Mohapratisaṁhatastu karmātmā मोहप्रतिसंहतस्तु कर्मात्मा॥ (sūtra III.35)
moha – delusion; pratisaṁhata – a compacted mass; tu – however; karma – actions; ātmā – involved.
The one, who is an embodiment of delusions, gets involved in karma-s. When a person is afflicted with worldly attachments, he causes his karmic account to swell. This does not mean that he indulges in reprehensible activities. Even, if such an aspirant does only virtuous acts, but not dissolving his ego, his karmic account swells. I, Me and Mine are the worst triads that cause serious affliction in one’s karmic account. Karma is an exclusive mechanism designed by the Lord to record all the actions of every soul that exists in this universe. Karmic account gets seriously affected by ego and vicious thoughts. Mere thought of injuring others is more flagitious than the act of harming another living being. Therefore, nobody with an evil mind can escape from the law of karma, based on which the Lord administers the universe through His consort Śaktī. When the time becomes ripe for the karma-s to manifest, the aspirant is precluded from spiritual advancement, as a result of which, his soul continues to transmigrate, undergoing the pains of birth, sustenance and death repeatedly.
This aphorism says that if one continues to indulge in moha, he has to undergo the repeated process of metempsychosis and the signs of liberation will be a mirage.
Ramesh Purohit
Brazila sen
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