Śrī Kāmakalā Kālikā Ṣoḍhānyāsa Mahāmantraḥ (श्री कामकला कालिका षोढान्यास महामन्त्रः) :-

Source :- Variation of the kāmakalā kālī trailokyākarṣaṇa mantra of Mahākāla Saṃhitā.

Purpose :- To attain all wordly achievements, wealth, status etc. as well as self-realization and liberation.

1.Viniyogaḥ (विनियोगः) :-

asya śrīkāmakalākālikāṣoḍhānyāsamahāmantrasya ।

tripurārī mahāmaheśvara ṛṣiḥ ।

jagatīchandaḥ ।

śrī kāmakalākālikādevatā ।

klīm̐ bījam̐ ।

hrīm̐ śaktiḥ ।

hūm̐ kīlakaṃ ।

samasta-kāmanā-saṃsiddhyarthe nyāse viniyogaḥ ॥

अस्य श्रीकामकलाकालिकाषोढान्यासमहामन्त्रस्य ।

त्रिपुरारी महामहेश्वर ऋषिः ।

जगतीछन्दः ।

श्री कामकलाकालिकादेवता ।

क्लीँ बीजँ ।

ह्रीँ शक्तिः ।

हूँ कीलकं ।

समस्तकामनासंसिद्ध्यर्थे न्यासे विनियोगः ॥

Meaning:- This prayer/mantra japa is to invoke Śrī Kāmakalākālī and perform Her mantra japa to obtain Her complete grace in all aspects, and especially for removal of all enmity and negativity afflicting us. The sage (ṛṣiḥ) is Tripurārī Mahāmaheśvara or the Lord of all triads, the meter (chandas) for the mantra is Jagatī and the deity is Śrī Kāmakalākālikā, the seed (bījaṃ) is klīm̐, the power or śakti is hrīm̐. The key (kīlaka) to unlock the mantra is hūm̐.

2. Ṛṣyādi nyāsa ( ऋष्यादि न्यास ) :-






om̐ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ Tripurārī Mahāmaheśvara ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ त्रिपुरारी महामहेश्वर ऋषये नमः शिरसि

Open the right palm and touch the top of the forehead with the ring and thumb fingers joined at the top.


om̐ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ jagatī chandase namaḥ mukhe

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ जगती छन्दसे नमः मुखे

Now touch the lips of the mouth with the above mudrā.


om̐ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ Śrī Kāmakalākālikā devatāyai namaḥ hṛdi

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ श्री कामकलाकाली देवतायै नमः हृदि

Touch the heart with the right palm.


om̐ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klīm̐ bījāya namaḥ guhye

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लीँ बीजाय नमः गुह्ये

Touch the genitalia with the right ring finger and thumb joined together.


om̐ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ hrīm̐ śaktaye namaḥ pādayoḥ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ ह्रीँ शक्तये नमः पादयोः

Touch the feet with the right ring finger and thumb joined together.


om̐ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ hūm̐ kīlakāya namaḥ nābhau

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ हूँ कीलकाय नमः नाभौ

Touch the navel area with the right ring finger and thumb joined together.


om̐ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ samasta-kāmanā-saṃsiddhyarthe nyāse viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ समस्तकामनासंसिद्ध्यर्थे न्यासे विनियोगाय नमः सर्वाङ्गे

Run both the palms all over the body.


iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ

इति ऋष्यादि न्यासः


3. Karanyāsaḥ (करन्यासः) :-






oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klām̐ aṅguṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लाँ अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः

Use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klīm̐ tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लीँ तर्जनीभ्यां नमः

Use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klūm̐ madhyamābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लूँ मध्यमाभ्यां नमः

Use both the thumbs on the middle fingers.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klaim̐ anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लैँ अनामिकाभ्यां नमः

Use both the thumbs on the ring fingers.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klaum̐ kaniṣṭhikābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लौँ कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां नमः

Use both the thumbs on the little fingers.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klaḥ karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लः करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः

Open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm.


iti kara nyāsaḥ

इति कर न्यासः


4. Aṅganyāsaḥ (अङ्गन्यासः)






oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klām̐ hṛdayāya namaḥ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लाँ हृदयाय नमः

Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klīm̐ śirase svāhā

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लीँ शिरसे स्वाहा

Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klūm̐ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लूँ शिखायै वषट्

Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where the tuft of hair, is kept.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klaim̐ kavacāya hum̐

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लैँ कवचाय हुँ 

Cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klaum̐ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लौँ नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्

Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājña cakra.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klaḥ astrāya phaṭ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लः अस्त्राय फट्

Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand.


iti ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ

इति षडङ्ग न्यासः


bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digbandhaḥ ॥

भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्बन्धः॥

5. Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं) :-

The explanation of the meditation verses are available via this link.

The detailed explanation of all the verses can be obtained via this link.

6. Pañcapūjā (पञ्चपूजा) :-






lam̐ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi

लँ - पृथिव्यात्मिकायै गन्धं समर्पयामि

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the little fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


ham̐ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi

हँ - आकाशात्मिकायै पुष्पैः पूजयामि

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the thumbs of both hands with the upper tip/nails of the index fingers, with the back of the hand facing us.


yam̐ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi

यँ - वाय्वात्मिकायै धूपमाघ्रापयामि

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the index fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


ram̐ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi

रँ - अग्न्यात्मिकायै दीपं दर्शयामि

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the middle fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


vam̐ - amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi

वँ - अमृतात्मिकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं निवेदयामि

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the ring fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


sam̐ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi

सँ - सर्वात्मिकायै सर्वोपचार पूजाम् समर्पयामि

Hold the fingers of each palm in a folded manner with the tips of each fingers of both hands touching each other and the thumbs facing the heart, in a Namaste position.

7. Japamālā mantraṃ (जपमाला मन्त्रं) :-

Recite the below mantra once, to pray to the japa māla and invoke the blessings for a fruitful japa.

om̐ māṃ māle mahāmāye sarvamantra svarūpiṇi ।
caturvarga stvayinyasta stasmānye siddhidā bhava ॥

ॐ मां माले महामाये सर्वमन्त्र स्वरूपिणि ।
चतुर्वर्ग स्त्वयिन्यस्त स्तस्मान्ये सिद्धिदा भव॥

8. Guru Mantra (गुरु मन्त्र):-

Recite the following guru mantra once, to seek the blessings of all gurus and the Guru.

om̐ hrīṃ siddhaguro prasīda hrīṃ om̐

ॐ ह्रीं सिद्धगुरो प्रसीद ह्रीं ॐ ।

9. Atha śrī kāmakalā kālikā ṣoḍhānyāsa mahāmantraḥ (अथ श्री कामकला कालिका षोढान्यास महामन्त्रः)

om̐ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ kāmakalākālikāyai sphrem̐ krom̐ hrūm̐ krīm̐ klīm̐ svāhā ।

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ कामकलाकालिकायै स्फ्रेँ क्रोँ ह्रूँ क्रीँ क्लीँ स्वाहा ।


The bīja (seed mantra) om̐ represents auspiciousness and is the śabda brahman or the Superconsciousness manifested as sound. This is also the Tārā bīja adding auspiciousness and protection from both Lord Śiva and Śakti. The ingrained ‘ū’ within ‘o’ of ‘om̐’, represents Lord Sadāśiva, an aspect of Lord Śiva representing the act of Creation after complete Annihilation and the ‘m̐is nāda-bindu that dispels sorrow. The total signification is our complete transformation and re-birth into a spiritual entity.

The kāma bīja (seed mantra) klīm̐, represents fulfillment of all desires, spiritual and material, as well as granting great powers of attraction. The bīja also consists of ‘ka’ which is Lord Mahākāla’s (an aspect of Lord Śiva) Kamalā śakti, representing the evolution of consciousness. The letter ‘la’ is pṛthvi tattva and represents Earth. The letter ‘ī’ represents Mahāmāyā, the virtual reality. The letter ‘m̐is nāda-bindu that dispels sorrow. Together, it represents attainment and fulfillment, of all Earthly and material desires and pursuits.

The Kālī bīja (seed mantra) krīm̐, consists of ‘ka’ which is Lord Mahākāla’s (an aspect of Lord Śiva) Kamalā śakti, representing the evolution of consciousness. The letter ‘ra’ is Ananta Tejomaya Brahma, the omniscient and ever shining Brahman Himself, representing all aspects of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction, Who is none other than Mahākāla. The letter ‘ī’ represents Mahāmāyā, the virtual reality. The letter ‘m̐is nāda-bindu that dispels sorrow. The Lokanāyika, the ruler of the entire Creation, the Divine Mother who is the śakti of Mahākāla, in Her Vindu (Bindu or Dimensionless dot) rūpa (form) is Mahākālī,  the kriyā śakti or the One who takes action and is the dispeller of all sorrow, extinguisher of all karmas, negativity, black magic, enemies etc. and grantor of self-realization and liberation.

The Kūrca bīja (seed) mantra hrūm̐ represents cutting off all attachments as well as obstacles in our material and spiritual progress. It consists of the letter ‘ha’ which is the ākāśa tattva representing the vast sky and the infinite space – ether and also Parāśiva representing pure bliss and dissolution of all sin. The letter ‘ra’ is Ananta Tejomaya Brahma, the omniscient and ever shining Brahman Himself, representing all aspects of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction, Who is none other than Mahākāla. The letter ‘ū’ is Umeśa Mahākāla Bhairava the annihilator and bestower of spiritual transformation. Lastly, The letter ‘m̐is nāda-bindu that dispels sorrow. Together, the signification is towards spiritual elevation by burning all the karmas.

The Aṅkuśa bīja (seed) mantra krom̐ represents anger and wrath, as well as destruction of all falsehood and integration with the Divine. The letter ‘ka’ is mūla prakṛti śakti, meaning the root or the primary cause of the manifestation of nature. The letter ‘ra’ is Ananta Tejomaya Brahma, the omniscient and ever shining Brahman Himself, representing all aspects of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction, Who is none other than Mahākāla. The letter ‘o’ is śuddhātma or pure consciousness. The letter ‘m̐’ is nāda-bindu that dispels sorrow. Together, the signification is the evolution of the pure consciousness from the inherent material nature. Meaning, we tend to identify ourselves as consciousness and not the body and also get detached from material obsessions.

The bhūta bīja (seed) mantra sphrem̐ represents all the natural elements such as air, water, fire, earth and ether. It consists of the letter ‘sa’, which is the pṛthvi tattva Śiva, meaning the omniscience of Lord Śiva and His presence in all matter. The letter ‘pha’ represents sphuraṇa meaning pulsation or vibration, which is the duality of matter as both wave and mass. The letter ‘ra’ is Ananta tejomayi or the all illuminating Brahman as the Divine Mother Mahākālī. The letter ‘e’ is the Divine Mother Vāṇi, Who indicates speech and knowledge. The letter ‘m̐is nāda-bindu that dispels sorrow. Together, the signification is that the Divine Mother exists in all forms of matter, waveforms, sound frequencies and is the source of illumination of both the material and spiritual existence. All sorrow is dispelled by any of the specified means indicated by this bīja.

The word ‘Kāma’ is desire and all wishes. ‘Kalā’ is ‘avastha’ or the diffent states and situations that are possible. The Divine Mother Kālī is the kriyā śakti of Lord Mahākāla, who has the power to transform our state and completely dispel all sorrows. She is the controller of time and heralds all change and has the power to change the status quo and annihilate even the most stubborn karma that could be impacting our growth in the material and/or spiritual realms.

This mantra is a prayer to the Goddess Śrī Kāmakalākālī, asking Her to come to our rescue and remove all negative energies and inimical forces acting upon us and also to free us from all bad karma and help with our well-being. She will completely transform us and remove all types or sorrow, be it material or spiritual. One becomes free of diseases, poverty and all types of bad karma. She is fast acting and very forceful! The devotees will never be disappointed by investing their faith in Her.

10. Aṅganyāsaḥ (अङ्गन्यासः)






oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klām̐ hṛdayāya namaḥ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लाँ हृदयाय नमः

Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klīm̐ śirase svāhā

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लीँ शिरसे स्वाहा

Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klūm̐ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लूँ शिखायै वषट्

Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where the tuft of hair, is kept.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klaim̐ kavacāya hum̐

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लैँ कवचाय हुँ

Cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klaum̐ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लौँ नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट्

Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājña cakra.


oṃ klīm̐ krīm̐ hrūm̐ krom̐ sphrem̐ klaḥ astrāya phaṭ

ॐ क्लीँ क्रीँ ह्रूँ क्रोँ स्फ्रेँ क्लः अस्त्राय फट्

Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand.


iti ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ

इति षडङ्ग न्यासः


bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digvimokaḥ ॥

भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्विमोकः॥

11. Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं) :-

The explanation of the meditation verses are available via this link.

The detailed explanation of all the verses can be obtained via this link.

12. Pañcapūjā (पञ्चपूजा) :-






lam̐ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi

लँ - पृथिव्यात्मिकायै गन्धं समर्पयामि

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the little fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


ham̐ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi

हँ - आकाशात्मिकायै पुष्पैः पूजयामि

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the thumbs of both hands with the upper tip/nails of the index fingers, with the back of the hand facing us.


yam̐ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi

यँ - वाय्वात्मिकायै धूपमाघ्रापयामि

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the index fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


ram̐ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi

रँ - अग्न्यात्मिकायै दीपं दर्शयामि

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the middle fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


vam̐ - amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |

वँ - अमृतात्मिकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं निवेदयामि।

Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the ring fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us.


sam̐ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi

सँ - सर्वात्मिकायै सर्वोपचार पूजाम् समर्पयामि

Hold the fingers of each palm in a folded manner with the tips of each fingers of both hands touching each other and the thumbs facing the heart, in a Namaste position.

13. Samarpaṇam (समर्पणम्):-

Take water in uttaraṇi (spoon) and by reciting the following śloka, offer the water to the earth.

guhyātiguhyagoptrī tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmat-kṛtaṁ japam।
siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi sthirā ॥

गुह्यातिगुह्यगोप्त्री त्वं गृहाणास्मात्कृतं जपम्।
सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देवि त्वत्प्रसादान्मयि स्थिरा

14. Japānaṃtaraṃ mālāmantraṃ (जपानंतरं मालामन्त्रं) :-

Recite the below śloka and mantra, followed by placing the māla upon the top of the head and then place it back in the māla bag and conceal it. It should NOT be worn.

śloka॥ om̐ tvaṃ māle sarvadevānāṃ prītidā śubhadā bhava।

śubhaṃ kuruṣya me bhadre yaśo vīryaṃ ca dehime॥

श्लोक॥ ॐ त्वं माले सर्वदेवानां प्रीतिदा शुभदा भव।

शुभं कुरुष्य मे भद्रे यशो वीर्यं च देहिमे॥

mantra॥ om̐ hrīṃ siddhyai namaḥ॥

मन्त्र॥ ॐ ह्रीं सिद्ध्यै नमः॥

15. Puraścaraṇa (पुरश्चरण) :-











This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy.