क्षितौ षट्पञ्चाशद्द्विसमधिकपञ्चाशदुदके
हुताशे द्वाषष्टिश्चतुरधिकपञ्चाशदनिले।
दिवि द्विःषट्त्रिंशन्मनसि च चतुःषष्टिरिति ये
मयूखास्तेषामप्युपरि तव पादाम्बुजयुगम्॥

kṣitau ṣaṭpañcāśaddvisamadhikapañcāśadudake
hutāśe dvāṣaṣṭiścaturadhikapañcāśadanile |
divi dviḥṣaṭtriṁśanmanasi ca catuḥṣaṣṭiriti ye
mayūkhāsteṣāmapyupari tava pādāmbujayugam ||

kṣitau – earth; ṣaṭ pañcāśad – six and fifty (fifty six); dvi samadhika pañcāśad -  two above fifty (fifty two); udaka – water; hutāśa – fire; dvā ṣaṣṭika – two and sixty (sixty two); catur adhika pañcāśad – (four above fifty) fifty four; anile – air; divi – ether or ākāśa; dviḥṣaṭ triṁśa – seventy two; manasi – mind; ca – and; catuḥ ṣaṣṭir – sixty four; iti – thus; ye mayūkha -  luster of light; teṣām api – the rays of light; upari – above or upwards; tava – Your; pāda ambuja yugam – pair of lotus feet (ambuja – lotus).

“Fifty four rays of pṛthivī tattva, fifty six rays of water tattva, sixty two rays of fire tattva, fifty four rays of air tattva, seventy rays of ākāśa (ether) tattva, sixty four rays of mind tattva, all originate from Your lotus feet in the middle of sahasrāra.”

This verse is based on psychic chakras of kuṇḍalinī meditation. Each of the tattvas mentioned in this verse is directly related to chakras of kuṇḍalinī meditation. Tattva means principle.

Pṛthivī tattva
mūlādhāra  - base
Water tattva
svādhiṣṭhāna - coccyx
Fire tattva
maṇipūraka - navel
Air (vāyu) tattva
anāhata - heart
Ākāśa (ether) tattva
viśuddhi - throat
Mind (manas) tattva
ājñā – forehead

This verse talks more about subtle form of worship. Parāśakti has three types of worship and they are gross, subtle and subtlest. Gross worship is worshipping Her in different forms. Subtle worship is worshipping Her as kāmakalā (Lalitā Sahasranāma 322). Her subtlest form of worship is worshipping Her kuṇḍalinī form (Lalitā Sahasranāma 110). The five elements of the cosmos in their microcosmic forms represent the five psychic centres of the human body. The mind, the most important and exclusivity of humans form the sixth psychic centre. Above all these psychic centres is sahasrāra and this verse says that Her lotus feet contemplated at the centre of the sahasrāra causes illuminating rays that enter these psychic centres and radiate from them. These rays are known as kalā, which literally means a small part of anything. For example, minutes are the kalā-s of an hour, seconds are the kalā-s of a minute, etc. In the same way, days are the kalā-s of a year.

There are two types of years; one is based on the sun and the other is based on the moon. The calendar based on the sun is called solar year and consists of 365.25 days and the calendar based on moon consists of 354.37 days. Solar calendar is based on the movement of sun through the twelve zodiacal signs. Sun takes 365.25 days to traverse through all the twelve zodiac signs and the moon takes only 354.37 days to traverse through all the twelve zodiacs. Each day of the lunar calendar forms one kalā of the moon and therefore the total kalā-s of a lunar year is 354.37. 360 is arrived at by adding 354.37 + 365.25 / 2 = 359.81 days and rounded off to 360. Each of these 360 days is represented by a kalā of the moon. These 360 rays are spread to six psychic centres as detailed in the chart above. It is also said that the kalā-s radiating from Her feet is 372 and not 360.

The six psychic centres are categorised into three groups known as khaṇḍa-s and each khaṇḍa is presided by sun, moon and fire, the three primary objects that rediffuse the Light of the Śiva. These diffusing objects are in Her body and in Her Pañcdaśī mantra. The Light originates from Śiva and He is known as prakāśa and Śakti reflects His Light and She is known as vimarśa. This is with relation to macrocosmic plane. Whatever happens in the macrocosmic plane also happens in the microcosmic plane. In the macrocosmic plane, the objects of light get their illumination from Her macrocosmic form and in the microcosmic plane, objects of light get their illumination from Her feet contemplated in the centre of the crown chakra, also known as sahasrāra. This light can be seen by an aspirant during his/her intent stages of meditation.

The psychic centres are grouped under three khaṇḍa-s and they are sūrya khaṇḍa, candra (or soma) khaṇḍa and agni khaṇḍa.  The two psychic centres mūlādhāra and svādhiṣṭhāna come under agni khaṇḍa; maṇipūraka and anāhata come under sūrya khaṇḍa; viśuddhi and ājñā come under candra khaṇḍa. Each of these khaṇḍa-s are controlled by a knot known as granthi. mūlādhāra and svādhiṣṭhāna come under Brahma granthi; maṇipūraka and anāhata come under Viṣṇu granthi and viśuddhi and ājñā come under Rudra granthi. Agni, sūrya and candra are placed just above these granthis and redistribute the rays to the two chakras under them. Unless these granthi-s are pierced, one cannot reach sahasrāra.

Mūlādhāra represents pṛthivī tattva; pṛthivī means the earth. Mūlādhāra is the closest point to the earth and this chakra gets 56 of the 360 rays from Her lotus feet. It must always be remembered that She only diffuses the Light of Śiva. Śiva and Śakti in their united form is the cause for creation.  Creation is based on the tattvas. Different philosophies describe different tattvas.  Trika philosophy mentions about 36 tattvas and Sāṃkhya philosophy mentions about 27 tattvas. Tattvas are generally associated with external worship. Internal worship is worshipping Her in Her subtlest kuṇḍalinī form. Whether worship is done externally or internally, 360 rays are arrived at. Since the manifestation happens by both Śiva and Śakti the number of rays amounting to 180 are doubled.

Externally worship is made in six triangles of Śrīcakra and internally, She is worshipped in the six psychic centers. These rays are not just rays, but they represent a tattva in external worship and the petals of each chakra in mental worship. These rays are also mediated in the form of mātṛka-s (alphabets of Sanskrit) in these chakras. Lalitā Sahasranāma 577 is mātṛkā-varna-rūpiṇī.

To sum up, 360 rays originate from Her lotus feet in sahasrāra that get reflected through three khaṇḍa-s, fire, sun and the moon. Rays do not mean just the light, but also the cosmic energy. Without the cosmic energy that is being sent to these chakras, existence itself is not possible. Chakras have also been discussed in verse 9. These three luminaries (fire included) reflect the rays of light received from Her feet to the respective chakras. These luminaries also represent the three nāḍi-s, iḍā, piṅgalā and suṣumna. Both sun and moon or iḍā and piṅgalā unite with fire or suṣumna, which alone is capable of providing the vision of Her illuminating feet.  These luminaries are situated just above the granthi-s, also known as knots. Unless these knots are pierced, the origin of these rays, Her feet cannot be realized. This is with reference to internal worship, also known as chakra meditation. Externally, worship happens in Śrīcakra. When Her radiating feet are seen, one is liberated.