Śakticakrasandhāne viśvasaṁhāraḥ (शक्तिचक्रसन्धाने विश्वसंहारः) (sūtrā 6)
Śakti means energy. The word cakra is slightly complicated. The krama system accepts five powers of the Ultimate. They are creation, sustenance, annihilation, assumption of the indefinable state (anākhya) and freedom (bhāsā, the light, luster, brightness and impression made on the mind.). Krama system and bhāsā have been discussed in sūtrā 5 (Krama system says that purification of definitive idea is the means to the realization of the Ultimate. It is the nature of indetermination where purification happens through successive stages from nothingness to perfect clarity). Out of the five mentioned above the first four are known as cakras. Sandhāna (derived from the word sandhiḥ (संधिः) means union, conjunction, connection, etc. Viśva means the universe and saṁhāraḥ means destruction.
This aphorism says that the combination of energies dissolve the differentiated universe. Due to the lack of the highest level of consciousness (refer sūtrā 2), universe is considered as a separate entity. The consciousness can be purified only through the process of looking within which is known as internalization of awareness. If awareness is externalized, one is bound to use sensory organs that cause impure impressions in the mind activating one’s unfounded ego. Combined potency or Śakti cakra sandhānā refers to svātantrya śakti of Shiva, which is known as the autonomy of Shiva in the form of will. In other words, it is Shiva’s power of autonomy. This power of autonomy is not directly used by Shiva. Śaktī (here it means Shiva’s consort), holds the power attorney of Shiva to use His power of autonomy in whatever manner She deems fit. Shiva having given this power of attorney remains as mute spectator to the actions executed using His power of attorney. He does not get Himself involved in any of the acts either directly or indirectly. He sits majestically with imperceptible smile on His face. He smiles on observing the ignorance of men, wrongfully claiming ownership of various acts that were in fact executed through them by Śaktī.
Śaktī is the sole authority for administering the universe. She executes Her authority by delegating Her powers and each such power is known as śakti. For example, creation, sustenance, destruction, etc are administered by different śaktis or powers. As in the case of Shiva, Śaktī also does not associate Herself in any of these activities, though She is in full command of all the activities that unfold in the universe. When there is a union (sandhāna) of all these śaktis, the universe appears as dissolved (saṁhāraḥ). When the union of different types of consciousness takes place, there emerges a single consciousness, which is called Bhairava. When a yogi meditates this way, he is able to transcend time and space and become one with Bhairava. This is the consciousness where all the thirty six tattvas are incinerated in the fire of supreme consciousness that burns within
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