Darāndolita-dīrghākṣī दरान्दोलित-दीर्घाक्षी (601)

She has shapely eyes that almost touch Her ears. Her eyes rotate all-round to dispel the fear of Her devotees. 

In Mūka Pañcaśatī (मूक पञ्चशती) there are 101 verses praising Her eyes. In Saundarya Laharī also there are verses praising Her eyes.  Her eyes express Her compassion and concern for Her devotees and that is why She is glancing all round to shower Her grace on those who surrender to Her. Her compassion is predominant in Her capacity as the Universal Mother or .  When someone calls Her as Her eyes move towards the direction of the sound. This is the reason for frequent rotation of Her eyes on all directions. 

Darahāsojjvalan-mukhī दरहासोज्ज्वलन्-मुखी (602)

This nāma describes Her smile. This smile attracts everyone to become Her devotee.  One’s compassion and mercy are expressed through eyes and smile. 

Gurumūrtiḥ गुरुमूर्तिः (603)

She is in the form of Guru.  In Śrī vidyā cult, Guru, mantra and the deity should not be differentiated.  Varivasyā-rahasya (which explains Pañcadaśī mantra in detail) verse 102 says, ‘The identity of the Mother, the Vidyā, the Cakra (Śrī Cakra), the Guru and the disciple himself should be practiced.’  The earlier verse (101) says that ‘one’s Guru is identical with Devatā, Vidyā and Śrī Cakra....with the grace of Guru, the practitioner attains identity therewith.’

Guru means dispeller of darkness. Guru also means a person who possesses the Supreme knowledge about the Brahman. In this context, She is said to be the Supreme Guru. 

Viṣṇu Sahasranāma nāma 209 addresses Viṣṇu as Guru.

Guṇanidhiḥ गुणनिधिः (604)

She is the storehouse of guṇa-s. Guṇa-s are of three types: sattvic, rajas and tamas.  When these guṇa-s or qualities vary in proportions, countless guṇa-s arise.  All the combinations of guṇa-s arise from Her. 

Sāṁkhya sūtra (I.128) says, “Through the properties of lightness, etc. The constituents agree with, and differ from each other.”

Guṇa-s also mean conglomeration of nine qualities. Śiva, is said to possess nine qualities. These nine qualities are: 1. time (kalā), 2. lineage (kulā), 3. names (nāma), 4. Knowledge (jñāna), 5. consciousness or mind (cit), 6. nāda (subtle sounds arising within the body while practicing prāṇāyāma), 7. bindu (consisting of sixteen kalā-s that include prāṇa, sincerity, five elements, indriya-s - karmendriya-s and jñānendriya-s, mind, food, vitality, penance, mantra-s, karma-s, worlds and names.  8. kalpa and 9. jīva.  These nine qualities are different from their common usage. 

There is a story associated with this nāma.  Guṇa also means rope.  During great annihilation, Viṣṇu attained the form of a fish (matsya avatār), bundled the entire seeds of jīva-s, placed them in a boat and pulled them with a rope that was tied to the nose of the fish.  Devi took the form of the rope making the rope strong.

Praśna Upaniṣad, chapter (VI.2) says, “saḥ puruṣo yasminnetāḥ ṣoḍaśakalāḥ prabhavantīti”, which means ‘sixteen parts emerge from this Self.’  ṣoḍaśakalāḥ means sixteen parts.  These parts are explained in (VI.4).  “That Puruṣa (nirguṇa Brahman) created Hiraṇyagarbha (prāṇātmā); from Hiraṇyagarbha came faith; from faith came space; from space, air; from air, fire; from fire, water; from water earth; from earth, organs.  Next He created mind and then food; from food, virility, austerities, the Veda-s, the sacrifices, heaven, other worlds and then various designations.”

Gomātā गोमाता (605)

She is the Mother of all cows. Cows are considered sacred. This nāma also could mean the holy cow kāmadhenu capable of yielding any quantity of food at anytime. The word go (गो) is frequently used in Veda-s, meaning knowledge while practicing inner yajñā and in outer yajñā it means four legged animals. The word gauḥ also means speech, rays, heaven, etc indicating that they have originated from Her.