Mamatā-hantrī ममता-हन्त्री (165)
She destroys selfishness of Her devotees. Self interest causes ego, one of the impediments to realization.
Niṣpāpā निष्पापा (166)
She is without sins. Pāpa means sin. Sins arise out of desires. It has already been discussed that She is without desires (156 Nīrāgā). Kṛṣṇa says, (Bhagavad Gīta IV.14) “There is no work that affects me, nor do I aspire for the fruits of action.”
Pāpanāśinī पापनाशिनी (167)
She destroys the sins of Her devotees. Devotee is the one, who always thinks about Her not only at the time of reciting mantra-s, not only at the time of performing rituals but at all the times. For such a devotee mantra-s and rituals become meaningless. It is also presumed that Her devotees will not perform those actions that are termed as sins. If knowingly someone commits a sin, She will not come to his rescue. But why does She want to destroy the sins of Her devotees? Kṛṣṇa answers this question in Bhagavad Gīta (IV.14) “One who understands this truth (refer the previous nāma) about me, does not become entangled in the results of reactions of work (results of reactions mean karma-s. The concept of karma is based on Newton’s third law – for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This equal and opposite reaction is karma.).She wants Her devotees to pursue the path of liberation for which sins are impediments. How does She consume their sins? Chāndogya Upaniṣad (V.xxiv.3) says, pāpmānaḥ pradūyante, which means all sins are burnt up. The Upaniṣad further says ‘such sins are burnt like dry grass thrown into a fire’. The point driven home here is that when She is worshipped with all sincerity, the devotee gets rid of all his sins except prārabdha karma-s (the sum total of all karma-s accumulated over several past births) that have to be experienced.
Niṣkrodhā निष्क्रोधा (168)
She is without anger. Even at the time of total dissolution (mahā-pralayā), the Brahman is without anger. Kṛṣṇa says in Bhagavad Gīta (IX.29) “none is hateful to me, none is dear to me”. This is one of the qualities of the Brahman. Brahman is like a mirror. Unless one stands before a mirror, he cannot see his image. Unless one is devoted to Her, he cannot realize Her grace. Whether one is devoted to Her or not, She is without anger.
Krodha-śamanī क्रोध-शमनी (169)
She destroys anger of Her devotees. Anger is one of the six deterrents (desire, anger, jealousy, confusion, pride and envy) to self-realization. It is said that any worship done with anger destroys the effect of such worship. Kṛṣṇa cites the reasons for anger (Bhagavad Gīta II.63, 64) “while contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment to them and from such attachment desire develops, and from desire anger develops and from anger total dissolution arises…” This is the reason for considering sensory organs as evils. Kṛṣṇa also says that material mode of passion is responsible for all the sufferings.
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