear Sri Ravi, Thanks for the wonderful explanation on Lalitha Trishati. I just came to know about your blog and started reading the various posts - It's really awesome! Hats off to your service and to your knowledge! I have a question on Lalitha Trishati - Is it necessary to always recite it as 300 names mantra rather than as a 59 verses song? I have been reciting it as song - should I change to mantra? Please advice.
May 13, 2017 06:02 PM
As far as Lalita Trishati is concerned, it is better to chant as 300 individual namas. This is because, sandhi (joining of two Sanskrit words) is too difficult to read as 59 verses. If one is comfortable with sandhi rules, then there is no problem in chanting 59 verses.
February 04, 2019 03:17 PM
Sir, individual names in the sense, Kakara Rupa, Kalyani etc (or) Om Kakara Rupai Namaha, Om Kalyanyai Namaha etc...? How do we recite?
June 11, 2018 01:24 PM
Ravi Ji, Can anyone chant Lalita Trishati without initiation or only those who are initiated into Shri Vidya can chant it? Vineet Gupta
June 11, 2018 01:25 PM
Since Lalita Trishati is in mantra form, it is said that it is better to have initiation. However, when our devotion for Her is strong enough, there is no need for initiation.
February 04, 2019 06:35 PM
It should be done as Om Kakara Rupai Namaha, Om Kalyanyai Namaha, etc.
December 31, 2019 12:33 PM
Dear Sir, isn't it supposed to be "Om kakāra rupāyai namah"?
December 03, 2020 12:56 PM
dear sir can i use panchadasi mantra before and after of each name ending with swaha/ namaha eg. Ka e ii la hrim ha sa ka ha la hrim sa ka la hrim kakara rupai Ka e ii la hrim ha sa ka ha la hrim sa ka la hrim namaha/ swaha
December 31, 2019 02:02 PM
Yes, while doing archana, we have to prefix OM before each nama.
December 03, 2020 12:53 PM
i have a question can we add panchadasi mantra before and after of each name and at last use swaha or namah for eg. Ka e ii la hrim ha sa ka ha la hrim sa ka la hrim kakara roopai Ka e ii la hrim ha sa ka ha la hrim sa ka la hrim namaha / swaha ?
December 05, 2020 09:44 AM
To the best of my knowledge, such usage is not permitted. It is best to recite in the prescribed format only and not experiment with such powerful mantra stotras.