अस्मिन् परात्मन् ननु पाद्मकल्पे
त्वं इत्थं उत्थापित पद्मयोनिः।
अनन्तभूमा मम रोगराशिं
निरुन्धि वातालयवास विष्णो॥
asmin parātman nanu pādmakalpe
tvaṁ itthaṁ utthāpita padmayoniḥ |
anantabhūmā mama rogarāśiṁ
nirundhi vātālayavāsa viṣṇo ||
O! Viṣṇu, the Supreme Being manifested in the temple of Guruvayoor (a place in Kerala, India) for blessing Your devotees. In this age of pādmakalpa (also known as Śvetavarāha kalpa; kalpa is in reference to the time of Brahmā consisting of innumerable number of human years), You created lotus born Brahmā (originated from the navel of Viṣṇu). You are of incomprehensible greatness. Please do something to get me rid of my ailments.
(Source: Nārāyaṇīyam (canto 8; verse 13)
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March 21, 2015 04:22 PM
can this mantra cure any chronic disease. if chanted with utmost faith
March 21, 2015 06:38 PM
If I remember correct, this is has been said Kanchipuram Śaṃkarācārya, respectfully addressed as Maha Periava (the great man).
March 21, 2015 07:12 PM
Yes Ravi Sir, it was from Kanchi Paramacharya only. Paramacharya blessed a devotee, who was suffering from Cancer with the above Sloka. Chanting the above Sloka with devotion for 108, 32 or 16 times a day for a period of 45 days by those suffering from chronic illness would be cured of their illness by the divine blessings of Lord Guruvayoorappan.
Thank you.
Narasa Raju
March 21, 2015 08:11 PM
thank you sir. But, When it is said that Karma is the ultimate truth, how these mantras help or should we take this literally or can we hope for miracles to override karmas. Also, history says in the narration of kalidasa story, where an illiterate becomes a great poet due to divine grace of kali. Can faith and devotion rechange anything even today too?
March 22, 2015 02:08 AM
Yes, karma is the ultimate. But we do not know that everything is happening due to karma of the past births. We also accrue karma in this birth. Karmas of this birth can be eradicated through faith and devotion. As far as spiritual path is concerned, faith, dedication and perseverance are very important. Yes, faith and devotion will surely change anything today, provided it is outside the ambit of karmas of previous births.
March 22, 2015 09:20 PM
Gods don't carry powers to alter the effects of Prarabhda Karma. But it is within their powers, to mitigate the suffering. Let us say this is a via-media solution!
March 23, 2015 12:57 AM
Then there arises one question that, out of 100% of our life how much is karma driven(karma of previous birth) and how is accrued in this birth.
If one cannot know the above it becomes Very important for us have positive thoughts/devotion/faith all the time
March 23, 2015 10:25 PM
Positive thoughts are a good tool, but even for positive thoughts you should have Karma, precisely on account it being a good tool. Fate cannot manifest from outside. It operates you from the inside. A highly positive mind effectively mitigates sufferings, and such mode of the mind will be challenged by fears at the appropriate time on account of the work of Karma. In planets, Shri Sani operates as the one who manifests fear. In which area your fears are going to be is based on his house placements. There is a reason why Jyotish is considered to be a part of Veda. It is the only way you can analyze your karmic account and find out what is your past Karma.
October 05, 2020 07:02 PM
Hi, Does anyone know the meaning of this mantra, verbatim? Pls share.. Many thanks