Ī ई (712)
Ī stand for kāmakalā. Kāmakalā has been elaborately dealt with in nāma 322. kāmakalā rūpā. Kāmakalā is Her subtle form and Her subtlest form is kuṇḍalinī.
The first vowel of Sanskrit is A (अ) and fourth vowel is Ī (ई). A means Viṣṇu and Ī means Śaktī, Viṣṇu’s sister. A+ Ī = Ī. Viṣṇu and His sister Śaktī is known by this bīja. There is another interpretation for this that is dealt with in nāma 715. Brahman becomes two, one is lineament and another is conditioned. Lineament is again divided into two masculine and feminine. Masculine is Viṣṇu and feminine is Śaktī, the consort of Śiva. Ī is a very powerful bīja as this is related to creation. Īṃ (ईं) bīja if properly used in ṣodaśī mantra gives mantra siddhi faster. This bīja gives the essence of amṛta bīja-s. Amṛta bīja s are ri, rī, li and lī (रि, री, लि, ली). Kāmakalā in combination with agni bīja as ātma bīja gives innumerable benefits. Kāmakalā is complete only when three dots are placed on the top of Ī (ई) and when these three dots are connected a triangle is formed and resultant bīja is pronounced as Īṃ. These three dots are referred to in various Upaniṣads in the form of various triads. For example, Chāndogya Upaniṣad (VI.3.3) says ‘of those three elements, he made each one of them three fold.’ Numeric three has great significance in creation and this is represented by the three dots in bīja Īṃ. (Please recall three Śaktī-s icchā, jñāna and kriyā - nāma 658.)
This nāma is pronounced as yai while performing arcana. Lalitā triśatī nāma 41 is Īkāra rūpā meaning that She is in the form of Kāmakalā.
Guru-maṇḍala-rūpiṇī गुरु-मण्डल-रूपिणी (713)
This nāma subtly conveys that the meaning and interpretation of kāmakalā should be learnt only from a guru as this has intrinsic and subtle meaning. Most of these interpretations have already been dealt with elaborately. Guru maṇḍala means lineages of guru-s. Śrī Vidyā attaches great importance to guru and his lineage. Whatever guru says should be final. Lineage of guru is stressed because, rituals and certain procedures differ from maṇḍala to maṇḍala (maṇḍala here means group) and each maṇḍala follows different customs and practices. Each Śrī vidyā student will have three categories of gurus - Guru, parama guru (guru’s guru) and parameṣṭhi guru (parama guru’s guru). During navāvaraṇa pūja, all these guru-s are worshipped along with many other guru-s. This nāma says that She is in the form of guru maṇḍala. There is no difference between guru and Lalitāmbikā, hence this nāma. The first guru or ādi guru is Śiva. Guru is also worshipped in sahasrāra, where She conjoins Śiva.
Kulottīrṇā कुलोत्तीर्णा (714)
There are nine nāma-s beginning with kula and different interpretations were provided for them. In this nāma kula means the sum total of senses, both internal (antaḥkaraṇa) and external. This nāma says that She has transcended all the senses (saguṇa Brahman or Brahman with attributes, as nirguṇa Brahman or Brahman with attributes does not act and merely remains as a witness). This attribute of the Brahman is known as vimarśa form. Prakāśa is Śiva and Vimarśa is Śaktī.
Bhagārādhyā भगाराध्या (715)
Bhaga means solar disc (sūrya maṇdala). She is worshipped in solar disc. It is not possible for humans to enter solar disc. This nāma indirectly says that She should be worshipped secretively. Nāma 275 already said that She is in the centre of solar disc. Brahman alone is contemplated in the centre of solar disc. This Sahasranāma repeatedly emphasizes that She is the Brahman and this nāma is one among such affirmations. From the point of view of Kāmakalā, sun represents one dot and the other two dots are represented by moon and fire. Chāndogya Upaniṣad (I.vi.6) says “There is a deity within the orbit of the sun who is seen by yogis. His whole body glitters like gold.”
The first alphabet of Sanskrit अ (a) in conjunction with ई gives rise to alphabet ए (e). A represents Śiva and Ī represents Śaktī (in contrast to nāma 712) and ae represents Śiva - Śaktī union and they are worshipped in sahasrārā secretively. The resultant letter ए almost looks like a triangle. Śrī Cakra is made up of triangles only and in the central triangle, She is worshipped. Śiva is in the form of bindu and Śaktī is in the form of triangle. Nāma-s 713, 714 and 715 are extensions of nāma 712.
Tarun Sharma
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