Shakti: You promised me that you will answer my queries. I approached you several times and you have not bothered to answer me.
Shiva: You must understand one thing. Everything is predetermined by kālapuruṣa (time factor). Now it is time for us to talk and I am willing to answer all your queries.
Shakti: Many people are asking me to explain how to realize you fast. Many of them feel that they have not reaped the benefits of their sādhana even after many years of performing pūjā and japa. Can you kindly guide them please?
Shiva: I have explained this already. Now I will teach a small exercise on breathing. As I have already said, only through prāṇa, mind can be controlled. You may ask why? When prāṇa is properly maneuvered, resurrection of the body happens (this is known as prāṇa-utthāna; utthāna means resurrection). Controlling breath leads to active body and active body leads to composed mind and composed mind stops too much of distraction and a mind without too much of distraction makes one’s consciousness closest to the purest.
Shakti: What is that exercise?
Shiva: This is the exercise, which anyone can practice with ease.
Inhale by expanding your abdomen and slightly pushing your head back (count between 4 and 6) - hold the breath for a few seconds (may be you can count between 6 to 9) within - exhale slowly by contracting your abdomen (may be you can count the same 6 to 9) and bring down your head close to chest - do not inhale and hold inhalation for a few seconds (may be 2 to 4). This completes one round. Now let us calculate.
At the lowest numbers 4 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 18
At the highest numbers 6 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 28
At the lowest numbers your breathing rate would be 3.30 per minute
At the highest numbers you breathing rate would be 2.14 per minute
You can modify the numbers to suit your comfort zone. There is no need to follow these numbers as they are only illustrative in nature. During this practice, please ensure that your breathing does not exceed 4 per minute.
At the time of exhalation, you have to visualize that you are exhaling through your spine. When you visualize this, you will feel pressure from your heart chakra onwards, towards sahasrāra.
This is perfect prāṇāyama.
Shakti: How many times one has to practice this?
Shiva: Why everyone is concerned with number of times of practicing this or that? For example, take the case of number of repetitions of prāṇāyama. Number of times for repeating a mantra, number of times of prāṇāyama, number of times for doing this or that; please do not go with the number of repetitions. Go with the mind. Mind will tell you what is right and what is not right. When mind is in conjunction with intellect and consciousness, it is called conscience and this is more to do with practical reasoning. Conscience is not always the same. It is related to the environment, perception, lineage, etc. If one learns to develop a perfect conscience, through practice, many of these questions can be easily resolved.
Shakti: What is conscience to do with spiritual sādhana?
Shiva: Many human activities are controlled by conscience and therefore conscience is to be understood in right perspective. It is the voice of mind, duly influenced by intellect and consciousness. Conscience has the influence of the mind to the extent of moral standards at any given point of time; influence of intellect to the extent of evaluating kula dharma (lineage) at any given point of time; and above all, an aspect of extended consciousness beyond existence related dispositions, searching for truth. When all the three major subtle aspects of human existence work on conscience, you can understand how powerful one’s conscience is. One has to go with what one’s conscience says and it never fails you. But you must always remember that conscience is different from mind. No one should get deceived by the influence of the mind and one’s conscience should not be confused with the mind. One has to be extremely careful on this. Even when the mind is made dysfunctional, conscience will continue to guide.
Shakti: I understand. But my question is how conscience is related to spiritual sādhana and in particular about the number of recitations of mantra japa or practicing prāṇāyama?
Shiva: This cannot be decided by mind alone. Mind by nature makes one lazy. Even after a few counts, mind will try to wander away, towards the material world such as hunger, thirst, bodily discomforts, etc. But conscience will not let go anyone that easily and continue to prompt him or her that sādhana is not enough. When sādhana is perfect, conscience will say so. Therefore, one should never think about whether 10 counts are sufficient or 100 counts are sufficient. One’s conscience should be satisfied with the number of counts. It is not the counts that matter, but one has to satisfy his conscience. Psychoanalysts believe that part of the unconscious mind acts as conscience and I have dealt with unconscious mind elaborately. As you know 90% human mind is only unconscious mind and hardly 10% forms conscious mind.
Shakti: You have explained to me almost everything. Can you please tell me in a nutshell how one can attain you for the purpose of realization and liberation.
Shiva: I have been saying this regularly. For the purpose of realization and liberation, one has to work with one’s prāṇa (breath), manas (mind – conscious mind and with the help of conscious mind unconscious mind) and consciousness (awareness). It is not the mantra initiation alone that is important. Mantra should be initiated properly. It is like sowing a seed. It is the job of a Guru to prepare a mantra after performing ten saṁskāra-s. Without performing these saṁskāra-s, a mantra will not work.
Shakti: But I hardly find anybody doing these saṁskāra-s for any mantras.
Shiva: I know and that is why you do not see many realized persons nowadays. One should not end up with realization. The ultimate goal is liberation. Realization is realizing you first and then with the help of you I am realized. Liberation is merging with me; only former leads to the latter; liberation is not something that can be attained independently of realization. The seed of realization is sown by a spiritual teacher. The seed has to be implanted properly and the teacher should guide the aspirant in the path of sādhana. When sādhana is perfectly practiced, you shower your grace on the aspirant in the form of Shaktipata, which is nothing but my own grace; but you are instrumental to shower my grace and the choice is yours and hence it is called śakti pāta. This, in combination with efficacy of one’s sādhana, makes one to realize you first. This is the stage, where you remove inherent spiritual ignorance called māyā. Once the veil of māyā is removed, my true nature is revealed and this revelation is called Self-realization. One’s sādhana does not end here. Self-realization happens in the arena of mind; in other words, it happens in the microcosmic plane. The next logical step would be realization at the macrocosmic plane. This is one of the highest spiritual practices and needs lot of patience and perseverance. Once macrocosmic realization happens, there is one more step known as liberation. To get liberated one has to have highly purified consciousness. As in the case of macrocosmic realization, liberation also happens outside the body. It is the travel of one’s consciousness towards the great void known as mahāśūnya, known as great vacuity. It is the state of no-matter and no-mind. This is the point from which I create the universe. When this point is realized, one’s spiritual journey comes to an end. He or she lives as a jīvanmukta; this practitioner is emancipated and continues to live to exhaust his karmas. At the time of his death, his soul merges with me. That is it for him; he is liberated. He becomes one with me. But always remember that one can only merge with me; but never can become I.
Shakti: Are you going to conclude your teachings now?
Shiva: Yes, I am now concluding. I have covered every aspect of realization and liberation. There is nothing more I can reveal. It all depends upon one’s capacity to practice. Divine grace does not come that easily. One has to work through his mind. Now it is time for us to go. Come, sit on my lap and let us shower our grace on all those who love fellow beings, who take care of their parents during their old age, who perpetually stay connected with us, who help others without expecting anything in return, who teaches ways and means to attain us without material considerations, who never get into deep pits of śāstra-s and wasting precious time of their existence (Adhyātmarāmāyaṇa – Bālākāṇḍa – verse 51 says, “….Let those who are devoid of devotion to me, roll in the abyss of śāstra-s. This is neither knowledge nor emancipation even through hundreds of transmigrations.”) and all those who think and do good for a prosperous and happy coexistence.
This series is concluded.
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May 04, 2014 07:17 PM
very good write up and conversation. But, are Shiva and Shakti really showering grace who are loving fellow beings, and who are taking care of parents in old age?. Even they both seem to favour fake gurus, big corporate hospitals and mostly I see people becoming successful who neglect parents and who are living selfishly and are self centered.
May 04, 2014 07:26 PM
The purport of the article is only to highlight these deficiencies of the spiritual world. Thank you for taking forward my point of view. If few of us are good and true in spiritual life, the world can be reformed.
May 05, 2014 01:08 AM
I strongly agree both of the comments above.I fall into the trap of a fake Guru some years ago and my life was threatened for telling the truth and now he lives a royal life,with disciples that can give their lives to him,he has luxury ashram,cars and he travels everywhere and anyone who tell the truth are being morally tortured and threatened by him and Karma is having no effects on him for nearly 20 years now.
I have been also told that some Sri Vidya Gurus are abusing disciples by taking their money and even having sex with them.
Its really Time Raviji for Shiva & Shakti to reformed this world by gracing sincere devotees.Many people are doing amazing selfless actions and they are persecuted, falling ill and living in poverty.But most of the people who neglects parents,stealing or doing very bad actions are living a happy life.
May 05, 2014 02:02 AM
I am aware of many pathetic situations and horrible tales. We must always remember that spirituality can never be commercialized and can never be taught in groups. One on one interaction is absolutely important for progress in spiritual path. Time will change in due course due to Divine Grace. Thank you for participating in this section.
May 05, 2014 10:00 PM
When all that is required is chanting of holy name of the lord get liberation in Kali Yuga why do you need Guru. Why cant you just be good and keep chanting the holy name? Why don't u say ghatisthwam, O Bhavani! and remain surrendered. Why don't u utter the words 'Bhavani Tvam' and remain surrendered. Why do anyone need Sri Vidya for liberation when simple ways are suggested by great gnanis and yogins. The vain always suffer.
May 06, 2014 10:34 AM
Today very good people of noble thoughts and intentions and of good faith suffer for no reason. They attach themselves to organizations or follow other people without once questioning themselves or organizations and suffer due to their ignorance. People are equally responsible for this. One should learn to protest against illegal things and save others from cheating. I also agree with anyonymous comment, because my own father does all kind of illegal activities, and he is living happily and it is my mother who lived with noble thoughts and bearing all the misdeeds of my father, but in the end it is my mother who suffered and died out of cancer. I have bunch of relatives who are doctors and in the name of healthcare they are cheating all the innocent patients, but since 30 years I dont find any karma or anything to affect them. They are building mans
May 06, 2014 04:28 PM
In these commercial days every body is calculating the happiness or bliss in terms of money and mansions only. Who said that the people who are having money and mansions are living happily ? Definitely most of them are not happy. The ultimate goal of spirituality is to experience the permanent bliss. If any body became millionaire by his bad deeds,god has no role in it. God is not a policeman to punish the sinners. God is not a politician to shower grace on one who build his temple or who present him ornaments. Those who wish to enjoy the permanent bliss only select the path of spirituality. Unfortunately, there is a blind belief that simply by reciting a mantra, we get every thing. What you get or what you lose will depend on your karmic account only.
May 07, 2014 09:50 AM
It is the yuga dharma of the kali that the unrighteous become rich and lead comfortable life. Instead of cribbing about it, we should concentrate on our own agenda of pursuing liberation as it is right age among all. "Kali Sadhu" - The best age for liberation. If you see good poeple suffering, it means that they are exhausting their karmas and getting closer to freedom. Even Ramakrishna and Ramana suffered from cancer before mahasamadhi. Dont go by what is apparent as Gods game is different.
May 07, 2014 06:39 PM
I do not totally agree with these comments above
Krishna Said id the Bhagavad Gita:
"yada yada hi dharmasya
glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya
tadatmanam srjamy aham"
"Whenener and Wherever a decline of Righteousness and a predominance of unrighteousness prevails,At that Time I manifest Myself Personally,o descendant of Bharata"
We are living in a material word where money rules and without money, you cannot even buy food to sustain the body. Many people are working honestly and hard and they even can't buy medicines and food and concentrating and focusing fully on the Lord is more difficult as the mind is disturbed. I'm not talking about desires but basic needs to live! At this time, billions are people are starving of food and do not have clean water, they even do not have the life basic needs.
And many people are stealing, selling drugs, selling organs, killing people and doing very bad actions but they are living a more decent life than people working hard and honestly.
And the big question is why Karma is having no effects on them.
Another easy way to get money is becoming a swami or guru.I personally witness a Guru ruining honest lives, by taking away all their property, money, peace of mind, brainwashing them and many of them died of cancer and if someone tells the truth, his life gets threatened.
These Fake gurus need to be exposed at any cost and this is decline of unrighteousness and The Lord Promised to manifest whenever and wherever there is a decline!
Now we have Sri Vidya Gurus who are commercializing Sri Vidya, selling online courses for Thousands of dollars and asking a lot of money for diksha and some of them are even having sexual intercourse with their own disciples by fooling their minds.
May 07, 2014 11:57 PM
No, karma isn't crime and punishment, but cause and consequence more. If you put your hand on a hot stove, you get burned. Thats not punishment, its just how it goes. If you surround yourself with shysters you will get lied to. If you lie, people wont trust you and act accordingly. Thats karma.
June 01, 2015 02:28 PM
How to BREATH, and how to EAT are the 2 basic things that most people do not know how to do. My genuine quest of spirituality ends today when I discovered Manblunder a few days ago.
guru industry, healthcare industry, numerology fengshui, magic gems, atrologers all these industries had made me sick. None of the above are serving the people in meaningful way but exploiting the vulnerable in their own way.
Although I have not chanted any mantras, nor meditated. I was extremely happy to discover the blog of manblunder with so much of genuine information provided with such a straight forward approach without any selfish gains.
It is time to LIBERATE God from the clutches of gurus.
I do not have any personal experiences to share in spirtulatiy. But I recommend this blog for every spiritual aspirant to read this and enjoy every bit of it. This is just a thank note to ravi sir for his wonderful selfless service that is published.
I learnt the tuf lessons of Karma and how it operates and it never leaves anyone. Also, there is no such thing called instant spiritual salvation. PAY as you PRAY is the commercial goldline of modern gurus. This is an exceptional blog in spirituality.
March 20, 2019 11:19 AM
Namaskaram Gurugaru. Eversince I came in touch with your blog,I found myself progressing spiritually.All my doubts you've been clearing on day to day basis.As per your advise I started meditating on Lord Shiva as my Ishta Devta.Also read Vivekchudamani and Bhagwad Gita chapters from your blog.All this while I was able to meditate well with proper concentration for more than 20 minutes in the morning and evening.But when I started reading 'Shiva in conversation with Shakti',as per your advise to find answer for my recent qeury,I am not able to meditate properly.The light on which I could concentrate all these days during meditation is not visible at all.I don't know where I have gone wrong.Please help Gurugaru.
March 20, 2019 11:28 AM
Shiva in conversation with Shakti deals more with souls and probably this could have impacted your mind. Please close your right nostril and inhale and exhale through left nostril and then meditate and find out the outcome.
March 20, 2019 11:59 AM
Thankyou Gurugaru.
March 26, 2019 11:02 PM
Namaskaram Gurugaru.Thankyou so much for the solution.My problem is resolved completely.Although I had to struggle for some time.But Gurugaru what is the technicality involved in this tip.
March 27, 2019 12:18 PM
Can you please be more specific as there are many things discussed in this article?
March 29, 2019 10:13 AM
Namaskaram Gurugaru.It is only to know how inhaling and exhaling from the left nostril helps in concentration.
March 29, 2019 11:02 AM
Left nostril or chandra nadi breathing cools down the body and makes the mind quiet. When the mind is quiet, our power of concentration increases.
March 29, 2019 05:22 PM
Thankyou Gurugaru for the prompt reply.I also want to know about mantra initiation.I was not initiated by any mantra,but I started meditating on Lord Shiva.As initiation by doing 10 samskaras has been mentioned in the above conversation.Is it going to help me.
March 29, 2019 06:19 PM
Ultimately only the bhakti (devotion) that counts. Continue to meditate on Lord Shiva, the Supreme Guru. No specific initiation is your case.
March 29, 2019 07:53 PM
Thankyou Gurugaru I shall do that.
May 29, 2023 08:05 AM
Olá, sou nova por aqui e acabei de ler Shiva em conversa com Shakti , Maravilhoso conteúdo! Seguirei os estudos, estou iniciando o Sadhana com mantra japa Om Namah Shivaya... ainda precisando estudar bastante, creio que vou aprender bastante por aqui. Obrigada
Google translation from Portuguese to English -
Olá, so new here and ended Shiva's conversation with Shakti, amazing content! I will follow the studies, I am starting the meditation with mantra japa Om Namah Shivaya... still needing to study a lot, believe that you will learn a lot from here. Obrigado
May 29, 2023 08:05 AM
Gratidão pelo conteúdo!
Google translation from Potuguese to English -
Gratitude for the content!
August 23, 2024 11:08 AM
At the end of this series, what I understand is that mantra dhyana is important for liberation. I do not have a living guru, but I accept Shirdi Sai Baba as my guru. His teachings say that meditation and mantra sadhna is not for all. One, its hard to find a guru to give you mantra deeksha, Second, jam-packed lifestyle makes it hard to take time for sadhna. Third, fulfiling our responsibility is more than enough to get the grace of god/goddess. Like you say, if you take care of parents, family, and work first, that is all that matters. So, Sai Baba understands a human being. Fourth, this world is sooo disturbing. Even if our family is happy, there is a fighting neighbour, social rage, crime against poor/women. Fifth and the most important, even if I try to sleep by 9 and wake up by 4 pm, our family will not support it. Not all in the family are spiritually inclined. My dad and dad-in-law both are aged but never spiritually inclined, so they cannot understand my need. So, I end up waking up so late in the morning that first thing is to take care of the family, then the job and then you are exhausted, then again take care of family. This cycle continues. I dont think I am lucky enough or there is a lot of karmic blockage. I feel all alone. So, I conclude mantra sadhana is not for me. However, I practice lalithasahastranama daily, what a calming beauty it is. Also, I feel guilty that I am not able to read Sai charitra, but I feel I have read it enough and it can't hold on to me anymore. I guess I want to explore more. Yet, I feel guilty because the falashruti says that those who read this book daily will surely reap benefits of health, peace and more. But, sometimes I think if I am getting away from it there must be a greater reason to it. Will Baba be angry that I am not reading his charitra but reading lalitasahastranama?