Cittasthitivaccharīrakaraṇabāhyeṣu चित्तस्थितिवच्छरीरकरणबाह्येषु॥ (sūtra III.39)
citta – of the mental; sthiti – states; vat – as or like; śarīra –the gross body; karaṇa – sense organs; bāhyeṣu (bāhya) – external objects.
The previous sūtra discussed about invigoration of turya into primary states of manifestation, sustenance and reabsorption. This process happens in the arena of mind. It is not enough to invigorate the mind and it is also essential to enliven the gross body along with the embedded sensory organs. Turya is the mental state where the aspirant enters the state of bliss. To enter the state of turya, the mind should have been completely cleansed of impressions so that it can single pointedly focus on the Lord. Single pointed attention is possible only when the mind is free of any other thought processes. This single pointed focus automatically sweeps off the remnants of impressions and ego. Effectually, initial human effort is needed merely to focus on the Lord and the cleansing process is automatically initiated. When the mind is totally purified, the yogi enters the state of blissfulness. His mental happiness is radiated through his body. This confirms the saying that, face is the index of the mind and this sūtra elucidates this aspect further.
This sūtra points out that introversion alone is not enough to attain complete perfection. The blissfulness attained in the state of turya is to be transmitted in an extroverted manner as well. However, while doing so, the yogi continues to remain in the state of turya, which is the source for extraversion that happens through his sensory organs to the objective world. This is the point where individual consciousness, which is in the form of bliss, merges with the universal consciousness and a perfect yogi is made.
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