Śrī Dakśiṇakālikā Kavacam (श्री दक्शिणकालिका कवचम्)

Prologue:- Śrī Dakṣiṇakālī is a form of the Divine Mother Kālī, who is said to be easily pleased by the devotion of the devotees and also does not insist upon strict adherence to rituals and purity. She is the favorite of those following the non-ritualistic left handed path. She can also be approached through the ritualistic path as well. She is well-known and adored for removing all types of miseries caused by black-magic as well as destroying all inimical forces, both internal and external. She is the Destroyer and also wields the power of transformation to help us separate the virtual reality from the true and everlasting super-consciousness. She is the one who leads us to self-realization, the higher states of samādhi (deep meditation) and to the nothingness of turiyā (pure bliss of liberation).

This particular kavacam is for keeping all types of enemies at bay, and especially for helping us control our own desires and in turn our destiny towards self-realization and Truth. All other types of external enemies causing harm to our progress in all realms of life, will be ruined completely.

viniyogaḥ (विनियोगः) :-

(Purpose behind reciting the kavacam)

om̐ asya śrī kālikā kavacasya ।

bhairava ṛṣiḥ ।

anuṣṭup chandaḥ ।

śrī kālikā devatā ।

śatru-saṃhārārthe pāṭhe jape viniyogaḥ ॥

ॐ अस्य श्री कालिका कवचस्य ।

भैरव ऋषिः ।

अनुष्टुप् छन्दः ।

श्री कालिका देवता ।

शत्रुसंहारार्थे पाठे जपे विनियोगः ॥

Meaning:- This prayer/mantra japa is to invoke Śrī Dakṣiṇakālī and perform Her kavaca mantra japa to obtain Her complete grace in all aspects, and to annihilate all enemies, internal and external. The sage (ṛṣiḥ) is Bhairava, the meter (chandas) for the mantra is Anuṣṭup and the deity is Śrī Kāli.

Dhyānam (ध्यानम्) :-


dhyāyet kālīṃ mahāmāyāṃ trinetrāṃ bahurūpiṇīṃ

catur-bhujāṃ lola-jihvāṃ pūrṇa-candra-nibhānanām ॥ 1

ध्यायेत् कालीं महामायां त्रिनेत्रां बहुरूपिणीं ।

चतुर्भुजां लोलजिह्वां पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम् ॥ १ ॥

Let us meditate upon the Divine Mother Śrī Kālī Devi, Who is most mysterious and wondrous, has three eyes (fully activated ājñā cakra), innumerable forms, four arms, a lolling tongue and the glow of a full moon.

nīlotpala-dala-śyāmāṃ śatru-saṅgha-vidāriṇīṃ ।

nara-muṇḍaṃ tathā khaḍgaṃ abhayaṃ varadaṃ tathā ॥ 2

नीलोत्पलदलश्यामां शत्रुसङ्घविदारिणीं ।

नरमुण्डं तथा खड्गं अभयं वरदं तथा ॥ २ ॥

She has an appearance resembling a blooming blue lotus flower. She is the annihilator of all enemies, internal and external. She holds a human skull separating consciousness from the body, a sword slashing the ego, the fear-dispelling abhaya mudra and the wish-granting varada mudra.

nirbhayāṃ rakta-vadanāṃ daṃṣṭrālīṃ ghora-rūpiṇīm ।

sāṭṭa-hāsānanāṃ devīṃ sarvadāṃ ca digambarīm ॥ 3

निर्भयां रक्तवदनां दंष्ट्रालीं घोररूपिणीम् ।

साट्टहासाननां देवीं सर्वदां च दिगम्बरीम् ॥ ३ ॥

She is fearless and has blood dripping from Her mouth, indicating Her aspect as the Creator and Destroyer. She has protruding sharp diamond teeth which can cut through the toughest of karmas. She is terrific in appearance and has a wild laughter that invokes fear in all enemies. She is infinite and is clothed by the vast space.

śavāsana-sthitāṃ kālīṃ muṇḍa-mālā-vibhūṣitām ॥ 4

शवासनस्थितां कालीं मुण्डमालाविभूषिताम् ॥ ४ ॥

She is seated on a corpse, indicating that She is Śakti the dynamic pulsation of the motionless and static Śiva. She is the dynamic super-consciousness. She is the Divine Mother Kālī, adorned with a garland of skulls representing the sounds of all the Sanskrit alphabet, which consist of all sounds from the gut to the upper palette of the mouth.

Atha kavacaṃ prārambham (अथ कवचं प्रारम्भम्) :-

(Start of the kavaca stotra)

om̐ kālikā ghora-rūpākhyā sarva-kāma-phala-pradā ।

sarva-deva-stutā devi śatru-nāśaṃ karotu me 5

ॐ कालिका घोररूपाख्या सर्वकामफलप्रदा ।

सर्वदेवस्तुता देवि शत्रुनाशं करोतु मे ॥ ५ ॥

The auspicious and Supreme Divine Mother Kāli, Who is terrific in Her appearance and is the fulfiller of all desires and wishes, worshipped by all the celestials and all beings of the entire Creation, is the destroyer of all enemies, internal and external.

om̐ hrīm̐ hrīm̐ rūpiṇīṃ caiva hrām̐ hrīm̐ hrūm̐ rūpiṇī tathā ।

hrām̐ hrīm̐ kṣaim̐ kṣaum̐ svarūpā sā sadā śatrūn-vidārayet ॥ 6

ॐ ह्रीँ ह्रीँ रूपिणीं चैव ह्राँ ह्रीँ ह्रूँ रूपिणी तथा ।

ह्राँ ह्रीँ क्षैँ क्षौँ स्वरूपा सा सदा शत्रून्विदारयेत् ॥ ६ ॥

om̐ represents auspiciousness, the two hrīm̐ bīja (seed) syllables represent the power to Create and Sustain. She is the auspicious One who is the Creator and Sustainer. The bīja (seed) hrām̐ pulls us away from karmic bonds and infuses spirituality into our mind and intellect. The hrīm̐ bīja (seed) represents the power of Destruction and applied to the individual self, it is the destruction of our inner karmic bonds represented by antaḥkaraṇa (mind, ego, intellect) that bind the consciousness to the physical, astral and causal bodies. The form shifting kinnara bīja (seed) hrūm̐, brings complete transformation in our spiritual outlook and leads us towards self-realization. She is the One who wields the power of Destruction and transformation and is the Destroyer of the Creation.

The seed syllables hrām̐, hrīm̐ combine with the syllables kṣaim̐, representing the knowledge for the forceful removal of karmic bonds and kṣaum̐, to complete the action of removal of karmic bonds. She is therefore the remover of all internal enemies bound by antaḥkaraṇa and will also take care of extinguishing all types of external influences and enemies, with brute force if necessary.

śrīm̐ hrīm̐ aim̐-rūpiṇī devī bhava-bandha-vimocinī

hum̐-rūpiṇī mahākālī rakṣā'smāndevī sarvadā ॥ 7

श्रीँ ह्रीँ ऐँरूपिणी देवी भवबन्धविमोचिनी ।

हुँरूपिणी महाकाली रक्षाऽस्मान्देवी सर्वदा ॥ ७ ॥

The Lakśmī bīja (seed) syllable represents immense material and spiritual wealth. The Mahāmāyā bīja (seed) syllable hrīm̐, represents the power to manifest any desires as well as the will power to overcome any temptations. The Sarasvati devi bīja (seed) syllable aim̐, is all knowledge bestowing.

She is the liberator of all bonds to the material world.

The kavaca bīja (seed) hum̐ shields us from all evil influences and lights up our path towards spiritual illumination as well as material progress. The Divine Mother Mahākālī, protects us at all times and never lets us down at any time.

yathā śumbho hato daityo niśumbhaśca mahāsuraḥ ।

vairi-nāśāya vande tāṃ kālikāṃ śaṅkara-priyām ॥ 8

यथा शुम्भो हतो दैत्यो निशुम्भश्च महासुरः ।

वैरिनाशाय वन्दे तां कालिकां शङ्करप्रियाम् ॥ ८ ॥

The manner by which the Divine Mother Śrī Kāli, the dearest of Lord Śaṅkara (Śiva) destroyed the duality representing demonic celestial asurās, in the same way, She will remove all our inimical influences and free us from all fears and negativities.

brāhmī śaivī vaiṣṇavī ca vārāhī nārasiṃhikā ।

kaumāry-aindrī ca cāmuṇḍā khādantu mama vidviṣaḥ ॥ 9

ब्राह्मी शैवी वैष्णवी च वाराही नारसिंहिका ।

कौमार्यैन्द्री च चामुण्डा खादन्तु मम विद्विषः ॥ ९ ॥

The eight aṣṭa Mātṛkā devīs, namely, the Absolute Truth representing Divine Mother Brahmaṇi (Brāhmī), the Supreme Divine Mother Maheśvarī (Śaivī), the omniscient Divine Mother Vaiṣṇavī, the karma destroying Divine Mother Vārāhī, the deep transforming, humbling and ego eliminating Divine Mother Nārasiṃhikā, the dashing Divine Mother Kaumārī, the blazing and fabulous Aindrī (Indrāṇī) and the duality destroying Divine Mother Cāmuṇḍā, will devour all the inimical forces and destroy all enemies, however powerful or influential they may be.

sureśvarī ghora rūpā caṇḍa muṇḍa vināśinī ।

muṇḍa-mālā-vṛtāṅgī ca sarvataḥ pātu māṃ sadā ॥ 10 ॥                        

सुरेश्वरी घोर रूपा चण्ड मुण्ड विनाशिनी ।

मुण्डमालावृताङ्गी च सर्वतः पातु मां सदा ॥ १० ॥

The frightening Divine Mother Sureśvarī, the One who is ardently worshipped by the celestial and godly Surās, is the destroyer of all cruelty and immorality represented by the demonic Asurās, Caṇḍa and Muṇḍa. The Divine Mother Kāli, who is known by the attribute Muṇḍa-mālā-vṛtāṅgī, the One who is adorned with a garland of human skulls, representing all the Sanskrit alphabet indicating all the sound vibrations and frequencies, protects us at all times.

krīm̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ kālike ghore daṃṣṭreva rudhira-priye ।

rudhirā-pūrṇa-vaktreṇa  rudhireṇ-āvṛtastani ॥ 11

क्रीँ हूँ ह्रीँ कालिके घोरे दंष्ट्रेव रुधिरप्रिये ।

रुधिरापूर्णवक्त्रेण  रुधिरेणावृतस्तनि ॥ ११ ॥

The deeply transforming Śrī Kāli bīja (seed) syllable Krīm̐, along with the attachments removing Kūrca bīja (seed) syllable hūm̐, followed by the Mahāmāyā bīja (seed) syllable hrīm̐, representing the power to break through the virtual reality surrounding us, combine with the horrific, wide toothed and blood thirsty, deeply transforming Divine Mother Rudhira-priya Kāli, Who is incessantly pre-occupied with the task of Destruction and transformation. She is completely covered with blood and is unstoppable in Her task of transformation.

atha mantraḥ (अथ मन्त्रः) :-

om̐ krīm̐ kālike mama śatrūn khādaya khādaya hiṃsaya hiṃsaya māraya māraya

bhindhi bhindhi chindhi chindhi uccāṭayoccāṭaya

drāvaya drāvaya śoṣaya śoṣaya svāhā ।

om̐ krīm̐ hūm̐ hrīm̐ kālīkāyai madīya śatrūn samarpayāmi svāhā ।

om̐ jaya jaya kiri kiri kiṭi kiṭi kaṭa kaṭa marda

marda mohaya mohaya hara hara mama ripūn dhvaṃsa dhvaṃsa bhakṣaya

bhakṣaya troṭaya troṭaya yātudhānān cāmuṇḍe sarva-janān rājño rāja-puruṣān striyo mama vaśyān kuru kuru tanu tanu dhānyaṃ

dhanaṃ me'śvān gajān ratnāni divya-kāminī-putrān

rāja-śriyaṃ dehi dehi yaccha yaccha kṣām̐ kṣīm̐ kṣūm̐ kṣaim̐ kṣaum̐ kṣaḥ svāhā ।

ॐ क्रीँ कालिके मम शत्रून् खादय खादय हिंसय हिंसय मारय मारय

भिन्धि भिन्धि छिन्धि छिन्धि उच्चाटयोच्चाटय

द्रावय द्रावय शोषय शोषय स्वाहा ।

ॐ क्रीँ हूँ ह्रीँ कालीकायै मदीय शत्रून् समर्पयामि स्वाहा ।

ॐ जय जय किरि किरि किटि किटि कट कट मर्द

मर्द मोहय मोहय हर हर मम रिपून् ध्वंस ध्वंस भक्षय

भक्षय त्रोटय त्रोटय यातुधानान् चामुण्डे सर्वजनान् राज्ञो राजपुरुषान् स्त्रियो मम वश्यान् कुरु कुरु तनु तनु धान्यं

धनं मेऽश्वान् गजान् रत्नानि दिव्यकामिनीपुत्रान्

राजश्रियं देहि देहि यच्छ यच्छ क्षाँ क्षीँ क्षूँ क्षैँ क्षौँ क्षः स्वाहा ।

Meaning:- Oblations to the highly destructive and transforming power of the Śrī Kāli bīja (seed) syllable Krīm̐ and to the Divine Mother Śrī Kāli, who destroys the enemies, external and internal and all inimical forces including antaḥkaraṇa (mind, ego, intellect) and karmas, by devouring, torturing, slaying, splitting and tearing asunder, chopping to minute pieces, inflicting ruin and dissension, making them flee away, as well as depleting vital energies, drying up and withering them away.

Oblations to the auspiciousness bestowing praṇava bīja om̐, the transforming Śrī Kāli bīja (seed) syllable krīm̐, the attachments removing Kūrca bīja (seed) syllable hūm̐, followed by the Mahāmāyā bīja (seed) syllable hrīm̐, representing the power to break through the virtual reality surrounding us and to the terrific Divine Mother Kāli. We gracefully offer all our enemies, internal and external to Her, so She may annihilate them immediately.

Oblations to the auspicious One. May the Divine Mother Kāli bring us great victory by devouring the enemies like wild boars plundering through everything in their way, make enemies clash against each other and destroy themselves, may they be splintered and ground to fine pieces, bewildered

over the happenings and losing their way and minds, destroyed, torn apart and crushed completely, as well as consumed by man-eating demons. May the Divine Mother Cāmuṇḍā, who protects everyone, give us access to the higher authorities of power, politicians, high ranking bureaucrats and the opulent. Bless us with the power to attract men and women, grant us an attractive personality, bless us with abundant food, wealth and all types of riches and comfort. May She grant us many vehicles of conveyance, horses, elephants, gems, children from extra-dimensional beings, spouses of royal disposition and opulence. May the benefits come in instantly without any delays. May the six variations of the Nṛsiṃha/Bhadrakāli bīja kṣa, namely the forceful attraction bīja kṣām̐ rope in the results quickly, the forceful wish fulling bīja kṣīm̐ lead us to the desired wishes, the forceful armor enhancing and bond breaking bīja kṣūm̐ tear away all obstacles and protect us, the forceful knowledge enhancing bīja kṣaim̐ provide us all the knowledge to lead to our goals and the forceful transformation providing bīja kṣaum̐, eradicate all the ills and the forceful kṣaḥ bīja give us the peace and tranquility to last our entire lifetime.

Phalaśruti (फलश्रुति) :-

(Results obtained from reciting this kavaca over a period of time)

ityetat kavacaṃ divyaṃ kathitaṃ śambhunā purā ।

ye paṭhanti sadā teṣāṃ dhruvaṃ naśyanti śatravaḥ  ॥ 12

इत्येतत् कवचं दिव्यं कथितं शम्भुना पुरा ।

ये पठन्ति सदा तेषां ध्रुवं नश्यन्ति शत्रवः  ॥ १२ ॥

This most wondrous kavacam or shield of armor as narrated by Lord Śambhu (Śiva) in total, when recited dutifully by the devotee, destroys the wealth of all enemies at all times and keeps them away from causing us any harm.

The spiritual implication is that, the desires for material wealth within us get subdued and control over desires and the mind in general, will be gained.

vairaṇaṃ pralayaṃ yānti vyādhitā vā bhavanti hi ।

bala-hīnā putra-hīnā śatra-vastasya sarvadā ॥ 13

वैरणं प्रलयं यान्ति व्याधिता वा भवन्ति हि ।

बलहीना पुत्रहीना शत्रवस्तस्य सर्वदा ॥ १३ ॥

All enemies and inimical forces will be led to their doom and annihilation. They will also be afflicted by all types of diseases, will lose the will to fight and become very weak and depressed. They will also lose their kith and kin and become childless. All types of miseries will befall the enemies and suffering will continue lifelong.

sahrasra-paṭhanāt siddhiḥ kavacasya prasādataḥ ।

kāryāṇi sarva siddhyanti yathā śaṅkara-bhāṣitam ॥ 14

सह्रस्रपठनात् सिद्धिः कवचस्य प्रसादतः ।

कार्याणि सर्व सिद्ध्यन्ति यथा शङ्करभाषितम् ॥ १४ ॥

It is mentioned by Lord Śaṅkara (Śiva), that those who recite the kavaca sincerely a thousand times, will gain all siddhis or magical powers and also gain the power of the kavaca and its promised benefits. All the tasks undertaken by such devotees will become successful and they become unstoppable forces.

śmaśān-āṅgāra-mādāya cūrṇaṃ-kṛtvā prayatnataḥ ।

pādodakena piṣṭvā tal-likhel-loha-śalākayā ॥ 15

श्मशानाङ्गारमादाय चूर्णंकृत्वा प्रयत्नतः ।

पादोदकेन पिष्ट्वा तल्लिखेल्लोहशलाकया ॥ १५ ॥

Ash obtained from the burning coals of a cremation ground or a crematorium can be used for obtaining all results. One can write the names of the enemies from the dust and debris sticking to wet feet or on iron plates, to tear apart one’s enemies.

bhūmau śatrūn hīna-rūpānuttarā śirasas-tathā ।

hastaṃ dattvā tu hṛdaye kavacaṃ tu svayaṃ paṭhet ॥ 16

भूमौ शत्रून् हीनरूपानुत्तरा शिरसस्तथा ।

हस्तं दत्त्वा तु हृदये कवचं तु स्वयं पठेत् ॥ १६ ॥

All terrestrial enemies will attain misery and cannot raise their heads in perpetuity, due to shame and loss. After receiving this kavaca by hand from a preceptor, One must recite it on their own with heartfelt devotion and faith.

śatroḥ prāṇa-pratiṣṭhāṃ tu kuryān mantreṇa mantravit ।

hanyād-astra prahāreṇa śatroḥ gaccha yamacchayam ॥ 17

शत्रोः प्राणप्रतिष्ठां तु कुर्यान् मन्त्रेण मन्त्रवित् ।

हन्यादस्त्र प्रहारेण शत्रोः गच्छ यमच्छयम् ॥ १७ ॥

After performing the life infusing prāṇa-pratiṣṭhā rituals, this kavaca mantra and other Kāli mantras become highly effective in destroying all types of enemies, both internal and external. The enemies are slain by the most powerful of weapons, which is none other than mantras. One will blow away all types of enemies that may approach the devotee and even condemn them to hell.

jvalad-aṅgāra-tāpena bhavanti jvaritā bhṛśam ।

proñchanair-vāma-pādena daridro bhavati dhruvam ॥ 18

ज्वलदङ्गारतापेन भवन्ति ज्वरिता भृशम् ।

प्रोञ्छनैर्वामपादेन दरिद्रो भवति ध्रुवम् ॥ १८ ॥

Very high fevers with temperatures in the range of burning pyres of a cremation ground, will also subside immediately with the power of the kavacam. With one’s left foot, one would be able to wipe away poverty in any place that’s afflicted with it and usher in immense riches.

vairi-nāśakaraṃ proktaṃ kavacaṃ vaśya-kārakam ।

param-aiśvaryadaṃ caiva putra-putrādi-vṛddhidam ॥ 19

वैरिनाशकरं प्रोक्तं कवचं वश्यकारकम् ।

परमैश्वर्यदं चैव पुत्र-पुत्रादिवृद्धिदम् ॥ १९ ॥

This kavacam is not only for annihilating enemies but can also be used for attracting any material and spiritual desires. It is also the bestower of immense wealth, both spiritual and material as well as the giver of children, for those desirous of begetting them.  

prabhāta-samaye caiva pūjā-kāle ca yatnataḥ ।

sāyaṃ-kāle tathā pāṭhāt sarva-siddhir-bhaved dhruvam ॥ 20

प्रभातसमये चैव पूजाकाले च यत्नतः ।

सायंकाले तथा पाठात् सर्वसिद्धिर्भवेद् ध्रुवम् ॥ २० ॥

One should diligently make efforts to recite the kavacam during prayer time in the morning and also recite in the evening time, to obtain all types of magical siddhis (powers) and become highly successful in all endeavors and obtain immense wealth, in due course of time.

śatrūr-uccāṭanaṃ yāti deśādavā vicyuto bhavet ।

paścāt kiṅkaratāmeti satyaṃ-satyaṃ na saṃśayaḥ ॥ 21

शत्रूरुच्चाटनं याति देशादवा विच्युतो भवेत् ।

पश्चात् किङ्करतामेति सत्यं-सत्यं न संशयः ॥ २१ ॥

When enemies of the state become very powerful and ruin the welfare of the people and tear the place apart, at such times this kavacam can be deployed to enslave these powerful enemies. This is the simple and absolute Truth. One need not have any doubt over this.

śatru-nāśakare devi sarva-sampatkare śubhe ।

sarva-deva-stute devi kālike tvāṃ namāmyaham ॥ 22

शत्रुनाशकरे देवि सर्वसम्पत्करे शुभे ।

सर्वदेवस्तुते देवि कालिके त्वां नमाम्यहम् ॥ २२ ॥

Salutations to the most wondrous form of the Divine Mother Śakti as Kāli, the destroyer of all enemies, both internal and external. The giver of all types of wealth, both material and spiritual, as well as auspiciousness. Salutations to Her, who is adored by all celestials at all times.

॥ śrī-rudrayāmala tantroktaṃ kālikā kavacaṃ samāptam paripūrṇa śrī-dakṣiṇa-kālikārpanamastu

॥ श्रीरुद्रयामल तन्त्रोक्तं कालिका कवचं समाप्तम् परिपूर्ण श्रीदक्षिणकालिकार्पनमस्तु ॥

(Thus ends the Śrī Dakṣiṇa Kālikā Kavacam derived from the Śrī Rudrayāmala tantram. Oblations to the Divine Mother Śrī Dakṣiṇa Kālikā Devi.)

This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and be contacted at Krishna@manblunder.com