Bhaṇḍasainya-vadhodhyukta-śakthivikrama-harṣitā भण्डसैन्य-वधोध्युक्त-शक्थिविक्रम-हर्षिता (72)
When Her śaktī-s (army) destroyed the army of the demon Bhaṇḍasurā, She was delighted.
Bhaṇḍa also means ignorant soul afflicted with duality, sainya (army) also refers to duality (identifying the self as different from the Brahman), and vadha means destruction. Lalitai is delighted when one destroys duality. When duality is removed, it is an indication of the removal of the veil of māyā. The duality can be removed only by internal exploration with the help of mind.
Nityā-pārākramāṭopa-nirīkṣaṇa-samutsukā नित्या-पाराक्रमाटोप-निरीक्षण-समुत्सुका (73)
Nitya means tithi nitya devi-s (refer nāma 71). Lalitai was happy on observing the valour of these fifteen tithi nityā devi-s during the war.
When duality is destroyed and the veil of māyā is removed, the knowledge of Brahman continues to increase over a period of time. Spiritual progress achieved cannot be reversed that easily (though it can be reversed in exceptional circumstances). This is the secretive meaning of this nāma.
Bhaṇḍaputra-vadhodyukta-bālā-vikrama-nanditā भण्डपुत्र-वधोद्युक्त-बाला-विक्रम-नन्दिता (74)
Bālā is daughter of Lalitai and is nine years old. Bhandāsura had thirty sons. In spite of Lalitai advising Her daughter not to go to the battle field, Bālā prevailed upon her mother and waged a war against all the thirty sons of Bhandāsura and destroyed them.
In Śrī Vidya cult, the first initiation is always the mantra of Bālā. If one attains siddhi in Bālā mantra, he can attain super natural powers by using rare herbs. Certain herbs have divine qualities and are capable of conferring superhuman powers to a person provided he has attained siddhi in Bālā mantra.
Bālā is the aṅga devata of Lalitāmbikā. Lalitai, Mantrinī and Vārāhī have aṅga devi-s, upāṅga devi-s and pratyaṅga devi-s. Annapūrna Devi is upāṅga Devi and Aśvārūdā Devi is the pratyaṅga Devi of Lalitāmbikā. (aṅga, upāṅga and pratyaṅga refer to gross, subtle and subtler limbs of Devi)
The sons of Bhadāsura represent the thirty tattva-s. Unless we cross these tattva-s, realization cannot take place. A small effort (referring to Bālā) from us will destroy the evil effects of the tattva-s.
Mantriṇyambā-viracita-viśaṅgavadha-toṣitā मन्त्रिण्यम्बा-विरचित-विशङ्गवध-तोषिता (75)
She was delighted with the destruction of demon Viśaṅgavadha by Mantrinī (ṣyamalā) Devi. Viśaṅga and Viśukra are the two brothers of Bhandāsura. There were created by Bhandāsura from his shoulders.
There is bīja ‘vi’ (वि) in this nāma . The root of this bīja is the alphabet ‘va’ (व). Va indicates two things. It helps in attaining super natural powers. Secondly it eradicates evil influences. Mantrinī Devi represents the potency of mantra-s. Viśaṅga means desires arising out of the evil effects of sensory organs. Mantrinī Devi destroys such desires of the devotees of Lalitāmbikā.
Viśukra-prāṇaharaṇa-Vārāhī-vīrya-nanditā विशुक्र-प्राणहरण-वाराही-वीर्य-नन्दिता (76)
Viśukra is the brother of Bhandāsurā (refer the previous nāma). Vārāhī Devi slayed Viśukra and Lalitai was happy with the bravery of Vārāhī Devi.
Nāma-s 74, 75 and 76 talk about Bālā, Mantrinī and Vārāhī Devis. Stain or impurities in Sanskrit is known as mala. The three Devi-s destroy the mental impurities that accrue through our sensory organs. These impurities or stains are called mala, the worst of which is ego. In the case of Bālā it can be interpreted as balā or strength. One needs to have sufficient physical strength to receive the divine power, which is infused through our crown cakra and back head cakra. Mantrinī possibly could mean the potency of Devi’s mantras like Pañcadaśī or ṣodaśī. According to several ancient texts, each mantra is be recited up to a particular number of times, followed by other rituals called puraścaraṇa. Vārāhī is supposed to be the most powerful of the three Devi-s. She cannot tolerate any indiscipline. Possibly, Vārāhī could mean certain austerities to be followed in the worship of Devi. The three qualities viz. the physical strength, control of the mind (controlling the mind happens through the recitation of mantra) and observing certain austerities (sensory organs) make a man realize the Supreme Self within. When such a stage is reached, the devotee uses his body merely as a sheath to get final liberation and merge with Her.
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