Śrī Prasannavaradā Śrīlakṣmī Stotram (श्री प्रसन्नवरदा श्रीलक्ष्मी स्तोत्रम्)
Prologue: This hymn called the Śrī Prasannavaradā Śrīlakṣmī Stotram, literally means a torrent of blessings from the Divine Mother Goddess Śrī Mahālakṣmī. This hymn composed by sage Agastya removes all types of poverty and ensures perfect health, wealth and immense peace and everlasting prosperity. Those in deep debts and financial worries need look no further than this hymn. Regular recitation with sincere and utmost devotion shall help in obtaining swift results, as promised by this hymn/stotram. No initiation or recitation of any mantras required. Anyone who has love and devotion towards the Divine Mother can embrace this stotram and proceed with the recitation.
jaya padmapalāśākṣi jaya tvaṃ śrīpatipriye ।
jaya mātarmahālakṣmi saṃsārārṇava tāriṇi॥ 1॥
जय पद्मपलाशाक्षि जय त्वं श्रीपतिप्रिये ।
जय मातर्महालक्ष्मि संसारार्णव तारिणि ॥ १ ॥
Victory to the lotus petal eyed One, the consort of the Lord of auspiciousness - Śrī. Victory to the Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, Who carries us across the vast ocean of lifetimes. It is only through Her grace, that we achieve self-realization and liberation.
mahālakṣmi namastubhyaṃ namastubhyaṃ sureśvari ।
haripriye namastubhyaṃ namastubhyaṃ namastubhyaṃ dayānidhe ॥ 2॥
महालक्ष्मि नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं सुरेश्वरि ।
हरिप्रिये नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं दयानिधे ॥ २ ॥
Salutations to the Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, Who is relentlessly worshipped by all the celestial sura-s/gods. She is the beloved of the Lord Viṣṇu/Hari. Salutations to the most benevolent and compassionate One, who’s eternally praiseworthy!
padmālaye namastubhyaṃ namastubhyaṃ ca sarvade ।
sarva-bhūta-hitārthāya vasu-vṛṣṭiṃ sadā kuru ॥ 3॥
पद्मालये नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं च सर्वदे ।
सर्वभूतहितार्थाय वसुवृष्टिं सदा कुरु ॥ ३ ॥
Salutations at all times to the Lotus dwelling Divine Mother! Salutations to the One Who is the Sustainer of all life forms as well as the cause of nature. Salutations to the One who showers wealth upon us. May She continue to shower us with Her choicest blessings at all times and drench us in Her Divine blessings of joy and happiness.
jaganmātar-namastubhyaṃ namastubhyaṃ dayānidhe ।
dayāvati namastubhyaṃ viśveśvari namastute ॥ 4॥
जगन्मातर्नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं दयानिधे ।
दयावति नमस्तुभ्यं विश्वेश्वरि नमस्तुते ॥ ४ ॥
Salutations to the Divine Mother. Salutations to the most compassionate One. Salutations to the most benevolent One. Salutations to the One who’s omniscient.
namaḥ kṣīrārṇava-sute namas-trailokya-dhāriṇi।
vasu-dṛṣṭhe namastubhyaṃ rakṣa māṃ śaraṇāgatam ॥ 5॥
नमः क्षीरार्णवसुते नमस्त्रैलोक्यधारिणि ।
वसुदृष्ठे नमस्तुभ्यं रक्ष मां शरणागतम् ॥ ५ ॥
Salutations to the One who has emerged from the Ocean of Consciousness and is the dynamic super consciousness Herself. Salutations to the One who represents all the triads such as Creation, Preservation and Destruction etc. Salutations to Her benevolent grace and the immense protection She bestows upon us.
Even Her side glance is said to remove all our miseries and lead us towards self-realization. A full glance instantly leads us to liberation.
rakṣa tvaṃ devadeveśi devadevasya vallabhe ।
daridrāttrāhi māṃ lakṣmi kṛpāṃ kuru mamopari ॥ 6॥
रक्ष त्वं देवदेवेशि देवदेवस्य वल्लभे ।
दरिद्रात्त्राहि मां लक्ष्मि कृपां कुरु ममोपरि ॥ ६ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, The One is the Supreme deity and propitiated by all other deities. Please protect us and remove all our miseries. Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, the consort and power/śakti of the Supreme Singular reality Mahāviṣṇu, please remove all our misery, health issues and improve our financial situation and with your benevolent grace remove all ills impacting our lives.
namas-trailokya-janani namas-trailokya-pāvani।
brahmādayo namante tvāṃ jagad-ānanda-dāyini॥ 7॥
नमस्त्रैलोक्यजननि नमस्त्रैलोक्यपावनि ।
ब्रह्मादयो नमन्ते त्वां जगदानन्ददायिनि ॥ ७ ॥
Salutations to the Divine Mother, the cause of the Creation of the multi-dimensional mult-verse, the Mother of all three realms and all triads. Salutations to the One who is acclaimed as the purifier of all three realms called tripura. She is the One who purifies all the karmas within the physical, astral and causal bodies and liberates us. Salutations to the One to whom even the Creator Lord Brahma and all deities bow and offer their obeisance. Salutations to the One who is cause of all joy and happiness in the entire Creation.
viṣṇupriye namastubhyaṃ namastubhyaṃ jagaddhite ।
ārtihantri namastubhyaṃ samṛddhiṃ kuru me sadā ॥ 8॥
विष्णुप्रिये नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं जगद्धिते ।
आर्तिहन्त्रि नमस्तुभ्यं समृद्धिं कुरु मे सदा ॥ ८ ॥
Salutations to the beloved of Lord Viṣṇu. Salutations to the One who is the cause of all sustenance and is the protector of the entire Creation. Salutations to the One who removes all suffering and diseases. Salutations to the One to who is the bestower of all types of prosperity, everlasting wealth and unlimited abundance.
abjavāse namastubhyaṃ capalāyai namo namaḥ ।
cañcalāyai namastubhyaṃ lalitāyai namo namaḥ ॥ 9॥
अब्जवासे नमस्तुभ्यं चपलायै नमो नमः ।
चञ्चलायै नमस्तुभ्यं ललितायै नमो नमः ॥ ९ ॥
Salutations to the One who has emerged from the nectar of the ocean of consciousness, depicted as a lotus dweller. Salutations to the One who is dazzling in Her appearance. Salutations to the One who’s movements are very graceful and charming. Salutations to the ever playful Divine Mother Lalita, Who is none other than Mahālakṣmi.
Her movement is also a reference that prosperity and wealth is not ever lasting if one does not have Her full grace.
namaḥ pradyumna-janani-mātas-tubhyaṃ namo namaḥ ।
paripālaya bho mātarmātubhyaṃ śaraṇāgatam॥ 10॥
नमः प्रद्युम्नजननिमातस्तुभ्यं नमो नमः ।
परिपालय भो मातर्मातुभ्यं शरणागतम् ॥ १० ॥
Salutations to the Divine Mother who has given birth to deep love and compassion, as well as intellect. Salutations to you again and again! Oh Divine Mother, the ruler of all Creation! We bow to you in great reverence and seek refuge in your everlasting protection.
śaraṇye tvāṃ prapanno'smi kamale kamalālaye ।
trāhi-trāhi mahālakṣmi paritrāṇaparāyaṇe॥ 11॥
शरण्ये त्वां प्रपन्नोऽस्मि कमले कमलालये ।
त्राहि-त्राहि महालक्ष्मि परित्राणपरायणे ॥ ११ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, We come seeking your refuge as a last resort. Oh lotus faced and lotus dwelling One, full of consciousness and pure bliss. We beg of you and seek protection again and again. Please, Oh Mahālakṣmi, We have nowhere else to go and have fully surrendered unto you.
pāṇḍityaṃ śobhate naiva na śobhanti guṇā nare ।
śīlatvaṃ naiva śobheta mahālakṣmi tvayā vinā ॥ 12॥
पाण्डित्यं शोभते नैव न शोभन्ति गुणा नरे ।
शीलत्वं नैव शोभेत महालक्ष्मि त्वया विना ॥ १२ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, Knowing and understanding You, is the only true knowledge that is everlasting. Of what use are all the guṇā-s or virtues, that do not lead us to You? Of what purpose is morality and all other qualities and virtues which cannot express themselves, if One does not obtain your grace? Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, The Ocean of Super consciousness, You are the only One we seek and nothing else really matters or is of any use.
tāvad-virājate rūpaṃ tāvacchīla virājate ।
tāvad-guṇā narāṇāñca yāval-lakṣmī prasīdati ॥ 13॥
तावद्विराजते रूपं तावच्छील विराजते ।
तावद्गुणा नराणाञ्च यावल्लक्ष्मी प्रसीदति ॥ १३ ॥
She appears and bestows grace wherever good character, conduct, disposition, virtues and morality abound. She bestows Her grace upon those who are virtuous and deserving.
lakṣmi tvayālaṃkṛta-mānavā ye pāpair-vimuktā nṛpa-loka-mānyāḥ ।
guṇair-vihīnā guṇino bhavanti duḥśīlinaḥ śīlavatāṃ variṣṭāḥ ॥ 14॥
लक्ष्मि त्वयालंकृतमानवा ये पापैर्विमुक्ता नृपलोकमान्याः ।
गुणैर्विहीना गुणिनो भवन्ति दुःशीलिनः शीलवतां वरिष्टाः ॥ १४ ॥
Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, Those who earn your grace are blessed and garlanded with abundance, freed from all sins and rise in prominence as great rulers and kings. Even those who are debilitated by vices and immoral values, by your grace are liberated and endowed with excellence. Even those who are of ill repute, by your sheer grace attain the finest of reputations!
lakṣmīr-bhūṣayate rūpaṃ lakṣmīr-bhūṣayate kulam ।
lakṣmīr-bhūṣayate vidyāṃ sarvāl-lakṣmīr-viśiṣyate॥ 15॥
लक्ष्मीर्भूषयते रूपं लक्ष्मीर्भूषयते कुलम् ।
लक्ष्मीर्भूषयते विद्यां सर्वाल्लक्ष्मीर्विशिष्यते ॥ १५ ॥
By the grace of Goddess Lakṣmī, One’s attains beauty. By Her grace alone, one’s clan is sustained. By Her grace alone, We attain knowledge of all types. By Her benevolence alone, We attain prominence in the society and fulfill our cherished dreams.
lakṣmi tvad-guṇa-kīrtanena kamalā bhūyātyalaṃ jihmatāṃ rudrāyā ravicandra devapatayo vaktuñca naiva kṣamāḥ ।
asmābhistava rūpa-lakṣaṇa-guṇā-vaktuṃ kathaṃ śakyate mātarmāṃ paripāhi viśvajanani kṛtvā mameṣṭaṃ dhruvam ॥ 16॥
लक्ष्मि त्वदगुणकीर्तनेन कमला भूयात्यलं जिह्मतां रुद्राया रविचन्द्र देवपतयो वक्तुञ्च नैव क्षमाः ।
अस्माभिस्तव रूपलक्षणगुणावक्तुं कथं शक्यते मातर्मां परिपाहि विश्वजननि कृत्वा ममेष्टं ध्रुवम् ॥ १६ ॥
Oh Divine Mother Lakṣmi, You are praised profusely for all your qualities and grace. You are known as the lotus shaped One. Neither Rudra or Ravi (Sun) or Candra (Moon) nor any of the celestial devatas or the Lord of all gods Indra, can do justice in describing your innumerable characteristics and attributes and honor you fully. Who then, Oh Divine Mother Lakṣmi, is capable of describing your true indescribable nature and various attributes? Oh Divine Mother, please fulfill all our desires immediately and take us under your refuge and protect us always.
dīnārti-bhītaṃ bhavatāpa-pīḍitaṃ dhanair-vihīnaṃ tava pārśvamāgatam ।
kṛpānidhitvānmama lakṣmi satvaraṃ dhanapradānāddhananāyakaṃ kuru ॥ 17॥
दीनार्तिभीतं भवतापपीडितं धनैर्विहीनं तव पार्श्वमागतम् ।
कृपानिधित्वान्मम लक्ष्मि सत्वरं धनप्रदानाद्धननायकं कुरु ॥ १७ ॥
Stricken by poverty, severe loss of money, deep in debt, severe health issues, suffering from fear and anxiety and without any wealth to overcome problems, We are drawn to you Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi. Please shower your grace and give us everlasting material wealth and prosperity. Please embrace us in your grace.
māṃ vilokya janani haripriye nirdhanaṃ tava samīpam-āgatam ।
dehi me jhaṭiti lakṣmi karāgraṃ vastra-kāñcana-varānnam-adbhutam ॥ 18॥
मां विलोक्य जननि हरिप्रिये निर्धनं तव समीपमागतम् ।
देहि मे झटिति लक्ष्मि कराग्रं वस्त्रकाञ्चनवरान्नमद्भुतम् ॥ १८ ॥
Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, the beloved of Lord Hari/Viṣṇu, Behold us as we come to you seeking your grace and presence. We are devoid of material possessions and wealth and have no other refuge. We seek your divine presence in all your splendor of gorgeous clothes, ornaments of precious stones and gold. Please bless us profusely and shower your choicest blessings upon us. Please extend your hand and take us in your fold, right here and now.
tvameva jananī lakṣmi pitā lakṣmi tvameva ca ।
bhrātā tvaṃ ca sakhā lakṣmi vidyā lakṣmi tvameva ca ॥ 19॥
त्वमेव जननी लक्ष्मि पिता लक्ष्मि त्वमेव च ।
भ्राता त्वं च सखा लक्ष्मि विद्या लक्ष्मि त्वमेव च ॥ १९ ॥
Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, You are our mother and father. You are our sibling and you are our close friend. You are the supreme wisdom and knowledge we seek. You are everything!
trāhi trāhi mahālakṣmi trāhi trāhi sureśvari ।
trāhi trāhi jagan-mātar-daridrā-trāhi vegataḥ ॥ 20॥
त्राहि त्राहि महालक्ष्मि त्राहि त्राहि सुरेश्वरि ।
त्राहि त्राहि जगन्मातर्दरिद्रात्राहि वेगतः ॥ २० ॥
Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, Please protect us always. We ask again and again. Oh Divine Mother, You are the protector of all celestials and their cherished deity. Protect us Oh Divine Mother, the Creator of all worlds. Please Oh Divine Mother, banish our financial miseries here and now!
namastubhyaṃ jagaddhātri namastubhyaṃ namo namaḥ ।
dharmādhāre namastubhyaṃ namaḥ sampatti-dāyinī ॥ 21॥
नमस्तुभ्यं जगद्धात्रि नमस्तुभ्यं नमो नमः ।
धर्माधारे नमस्तुभ्यं नमः सम्पत्तिदायिनी ॥ २१ ॥
Salutations to you Oh Divine Mother, the Sustainer of all worlds. Salutations again and again. Salutations to you Oh Divine Mother, the up keeper of all dharma/justice and the bestower of all prosperity. Salutations again and again to you.
daridrārṇava-magno'haṃ nimagno'haṃ rasātale ।
majjantaṃ māṃ kare dhṛtvā sūddhara tvaṃ rame dhrutam ॥ 22॥
दरिद्रार्णवमग्नोऽहं निमग्नोऽहं रसातले ।
मज्जन्तं मां करे धृत्वा सूद्धर त्वं रमे ध्रुतम् ॥ २२ ॥
Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, Please have mercy upon us. We are sinking in an ocean of debt and poverty further and further with no respite. Oh Goddess of fortune, please come hastily and rescue us immediately. Please extend your helping hand and lift us out of our woes and desperation.
kiṃ lakṣmi bahunoktena jalpitena punaḥ punaḥ ।
anyanme śaranaṃ nāsti satyaṃ satyaṃ haripriye ॥ 23॥
किं लक्ष्मि बहुनोक्तेन जल्पितेन पुनः पुनः ।
अन्यन्मे शरनं नास्ति सत्यं सत्यं हरिप्रिये ॥ २३ ॥
Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, What solace could be greater than repeating your praise again and again? There is no greater refuge to seek than your protection, Oh Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi. This is the Truth, Oh beloved of Lard Hari/Viṣṇu.
etac-chrutvā-'gasti-vākyaṃ hṛṣyamāṇā haripriyā ।
uvāca madhurāṃ vāṇīṃ tuṣṭāhaṃ tava sarvadā ॥ 24॥
एतच्छ्रुत्वाऽगस्तिवाक्यं हृष्यमाणा हरिप्रिया ।
उवाच मधुरां वाणीं तुष्टाहं तव सर्वदा ॥ २४ ॥
Overjoyed and elated by the devotion and prayer of Sage Agastya, The Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi, beloved of Lard Hari/Viṣṇu spoke in a very sweet and tender voice. “I am very pleased with you forever”.
śrīlakṣmyuvāca (श्रीलक्ष्म्युवाच):-
yattva-yoktam-idaṃ stotraṃ yaḥ paṭhaṣyati mānavaḥ ।
śṛṇoti ca mahābhāga-stasyāhaṃ vaśavartinī ॥ 25॥
यत्त्वयोक्तमिदं स्तोत्रं यः पठष्यति मानवः ।
शृणोति च महाभागस्तस्याहं वशवर्तिनी ॥ २५ ॥
The Divine Mother Mahālakṣmi spoke: One who recite this hymn/stotram regularly or even listens with fervent devotion, so graciously composed by you, shall be rewarded and endowed with good fortune and abundant wealth and will also become a sovereign, a person of great power.
nityaṃ paṭhati yo bhaktyātva-lakṣmī-stasya naśyati ।
ṛṇañca naśyate tīvraṃ viyogaṃ naiva paśyati ॥ 26॥
नित्यं पठति यो भक्त्यात्वलक्ष्मीस्तस्य नश्यति ।
ऋणञ्च नश्यते तीव्रं वियोगं नैव पश्यति ॥ २६ ॥
Never shall I abandon those who recite this stotram/hymn regularly, with sincere and utmost devotion. Very swiftly and promptly, the devotee shall obtain my grace and all his/her debts will be disappear. There will never be any dearth in the house of such a devotee. He/She shall obtain all the cherished desires and wishes.
yaḥ paṭhet-prātar-utthāya śraddhā-bhakti-samanvitaḥ।
gṛhe tasya sadā sthāsye nityaṃ śrīpatinā saha ॥ 27॥
यः पठेत्प्रातरुत्थाय श्रद्धाभक्तिसमन्वितः ।
गृहे तस्य सदा स्थास्ये नित्यं श्रीपतिना सह ॥ २७ ॥
One who recites the stotram upon rising early in the morning, sincerely with fervent devotion, shall have no dearth in his/her house and I shall always be present in their midst.
sukha-saubhāgya-sampanno manasvī buddhimān bhavet ।
putravān guṇavān-śreṣṭho bhoga bhoktā ca mānavaḥ ॥ 28॥
सुखसौभाग्यसम्पन्नो मनस्वी बुद्धिमान् भवेत् ।
पुत्रवान् गुणवान्श्रेष्ठो भोग भोक्ता च मानवः ॥ २८ ॥
Such a person shall obtain unlimited happiness, prosperity, health, wealth and every cherished desire and wish. There will be great peace and enjoyment and he/shall be regarded and honored in society. He/she shall be bestowed with great intellect and knowledge. Their children shall also prosper and will be blessed with great virtues and character. He/She shall also obtain a great reputation and recognition in the society.
idaṃ stotraṃ mahāpuṇyaṃ lakṣmy-agasti-prakīrtitam।
viṣṇu-prasāda-jananaṃ catur-varga-phala-pradam॥ 29॥
इदं स्तोत्रं महापुण्यं लक्ष्म्यगस्तिप्रकीर्तितम् ।
विष्णुप्रसादजननं चतुर्वर्गफलप्रदम् ॥ २९ ॥
This highly revered hymn composed by the great sage Agastya, shall herald great auspiciousness and remove all sins. It bears four types of fruit –
rājadvāre jayaścaiva śakroścaiva parājayaḥ ।
bhūta-preta-piśācānāṃ vyāghrāṇāṃ na bhayaṃ tathā ॥ 30॥
राजद्वारे जयश्चैव शक्रोश्चैव पराजयः ।
भूतप्रेतपिशाचानां व्याघ्राणां न भयं तथा ॥ ३० ॥
It instills immense peace and tranquility with Lord Viṣṇu, creates triumph at all events and occasions and opens the doors of power, supreme victory over all enemies and vanquishes all fear and bad karmas. Ultimately, it brings self-realizations and opens the gates to liberation. Never will there be any fear of ghosts, goblins and other worldly/dimensional beings, thieves, violent people with deadly weapons nor will be there be any black magic upon the devotees.
na śastrānala-toyaughād-bhayaṃ tasya prajāyate ।
durvṛttānāṃ ca pāpānāṃ bahu-hānikaraṃ param ॥ 31॥
न शस्त्रानलतोयौघाद्भयं तस्य प्रजायते ।
दुर्वृत्तानां च पापानां बहुहानिकरं परम् ॥ ३१ ॥
There shall be no harm from any weapon, fire, water, floods or any types of dangers and natural calamities. One shall be free of all bad conduct, sins and all types of danger. All bad karma shall be wiped out.
mandurā-kari-śālāsu gavāṃ goṣṭhe samāhitaḥ ।
paṭhet-tad-doṣa-śāntyarthaṃ mahā-pātaka-nāśanam॥ 32॥
मन्दुराकरिशालासु गवां गोष्ठे समाहितः ।
पठेत्तद्दोषशान्त्यर्थं महापातकनाशनम् ॥ ३२ ॥
To get rid of nasty and debilitating habits or to expiate heinous sins, One can recite this hymn/stotram in a horse’s stable or a cow-shed among the cows, with utmost devotion and love towards the Divine Mother Śrī Mahālakṣmī.
sarva-saukhya-karaṃ nṛṇām-āyur-ārogyadaṃ tathā ।
agastimuninā proktaṃ prajānāṃ hitakābhyayā ॥ 33॥
सर्वसौख्यकरं नृणामायुरारोग्यदं तथा ।
अगस्तिमुनिना प्रोक्तं प्रजानां हितकाभ्यया ॥ ३३ ॥
This highly revered devotional hymn composed by Sage Agastya bestows immense prosperity, perfect health and longevity and ushers in all types of happiness and wealth. This has been provided to the world by the grace of Sage Agastya, to help people overcome all barriers and fulfill their cherished dreams, hopes and wishes, now and for generations to come. All fears shall vanish for those sincere devotees who continue to recite this hymn with utmost devotion.
॥ Ityagasti-viracitaṃ lakṣmī-stotraṃ samāptam ॥
॥ इत्यगस्तिविरचितं लक्ष्मीस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ॥
This ends the hymn called the Lakṣmī stotraṃ composed by the revered sage Agastya.
This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy
September 07, 2023 01:09 PM
Thank You Very Much Sir for all stotram and translation. I have get another version, but not clear where is the source. This stotram have how many version? The difference is: Shloka 3 : padmālaye namastubhyaṃ namastubhyaṃ (Sivapriye) Shloka 4: jaganmātar-namastubhyaṃ namastubhyaṃ (krpavati) । dayāvati namastubhyaṃ viśveśvari (namonamah) ॥ 4॥ Shloka 5: namaḥ (kṣīrābdhi-tanaye) namas-trailokya-dhāriṇi। (sasivaktre) namastubhyaṃ rakṣa māṃ śaraṇāgatam ॥ 5॥ Shloka 6: rakṣa tvaṃ (devideveśi) devadevasya vallabhe । Shloka 8: ārtihantri namastubhyaṃ samṛddhiṃ kuru me (rame) sadā Shloka 9: (padmavāse) namastubhyaṃ capalāyai namo namaḥ Shloka 10: namaḥ (pradyomnama-taste pahimam tvam namam yaham) । paripālaya (mamatar sarvatha śaraṇāgatam) ॥ 10॥ Shloka 11: (saranam) tvāṃ prapanno'smi kamale (kamalanane) । There is no shloka 12, 13, and 14, jump to shloka 15 There is no shloka 16, 17, and 18, jump to shloka 19 Shloka 21: namastubhyaṃ jagaddhātri (vidyadaitye) namo namaḥ । (dharmadhvaje) namastubhyaṃ namaḥ sampatti-dāyinī ॥ 21॥ Shloka 22: majjanaṃ māṃ kare dhṛtvā (abhyudtara) tvaṃ rame dhrutam ॥ 22॥ Then the last shloka is shloka 23 (same with your shloka 23). Which version is original?
September 11, 2023 12:09 AM
There are many variations of major stotras and they're sometimes sourced to the same document/granthi. It is very difficult to ascertain the authenticity. The general rule is to obtain from one's guru and follow the same. If there is a doubt on whether what is published on this site is correct, then my sincere advice is to follow the other sources. Chances are, we may have overlooked some mistakes here and there. Also, the documents we choose to publish, are already widely available in many publications and are not generally secretive.
September 11, 2023 07:09 AM
Thank You Very Much Krishna Ji