Śri Chakra Navāvaraṇa Pūjā
Considerable time has been spent on various articles about worshipping Parāśakti. Elaborate interpretations on Lalitā Sahasranāma, Lalitā Triśatī and Soundarya laharī are already available in this site. Similarly powerful Śākta mantras such as Bālā, Pañchadaśī and Ṣhoḍaśī mantras have also been dealt with elaborately. On Kālī worship, kāmakalākālīkhaṇḍaḥ -- Trilokyamohanakavaca was also published. Several articles were published about Śri Chakra and Bhāvanopaniṣad. A major part of the articles belong to Śrī Vidyā cult. One more series is needed to complete the basic understanding of Śrī Vidyā and Śri Chakra, which is Śri Chakra Navāvaraṇa Pūjā. This is going to be dealt with in simplest possible terms to complete the entire ambit of Śrī Vidyā. This series is not based on any particular krama (procedural steps) or sampradāya (established doctrine). The idea of this series is only to explain in brief, general procedural aspects of Śri Chakra Navāvaraṇa Pūjā.
It is important for all Śrī Vidyā upāsaka-s to abide by his or her Guru. In any matter related to Śrī Vidyā worship, the dictums of Guru alone holds good, be it mantra or pūjā, etc. That is why, lineage or community (kula) is considered very important in Śrī Vidyā cult, as the method of worship differs from lineage to lineage and prescribed by sages and saints several thousand years ago.
I will put in my best efforts and if any mistakes creep in either knowingly or unknowingly, please post the corrections in the comments column of the respective articles. This will help us to get the basic idea about Navāvaraṇa Pūjā without any errors. This series will be helpful only to beginners. This is going to be last series in this site.
Further Readings:
Sri Chakra Navavarana Puja - Part 1
July 18, 2013 06:42 AM
Why the last series?
July 18, 2013 08:19 AM
I have shared everything that I have learnt and experienced.
July 18, 2013 09:44 AM
Guru Ji, Learning that this is last series in this site, couple of tear drops fell out of my eyes. Your style is full of love for HER and it makes it easy for us understand.Even though you do not accept us as your disciples, You're Guru ji to all that are following your articles.So this Nava avarana Puja Vidhi is your Sampradaya. I'm going to learn and follow only yours.Thank You
April 22, 2015 06:34 PM
Sri chakra is sold as a cmmodity and like chinese laughing buddha toy. Religion, spirituality and god are sold for a price and have made a mockery of all without knowing worth of anything. If sir chakra is home without initiation, how should we worship it?
April 22, 2015 08:04 PM
Unfortunately it is true. One can have Sri Chakra at home even without initiation, provided, it is properly worshiped and naivedya offered. Recitation of Lalitā Sahasranāma is enough, if one is not initiated into Sri Vidya cult. However, it is advisable to get initiated to know the intricacies of Sri Chakra.
April 22, 2015 10:20 PM
thank you very much for your reply. Fruits and dry fruits are enough for naivedya? Doing such elaborate navavarna puja is not possible. How long does it take to get results of worship of sri chakra? Ofcourse my intentions are clear and honest and is it necessary to do kumkum archana for each name chanting of lalitha sahasranama?
April 22, 2015 10:50 PM
Yes, dry fruits are enough. Simple offerings like milk, fruits and dry fruits are enough. There is no need for navavarana puja, as ii is time consuming. First visible results can be experienced after first 45 days, provided, our level of concentration is high. In addition to worship, we have to learn about breathing.
April 22, 2015 10:53 PM
The correct link is here
April 22, 2015 10:54 PM
thanks again for your quick and prompt reply. off late, the vision of guru and spirituality is just money making business. Gurus driving BMW, Benz and giving seminars and lectures in the US. This blog of yours is really good and it is due to some past life punya I have discovered this blog.
August 06, 2015 01:47 PM
Sir I want to learn sri vidhya can you please suggest me the right path for initiation.Daily in morning hours I recite lalitha sahasranamam and Iam very much interested to learn sri vidhya
August 06, 2015 02:02 PM
Please write a direct mail to me at ravi@manblunder.com
September 27, 2015 10:19 PM
please tell me how to perform sri chakra pooja at home. I am in deep trouble.
September 28, 2015 10:08 AM
I am surprised to receive this comment. Sri Chakra Puja is not something that is to be played with. Surrender to HER and there is no short cut to achieve what we want than surrendering to HER. If you need, you can read the entire book of Nvavarana Puja, which is available in the green band at the top of this site.
August 12, 2016 12:15 PM
Sir, i have received as a present at a shastiaptapoorti a Sri chakram in a small coin form.wanted to know the correct way of worshipping it.i know both soundaryalahari and lalitha sahasrananam. Can the coin be worshipped by chanting the above on alternatively? Thanks for your advice
August 12, 2016 12:26 PM
You are so blessed to have that coin as present. You can keep this in your puja after doing abhishekam first with water, turmeric water, milk, sandalwood powder mixed with water and finally again with water. Do not apply sandal paste or kumkum on it as this will cause discoloration. Just keep a flower on it. The inner most triangle should be facing you.
August 17, 2016 08:27 AM
The Phalashruthi of LSS clealry states that chanting of LSS by uninitiated ( Panchadasi? ) will bring upon the wrath of the yoginis!
August 17, 2016 08:28 AM
All archa bimba shuddhi must be done first with panchagavyam ...followed by any other dravya..... namah paarvati pataye!!!
March 10, 2021 05:12 AM
Good Evening Guruji I would like to know how to perform a Navavarana Homa. Could you help in that regard? Thank you Guruji for all your teachings.
March 13, 2021 12:06 AM
There is no such homa to my knowledge. If there is, then it could be associated with the chanting of the Āvaraṇa deity names in the homam.