Maṇipūrābja-nilayā मणिपूराब्ज-निलया (495)
Maṇipūraka cakra is the navel cakra and the yogini who presides over this cakra is Lākinī. From this nāma till nāma 503 (nine nāma-s) describe this yogini. This cakra has ten lotus petals and each petal is inscribed with another ten consonants with bindu-s (dots). The pericarp of this cakra is in the form of an inverted triangle, which is red in colour. Each of the three sides of this triangle has swastika symbol. This cakra represents the element of fire and the bīja of fire raṁ (रं) is placed in the centre of the triangle. The bīja raṁ is extraordinarily powerful and aids in acquiring supernatural powers. This bīja is capable of providing powers of creation and destruction, depending upon its combination with other bīja-s. Most of the important bīja-s like hrīṁ, śrīṁ, etc contain raṁ bīja. This bīja is said to have the power of twelve suns. This bīja can play a vital role while formulating ātma bīja. Scriptures on kuṇḍalinī also refer this yogini as Lākinī. Meditating on this cakra gives powers for creation as well as destruction. jaṭharāgni, the internal fire that enables digestion in our body functions from this cakra. The fire that generates lust is also situated here. Normally, a fully awakened kuṇḍalinī does not descend below this cakra.
Vadanatraya-saṁyutā वदनत्रय-संयुता (496)
Lākinī has three faces; hence, this cakra is discussed as the third cakra in this Sahasranāma.
Vajrādikāyudhoepetā वज्रादिकायुधोपेता (497)
Lākinī has thunderbolt and other weapons. She has four arms, two of them holding a thunderbolt and a śakti weapon. The other two hands have vara mudra (a mudra that grants boon. Almost all the gods and goddesses have this mudra) and abhaya mudra (a mudra that protects by dispelling fear).
ḍāmaryādibhi-rāvṛtā डामर्यादिभि-रावृता (498)
Lākinī is surrounded by ten of her assistants like Damarī.
Raktavarnā रक्तवर्ना (499)
Her complexion is blood red in colour.
Māṁsa-niṣṭā मांस-निष्टा (500)
Lākinī presides over flesh. Flesh is found beneath skin and blood. This is yet another reason for Vāc Devi-s to discuss maṇipūraka cakra as the third cakra in this Sahasranāma.
Guḍānnaprīta-mānasā गुडान्नप्रीत-मानसा (501)
Guḍānna refers to rice cooked with jaggery (jaggery is unprocessed sugar made out of sugarcane). Lākinī has a liking for this preparation.
Samasta-bhakta-sukhadā समस्त-भक्त-सुखदा (502)
Lākinī confers happiness to all the devotees of Lalitāmbikā.
Lākinyambā-svarūpiṇī लाकिन्यम्बा-स्वरूपिणी (503)
She (the yogini) is in the form of Lākinī or her name is Lākinī. (Lākinī + ambā = mother Lākinī)
Narasimha Sumanth
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