रणे जित्वा दैत्यानपहृतशिरस्त्रैः कवचिभिः
विशाखेन्द्रोपेन्द्रैः शशिविशदकर्पूरशकलाः
विलीयन्ते मातस्तव वदनताम्बूलकबलाः॥
raṇe jitvā daityānapahṛtaśirastraiḥ kavacibhiḥ
nivṛttaiścaṇḍāṁśatripuraharanirmālyavimukhaiḥ |
viśākhendropendraiḥ śaśiviśadakarpūraśakalāḥ
vilīyante mātastava vadanatāmbūlakabalāḥ ||
raṇe jitvā daityā - victorious in war with demons; apahṛta śirastraiḥ - having taken their head gears; kavacibhiḥ - remaining only with armours on their chests; nivṛttaiḥ - returning (from wars); caṇḍa aṁśa – that portion meant for Caṇḍikeśvara; tripura hara nirmālya vimukhaiḥ - ignoring the remains of Śiva’s food (which is meant for Caṇḍikeśvara); viśākha indra upendraiḥ - Skanda (son of Śiva), Indra, Viṣṇu; śaśi viśada karpūra śakalāḥ - camphor, (edible camphor) as pure white as moon; vilīyante – melting away (due to proper chewing); mātaḥ - O! Divine Mother! tava – Yours; vadana tāmbūla kabalāḥ - mouth full of betel leaves.
“O! Divine Mother! Skanda, Indra, Viṣṇu, etc after winning their war against demons, come to you with their head gears removed, but still wearing armours on their chests, ignoring the remains of food of Śiva, meant for Caṇḍikeśvara, directly go to you to have a portion of the betel leaves mixed with pure edible camphor in your mouth.”
This verse re-emphasizes the Supremacy of Parāśakti. Skanda is said to be the mythical son of Śiva and Pārvati. He, along with Indra and Viṣṇu is known for annihilating demons, who cause imbalance in the world of dharma. Demons are repeated offenders and sinners, who are unwilling to correct themselves. They need to be annihilated in order to maintain proper dharma in the world. Skanda, Indra and Viṣṇu after annihilating the demons, as directed by Her, report to Her, straight from the battle field with their protective coverings. They do not have time to remove their protective coverings, as they have to report to Her immediately. But when they stand before Her, they remove their head gears, as a mark of respect. She commands such a respect.
There is reference about Caṇḍikeśvara in this verse, who is seen in Śiva temples. Those who visit Śiva temples have to report to him saying that they are not taking away any belongings of Śiva. He is a bodyguard of Śiva and there is a story about this. When Caṇḍikeśvara was very young, he used to be an ardent devotee of Śiva. When his father prevented him in worshipping Śiva, he killed his father and at this time, at the plea of his mother, Śiva resurrected his father and took Caṇḍikeśvara with Him and appointed him as His guard. Caṇḍikeśvara only eats the leftovers of Śiva and it is exclusively meant for Him. Skanda, Indra and Viṣṇu, though noticed this leftover, were not inclined to take the leftovers of Śiva and instead went to Parāśakti, not only to report to Her, but also waiting for leftovers of Her tāmbhūla (chewing of betel leaves along with karpūra vīṭikā - Lalitā Sahasranāma 26, which includes edible camphor, which is white in colour). It is said that the leftovers of Her tāmbhūla is capable of giving immense knowledge.
This verse talks about Her Grace.
Narasimha Sumanth
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