34. सम्हितो विश्वसामा सूर्यो गन्धर्वस्तस्य मरीचयोऽप्सरस आयुवो नाम स इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पातु ता इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पान्तु तस्मै स्वाहा। सूर्याय गन्धर्वाय इदं न मम॥
samhito sūryo gandharvastasya marīcayo'psarasa āyuvo nāma sa idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pātu tā idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pāntu tasmai svāhā | sūryāya gandharvāya idaṁ na mama ||
35. ताभ्य स्वाहा। मरीचिभ्योऽप्सरोभ्य इदं न मम॥
tābhya svāhā | marīcibhyo'psarobhya idaṁ na mama ||
(Sun is also considered as one of the gandharva-s and sun is also known as Samahita and Viśvasāma are the two names given to sun. Sun’s rays are playing with Āyuva, described as some apsaras. Subtle meaning conveyed here is different. Sun as the sustainer of the universe nurtures the universe with his rays and this is explained as gandharva and all beings as apsaras. Let the benefits of this oblation go to sun as gandharva and his act of benevolence like knowledge and wealth and not for me.)
36. सुषुम्नः सूर्यरश्मिश्चन्द्रमा गन्धर्वस्तस्य नक्षत्राण्यप्सरसो बेकुरयो नाम स इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पातु ता इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पान्तु तस्मै स्वाहा। चन्द्रमसे गन्धर्वाय इदं न मम॥
suṣumnaḥ sūryaraśmiścandramā gandharvastasya nakṣatrāṇyapsaraso bekurayo nāma sa idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pātu tā idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pāntu tasmai svāhā | candramase gandharvāya idaṁ na mama ||
37. ताभ्य स्वाहा। नक्षत्रेभ्योऽप्सरोभ्य इदं न मम॥
tābhya svāhā | nakṣatrebhyo'psarobhya idaṁ na mama ||
(Moon is also known as a gandharva by name Suṣumna. The rays of the moon are described as stars. Moon as a gandharva is playing with stars, referred here as apsaras Bekuraya (bekuri is a musical instrument played by apsaras). Let this oblation go to Suṣumna and Mekuri (moon and stars) and not to me.)
38 भुज्युस्सुपर्णो यज्ञो गन्धर्वस्तस्य दक्षिणा अप्रसरसःस्तवा नाम स इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पातु ता इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पान्तु तस्मै स्वाहा। यज्ञाय गन्धर्वाय इदं न मम॥
bhujyussuparṇo yajño gandharvastasya dakṣiṇā aprasarasaḥstavā nāma sa idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pātu tā idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pāntu tasmai svāhā | yajñāya gandharvāya idaṁ na mama ||
39. ताभ्य स्वाहा। दक्षिणाभ्योऽप्सरोभ्य इदं न मम॥
tābhya svāhā | dakṣiṇābhyoo'psarobhya idaṁ na mama ||
(Bhujyu also known as Suparṇa is a huge yajña and this is referred as a gandharva. Dakṣiṇā is referred here as an apsaras by name Stavā and contextually it refers to gifts given to the priests who perform this homa. Let this oblation go to Bhujyu/ Suparṇa and apsaras Stava. Stava means eulogy, song of praise and hymn. Let this oblation go to Bhujyu/ Suparṇa and Stava and this oblation is not for me)
40. प्रजापतिर्विश्वकर्मा मनो गदन्धर्व-तस्यक्रुक्सासा नाम स इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पातु ता इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पान्तु तस्मै स्वाहा। मनसे गन्धर्वाय इदं न मम॥
prajāpatirviśvakarmā mano gadandharva-tasyakruksāsā nāma sa idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pātu tā idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pāntu tasmai svāhā | manase gandharvāya idaṁ na mama ||
41. ताभ्य स्वाहा। ऋक्सामेभ्योऽप्सरोभ्य इदं न मम॥
tābhya svāhā | ṛksāmebhyo'psarobhya idaṁ na mama ||
(A gandhrava is known by names Prajāpati (lord of creatures) and Viśvakarma (the divine creative architect). Mind is subtle referred here. Rig and Sāma Vedas are portrayed as apsaras. Union between this gandharva and these apsarases is called vahnayaḥ (the god of fire). Let this oblation go to them and not to me).
42. इषिरो विश्वव्यचा वातो गन्धर्वस्तस्याषोऽप्सरसो मुदा नाम स इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पातु ता इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पान्तु तस्मै स्वाहा। वाताय गन्धर्वाय इदं न मम॥
iṣiro viśvavyacā vāto gandharvastasyāṣo'psaraso mudā nāma sa idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pātu tā idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pāntu tasmai svāhā | vātāya gandharvāya idaṁ na mama ||
43. ताभ्य स्वाहा। अद्भ्योऽप्सरोभ्य इदं न मम॥
tābhya svāhā | adbhyo'psarobhya idaṁ na mama ||
(Iṣira and Viśvavyacā are the names of another gandharva. Apsarases in the form of water bodies play with him. Their union is known as mudā, which means happiness and pleasure. Let this oblation go to them and not to me)
44. भुवनस्य पते यस्य त उपरि गृहा इह च। स नो राश्वाज्यनिगुम् रायस्पोषगुम् सुवीर्यगुम् संवत्सरीणगुम् स्वस्तिगुम् स्वाहा। भुवनस्य पत्य इदं न मम॥
bhuvanasya pate yasya ta upari gṛhā iha ca | sa no rāśvājyanigum rāyaspoṣagum suvīryagum saṁvatsarīṇagum svastigum svāhā | bhuvanasya patya idaṁ na mama ||
(O! lord of this world who pervades both the upper worlds and lower worlds! Please give us long life, wealth, valour, painless life. Let this oblation go to the lord of the world and not for me.)
45. परमेष्ठ्यधिपति मृत्युर्गन्धर्वस्तस्य विश्वमप्सरसो भुवो नाम स इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पातु ता इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पान्तु तस्मै स्वाहा। मृत्यवे गन्धर्वाय इदं न मम॥
parameṣṭhyadhipati mṛtyurgandharvastasya viśvamapsaraso bhuvo nāma sa idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pātu tā idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pāntu tasmai svāhā | mṛtyave gandharvāya idaṁ na mama ||
46. ताभ्य स्वाहा। विश्वस्मा अप्सरोभ्य इदं न मम॥
tābhya svāhā | viśvasmā apsarobhya idaṁ na mama ||
(Mṛtyu (death personified) is a gandharva also known as Parameṣṭhi (chief of gods like Indra) and Adhipati (the soft of part at the top of the skull where sahasrāra is placed and the smallest orifice at the top of the skull is known as brahmarandhra, a suture or aperture in the crown of the head through which the soul is said to escape on death). He escapes the human body at the time of death through brahmarandhra. As long as he stays within the body he plays with Bhuvḥ (the atmosphere) who is portrayed as an apsaras. Let this oblation go to them and not to me).
47. सुक्षितिस्सुभूतिर्भद्रकृत्सुवर्वान् पर्जन्यो गन्धर्वस्तस्य विधुतोऽप्सरसो रुचो नाम स इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पातु ता इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पान्तु तस्मै स्वाहा। पर्जन्याय गन्धर्वाय इदं न मम॥
sukṣitissubhūtirbhadrakṛtsuvarvān parjanyo gandharvastasya vidhuto'psaraso ruco nāma sa idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pātu tā idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pāntu tasmai svāhā | parjanyāya gandharvāya idaṁ na mama ||
48. ताभ्य स्वाहा। विधुद्भ्योऽप्सरोभ्य इदं न मम॥
tābhya svāhā | vidhudbhyo'apsarobhya idaṁ na mama ||
(Parjanya (rain personified or the god of rain) is a gandharva and is known by other names such as Sukṣiti, Subhūti, Bhadrakṛt and Suvarvān. As he is portrayed as rain god, lightning is portrayed as apsaras and is known as Ruca (bright, radiant, brilliant). This gandharva and apsaras play together. As they are bringing rain for sustenance, let this oblation go them and not for me)
49. दूरेहेतिरमृडयो मृत्युर्गन्धर्वस्तस्य प्रजा अप्सरसो भीरुवो नाम स इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पातु ता इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पान्तु तस्मै स्वाहा। मृत्यवे गन्धर्वाये इदं न मम॥
dūrehetiramṛḍayo mṛtyurgandharvastasya prajā apsaraso bhīruvo nāma sa idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pātu tā idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pāntu tasmai svāhā | mṛtyave gandharvāye idaṁ na mama ||
50. ताभ्य स्वाहा। प्रजाभ्योऽप्सरोभ्य इदं न मम॥
tābhya svāhā | prajābhyo'psarobhya idaṁ na mama ||
(Mṛtyu gandharva is also known as Dūreheti (a form of Agni) and Amṛḍaya (non-compassionate) and he plays with Prajā (procreation, propagation, birth) and Prajā is portrayed as an apsaras by name Bhīru (fearful, timid, cowardly). Let this oblation go to them and not for me.)
51. चारुः कृपणकाशी कामो गन्धर्वस्तस्याधयोऽप्सरसः शोचयन्तीर्नाम स इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पातु ता इदं ब्रह्म क्षत्रं पान्तु तस्मै स्वाहा। कामाय गन्धर्वाय इदं न मम॥
cāruḥ kṛpaṇakāśī kāmo gandharvastasyādhayo'psarasaḥ śocayantīrnāma sa idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pātu tā idaṁ brahma kṣatraṁ pāntu tasmai svāhā | kāmāya gandharvāya idaṁ na mama ||
52. ताभ्यः स्वाहा। आधिभ्यो अप्रसरोभ्य इदं न मम॥
tābhyaḥ svāhā | ādhibhyo aprasarobhya idaṁ na mama ||
(Cāru and Kṛpaṇakāśi is a lustful gandharva. He plays with Śocayat (causing to burn or causing to grieve), an apsaras. (this means that a lustful mind leads to pains). Let this oblation go to them and not for me).
53. स नो भुवनस्यपतेयस्य त उपरि गृहा इह च। उरु ब्रह्मणेऽस्मै क्षत्राय महि शर्म यच्छ स्वाहा। भुवनस्य पत्ये ब्रह्मण इदं न मम॥
sa no bhuvanasyapateyasya ta upari gṛhā iha ca | uru brahmaṇe'smai kṣatrāya mahi śarma yaccha svāhā | bhuvanasya patye brahmaṇa idaṁ na mama ||
(O! Bhuvanapati!! (the lord of beings or of the world) You pervade both the upper world and the lower world (heaven and earth). Please give more knowledge to the seekers of knowledge and happiness to those who are valorous. This oblation is for you and not for me.)
54. प्रजापते नत्वदेतान्यन्यो विश्वा जातानि परिता बभूव। यत्कामास्ते जुहुमस्तन्नो अस्तु वयग्स्याम पतयो रयीणागुम् स्वाहा। प्रजापतये इदं न मम॥
prajāpate natvadetānyanyo viśvā jātāni paritā babhūva | yatkāmāste juhumastanno astu vayagsyāma patayo rayīṇāgum svāhā | prajāpataye idaṁ na mama ||
(O! Prajāpati! Everything originated from you. Please fulfil all our desires (we have already made a saṅkalpa at the beginning of homa ritual. Towards the end, we again pray to Prajāpati praying that he should fulfil our saṁkalpa). This oblation is for you and not for me.)
55. भूः स्वाहा। अग्नय इदं न मम॥ bhūḥ svāhā | agnaya idaṁ na mama ||
56. भुवः स्वाहा। वायव इदं न मम॥ bhuvaḥ svāhā | vāyava idaṁ na mama ||
57. सुवः स्वाहा। सूर्याय इदं न मम॥ suvaḥ svāhā | sūryāya idaṁ na mama ||
(these three oblations are for the three vyāhṛti-s of Gāyatrī mantra and each of these vyāhṛti-s represents fire, ether and sun. These oblations are for them and not for me)
58. यदस्य कर्मणोत्यरीरिचं यद्वा न्युनमिहाकरम्। अग्निष्टत्स्विष्टकृत् विद्वान् सर्वगुम् स्विष्ठगुम् सुहुतं करोतु स्वाहा। अग्नये स्विष्टकृत इदं न मम॥
yadasya karmaṇotyarīricaṁ yadvā nyunamihākaram | agniṣṭatsviṣṭakṛt vidvān sarvagum sviṣṭhagum suhutaṁ karotu svāhā | agnaye sviṣṭakṛta idaṁ na mama ||
(This oblation is offered to Agni who is worshiped as Sviṣṭakṛt with a prayer that any deficiencies during this homa procedure be made auspicious. This oblation is for Agni Sviṣṭakṛt and not for me. Agni is considered as the carrier of oblations to the respective gods or goddess.)
Closing procedure:
We have kept three paridhi-s one in front and two on each sides of homa kuṇḍa. Using small dharvi, touch all the three paridhi-s. First place the middle paridhi (from our side) into the fire and then take the other two paridhi-s and place them in homa fire. Now take ghee using both the dharvi-s and offer into the fire by reciting the following mantra.
59. स्वाहा। दर्वीद्वयेन संस्रावं जुहोति स्वाहा॥ वसुभ्यो रुद्रेभ्य आदित्येभ्यः सगुम्स्राव भागेभ्यः इदं न मम॥
svāhā | darvīdvayena saṁsrāvaṁ juhoti svāhā || vasubhyo rudrebhya ādityebhyaḥ sagumsrāva bhāgebhyaḥ idaṁ na mama ||
(let this saṁsrāva oblation go to Vasu-s, Rudra-s and Āditya-s. Saṁsrāva means flowing together and also refers to the remaining part of ghee. Let this oblation go to them and not to me)
60. ॐ भूर्भुवसुवः स्वाहा। प्रजापतय इदं न मम॥
om bhūrbhuvasuvaḥ svāhā | prajāpataya idaṁ na mama ||
(This is known as mahāvyāhṛti oblation. Let all the benefits of this homa go to Prajāpati and not to me).
(Jayādi homa concluded. Prokṣaṇāntam follows)
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