42. महानैवेद्यम् mahānaivedyam:
This is known as mahānaivedya because this is done after worshiping all the āvaraṇa devi-s and this is offered only to Lalitāmbikā and Śiva in their unified form as explained in Lalitā Sahasranāma (999) śiva-śakati-aikya-rūpiṇī. Mahānaivedya in navāvaraṇa pūjā is an elaborate procedure. Having satisfied with the extreme devotion with which navāvaraṇa pūjā was performed, both Śiva and Śakti “appear in person” (visualization happens in the mind of the sādhaka) and take the offerings. As naivedya is offered to Them, there are procedures to sanctify and consecrate the offered materials with mantras and mudras. Apart from cooked food, curd, coconut, fruits and most importantly viśeṣa arghya in a separate vessel with few ginger pieces (from the viśeṣa arghya pātra) are to be offered as naivedya.
1. Procedure:
Even at this point of time, both sāmānya arghya and viśeṣa arghya vessels should not be disturbed. Therefore, while placing the offerings for naivedya, adequate care should be taken.
A square is to be drawn to the left of the sādhaka (right side of Devi), with water from sāmānya arghya using an uttaraṇi. Above this square, place a plank and sprinkle water from vardhanī kalaśa on the plank and then place the offerings on the plank. After having placed all the offerings on the plank, prokṣaṇa (sprinkling) is to be done using all the three arghya-s, vardhanī kalaśa, sāmānya arghya and viśeṣa arghya.
After prokṣaṇa, there is a four step process for purifying and consecrating the offerings. They are nirīkṣaṇa (purification by looks), prokṣaṇa (purification through sprinkling), mudra- pradarśana (purification through finger gestures) and doṣanirasana (eliminating impurities arising out of touching and smelling the offerings while preparing them).
2. Mantras:
i) By reciting mūla mantra, look at naivedya and touch all the vessels wherein offerings are kept.
ii) Take arghya from sāmānya arghya pātra in the right palm and do prokṣaṇa on the offerings by saying “4 ऐं ह्रः - 4 aiṁ hraḥ”.
iii) Again take arghya from sāmānya arghya pātra in right palm and recite mūla mantra seven times by continuing to hold sāmānya arghya in the right palm. After completing the seventh repetition, do prokṣaṇa on the offerings by reciting “4 ॐ जुं सः वौषट् – 4 om juṁ saḥ vauṣaṭ (this mantra is part of mṛtyuñjaya mantra). After sprinkling arghya thus, show chakra mudra. During this process, abhimantrita arghya turns into nectar for longevity.
iv) Now three bīja-s of pañcabhūta are going to be used for further purification of naivedya.
a. Keep the left palm facing down and rotate clockwise seven times over naivedya by reciting vāyju bīja ‘4 वं – 4 vaṁ’. This is done with the intent of removing doṣa-s, if any. Such doṣa-s are dried up by vāyju bīja.
b. Repeat the above process with right hand by reciting agni bīja ‘4 रं – 4 raṁ’. If any doṣa-s still persist, they are removed by agni bīja.
c. Recite amṛta bīja ‘4 वं – 4 vaṁ’ and show dhenu mudra. During this process we have to contemplate that amṛta (nectar of immortality) is being showered on naivedya.
v) We have kept viśeṣa arghya in a separate vessel for offering as naivedya. Now this is to be consecrated. Take viśeṣa arghya from the viśeṣa arghya pātra in right palm. Do prokṣaṇa three times on viśeṣa arghya kept for naivedya.
vi) Now by touching the vessel containing viśeṣa arghya kept for naivedya, recite mūla mantra seven times.
vii) Now touch all the vessels containing naivedya and recite the following mantra.
4 क्लीं कामदुघे आमोघे वरदे विच्चे स्पुर स्पुर श्रीं पर श्रीं॥
4 klīṁ kāmadughe āmoghe varade vicce spura spura śrīṁ para śrīṁ ||
(vicce refers to mind and perpetual bliss; śrīṁ refers to material and spiritual wealth; para śrīṁ refers to liberation or mokṣa)
After this, show dhenu mudra. After this procedure, all the offerings become nectar and ready for offering to Them.
viii) Now mentally recite mūla mantra three times. Place the viśeṣa arghya kept for naivedya in the plate where broken coconut (to be broken into two pieces - nālikera kaṇḍadvayam), fruits, betel leaves with karpūravīṭikā are kept. By touching this plate with left hand, naivedya is to be offered to Them now, by reciting the following mantra.
4 - मूलं - साङ्गायै सायुधायै सवाहनायै सपरिवारायै सर्वात्मिकायै श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरिपराभाट्टारिकायै नमः। नैवेद्यम् कल्पयामि नमः॥
4 - mūlaṁ - sāṅgāyai sāyudhāyai savāhanāyai saparivārāyai sarvātmikāyai namaḥ | śrīmahātripurasundariparābhāṭṭārikāyai naivedyam kalpayāmi namaḥ ||
Now offer flowers on the Bindu.
ix) Recite the following mantra:
4 - हेमपात्रगतं दिव्यं परमान्नं सुसंकृतम्।
पञ्चधा षड्रसोपेतं गृहाण परमेश्वरि॥
शर्करापायसापूप घृदव्यञ्चन संयुतम्।
विचित्ररुचि नेवैद्यं हृद्यमावेदमाम्यहम्॥॥
4 - hemapātragataṁ divyaṁ paramānnaṁ susaṁkṛtam |
pañcadhā ṣaḍrasopetaṁ gṛhāṇa parameśvari ||
śarkarāpāyasāpūpa ghṛdavyañcana saṁyutam |
vicitraruci nevaidyaṁ hṛdyamāvedamāmyaham ||
x) Normal naivedya procedure:
Recite this mantra (first mantra is turiya gāyatrī mantra)
ॐ भूर्भुवसुवः। तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि। धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्। परोरजसे सावदोम्॥
देवसवितः प्रसुव। सत्यंत्वर्तेन परिषिञ्चामि। अमृतोपस्तरणमसि॥
om bhūrbhuvasuvaḥ | tatsaviturvareṇyaṁ bhargo devasya dhīmahi | dhioyo yo naḥ pracodayāt | parorajase sāvadom ||
devasavitaḥ prasuva | satyaṁtvartena pariṣiñcāmi | amṛtopastaraṇamasi ||
(amṛtopastaraṇamasi refers to offering water before offering naivedya)
xi) By reciting the following mantra, naivedya is now offered to Them.
4 ऐं प्राणाय स्वाहा। 4 क्लीं अपानाय स्वाहा। 4 सौः व्यानाय स्वाहा। 4 ऐं क्लीं उदानाय स्वाहा। 4 ऐं क्लीं सौः समानाय स्वाहा। 4 ब्रह्मेणे स्वाहा॥
4 aiṁ prāṇāya svāhā | 4 klīṁ apānāya svāhā | 4 sauḥ vyānāya svāhā | 4 aiṁ klīṁ udānāya svāhā | 4 aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ samānāya svāhā | 4 brahmeṇe svāhā ||
Now all naivedya have been offered to Them.
xii) Following mantras ensure Their satisfaction of naivedya offered.
a. 4 - ऐं क ए ई ल ह्रीं – आत्मतत्वव्यापिनि अकिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकि श्री राजराजेश्वरि ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी परा भट्टारिका महादेव्याः तृपयतु।
4- aiṁ ka e ī la hrīṁ - ātmatatvavyāpini akilāṇḍakoṭi brahmāṇḍanāyaki śrī rājarājeśvari lalitā mahātripurasundarī parā bhaṭṭārikā mahādevyāḥ tṛpayatu |
b. 4 - क्लीं ह स क ल ह्रीं – विद्यातत्वव्यापिनि अकिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकि श्री राजराजेश्वरि ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी परा भट्टारिका महादेव्याः तृपयतु।
4 - klīṁ ha sa ka la hrīṁ - vidyātatvavyāpini akilāṇḍakoṭi brahmāṇḍanāyaki śrī rājarājeśvari lalitā mahātripurasundarī parā bhaṭṭārikā mahādevyāḥ tṛpayatu |
c. 4 - सौः स क ल ह्रीं – शिवतत्वव्यापिनि अकिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकि श्री राजराजेश्वरि ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी परा भट्टारिका महादेव्याः तृपयतु।
4 - sauḥ sa ka la hrīṁ - śivatatvavyāpini akilāṇḍakoṭi brahmāṇḍanāyaki śrī rājarājeśvari lalitā mahātripurasundarī parā bhaṭṭārikā mahādevyāḥ tṛpayatu |
d. 4 - ऐं क्लीं सौः - मूलं – सर्वतत्वव्यापिनि अकिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकि श्री राजराजेश्वरि ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी परा भट्टारिका महादेव्याः तृपयतु ॥
4 - aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ - mūlaṁ - sarvatatvavyāpini akilāṇḍakoṭi brahmāṇḍanāyaki śrī rājarājeśvari lalitā mahātripurasundarī parā bhaṭṭārikā mahādevyāḥ tṛpayatu ||
Take a few drops of amṛta from sāmānya arghya pātra and offer in Her left palm.
xiii) Recite the following mantra:
a. 4 - चित्पात्रे सद्धविस्सौख्यं विविधोनेक भक्षणम्।
निवेदयामि ते देवि सानुगायै जुषाण तत्॥
4 - citpātre saddhavissaukhyaṁ vividhoneka bhakṣaṇam |
nivedayāmi te devi sānugāyai juṣāṇa tat ||
b. 4 - मधुवाता ऋतायते। मधु क्षरन्ति सिन्धवः। माध्वीर्नः सन्त्वोषधीः॥
मधु नक्तमुतोषसि। मधुमत्पार्थिवगुं रजः। मधुद्योरस्तु नः पिता॥
मधुमान् नो वनस्पतिः। मधुमागुं अस्तु सूर्यः। माध्वीर्गावो भवन्तु नः॥
मधु मधु मधु॥
ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्महविर्ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्म्णा हुतम्। ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना॥
महानैवेद्यम् निवेदयामि॥
4 - madhuvātā ṛtāyate | madhu kṣaranti sindhavaḥ | mādhvīrnaḥ santvoṣadhīḥ ||
madhu naktamutoṣasi | madhumatpārthivaguṁ rajaḥ | madhudyorastu naḥ pitā ||
madhumān no vanaspatiḥ | madhumāguṁ astu sūryaḥ | mādhvīrgāvo bhavantu naḥ ||
madhu madhu madhu ||
brahmārpaṇaṁ brahmahavirbrahmāgnau brahmṇā hutam | brahmaiva tena gantavyaṁ brahmakarmasamādhinā ||
mahānaivedyam nivedayāmi ||
c. After having offered Them naivedya, we are now offering Them water to drink.
4 - अकिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकि श्री राजराजेश्वरि ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी परा भट्टारिका महादेव्याः अमृतपानीयं समर्पयामि॥
4 - akilāṇḍakoṭi brahmāṇḍanāyaki śrī rājarājeśvari lalitā mahātripurasundarī parā bhaṭṭārikā mahādevyāḥ amṛtapānīyaṁ samarpayāmi ||
Now, we have to close our eyes and visualize that They ‘taste’ the naivedya offered. Mūla mantra can be recited as many times as possible during this contemplation.
d. Now water for drinking is offered to Them. After having offered Them water to drink, we have to offer Them water to wash Their hands, to wash Their feet and to gurgle. Following is the mantra.
4 - अकिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकि श्री राजराजेश्वरि ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी परा भट्टारिका महादेव्याः हस्तप्रक्षालनम् गण्डूषं पादप्रक्षालनं आचमनीयं च कल्पयामि नमः॥
4 - akilāṇḍakoṭi brahmāṇḍanāyaki śrī rājarājeśvari lalitā mahātripurasundarī parā bhaṭṭārikā mahādevyāḥ hastaprakṣālanam gaṇḍūṣaṁ pādaprakṣālanaṁ ācamanīyaṁ ca kalpayāmi namaḥ ||
xiv) Preparation for bali:
xv) Offering tāmbūla:
Now betel leaves along with karpūravīṭkā are offered to Them. For this, place betel leaves on a place and on the betel leaves place karpūravīṭkā and sprinkle them with sāmānya arghya. Now we have to offer this to Them by reciting this mantra.
4 - पूगीफलसमायुक्तं नागवल्लीदलैर्युतम्। कर्पूरचूर्णसंयुक्तं तांबूलं प्रतिगृह्यताम्॥
तमालदल कर्पूर् पूगभाग समन्वितम्। एलापत्रसुसंयुक्तं ताम्बूलं प्रतिगृह्यताम्॥
4 - pūgīphalasamāyuktaṁ nāgavallīdalairyutam | karpūracūrṇasaṁyuktaṁ tāṁbūlaṁ pratigṛhyatām ||
tamāladala karpūr pūgabhāga samanvitam | elāpatrasusaṁyuktaṁ tāmbūlaṁ pratigṛhyatām ||
4 - अकिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकि श्री राजराजेश्वरि ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी परा भट्टारिका महादेव्याः कर्पूरतांबूलं समर्पयामि॥
4 - akilāṇḍakoṭi brahmāṇḍanāyaki śrī rājarājeśvari lalitā mahātripurasundarī parā bhaṭṭārikā mahādevyāḥ karpūratāṁbūlaṁ samarpayāmi ||
[There are references in both Lalitā Sahasranāma (26 and 559) and Lalitā Triśatī (14) about karpūravīṭkā. The ingredients used for preparing karpūravīṭkā are – saffron, cardamom, clove, edible camphor, kastūri, nutmeg and mace or myristica fragrans or jātipattrī (arillus of the nut also known as myristica officinalis). The ingredients are finely powdered and mixed with powdered sugar candy.]
October 01, 2013 10:05 PM
2 (iii) 4 ॐ जुं सः वौषट् – 4 om juṁ saḥ vauṣaṭ : This mantra is to be recited seven times. Here, mula mantra is not to be recited seven times.
4 (b) Here agni bija to be recited only for one time. (vaayu bija seven times, agni bija only one time). Reason being “ram” is the agni bija which will get fire immediately at one instance.
vii) 4 klīṁ kāmadughe āmoghe varade vicce spura spura śrīṁ para śrīṁ || This mantra is known as “Kaamadhenu vidya”
After “Kaamadhenu vidya” offer paadyam, arghyam and aachamaneeyam to Devi.
Here, patra used for viseshaarghya is known as “Shakti patra”
After “madhu mantram” offer jalam to Devi.
Now offer (Paanakam) i.e.amruta jalam by reciting the following mantra.
“4 namste devadevesi sarva truptikaramparam|anyaniveditam suddham prakrutistam suseetalam| amrutaananda sampurnam gruhaana jala muttamam”
4 sree lalitaayai amrutapaaneeyam samarpayaami.
Start offering hastaprakshalanam etc, after reciting “4 Om amrutapithanamasi| iti uttaraaposanam datva” Then do hasta, paada prakshaalana etc.