Mūlādhāraika-nilayā मूलाधारैक-निलया (99)
She resides in mūlādhāra cakra. Mūla means root and ādhāra means support. That is why mūlādhāra cakra is called the base (foundational) cakra. A detailed study of mūlādhāra cakra is made from nāma-s 514 to 520.
Brahmagranthi-vibhedini ब्रह्मग्रन्थि-विभेदिनी (100)
She pierces the brahma granthi. There are three knots called granthi-s in three places in the path of Kuṇḍalinī. These granthi-s are to be pierced to make the Kuṇḍalinī ascend to the higher cakra-s. First of such granthi-s is found above the mūlādhāra cakra and below the svādhiṣṭhāna cakra. Kuṇḍalinī has to pierce the brahma granthi to reach the svādhiṣṭhāna cakra.
Maṇipūrāntha-ruditā मणिपूरान्थ-रुदिता (101)
She appears in the navel cakra. It was seen in nāma 98, that She is well decorated and sits on the throne in the navel cakra. Saundarya Laharī (verse 40) beautifully describes maṇipūraka cakra. “I worship that redoubtable dark-blue cloud, abiding forever in you maṇipūraka cakra, endowed with lightning in the form of Śaktī, whose lustre controverts darkness, with a rainbow caused by the sparkling variegated gems set in the jewels (of the Kuṇḍalinī ) and showering rain over the worlds scorched by Hara (fire) and Mihira (sun; certain dictionaries say moon).” In deep stage of meditation, one will be able to see bright light in the form of a bow. A detailed study of this cakra is made from nāma-s 495 to 503.
Viṣṇugranthi-vibhedinī विष्णुग्रन्थि-विभेदिनी (102)
She pierces the second knot called Viṣṇu granthi, which is just above the navel cakra. Lord Viṣṇu resides in maṇipūraka cakra and that is why the knot above this cakra is called Viṣṇu granthi. Lord Viṣṇu is the authority for the sustenance of this universe. When a sādhaka could cross the navel cakra, it means that he exists beyond sustenance. Sustenance is only for ordinary living beings. Beyond sustenance means sages and yogi-s. They can sustain themselves on the ambrosia, the nectar that has been discussed earlier.
Ājñā-cakrāntarālasthā आज्ञा-चक्रान्तरालस्था (103)
She resides in ājñā cakra which is also known as third eye. This is the last of the six cakra-s and this cakra belongs to one’s guru from where he gives his commands to the sādhaka. In this cakra, a sādhaka gains a little knowledge about the Brahman. In the previous five cakra-s, all the basic elements were identified. But this cakra is related to mind. Mind is the instrument for acquiring knowledge. Saundarya Laharī (verse 36) describes this cakra. “I worship the supreme Śiva (paraṃ śaṃbhuṃ) who abides in your ājñā cakra, covered by parā-cit on the sides and having the splendour of billions of sun and moon.” This verse underlines the mental worship of both Śiva and Śaktī. Ājñā cakra is associated with mind.
Kṛṣṇa tells Arjuna (Bhagavad Gīta XI.8), “You cannot see me with your physical eyes. I now give you divine eyes (the third eye or the ājñā cakra)”. Ājñā cakra is described in detail in nāma-s 521 to 528.
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