Anuvāka 10
This anuvāka has 12 mantras. Recitation of each mantra has its own benefits. Mantras of this anuvāka are not short as in previous anuvāka-s. Similarly namaḥ used in the previous anuvāka-s are not used here. But, still Rudra is prayed through this anuvāka.
द्रापे अन्धसस्पते दरिद्रन्नीललोहित।
एषां पुरुषाणामेषां पशूनां मा भेर्माऽरो मो एषां किञ्चनाममत्॥
drāpe andhasaspate daridrannīlalohita |
eṣāṁ puruṣāṇāmeṣāṁ paśūnāṁ mā bhermā'ro mo eṣāṁ kiñcanāmamat || (10:1)
(O Rudra) one who makes people suffer, one who gives food to devotees, unattached to wealth, who is red and blue. Please do not cause fear in the minds of people and animals. Let them not suffer from diseases.
Repetition of this mantra gives mantra siddhi of other mantras. In other words, this mantra makes other mantras fructify by acting like a catalyst. Further, it helps us to be free from unfounded fears and get wealth.
He makes people suffer according to their karmic imprints. Perpetual sinners are made to suffer more. It also means prayer for Liberation as transmigration is always painful. Devotee prays to Him, “Please do not make me suffer from repeated rebirths, as I know that living is painful due to my own karmas.” His form is red and due to the poison that got struck in His throat, His neck alone is blue. He is the Lord of wealth, still He does not own it. He is the source of everything, but He is nirguṇa, the unique nature of Brahman. He is red because His Consort who is red in complexion is by His side. (When Lalitai sits by the side of Śiva or on the lap of Śiva, His translucent crystal complexion also appears as red. The gods and goddesses, who witness this glorious scene compare this to the rising sun.) Rudra is prayed not to cause fear in our minds and fear for cattle. Prayer is also made to protect one’s sons, daughters and grandchildren. “Please protect them from diseases, let them not suffer and make them happy. Give them food and wealth” prays His devotee.
This anuvāka is full of prayers, as against salutations in the previous anuvāka-s.
या ते रुद्र शिवा तनूः शिवा विश्वाहभेषजी।
शिवा रुद्रस्य भेषजी तया नो मृड जीवसे॥
yā te rudra śivā tanūḥ śivā viśvāhabheṣajī |
śivā rudrasya bheṣajī tayā no mṛḍa jīvase || (10:2)
Repetition of this mantra also gives mantra siddhi of other mantras. It also gives progeny and wealth. It also removes fear from evil spirits.
Rudra! We invoke your auspicious form which has healing powers. Your auspicious form is medicine to our sufferings. Your auspicious form also blesses us with higher spiritual knowledge. Make us live happily in the material world.
Rudra is being contemplated in the auspicious form of Shiva. Śiva means the purity of the highest order. Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad (7) says, “prapañcopaśamam śāntam śivam” which means the total cessation of the world as such, the sum total of that is good, one without a second is the Brahman (it means to say that Śivam is all that is good). Curing of diseases mean relief from saṁsāra. Since Shiva is all encompassing, prayer is made to Him to provide us a healthy, peaceful and comfortable material life, which lays strong foundation for higher spiritual life. The very thought of Him cures all diseases.
इमा रुद्राय तवसे कपर्दिने क्षयद्वीराय प्र भरामहे मतिम्।
यथा नः शमसद्द्विपते चतुष्पदे विश्वं पुष्टं ग्रामे अस्मिन् अनातुरम्॥
imā rudrāya tavase kapardine kṣayadvīrāya pra bharāmahe matim |
yathā naḥ śamasaddvipate catuṣpade viśvaṁ puṣṭaṁ grāme asmin anāturam || (10:3)
You are mighty and with braided hair. Thank you (we praise you) for destroying our enemies and make us happy. May all of us be well nourished and free from all types of sickness.
Mighty also means embodiment of knowledge. Enemies are both internal and external. Mind is the worst enemy in spiritual life. Mind can be quietened only through prāṇāyama. In a purified mind, there will be no desires and attachments, which are basic needs to pursue higher spiritual path such as meditation and consequent samādhi-s. Happy here means Bliss or ānanda. Brahman is the essence of sat (eternity), cit (pure or foundational consciousness) and ānanda (the bliss). Cit is also known as spiritual conscience, which is also known as citātma. When citātma is reflected in universal nescience, it assumes the role of God. When citātma is reflected in individual nescience the role assumed is the individual souls. Both God and souls are nothing but mere reflections of purest form of consciousness of the Brahman. But there is a distinction between God and soul. God is the Lord of Prakṛti and soul becomes liable to the bondages of Prakṛti. Bṛhadāraṇayaka Upaniṣad (III.ix.28.2) says that knowledge, bliss and Brahman are the same. Chāndogya Upaniṣad (VII. xxiii) says “that which is infinite that is happiness.”
Sickness is both physical and psychological or emotional. Physical sickness are in the form diseases. Mental sickness is in the form of emotional attachments, desires, etc. We cannot progress spiritually to attain, Him if our mind is emotionally imbalanced. Prayer to Him helps us to destroy both these types of sicknesses. Further prayers are not only for the immediate family, but also for the entire community. He not only showers material happiness, but also showers His Grace for spiritual upliftment.
मृडा नो रुदोत नो मयस्कृधिः क्षयद्वीराय नमसा विधेम ते।
यच्छं च योश्च मनुरायजे पिता तदश्याम तव रुद्र प्रणीतौ॥
mṛḍā no rudota no mayaskṛdhiḥ kṣayadvīrāya namasā vidhema te |
yacchaṁ ca yośca manurāyaje pitā tadaśyāma tava rudra praṇītau || (10:4)
O Rudra, be gracious to us and bless us with Bliss (Bliss for spiritual aspirants and happiness for materialists). We (always) worship you, as you alone can destroy our enemies, and make us happy both in the material world and spiritual world, which our ancestor Manu got it from you.
Rudra is prayed to seek happiness in this world as well as happiness of mokṣa after death. He is also invoked to destroy our sins (committed in this birth; sañcitakarma cannot be destroyed and has to be necessarily experienced). Human progenitor Manu attained Liberation only because of Rudra. Happiness of the material world includes progeny. Worship also includes oblations offered in Rudra homa rituals. Rudra is used twice in this mantra. One refers to His auspicious form and another refers to His terrible form.
मा नो महान्तमुत मा नो अर्भकं मा न उक्षन्तमुत मा न उक्षितम्।
मा नो वधिः पितरं मोत मातर प्रिया मा वस्तनुवो रुद्र रीरिषः॥
mā no mahāntamuta mā no arbhakaṁ mā na ukṣantamuta mā na ukṣitam |
mā no vadhiḥ pitaraṁ mota mātara priyā mā vastanuvo rudra rīriṣaḥ || (10:5)
Chanting of this mantra gives peace of mind and happiness.
O Rudra! Protect our elders, children, youngsters and the child in the womb (foetus). O Rudra! Also protect our father and mother and everyone around us (or dear to us).
Rudra is the force behind evolution. He wants all beings to progress in all ways and applies the necessary force on each individual. This is known as Law of Karma. Protection is sought not only for the ones mentioned above, but also all the near and dear ones.
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