36. षड्दर्श्नविद्या॥ ṣaḍdarśnavidyā ||
There are six types of darśana-s. Darśana refers to philosophical doctrines, understanding and perceiving Brahman through various methods. Darśana literally means ‘vision and nature of reality’. Though Brahman is One, paths to realize Him are different. Contextually, Brahman here refers to Parāśakti. A particular path is chosen through lineages and sudden spiritual impetus. It is like approaching a particular destination through different routes. Six religious/spiritual paths discussed below lead to the realization of Citśakti (Supreme Consciousness of Śiva) – Baudha (Buddhism), Vaidika (Vedas), Saura (worshipping the sun), Vaiṣṇava (worshipping Viṣṇu), Śaiva (worshipping Śiva) and Śākta (worship of Śakti). It is important to note that Śri Cakra navāvaraṇa pūjā encompasses all these six darśana-s and this is conveyed through ṣaḍdarśnavidyā, which is performed here to make worshipers understand that all types of worship lead to Brahman and that they should not undermine or discriminate one path or the other.
This part contains six mantras and both pūjā and tarpaṇa are to be done at the Bindu.
1. 4 - तारे तुत्तारे तुरे स्वाहा। तारादेवताधिष्ठित बौद्धदर्शन spptn ||
4 - tāre tuttāre ture svāhā | tārādevatādhiṣṭhita bauddhadarśana spptn ||
2. 4 - गायत्री। परोरजसे सावदोम्*। ब्रह्मदेवताधिष्ठित वैदिकदर्शन spptn ||
4 - gāyatrī | parorajase sāvadom* | brahmadevatādhiṣṭhita vaidikadarśana spptn ||
{* if parorajase sāvadom is added to Gāyatrī mantra at the end, it becomes Turya Gāyatrī mantra. One recitation of Pañcadaśī mantra is equivalent to three recitations of Turya Gāyatrī mantra. Generally it is said that no mantra should be recited beyond the number of counts of Gāyatrī mantra. Based on the above principle, this rule does not apply to Pañcadaśī and Ṣoḍaśī mantras.}
3. 4 - ॐ ह्रीं नमःशिवाय। रुद्रदेवताधिष्ठित शैवदर्शन spptn ||
4 - om hrīṁ namaḥśivāya | rudradevatādhiṣṭhita śaivadarśana spptn ||
4. 4 - ॐ ह्रीं घृणिस्सूर्य आदित्योम्। सूर्यदेवताधिष्ठित सौरदर्शन spptn ||
4 - om hrīṁ ghṛṇissūrya ādityom | sūryadevatādhiṣṭhita sauradarśana spptn ||
5. 4 - ॐ नमो नारायणाय। विष्णुदेवताधिष्ठित वैष्णवदर्शन spptn ||
4 - om namo nārāyaṇāya | viṣṇudevatādhiṣṭhita vaiṣṇavadarśana spptn ||
6. 4 - ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं श्रीं भुवनेश्वरीदेवताधिष्ठित शाक्तदर्शन spptn ||
4 - om śrīṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ bhuvaneśvarīdevatādhiṣṭhita śāktadarśana spptn ||
37. षडाधारपूजा ṣaḍādhārapūjā:
Ṣaḍādhāra means six psychic chakras of human body beginning from mūlādhāra to ājñā chakras. Each of these chakras are presided over by six yoginī-s. These six yoginī-s are compared as follows.
Brahmā (God of creation)
Viṣṇu (God of sustenance)
Rudra (God of destruction) or Sadāśiva (for absorption)
Jīvātman (individual soul)
Paramātman (Brahman)
This is to make us understand that all these forms of Divinity represent only Parāśakti. In other words, She only manifests in the forms of different gods. She alone is māyā and when the time is ripe, She removes the veil of māyā and reveals the Self. This pūjā stresses that Brahman (contextually it is Parāśakti) alone prevails in various forms of gods. Knowledge of non-dualism (Advaita) is being imparted to the aspirants who are blessed to offer pūjā and tarpaṇa at the Bindu (Lalitā Sahasranāma 905, baindavāsanā and Lalitā Sahasranāma 974, bindutarpaṇasantuṣṭā. Entire Lalitā Sahasranāma book can be read here.
This part also contains six mantras and both pūjā and tarpaṇa are to be done at the Bindu.
1. 4 - सां हंसः मूलाधाराहिष्ठानदेवतायै साकिनीसहित गणनाथस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। गणनाथस्वरूपिन्ण्यम्बा spptn
4 - sāṁ haṁsaḥ mūlādhārāehiṣṭhānadevatāyai sākinīsahita gaṇanāthasvarūpiṇyai namaḥ | gaṇanāthasvarūpinṇyambā spptn ||
2. 4 - कां सोहं स्वधिष्ठानधिष्ठानदेवतायै काकिनिसहित ब्रह्मस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। ब्रह्मस्वरूपिण्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - kāṁ sohaṁ svadhiṣṭhānahiṣṭhānadevatāyai kākinisahita brahmasvarūpiṇyai namaḥ | brahmasvarūpiṇyambā spptn ||
3. 4 - लां हंसस्सोहं मणिपूरकाधिष्ठानदेवतायै लाकिनीसहितविष्णुस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। विष्णुस्वरूपिण्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - lāṁ haṁsassohaṁ maṇipūrakādhiṣṭhānadevatāyai lākinīsahitaviṣṇusvarūpiṇyai namaḥ | viṣṇusvarūpiṇyambā spptn ||
4. 4 - रां हंसशिश्वस्सोहं अनाहताधिष्ठानदेवतायै राकिणिसहित सदाशिवस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। सदाशिवस्वरूपिण्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - rāṁ haṁsaśiśvassohaṁ anāhatādhiṣṭhānadevatāyai rākiṇisahita sadāśivasvarūpiṇyai namaḥ | sadāśivasvarūpiṇyambā spptn ||
5. 4 - डां सोहं हंसशिशवः विशुद्ध्याधिष्ठानदेवतायै डकिनिसहितजीवेश्वर स्वरूपिण्यै नमः। जीवेश्वरस्वरूपिण्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - ḍāṁ sohaṁ haṁsaśiśavaḥ viśuddhyādhiṣṭhānadevatāyai ḍakinisahitajīveśvara svarūpiṇyai namaḥ | jīveśvarasvarūpiṇyambā spptn ||
6. 4 - हां हंसशिश्वस्सोहं सोहं हंसशिशिवः आज्ञाधिष्ठानदेवतायै हाकिनीसहित परमात्मस्वरूपिण्यै नमः। परमात्मस्वरूपिण्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - hāṁ haṁsaśiśvassohaṁ sohaṁ haṁsaśiśivaḥ ājñādhiṣṭhānadevatāyai hākinīsahita paramātmasvarūpiṇyai namaḥ | paramātmasvarūpiṇyambā spptn ||
38. आम्नायसमष्टिपूजा āmnāyasamaṣṭipūjā:
Sacred traditions or doctrines are known as āmnāya-s and they are the paths to liberation. The significant aspect of āmnāya-s is that they are communicated only through words. This means that āmnāya-s should be known only through a Guru. Commonly known āmnāya-s are five, corresponding to the five faces of Śiva, four faces facing the four cardinals (East, South, West and North) and one face facing upwards. His face facing east represents Pūrvāmnāya; south represents Dakṣiṇāmnāya; west represents Paścimāmnāya and north represents Uttarāmnāya. These are His four faces facing four cardinal directions. His fifth face is facing upwards (ākāśa) and this is known as Ūrdhvāmnāya. There is one more āmnāya by name Īśāmnāya, which is not commonly known. This face of Śiva looks down. Some texts call sixth āmnāya as Anuttarāmnāya. Anuttara means the Highest, referring to Paramaśiva, who is beyond normal human comprehension. With reference to Śrī Vidyā, those who are initiated into Pañcdaśī mantra use only four āmnāya-s and those who are initiated into Ṣoḍaśī use six āmnāya-s, the additional two being Uttarāmnāya and Anuttarāmnāya. Pūrvāmnāya represents creation. It also reveals the path of mantra by which He can be attained. Dakṣiṇāmnāya represents sustenance and represents the path of devotion, by which He can be attained. Paścimāmnāya represents destruction (destruction should be taken to mean destruction of dualities, which alone can lead to realization) and represents Law of Karma, by which He can be attained. Uttarāmnāya represents His Grace (anugraha) and represents the path of pure knowledge, by which He can be attained. Ūrdhvāmnāya symbolizes His face facing upwards, which represents Śiva Himself in His Absolute form. This is the direct form of Śiva. This āmnāya is considered to be highly secretive in nature, as it reveals the true form of Śiva. In each of these four faces, He reveals a group of goddesses. Śiva can be realized by worshipping them and reciting their mantras. These goddesses, when worshipped properly reveal Śiva and Śakti.
There is another interpretation for āmnāya-s. Four āmnāya-s representing four cardinals are described as four Vedas. Ūrdhvāmnāya represents Upaniṣad-s and Anuttarāmnāya represents the essence of Upaniṣad-s (ahaṁ brahmāsmi / I am Brahman). It is also said that these six āmnāya-s encompass all the mantras (70,000,000 mantras / seven crores in number). Whatever mantras one practices, it ultimately leads to Parāśakti alone.
Purport of āmnāyasamaṣṭipūjā is to convey that She alone prevails everywhere, in the form of Vedas, Upaniṣad-s, Brahma tattva, mantras, etc. Ultimately, this worship emphasises Her Omnipresence. Mantras for all the six āmnāya-s are given here. Those who are initiated into pañcadaśī or saubhāgyapañcadaśī should use only the first four mantras. For those who are initiated into any type of ṣoḍaśī should use all the six mantras. There are two verses under each āmnāya-s. The first verse is regarding the āmnāya devata and the second verse is about other devata-s belonging to that āmnāya.
1. Pūrvāmnāya:
i) 4 - ह्स्रैं ह्स्क्ल्रीं ह्स्रौः - पूर्वाम्नायसमय विद्येश्वर्युन्मोदिनी देव्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - hsraiṁ hsklrīṁ hsrauḥ - pūrvāmnāyasamaya vidyeśvaryunmodinī devyambā spptn ||
ii) 4 – मूलं - गुरुत्रय गणपतिपीठत्रय सहितायै शुद्धविद्यादि समय विद्येश्वरी पर्यन्त चतुर्विम्शति सहस्रदेवता परिसेवितायै कामगिरिपीठस्थितायै पूर्वाम्नायसम्ष्टिरूपिण्यै श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दर्यै नमः। श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरी spptn ||
4 - mūlaṁ - gurutraya gaṇapatipīṭhatraya sahitāyai śuddhavidyādi samaya vidyeśvarī paryanta caturvimśati sahasradevatā parisevitāyai kāmagiripīṭhasthitāyai pūrvāmnāyasamṣṭirūpiṇyai śrīmahātripurasundaryai namaḥ | śrīmahātripurasundarī spptn ||
(मूलं/ mūlaṁ means initiated mantras such as Pañcadaśī or Ṣoḍaśī)
2. Dakṣiṇāmnāya:
i) 4 - ॐ ह्रीं ऐं क्लिन्ने क्लिन्नमदद्रवे कुले ह्सौः दक्षिणाम्नायसमय विद्येश्वरी भोगिनी देव्यम्बा spptn ||
om hrīṁ aiṁ klinne klinnamadadrave kule hsauḥ dakṣiṇāmnāyasamaya vidyeśvarī bhoginī devyambā spptn ||
ii) 4 – मूलं - भैरवाष्टक नवसिद्धौघ वटुकत्रय पदयुग सहितायै सौभाग्य्विधादि समयविद्येश्वरी पर्यन्त त्रिंशत्सहस्रदेवता परिसेवितायै पूर्णगिरिपीठास्थितायै दक्षिणाम्नाय समष्टिरूपिण्यै श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दर्यै नमः। श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरी spptn ||
4 - mūlaṁ - bhairavāṣṭaka navasiddhaugha vaṭukatraya padayuga sahitāyai saubhāgyvidhādi samayavidyeśvarī paryanta triṁśatsahasradevatā parisevitāyai pūrṇagiripīṭhāsthitāyai dakṣiṇāmnāya samaṣṭirūpiṇyai śrīmahātripurasundaryai namaḥ | śrīmahātripurasundarī spptn ||
3. Paścimāmnāya:
i) 4 - ह्स्रैं ह्स्रीं ह्स्रौं ह्स्ख्फ्रें भगवत्यम्बे हसक्षमलवरयूं ह्स्ख्फ्रें अघोरमुखि छ्रं छ्रीं किणि किणि विच्चे हस्रैः ह्स्ख्फ्रें ह्स्रौः पश्चिमाम्नाय समय विद्येश्वरी कुञ्चिकादेव्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - hsraiṁ hsrīṁ hsrauṁ hskhphreṁ bhagavatyambe hasakṣamalavarayūṁ hskhphreṁ aghoramukhi chraṁ chrīṁ kiṇi kiṇi vicce hasraiḥ hskhphreṁ hsrauḥ paścimāmnāya samaya vidyeśvarī kuñcikādevyambā spptn ||
ii) 4 - मूलं - दशदूति मण्डलत्रय दशवीर चतुःषष्टिसिद्धनाथ सहितायै लोपामुद्राधि समयविद्येश्वरी पर्यन्त द्विसहस्रदेवता परिसेवितायै जालन्धरपीठस्थितायै पश्चिमाम्नाय समष्टिरुपिण्यै श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दर्यै नमः। श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरी spptn ||
mūlaṁ - daśadūti maṇḍalatraya daśavīra catuḥṣaṣṭisiddhanātha sahitāyai lopāmudrādhi samayavidyeśvarī paryanta dvisahasradevatā parisevitāyai jālandharapīṭhasthitāyai paścimāmnāya samaṣṭirupiṇyai śrīmahātripurasundaryai namaḥ | śrīmahātripurasundarī spptn ||
4. Uttarāmnāya:
i) 4 - ह्स्ख्फ्रें महाचण्डयोगीश्वरि कालिके फट्। उत्तराम्नाय समय विद्येश्वरी कालिकादेव्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - hskhphreṁ mahācaṇḍayogīśvari kālike phaṭ | uttarāmnāya samaya vidyeśvarī kālikādevyambā spptn ||
ii) 4 – मूलं - नवमुद्रा पञ्चवीरावली सहितायै तुर्याम्बादि समय विद्येश्वरी पर्यन्त द्विसहस्रदेवता परिसेवितायै ओड्यानपीठ सितायै उत्तराम्नाय सम्ष्टि रूपिण्यै श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दर्यै नमः। श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरी spptn ||
4 - mūlaṁ navamudrā pañcavīrāvalī sahitāyai turyāmbādi samaya vidyeśvarī paryanta dvisahasradevatā parisevitāyai oḍyānapīṭha sitāyai uttarāmnāya samṣṭi rūpiṇyai śrīmahātripurasundaryai namaḥ | śrīmahātripurasundarī spptn ||
The following two āmnāya-s are meant only for Ṣoḍaśī upāsaka-s:
5. Ūrdhvāmnāya:
i) 4 - मखपरयघच् महिचनडयङ्गशफर ऊर्ध्वाम्नाय समयविद्येश्वर्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - makhaparayaghac mahicanaḍayaṅgaśaphara ūrdhvāmnāya samayavidyeśvaryambā spptn ||
ii) 4 - मूलं - श्रीमन्मालिनिमन्त्रराज गुरुमण्डल सहितायै पराम्बादि समय विद्येश्वरी पर्यन्ताशीति सहस्रदेवता परिसेवितायै शाम्भवपीठस्थितायै ऊर्ध्वाम्नाय समष्टिरूपिन्यै श्रीमहात्रिपुर्सुन्दर्यै नमः। श्रीमहात्रिपुर्सुन्दरी पराभट्टरिका spptn ||
4 - mūlaṁ - śrīmanmālinimantrarāja gurumaṇḍala sahitāyai parāmbādi samaya vidyeśvarī paryantāśīti sahasradevatā parisevitāyai śāmbhavapīṭhasthitāyai ūrdhvāmnāya samaṣṭirūpinyai śrīmahātripursundaryai namaḥ | śrīmahātripursundarī parābhaṭṭarikā spptn ||
6. Anuttarāmnāya:
i) 4 - भगवति विच्चे महामाये मातङ्गिनि ब्लूं अनुत्तरवाग्वादिनि ह्स्ख्फ्रें ह्स्ख्फ्रें ह्स्रौः। अनुत्तरशाङ्कर्यम्बा spptn ||
4 - bhagavati vicce mahāmāye mātaṅgini blūṁ anuttaravāgvādini hskhphreṁ hskhphreṁ hsrauḥ | anuttaraśāṅkaryambā spptn ||
ii) 4 - मूलं परिपूर्णानन्दनाथादि नवनाथ सहितायै चतुर्दशमुलविद्यादि श्रीपूर्तिविद्यान्तानन्त देवतापरिसेवितायै अनुत्तराम्नाय समष्टिरूपिण्यै श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दर्यै नमः। श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिका spptn ||
4 - mūlaṁ paripūrṇānandanāthādi navanātha sahitāyai caturdaśamulavidyādi śrīpūrtividyāntānanta devatāparisevitāyai anuttarāmnāya samaṣṭirūpiṇyai śrīmahātripurasundaryai namaḥ | śrīmahātripurasundarī parābhaṭṭārikā spptn ||
Avijit Poddar
September 26, 2013 12:12 AM
मखपरयघच् मिहचनडयङ् गंश्फर् ऊध्वार्म्नाय समयिवद्येश्वयर्म्बाspptn |
please explain this mantra. swarupa or dhyana of this form?
September 26, 2013 12:44 AM
Now the error is corrected and the corrected version is
मखपरयघच् महिचनडयङ्गशफर ऊर्ध्वाम्नाय समयविद्येश्वर्यम्बा
Avijit Poddar
September 26, 2013 07:57 AM
Any known form ir murti of samayavidweswaramba?
शाम्भवपीठिस्थतायै.......what is shambhava peetha?
September 26, 2013 09:44 AM
These two links provide these details.
September 27, 2013 10:34 AM
What is the relation of Vagvadini to Matangi?
September 27, 2013 11:17 AM
Vāgvādini is one of the personalities of Mātaṅgi. Vāgvādini aspect of Mātaṅgi gives power of expression to the worshipper.
September 27, 2013 11:45 AM
Sir, could you elaborate on this, giving power of expression to what of the worshipper? Also it has been noticed that "vada vada vagvadini swaha" is used with various mantras, what does that denote? To some learned to whom I posed this question a few years, told me that the vag-vadini concept is more about removing defects which one may accrue whilst chanting a mantra by way of mispronouncing etc. So Sir if you could tell us more about this "Vagvadini concept" as a whole it would be really great!
September 27, 2013 12:59 PM
Vada means speaking well; vāc means speech; vādin means speaking. Therefore, vada vada vāk vādini literally refers to various aspects of power of letters and words. In other words, by using vada vada vāk vādini a particular mantra becomes capable of delivering the full potency of a mantra. This can be explained as vāgvilāsa, the facilitating aspect of a mantra, so that the potency of a particular mantra is fully delivered into the energy body of the worshiper. Mantras always cause subtle and yet powerful vibrations in the body, which ultimately makes the Kuṇḍalinī to ascend. Mantra siddhi means ascension of Kuṇḍalinī due to the vibrations caused by mantras. When Kuṇḍalinī ascends, an aspirant takes the spiritual route to enter into the state of Bliss and ultimate liberation.
September 24, 2022 07:09 AM
what is spptn in समयिवद्येश्वयर्म्बाspptn?
September 28, 2022 05:09 PM
Spptn- Shri padukaam pujyami tarpayaami namah.