Śuddha-tattva-sandhānād-vāpaśuśaktiḥ शुद्धतत्त्वसन्धानाद्वापशुशक्तिः (sūtrā 16)
Śuddha – pure; tattva – principle; sandhānāt - perpetual awareness; vā – or; (apaśuśaktiḥ = a + paśu + śaktiḥ) a –devoid of; paśu – individual soul; śaktiḥ - power.
Or by perpetual awareness of the Pure Principle, the individual soul or the aspirant becomes devoid of power that binds.
Pure Principle is Śiva. By default, purest form is Śiva. A yogi is able to establish his ever existing un-afflicted awareness on Śiva. To put this in other way, a yogi is able to fix his purified individual consciousness in the universal consciousness, the Śiva consciousness. His individual consciousness undergoes transformation to merge with the highest level of consciousness. This is known as cetanā cetana bhidā (bhidā – separation). Śiva has used Śuddha-tattva to point out that universe by itself always remains pure. But the individual self becomes impure because of natural impurities (mala) associated with it due to karmic afflictions. When an aspirant repeatedly affirms through sādhana or practice, his individual consciousness also becomes pure by pushing aside, the differentiated perception that binds an individual. This is what a yogi does.
This can be practiced by contemplating the individual self merging with the universe and Śiva consciousness simultaneously. When this type of meditation is practiced, differentiated perception gets dissolved, paving way for the realization of Supreme Self, Śiva. The practitioner is always filled with bliss as he does not consider himself as different from Śiva, as he is in the process of attaining emancipation.
Jayanth Chandramouli
September 13, 2016 12:28 AM
Isn't the consciousness always pure and it is only the mind that is impure and because of which consciousness seems impure?
If yes why is it told that consciousness is purified to merge with Shiva by a yogi?
September 13, 2016 06:44 PM
When consciousness is afflicted by thought processes, it appears as impure. This sutra says that unless our thought processes are completely eliminated, our consciousness continues to be veiled by the effects of mind. When there is no thought process in the mind, the consciousness becomes pure and only such a person is eligible to become one with Shiva.