Śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgi Daśākṣara Mantraḥ
(श्री सर्वसिद्धिदा मातङ्गी दशाक्षर मन्त्रः)
Source :- Mātaṅgī tantram.
Purpose :- Ability to attract everyone, develop creative and artistic abilities of the highest grade. Mastery over speech, logical deduction and all sciences and knowledge.
Pre-requisites :- Initiation into Mātaṅgī mantras or Śrī Vidya is highly recommended. This is a high potent mantra and initiation is strongly suggested.
Introduction :- Śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgi is an ancillary (aṅga devata) of Śrī Rāja Śyāmala, who is the Chief Advisor to Śrī Lalita Tripurasundari and is depicted on the left side of Śrī Lalita Devi and on the right is Śrī Vārāhi devi. From the Kuṇḍaliṇi perspective, Śrī Lalita is the spinal cord or the suṣumna nāḍi. Mātaṅgi also known as Śrī Rāja Śyāmala represents the iḍā nāḍi, or the left spiritual channel that flanks the spinal cord and connects to the left nostril and the right hemisphere of the brain, indicating our artistic and creative thinking as well as sciences and logical abilities. Vārāhi represents the piṅgalā nāḍi, or the right spiritual channel flanking the spinal cord and connecting to the right nostril and left hemisphere of the brain, indicating action, motion and all physical activity.
Śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgi is mainly invoked to attract Her grace to ensure our well-being and prosperity in all aspects – material and spiritual.
Special Note:- Her worship is also recommended on the 5th day/night of the Śyāmalā Navarātri.
1. Viniyogaḥ (विनियोगः) :-
asya śrī sarva siddhidā mātaṅgi mahāmantrasya ।
dakṣiṇāmūrti ṛṣiḥ ।
virāṭ chandaḥ ।
sarva siddhi pradāyini śrī mātaṅgī devatā ।
hrīm̐ bījaṃ ।
klīm̐ śaktiḥ ।
hum̐ kīlakaṃ ।
mama sarvasiddi pradāyinī śrī mātaṅgī prasāda siddhyarthe jape viniyogaḥ ॥
अस्य श्री सर्व सिद्धिदा मातङ्गि महामन्त्रस्य ।
दक्षिणामूर्ति ऋषिः ।
विराट् छन्दः ।
सर्व सिद्धि प्रदायिनि श्री मातङ्गी देवता ।
ह्रीँ बीजं ।
क्लीँ शक्तिः ।
हुँ कीलकं ।
मम सर्वसिद्दि प्रदायिनी श्री मातङ्गी प्रसाद सिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ॥
Meaning:- This prayer/mantra japa is to invoke Śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgi and perform Her mantra japa to obtain Her complete grace in all aspects. The sage (ṛṣiḥ) is the Knowledge giver Lord Dakṣiṇāmūrti, the meter (chandas) for the mantra is Virāṭ and the deity is the grantor of all arts, sciences and knowledge - Śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgī, the seed (bījaṃ) is hrīm̐, the power or śakti is klīm̐. The key (kīlakaṃ) to unlock the mantra is hum̐.
2.Ṛṣyādi nyāsa ( ऋष्यादि न्यास ) :-
S.no. |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
Dakṣiṇāmūrti ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi |
दक्षिणामूर्ति ऋषये नमः शिरसि |
Open the right palm and touch the top of the forehead with the ring and thumb fingers joined at the top. |
2 |
Virāṭ chandase namaḥ mukhe |
विराट् छन्दसे नमः मुखे |
Now touch the lips of the mouth with the above mudrā. |
3 |
śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgī devatāyai namaḥ hṛdi |
श्री सर्वसिद्धिदा मातङ्गी देवतायै नमः हृदि |
Touch the heart with the right palm. |
4 |
hrīm̐ bījāya namaḥ guhye |
ह्रीँ बीजाय नमः गुह्ये |
Touch the genitalia with the right ring finger and thumb joined together. |
5 |
klīm̐ śaktaye namaḥ pādayoḥ |
क्लीँ शक्तये नमः पादयोः |
Touch the feet with the right ring finger and thumb joined together. |
6 |
hum̐ kīlakāya namaḥ nābhau |
हुँ कीलकाय नमः नाभौ |
Touch the navel area with the right ring finger and thumb joined together. |
7 |
mama sarvasiddi pradāyinī śrī mātaṅgī prasāda siddhyarthe jape viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge |
मम सर्वसिद्दि प्रदायिनी श्री मातङ्गी प्रसाद सिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगाय नमः सर्वाङ्गे |
Run both the palms all over the body. |
8 |
iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ |
इति ऋष्यादि न्यासः |
3. Karanyāsaḥ (करन्यासः) :-
S.no. |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
om̐ hrām̐ aṅguṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ |
ॐ ह्राँ अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः |
Use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs. |
2 |
om̐ hrīm̐ tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ |
ॐ ह्रीँ तर्जनीभ्यां नमः |
Use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers. |
3 |
om̐ hrūm̐ madhyamābhyāṃ namaḥ |
ॐ ह्रूँ मध्यमाभ्यां नमः |
Use both the thumbs on the middle fingers. |
4 |
om̐ hraim̐ anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ |
ॐ ह्रैँ अनामिकाभ्यां नमः |
Use both the thumbs on the ring fingers. |
5 |
om̐ hraum̐ kaniṣṭhikābhyāṃ namaḥ |
ॐ ह्रौँ कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां नमः |
Use both the thumbs on the little fingers. |
6 |
om̐ hraḥ karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṃ namaḥ |
ॐ ह्रः करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः |
Open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm. |
7 |
iti kara nyāsaḥ |
इति कर न्यासः |
4.Aṅganyāsaḥ (अङ्गन्यासः) :-
S.no. |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
om̐ hrām̐ hṛdayāya namaḥ |
ॐ ह्राँ हृदयाय नमः |
Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra. |
2 |
om̐ hrīm̐ śirase svāhā |
ॐ ह्रीँ शिरसे स्वाहा |
Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead. |
3 |
om̐ hrūm̐ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ |
ॐ ह्रूँ शिखायै वषट् |
Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where the tuft of hair, is kept. |
4 |
om̐ hraim̐ kavacāya hum̐ |
ॐ ह्रैँ कवचाय हुँ |
Cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips. |
5 |
om̐ hraum̐ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ |
ॐ ह्रौँ नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् |
Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājña cakra. |
6 |
om̐ hraḥ astrāya phaṭ |
ॐ ह्रः अस्त्राय फट् |
Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand. |
7 |
iti ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ |
इति षडङ्ग न्यासः |
bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digbandhaḥ ॥
भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्बन्धः॥
May all the directions be sealed and may no thoughts or disturbances impact our ability to recite the hymn.
5. Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं) :-
śyāmāṅgīṃ śaśi-śekharāṃ tri-nayanāṃ sad ratna-siṃhāsane saṃsthāṃ ratna vicitra bhūṣaṇa-yutāṃ saṃkṣīṇa madhya-sthalām ।
āpīna stana maṇḍalāṃ smita-mukhīṃ dhyāyed dadhatīṃ kramād vedair bāhubhir-āṅkuśāsi latike pāśāṃ tathā kheṭakaṃ ॥
श्यामाङ्गीं शशिशेखरां त्रिनयनां सद् रत्नसिंहासने संस्थां रत्न विचित्र भूषणयुतां संक्षीण मध्यस्थलाम् ।
आपीन स्तन मण्डलां स्मितमुखीं ध्यायेद् दधतीं क्रमाद् वेदैर् बाहुभिराङ्कुशासि लतिके पाशां तथा खेटकं ॥
Meaning:- Let us meditate on the Divine Mother Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgī , who is of dark complexion with a crescent moon on the crown of Her head. She is three-eyed and seated on a jewel studded lion-faced throne. She is bedecked with various types of precious ornaments and has a slender waist and large breasts. She has a beautiful round face and holds in Her four arms, an elephant goad (Aṅkuśa), a necklace mālā of pearls, a rope (pāśā) and a club (kheṭaka).
Her dark complexion can be compared with the vast and infinite empty space and the state of pure consciousness alone. Mātaṅgi also represents the deep spiritually intoxicated state. The jewel studded lion throne signifies authority and power. The third eye signifies an activated ājñā cakra and kuṇdalini. The goad removes obstinacy and laziness in us. The rope reins in lost souls in the quest of spiritual bliss. The pearl necklace can be compared to the string of alphabet mātṛika signifying all the vibrations in the entire Creation. The club can pound the stubborn karmas and liberate us with Her grace.
6. Pañcapūjā (पञ्चपूजा) :-
S.no. |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
lam̐ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi
लँ - पृथिव्यात्मिकायै गन्धं समर्पयामि
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the little fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
2 |
ham̐ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi
हँ - आकाशात्मिकायै पुष्पैः पूजयामि
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the thumbs of both hands with the upper tip/nails of the index fingers, with the back of the hand facing us. |
3 |
yam̐ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi
यँ - वाय्वात्मिकायै धूपमाघ्रापयामि
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the index fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
4 |
ram̐ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi
रँ - अग्न्यात्मिकायै दीपं दर्शयामि
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the middle fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
5 |
vam̐ - amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi
वँ - अमृतात्मिकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं निवेदयामि
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the ring fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
6 |
sam̐ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi
सँ - सर्वात्मिकायै सर्वोपचार पूजाम् समर्पयामि
Hold the fingers of each palm in a folded manner with the tips of each fingers of both hands touching each other and the thumbs facing the heart, in a Namaste position. |
7. Japamālā mantraṃ (जपमाला मन्त्रं) :- Recite the below mantra once, to pray to the japa māla and invoke the blessings for a fruitful japa.
om̐ māṃ māle mahāmāye sarvamantra svarūpiṇi ।
caturvarga stvayinyasta stasmānye siddhidā bhava ॥
ॐ मां माले महामाये सर्वमन्त्र स्वरूपिणि ।
चतुर्वर्ग स्त्वयिन्यस्त स्तस्मान्ये सिद्धिदा भव॥
8. Guru Mantra (गुरु मन्त्र) :- Recite the following guru mantra once, to seek the blessings of all gurus and the Guru.
om̐ hrīm̐ siddhaguro prasīda hrīm̐ om̐ ।
ॐ ह्रीं सिद्धगुरो प्रसीद ह्रीं ॐ ।
9.Utkīlana mantra (उत्कीलन मन्त्र) :- Recite the following unpinning mantra ten times –
om̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ mātaṅgyai hūm̐ phaṭ svāhā hrīm̐ ।
ॐ ह्रीँ क्लीँ मातङ्ग्यै हूँ फट् स्वाहा ह्रीँ ।
10. Sañjīvana mantra (सञ्जीवन मन्त्र) :- Recite the following life-infusing mantra ten times –
hrīm̐ hrīm̐ hrīm̐ om̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ mātaṅgyai hūm̐ phaṭ svāhā ।
ह्रीँ ह्रीँ ह्रीँ ॐ ह्रीँ क्लीँ मातङ्ग्यै हूँ फट् स्वाहा ।
11. Śāpavimocana mantra (शापविमोचन मन्त्र) :- Recite the following curse removing mantra ten times –
om̐ hrīm̐ mātaṅgi kālaśāpaṃ vimocaya phaṭ svāhā ।
ॐ ह्रीँ मातङ्गि कालशापं विमोचय फट् स्वाहा ।
12. Sampuṭīkaraṇa mantra (सम्पुटीकरण मन्त्र) :-
Recite the following mantra ten times to realize the full benefits of the mantra, ONLY after completing the Puraścaraṇa of the main mantra described in the following section 17. The sampuṭīkaraṇa, helps in realizing the fruits of the mantra –
om̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ mātaṅgyai hūm̐ phaṭ svāhā om̐ om̐ om̐ ।
ॐ ह्रीँ क्लीँ मातङ्ग्यै हूँ फट् स्वाहा ॐ ॐ ॐ ।
13. Atha Śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgi Daśākṣara Mantraḥ (अथ श्री सर्वसिद्धिदा मातङ्गी दशाक्षर मन्त्रः)
Following is the 10 lettered Śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgi mantra, that should be recited at least 108 times (1 mālā).
om̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ mātaṅgyai hūm̐ phaṭ svāhā ।
ॐ ह्रीँ क्लीँ मातङ्ग्यै हूँ फट् स्वाहा ।
The praṇava bīja om̐ (ॐ) represents the Śabda Brahman, which is the super-consciousness Itself, manifested as sound. It consists of – au = healing and deep cleansing, m̐ = remove misery.
The Mahāmāyā bīja (seed) mantra hrīm̐ (ह्रीँ) represents the power of Creation, Preservation and Destruction. Elevation in society and high positions of power are also indicated. The power to gain, in the context of this main mantra, is knowledge that can be used for attaining any desires and ultimately gain liberation. Nothing else matters for the devotee of Śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgi. The bīja hrīm̐ consists of - h = Brahman/śiva, r = fire and drive within us, ī = energy and the source of all power that helps us ascend, m̐ = removal of all miseries and facilitator of self-realization and ultimate liberation.
The kāma bīja (seed) mantra klīm̐ ( क्लीँ ) represents the fulfillment of all desires, material and spiritual. In the context of this mantra, it is for spiritual desires. The bīja consists of – ka is for kāmadeva/kṛṣṇa indicating desires and wishes, la for indra indicating victory, ī for tuṣṭi indicating satisfaction, m̐ for sukha meaning happiness and removal of misery.
The word mātaṅgi (मातङ्गि ) means “the one who is spiritually intoxicated”. A reference to the Mahāvidya Śrī Mātaṅgi devi.
The kūrca bīja (seed) mantra hūm̐ ( हूँ ) invokes protection from all harm and entities inimical to us. In the context of this mantra, it is for spiritual and material desires. Hum̐ (हुँ) consists of - h = Brahman/śiva, ū = expansion of power and excellence, m̐ = remove misery.
The astra bīja (seed) mantra phaṭ (फट्) represents eradication of all evil and misery.
The vahni bīja (seed) mantra svāhā (स्वाहा) represents oblations and deep surrender to the deity.
Salutations and oblations are offered to the Divine Mother Śrī Sarvasiddhidā Mātaṅgi, who is endowed with enormous power and ushers auspiciousness and prosperity in our lives. In addition, She also ensures our complete material and spiritual well-being. She also aids in materializing our spiritual and mundane desires.
14. Aṅganyāsaḥ (अङ्गन्यासः)
S.no. |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
om̐ hrām̐ hṛdayāya namaḥ |
ॐ ह्राँ हृदयाय नमः |
Open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra. |
2 |
om̐ hrīm̐ śirase svāhā |
ॐ ह्रीँ शिरसे स्वाहा |
Open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead. |
3 |
om̐ hrūm̐ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ |
ॐ ह्रूँ शिखायै वषट् |
Open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where the tuft of hair, is kept. |
4 |
om̐ hraim̐ kavacāya hum̐ |
ॐ ह्रैँ कवचाय हुँ |
Cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to finger tips. |
5 |
om̐ hraum̐ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ |
ॐ ह्रौँ नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् |
Touch the eyes with the right index and ring fingers, with the middle finger touching the ājña cakra. |
6 |
om̐ hraḥ astrāya phaṭ |
ॐ ह्रः अस्त्राय फट् |
Open up the left palm and strike it three times with index and middle fingers of the right hand. |
7 |
iti ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ |
इति षडङ्ग न्यासः |
bhūr-bhuva-ssuvarom-iti digvimokaḥ ॥
भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्विमोकः॥
15. Dhyānaṃ (ध्यानं) :-
śyāmāṅgīṃ śaśi-śekharāṃ tri-nayanāṃ sad ratna-siṃhāsane saṃsthāṃ ratna vicitra bhūṣaṇa-yutāṃ saṃkṣīṇa madhya-sthalām ।
āpīna stana maṇḍalāṃ smita-mukhīṃ dhyāyed dadhatīṃ kramād vedair bāhubhir-āṅkuśāsi latike pāśāṃ tathā kheṭakaṃ ॥
श्यामाङ्गीं शशिशेखरां त्रिनयनां सद् रत्नसिंहासने संस्थां रत्न विचित्र भूषणयुतां संक्षीण मध्यस्थलाम् ।
आपीन स्तन मण्डलां स्मितमुखीं ध्यायेद् दधतीं क्रमाद् वेदैर् बाहुभिराङ्कुशासि लतिके पाशां तथा खेटकं ॥
16. Pañcapūjā (पञ्चपूजा) :-
S.no. |
Devanāgari |
Procedure |
1 |
lam̐ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi
लँ - पृथिव्यात्मिकायै गन्धं समर्पयामि
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the little fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
2 |
ham̐ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi
हँ - आकाशात्मिकायै पुष्पैः पूजयामि
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the thumbs of both hands with the upper tip/nails of the index fingers, with the back of the hand facing us. |
3 |
yam̐ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi
यँ - वाय्वात्मिकायै धूपमाघ्रापयामि
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the index fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
4 |
ram̐ - agnyātmikāyai dīpaṁ darśayāmi
रँ - अग्न्यात्मिकायै दीपं दर्शयामि
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the middle fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
5 |
vam̐ - amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |
वँ - अमृतात्मिकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं निवेदयामि।
Hold the lower tip of the bottom phalange of the ring fingers of both hands with the upper tip of the thumbs, with the back of the hand facing us. |
6 |
sam̐ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi
सँ - सर्वात्मिकायै सर्वोपचार पूजाम् समर्पयामि
Hold the fingers of each palm in a folded manner with the tips of each fingers of both hands touching each other and the thumbs facing the heart, in a Namaste position. |
17. Samarpaṇam (समर्पणम्) :- Take water in uttaraṇi (spoon) and by reciting the following śloka, offer the water to the earth.
guhyātiguhyagoptrī tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmat-kṛtaṁ japam ।
siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi sthirā ॥
गुह्यातिगुह्यगोप्त्री त्वं गृहाणास्मत्-कृतं जपम् ।
सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देवि त्वत्प्रसादान्मयि स्थिरा ॥
18. Japānaṃtaraṃ mālāmantraṃ (जपानंतरं मालामन्त्रं) :-
Recite the below śloka and mantra, followed by placing the māla upon the top of the head and then place it back in the māla bag and conceal it. It should NOT be worn.
śloka॥ om̐ tvaṃ māle sarvadevānāṃ prītidā śubhadā bhava।
śubhaṃ kuruṣya me bhadre yaśo vīryaṃ ca dehime॥
श्लोक॥ ॐ त्वं माले सर्वदेवानां प्रीतिदा शुभदा भव।
शुभं कुरुष्य मे भद्रे यशो वीर्यं च देहिमे॥
mantra॥ om̐ hrīm̐ siddhyai namaḥ॥
मन्त्र॥ ॐ ह्रीं सिद्ध्यै नमः॥
19. Puraścaraṇa (पुरश्चरण) :-
Japa |
100,000 |
Homa |
10,000 |
Tarpaṇa |
1,000 |
Mārjana |
100 |
Bhojana |
10 |
This article is written by Krishna Vallapreddy and can be reached at Krishna@manblunder.com
February 17, 2021 09:21 AM
Namaste Krishnaji, I had a question on this and the other Shyamala mantras. Do we have to recite utkilana, sanjivana and shapavimocana mantras each time we do the mantra japam or only once when we start ? Thanks.
February 17, 2021 11:53 AM
Reciting the first time may work for siddhas and other holy persons. In fact, it may not even be required for accomplished gurus and sādhakas. But for most people like us, it is best to recite every time we take up the mantra japa recitation in full. If the mantra has become aligned with your breath and you are able to fall into deep sleep or meditation with it, then the mantra recitation itself is sufficient. Everything else can be omitted. But in general, it is best to follow the document in full. The tantras even describe pīṭha and āvaraṇa pūja as well. One way to look at it, is to perceive them as tools of tantra, that help to invoke the maximum potential of the mantra.
February 17, 2021 12:08 PM
Thank you sir.Is this mantra and the mantra you have given in variations of matangi mantra same .? om hrim Klim hum matangyai phat svaha! and Om hrim Klim matangyai hum phat svaha! Same.
February 17, 2021 12:49 PM
They are not the same. There is a variation in the kavaca (huṁ) and kūrca (hūṃ) bījas, as well as in the position of the bījas with respect to the word "mātaṅgyai". A change in the position of the bījas will make it a different mantra, even if all the bījas and words of the mantra remain the same. Any variation, makes it a different mantra.
February 17, 2021 10:01 PM
Thanks Krishnaji for the detailed explanation. You and Raviji are enabling a whole new generation of sandakas with your guidance. My deepest gratitude and Pranams for your efforts.
Siddha Vidya
September 02, 2022 12:09 AM
What is the difference between the mantra om̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ mātaṅgyai hūm̐ phaṭ svāhā । and the mantra om̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ hūm̐ mātaṅgyai phaṭ svāhā । ?
September 02, 2022 02:09 AM
They are very similar in effect. Either of these initiated mantras can be deployed.