43. कुलदीपःkuladīpaḥ:
Maṅgalarātrikam was discussed in 22.4 (part 14) and forms a part of chatuḥ-ṣaṣṭyupacāra discussed in part 13 of this series. Nine lamps were used there and the balance one lamp is to be used here. Place that lamp in a copper or silver plate and offer dipārādhana three times with this lamp by reciting this mantra.
4 – मूलं - अन्तस्तेजो बहिस्तेज एकीकृत्यामितप्रभम्।
त्रिधा दीपं परिभ्राम्य कुलदीपं निवेदये ॥
4 - mūlaṁ - antastejo bahisteja ekīkṛtyāmitaprabham |
tridhā dīpaṁ paribhrāmya kuladīpaṁ nivedaye ||
(The inner light and external light are the same and that light alone shines bright and I offer you this light as dipārādhana three times. This dipārādhana signifies Her omnipresence and at the end of navāvaraṇa pūjā, the sādhaka realises the Truth.)
44. कर्पूरनीरजनम् karpūranīrajanam:
Generally this nīrājana is done with camphor. But in many places camphor is prohibited. Instead of camphor, wick with ghee can be used. There are six mantras for karpūranīrajanam.
a) 4 - सोमो वा एतस्य राज्यमादते। यो राजासन्राज्यो वा सोमेन यजते। देवसुवामेतानि हविगुंषि भवन्ति। एतावन्तो वै तेवानागुं सवाः। त एवास्मै सवान् प्रयच्चन्ति। त एनं पुनः सुवन्ते राज्याय। देवसु राजा भवति॥
4 - somo vā etasya rājyamādate | yo rājāsanrājyo vā somena yajate | devasuvāmetāni haviguṁṣi bhavanti | etāvanto vai tevānāguṁ savāḥ | ta evāsmai savān prayaccanti | ta enaṁ punaḥ suvante
rājyāya | devasu rājā bhavati ||
(Soma (contextually to be understood as Brahman) bestows kingship to those who make sacrifices or oblations. These sacrifices are to Your various energies (different śakti-s and contextually they are navāvaraṇa devi-s), who offer kingship to those who perform sacrifices without any desires.)
(b) 4 - साम्राज्यं भोज्यं स्वाराज्यं वैराज्यं पारमेष्ठिकं राज्यं महाराज्यमाधिपत्यम्॥
4 - sāmrājyaṁ bhojyaṁ svāarājyaṁ vairājyaṁ pārameṣṭhikaṁ rājyaṁ mahārājyamādhipatyam ||
(Let us enjoy big empires with sub-kingdoms and sub rulers. Let my own empire flourish. Let my empire continue as per my dictates. Let a glorious government enjoy full power.)
c) 4 - न तत्र् सूर्यो भाति न चन्द्रतारकं नेमा विद्युतो भान्ति कुदोऽयमयग्निः। तमेव भान्तमनुभाति सर्वं तस्य भासा सर्वमिदं विभाति॥
4 - na tatr sūryo bhāti na candratārakaṁ nemā vidyuto bhānti kudo'yamayagniḥ | tameva bhāntamanubhāti sarvaṁ tasya bhāsā sarvamidaṁ vibhāti ||
(In the presence of Brahman, the sun does not shine, nor do the moon and stars, nor does lightning, let alone this fire. When Brahman shines, everything follows. By Its Light, all these are lighted - Kaṭha Upaniṣad (II.ii.15).
d) 4 - मनसः काममाकूतिं वाचस्सत्यमशीमहि। पशूनां रूपमन्नसय्स् मयि श्रीः श्रयतां यशः
4 - manasaḥ kāmamākūtiṁ vācassatyamaśīmahi | paśūnāṁ rūpamannasays mayi śrīḥ śrayatāṁ yaśaḥ ||
(Please bless me with positive and compassionate thoughts, overflowing happiness, truth in my speech, bountiful cows, bountiful food and fame.)
e) 4 - राजाधिराजाय प्रसह्य साहिने नमोवयं वैश्रवणाय कुर्महे। समेकामां कामकामाय मह्यम्। माकेश्वरो वैश्रवणो ददातु। कुबेराय वैश्रवणाय महाराजाय नमः॥
4 - rājādhirājāya prasahya sāhine namovayaṁ vaiśravaṇāya kurmahe | samekāmāṁ kāmakāmāya mahyam | mākeśvaro vaiśravaṇo dadātu | kuberāya vaiśravaṇāya mahārājāya namaḥ ||
(We worship and praise Kubera, who is the lord of lords and who is the giver of all victories. He, who is the fulfiller of all desires and the lord of wealth, let him bless me with enough wealth to fulfil all my desires. Praises to you Kubera, the lord of wealth and king of kings.)
f) 4 - अकिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकि श्री राजराजेश्वरि ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी परा भट्टारिका महादेव्याः कर्पूरनीरजनम् दर्शयामि नमः ॥
4 - akilāṇḍakoṭi brahmāṇḍanāyaki śrī rājarājeśvari lalitā mahātripurasundarī parā bhaṭṭārikā mahādevyāḥ karpūranīrajanam darśayāmi namaḥ ||
After showing karpūranīrajanam, place it down and show yoni mudra to Her. After yoni mudra, recite navākṣarī ratneśvarī mantra (नवाक्षरी रत्नेश्वरी).
g) 4 śrīṁ hrīṁ glūṁ slūṁ mlūṁ plūṁ nlūṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ ॥
4 श्रीं ह्रीं ग्लूं स्लूं म्लूं प्लूं न्लूं ह्रीं श्रीं ॥
After completing the recitation, show chakra mudra and again show karpūranīrajanam to Her. After showing, place the karpūranīrajana plate/ pātra down and offer ācamana thus. Take water from vardhanī kalaśain the uttaraṇi and recite the following mantra.
h) 4 - नीराजनानन्तरं आच्मनीयं कल्पयामि॥ 4 - nīrājanānantaraṁ ācmanīyaṁ kalpayāmi ||
Take flowers and place on Śri Cakra by reciting the following mantra.
i) 4 - अकिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायकि श्री राजराजेश्वरि ललिता महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी परा भट्टारिका महादेव्यै नमः। पुष्पैः पूजयामि॥
4 - akilāṇḍakoṭi brahmāṇḍanāyaki śrī rājarājeśvari lalitā mahātripurasundarī parā bhaṭṭārikā mahādevyai namaḥ | puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi ||
45. मन्त्रपुष्पम् mantrapuṣpam
Take flowers in both hands and recite the following mantra. Flowers can be given to everyone, who is present. Now recite the following mantras.
a) योपां पुष्पं वेद। पुष्पवान् प्रजावान् पशुमान् भवति। चन्द्रमा वा अपां पुष्पम्। पुष्पवान् प्रजावान् पशुमान् भवति।
य एवं वेद। योपामायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति॥
yopāṁ puṣpaṁ veda | puṣpavān prajāvān paśumān bhavati | candramā vā apāṁ puṣpam | puṣpavān prajāvān paśumān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yopāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati ||
b) अग्निर्वा अपामायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति। योग्नेरायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति। आपोवा अग्नेरायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति।
य एवं वेद। योपामायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति॥
agnirvā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati | yognerāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati | āpovā agnerāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yopāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati ||
c) वायुर्वा अपामायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति। योवायोरायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति। आपोवै वायोरायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति।
य एवं वेद। योपामायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति॥
vāyurvā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati | yovāyorāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati | āpovai vāyorāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yopāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati ||
d) असौ वै तपन्नपामायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति। योऽमुष्यतपत आयतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति। आपोवा अमुष्यतपत आयतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति।
य एवं वेद। योपामायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति॥
asau vai tapannapāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati | yo'muṣyatapata āyatanaṁ veda| āyatanavān bhavati | āpovā amuṣyatapata āyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yopāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati ||
e) चन्द्रमा वा अपामायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति। यष्चन्द्रमस आयतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति। आपोवै चन्द्रमस आयतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति।
य एवं वेद। योपामायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति॥
candramā vā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati | yaṣcandramasa āayatanaṁ veda| āyatanavān bhavati | āpovai candramasa āyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yopāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati ||
f) नक्षत्राणिवा अपामायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति। योनक्षत्राणामायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति। आपोवै नक्षत्राणामायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति ।
य एवं वेद। योपामायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति॥
nakṣatrāṇivā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati | yonakṣatrāaṇāmāyatanaṁ veda| āyatanavān bhavati | āpovai nakṣatrāṇāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yopāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati ||
g) पर्जन्योवा अपामायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति। यःपर्जन्यस्यायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति। आपोवै पर्जन्यस्यायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति।
य एवं वेद। योपामायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति॥
parjanyovā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati | yaḥparjanyasyāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati | āpovai parjanyasyāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yopāmāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati ||
h) संवत्सरोवा अपामायतनम्। आयतनवान् भवति। यस्संवत्सरस्यायतनं वेद। आयतनवान् भवति। आपोवै संवत्सरस्यायतनं। आयतनवान् भवति।
य एवं वेद। योऽप्सुनावं प्रतिष्ठितां वेद। प्रत्येवेतिष्ठति॥
saṁvatsarovā apāmāyatanam | āyatanavān bhavati | yassaṁvatsarasyāyatanaṁ veda | āyatanavān bhavati | āpovai saṁvatsarasyāyatanaṁ | āyatanavān bhavati |
ya evaṁ veda | yo'psunāvaṁ pratiṣṭhitāṁ veda | pratyevetiṣṭhati ||
i) राजाधिराजाय प्रसह्य साहिने नमोवयं वैश्रवणाय कुर्महे। समेकामां कामकामाय मह्यम्। कामेश्वरो वैश्रवणो ददातु। कुबेराय वैश्रवणाय महाराजाय नमः॥
rājādhirājāya prasahya sāhine namovayaṁ vaiśravaṇāya kurmahe | samekāmāṁ kāmakāmāya mahyam | kāmeśvaro vaiśravaṇo dadātu | kuberāya vaiśravaṇāya mahārājāya namaḥ ||
j) ॐ तद् ब्रह्म। ॐ तद् वायुः । ॐ तदात्मा। ॐ तत् सत्यं। ॐ तत् सर्वं। ॐ तत् पुरोर् नमः। अन्दष्चरति भूदेषु गुहायां विश्वमूर्तिशु। त्वं यज्ञस् त्वं वशट्कारस् त्वं इन्द्रस् द्वऽगुं रुद्रस् त्वं विष्णुस् त्वं ब्रह्म त्वं प्रजापतिः। त्वं तदाप आपो ज्योती रसोऽम्रुतं ब्रह्म भूर्भुवस्सुवरोम्॥
om tad brahma | om tad vāyuḥ | om tadātmā | om tat satyaṁ | om tat sarvaṁ | om tat puror namaḥ | andaṣcarati bhūdeṣu guhāyāṁ viśvamūrtiśu | | tvaṁ yajñas tvaṁ vaśaṭkāras tvaṁ indras dva'guṁ rudras tvaṁ viṣṇus tvaṁ brahma tvaṁ prajāpatiḥ | tvaṁ tadāpa āpo jyotī raso'mrutaṁ brahma bhūrbhuvassuvarom ||
Meaning (a to j)
That one who knows the flowers of water, he becomes the possessor of flowers, cattle and progeny. Moon is the flower of the water. He who knows it to be so, he becomes the possessor of cattle and progeny. That one who knows the source of the water, he becomes established in his Self. Fire is the source of water. He who knows the source of fire, he becomes established in his Self. water is the source of fire. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self. That one who knows the source of the water, he becomes established in his Self. Air is the source of water. He who knows the source of air, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of air. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self. That one who knows the source of the water, he becomes established in his Self. The scorching sun is the source of water. He who knows the source of the scorching sun, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of the scorching sun. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self. That one who knows the source of the water, he becomes established in his Self. Moon is the source of water. He who knows the source of moon, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of moon. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self. That one who knows the source of the Water, he becomes established in his Self. The Stars is the source of water. He who knows the source of the stars, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of the stars. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self. That one who knows the source of the water, he becomes established in his Self. Cloud is the source of water. He who knows the source of the clouds, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of the Clouds. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self. That one who knows the source of the water, he becomes established in his Self. Rainy season is the source of water. He who knows the source of rainy season, he becomes established in his Self. Water is the source of rainy season. He who knows it to be so, he becomes established in his Self. He who knows the raft that is established in the water, he becomes established in that itself.
We worship and praise Kubera, who is the lord of lords and who is the giver of all victories. He, who is the fulfiller of all desires and the lord of wealth, let him bless me with enough wealth to fulfil all my desires. Praises to you, Kubera, the lord of wealth and king of kings!!
ॐ alone is that Parabrahman. ॐ alone is that vāyu (air) and ॐ alone is Ātman. ॐ alone is the Truth. ॐ is verily everything; ॐ only is the existence of such a person known by the word Tat and to this ॐ I salute.
i) शिवे शिवसुशितलामृत तरङ्ग गन्धोल्लसन्नवावरण देवते नवनवामृतस्यन्दिनि।
गुरुक्रमपुरस्कृते गुणशरीर नित्योज्ज्वले षडङ्ग परिवारिते कलित एष पुष्पाञ्जलिः॥
śive śivasuśitalāmṛta taraṅga gandhollasannavāvaraṇa devate navanavāmṛtasyandini |
gurukramapuraskṛte guṇaśarīra nityojjvale ṣaḍaṅga parivārite kalita eṣa puṣpāñjaliḥ ||
Now place the flowers on Śri Cakra. Flowers should not be throne from a distance. Those who are offering flowers should go near Śri Cakra and offer with both hands.
(O! The auspicious one, the embodiment of navāvaraṇa devi-s; Your sandal fragrance originates from the drops of nectar of Śiva and you too continue to shower fresh nectars. You are realized through Guru Lineage. You are the embodiment of three guṇa-s (Lalitā Sahasranāma 397, mūlaprakṛtiḥ) and You are surrounded by six aṅga devatā-s (ṣaḍaṅga śakti sahita- with six śakti-s; ṣaḍaṅga śakti can be explained in two ways. If we go with Bālāṣaḍaṅga nyāsa, then these six śakti-s can be interpreted as hṛdaya, śira, śikhā, kavaca, netra and astra śakti-s. We can also contemplate these śakti-s as Her six powers such as omniscience, completeness, supreme levels of consciousness, freedom, everlasting power and infinity). Please accept my flower offerings.)
Tarun Sharma
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