Tadvimuktastu kevalī तद्विमुक्तस्तु केवली॥ (sūtra III.34)
tad – the pleasure and pain, discussed in the previous sūtra; vimuktaḥ - devoid of; tu – then; kevalī – exclusively on his own.
The yogi, who has transformed his mind beyond sensory perceptions, always remains in the highest state of consciousness. Mind gets affected only by opposites. In spiritual pursuits, the most important of opposites is “I” and “This”. This refers to objects and I refer to God consciousness or Self-consciousness. When “This” consciousness is dissolved into “I” consciousness, he steps into the pedestal of a yogi and his self transformation begins to unfold at a better pace. He is then able to affirm “I am That”. When a yogi is totally engulfed by the flowing effulgence of the Lord, he remains isolated (kevalī) from the materialistic world and eternally feels His grace. Such a yogi merely coexists in this world till his body is shed to reach the final stage of videhamukti (bodiless).
Tarun Sharma
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