This is Tamil song composed by famous lyricist Vairamuthu, who composed innumerable songs. This song is one of his master pieces, which speaks about death and birth. To the possible extent, this song is translated into English. The original YouTube video in Tamil is also presented here.
Life has ended; long live those who departed.
Those who arrived with a bewildered brain; let them also live!
Let the eyes flooded with tears, dry up.
Let peace and peace alone surround this place! (1)
Birth is not something new on earth and
Nothing is older here than Death
Without these two, there is no Nature
The order of Nature is the limit of spiritual knowledge. (2)
Where are the eyes that darted with passion?
And pray, where are the hands that spread and searched?
And where are the legs that measured a Nation?
And here lies the heap of ash, after being engulfed by fire. (3)
What the eyes saw, let it merge with thin air.
And let what is born on the soil of earth, become one with dirt.
Let the beings with bones and flesh, perish forever.
With what is left, let this sweet soul live forever. (4)
No day passes without births on Earth.
And there is no day without a death somewhere.
Memories ushered in by attachment, cause untold suffering.
And no medicine is greater than the ability to forget! (5)
The rivers that flow into the ocean do not become murky.
The streams that hurtle along the earth never shed a tear.
Knowing the destiny of rain and river,
Why is the intelligent human race baffled? (6)
Moments of rage disappear along with death.
And with the finality of death, some curses too come to an end!
Death unravels what is not revealed by the Vedas.
When a seed falls, a plant joins the earth anew. (7)
We came to the earth on a journey.
And before the journey could end we entered a state of eternal sleep!
Even though to sleep is a Law of Nature,
The journey of Life is a continuing story. (8)
When the tender hands of gentle breeze caress,
And when the brilliant rays of the Sun appear at dawn,
And when we hear the sweet prattle of a child,
The departed souls can live with me! (9)
Let the breath of the departed souls merge with the Wind.
May the light of the eyes of the pure become one with the Sun!
Let your body confluence with the five elements.
Let the good karmas of the dead blend with me! (10)
Further readings:
Garuda Purana - Journey To The World Of Yama
November 07, 2017 10:41 PM
Respected Sri.Ravi, There are lots of poems written on death by our ancients. Poet Kannadasa has written about death in fillms. Yaksha prassana also dwells on the biggest surprise abut death.Humanity is witnessing death every moment Yet nothing is learnt from that. We still manufacture armaments to destory ourselves. Scientific innovations create easy path for destruction. Man is capable of finding ever so many ways to destroy himself. This has happened all through the millennia even all the earlier yugas. There is something deep then what is apparent to our eyes..Kama krodha loba moha are all the inbuilt program to serve the needs of Prakruti. She has a grand design which cannot be unravelled. The absolute truth is hidden from humanity. Even Devas fight over petty things and die. With our miniscule brain and improper sensory equipments we cannot understand the truth. That is why all the sages ultimately have expressed their total surrender to the mighty power. If we can expect the inevitable at every step in our life and go ahead without any expectations that will to a certain extent take us to the fringes of the absolute.. As it is stated in Arthur Avlons treatise on Tantra nDevi says there is no one who had ever touched a yarn in Her saree. So death also will be a mystery as life and death is under Her control.We can only surrender to Her and rest is up to Her. This is my little understanding which might be right or wrong as per individual perception With respects and Regards. Sitaraman Ganesh
November 07, 2017 10:46 PM
Beautiful. Thank you.
November 13, 2017 03:36 AM
Dear Sir, Thank you for sharing such a thought provoking masterpiece from the eminent poet. It was unusual to see such a post from you and wondering if it has a deeper meaning. Hopefully it is just a philosophical musing. Respectfully, Ravi@Columbus
November 13, 2017 09:59 AM
This song subtly conveys about birth and death. In fact, an interpretation can be written for this.
December 08, 2017 08:24 PM
Respected Sri.Ravi., Eons back giant reptiles lived. Monstrous vegetation was there. But all these were obliterated from the planet. We talk about karma for our current life!s pleasures and miseries. Now also we find animals predating on each other for their food and living. We also get nourishment by devouring vegetation and animal food. How does karma play a part in all these activities? Pr Pranams sitaraman ganesh
December 09, 2017 09:48 AM
Evolution (Darwin's theory of evolution) is a Natural process that happens in Nature. That is why Nature is always worshiped. We are also born, live and get absorbed in Nature. That is why, it is said in the verse, the command of Nature is the limitation of knowledge. We exist on the lap of Nature carrying our karmic bags, which unfolds making us to undergo pains and pleasures of our karma (what you so, so you reap). Nature not only nurtures us through our own karmic account, but also by the eternal law 'survival of the fittest'. We accrue our karmas through our Freewill. Survival is a continuous process and only the fittest alone survives. Though fittest survives, that being would have accrued karmas for its survival. It is a continuous process. Nature is the most secretive of everything that is known to us.
Verse two of this explains thus:
Birth is not something new on earth and
Nothing is older here than Death
Without these two, there is no Nature
The order of Nature is the limit of spiritual knowledge