मृणालीमृद्वीनां तव भुजलतानां चतसृणां
चतुर्भिः सौन्दर्यं सरसिजभवः स्तौति वदनैः।
नखेभ्यः संत्रस्यन् प्रथममथनादन्धकरिपोः
चतुर्णां शीर्षाणां सममभयहस्तार्पणधिया॥
mṛṇālīmṛdvīnāṁ tava bhujalatānāṁ catasṛṇāṁ
caturbhiḥ saundaryaṁ sarasijabhavaḥ stauti vadanaiḥ |
nakhebhyaḥ saṁtrasyan prathamamathanādandhakaripoḥ
caturṇāṁ śīrṣāṇāṁ samamabhayahastārpaṇadhiyā ||
mṛṇālī mṛdvīnāṁ - soft like stalk of lotus; tava – Your; catasṛṇāṁ - four fold; caturbhiḥ - four; saundaryaṁ - beauty; sarasija bhavaḥ - Brahmā (god of creation); stauti – praising ; vadanaiḥ - faces; nakhebhyaḥ - finger nails; saṁtrasyan - fearing; prathama mathanāt – because of the previous incident; andhaka ripoḥ - Śiva’s; caturṇāṁ śīrṣāṇāṁ - existing four heads; samam- similarly; abhaya hasta arpaṇa dhiyā – saving, by extending Your hand.
“Your four hands are very soft like lotus stalk. Once upon a time, Śiva nipped off Brahmā’s head using His finger nails. Scared of this and in order to retain his existing four heads, Brahmā came to You and praised Your four soft hands seeking Your protection.”
On the grosser side, Śiva cut the fourth head of Brahmā and there are several stories associated with this incident. Fearing that Śiva could cut off his remaining four heads, he goes to Parāśakti and sings Her praise, seeking Her protection. Brahmā went to Her thinking that he can be saved by Her hand with abhaya mudra. In order to save himself, Brahmā has totally forgotten that She does not show abhaya mudra and Her feet are capable of protecting from miseries (Soundarya laharī verse 4). He himself worshiped Her feet, which is explained in Soundarya laharī verse 3 and 22). However, dhyāna verse of Mahāṣoḍaśī mantra says, “pāṇibhyāṁ varadā abhayaṁ ca dadhatīṁ brahmādisevyāṁ parāṁ” which means, She also has abhaya and varada mudras, but this is applicable only in that particular form of manifestation. In fact, Mahāṣoḍaśī mantra is meant only for those, who are about to be liberated. But, Brahmā is a liberated god head, who takes care of the entire creation and works under Her command. When Brahmā goes to Her seeking protection, it clearly speaks about Her Supremacy.
Brahmā originally had five heads. There are various interpretations about his fifth head. One of his heads was cut off by Śiva for having told a lie. There is another version saying that the fifth head was burnt by Śiva’s third eye for having disrespected Him. According to another version, fifth head of Brahmā was cut off by Kālabhairava, a form of Śiva. Another version says that Brahmā has fallen in love with Sarasvatī, his consort and spent most of his time with her. There are different versions about the origin of Sarasvatī. Some texts say that Sarasvatī is Brahmā’s daughter and Brahmā created her using his mind power. When Brahmā fall in love with Sarasvatī, Śiva became furious and chopped off his fifth head. There are other interpretations too.
This verse clearly establishes Her Supremacy and even god heads like Brahmā have to surrender to Her. She is the ultimate saviour.
Narasimha Sumanth
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