Śrī Saubhāgya Kavacam ( श्रीसौभाग्यकवचम् ) - Part 4
avyādiyaṃ dakṣa-jaṅghāṃ sarva-vyādhi-vināśinī ।
tadanyaṃ pātu devī ca sarv-ādhāra-svarūpiṇī ॥ 41 ॥
अव्यादियं दक्षजङ्घां सर्वव्याधिविनाशिनी ।
तदन्यं पातु देवी च सर्वाधारस्वरूपिणी ॥ ४१ ॥
Foremost, the protection of the right shank (leg) is by the grace of the Divine Mother Sarva-vyādhi-vināśinī devī, the One who destroys all types of illness and disease. The left shank thereafter, is protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Sarvādhāra-svarūpiṇī devī, the One who is the receptacle, support and origin of everything.
sarva-pāpa-harā devī dakṣa-gulphaṃ sadāvatu ।
sarv-ānanda-mayī devī vāma-gulphaṃ sadāvatu ॥ 42 ॥
सर्वपापहरा देवी दक्षगुल्फं सदावतु ।
सर्वानन्दमयी देवी वामगुल्फं सदावतु ॥ ४२ ॥
The right ankle is protected at all times by the grace of the Divine Mother Sarva-pāpa-harā devī, the One who destroys all sins and bestows virtue and good karma. The left ankle is protected always by the grace of the Divine Mother Sarv-ānanda-mayī devī, the One who grants all types of joy, happiness and bliss.
pārṣṇiṃ me dakṣiṇaṃ pāyāt-sarva-rakṣā-svarūpiṇī ।
avyāt-savyaṃ sadā pārṣṇiṃ sarvep-sita-phala-pradā ॥ 43 ॥
पार्ष्णिं मे दक्षिणं पायात्सर्वरक्षास्वरूपिणी ।
अव्यात्सव्यं सदा पार्ष्णिं सर्वेप्सितफलप्रदा ॥ ४३ ॥
The right leg heel is protected at all times by the grace of the Divine Mother Sarva-rakṣā-svarūpiṇī, the One who protects under all circumstances and stands up against all odds. The left leg heel is protected at all times by the grace of the Divine Mother Sarvep-sita-phala-pradā, the One who bestows complete fruition of all tasks and undertakings.
dakṣ-āṅghriṃ vaśinī pātu pūrvaṃ vāg-devatā mama ।
sarva-kāmeśvarī pūrvaṃ sadā vāg-devat-ottaram ॥ 44 ॥
दक्षाङ्घ्रिं वशिनी पातु पूर्वं वाग्देवता मम ।
सर्वकामेश्वरी पूर्वं सदा वाग्देवतोत्तरम् ॥ ४४ ॥
The right side of the feet is protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Vaśinī Vāg-devatā, the One who has control and mastery over one's own will and passions. She is the ruler of the Mātṛikā deities associated with the sixteen vowels of the Sanskrit alphabet from 'a' to 'aḥ'. The left part of the feet is protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Sarva-Kāmeśvarī Vāg-devatā, the fulfiller of all wishes and desires. She is the ruler of the Mātṛikā deities associated with the gutteral 'Kavarga' consonants, meaning 'kam̐', 'kham̐', 'gam̐', 'gham̐' and 'ṅam̐'.
modinī prapadaṃ pātu dakṣiṇaṃ vimaletaram ।
aṅgulīr-aruṇā pātu dakṣa-pādanakhojjvalā ॥ 45 ॥
मोदिनी प्रपदं पातु दक्षिणं विमलेतरम् ।
अङ्गुलीररुणा पातु दक्षपादनखोज्ज्वला ॥ ४५ ॥
The forepart of the feet on the right side, is protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Modinī Vāgdevatā, the One who causes joy, excitement and intoxication. She is the ruler of the Mātṛikā deities associated with the palettal 'Cavarga' consonants, meaning 'cam̐', 'cham̐', 'jam̐', 'jham̐' and 'ñam̐'. The forepart of the feet on the left side, is protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Vimalā Vāgdevatā, the One who is spotless, clear and transparent. She is the ruler of the Mātṛikā deities associated with the lingual 'Ṭavarga' consonants, meaning 'ṭam̐', 'ṭham̐', 'ḍam̐', 'ḍham̐' and 'ṇam̐'.
The right portion of the toes and toe nails, is protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Aruṇā Vāgdevatā, the One who is reddish like the rising sun at dawn. She is the ruler of the Mātṛikā deities associated with the dental 'Tavarga' consonants, meaning 'tam̐', 'tham̐', 'dam̐', 'dham̐' and 'nam̐'.
tadanyaṃ jayinī pāyāt-sadā vāg-devatetaram ।
dakṣa-pādalaṃ sarveśvarī vāg-devatā mudā ॥ 46 ॥
तदन्यं जयिनी पायात्सदा वाग्देवतेतरम् ।
दक्षपादलं सर्वेश्वरी वाग्देवता मुदा ॥ ४६ ॥
The left portion of the toes and toe nails, is protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Jayinī Vāgdevatā, the One who ushers victory in all undertakings. She is the overlord of the Mātṛikā deities associated with the labial 'Pavarga' consonants, meaning 'pam̐', 'pham̐', 'bam̐', 'bham̐' and 'mam̐'. The right foot is protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Sarveśvarī Vāgdevatā, the One who is the ruler of the entire Creation. She is the overlord of the Mātṛikā deities associated with the semi-vowel 'Yavarga' consonants, meaning 'yam̐', 'ram̐', 'lam̐' and 'vam̐'.
vāma-pāda-talaṃ pāyāt-kaulinī devatā mama ।
kurvantu jṛmbhaṇā bāṇās-trailoky-ākarṣaṇaṃ mama ॥ 47 ॥
वामपादतलं पायात्कौलिनी देवता मम ।
कुर्वन्तु जृम्भणा बाणास्त्रैलोक्याकर्षणं मम ॥ ४७ ॥
The left foot is protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Kaulinī Vāgdevatā, the One who is associated with the Creation and the species within. She is the overlord of the Mātṛikā deities associated with the sibilant 'Śavarga' consonants, meaning 'śam̐', 'ṣam̐', 'sam̐' and the aspirate 'ham̐', as well as the compound conjunct 'kṣam̐'.
The triads are enticed and thereafter the spiritual awakening dawns upon us, by the grace of the Divine Astra (weapon) Bāṇā śakti, the five flowery arrows representing the pentads, such as the five natural elements - air, water, earth, fire and ether. The arrows are also a representation of the Divine Mother Vārāhī, the One who fights relentlessly against all bad karma, to free us up and help us ascend spiritually to the higher realms.
mohaṃ saṃharatād-dikṣu kodaṇḍaṃ bhṛṅga-maurvikam ।
karotu satataṃ pāśī vaśīkaraṇam-uttamam ॥ 48 ॥
मोहं संहरताद्दिक्षु कोदण्डं भृङ्गमौर्विकम् ।
करोतु सततं पाशी वशीकरणमुत्तमम् ॥ ४८ ॥
All types of delusions, bewilderment and infatuation towards materialistic pursuits, are destroyed all round, by the grace of the Divine Astra (weapon) Kodaṇḍa (Dhanuḥ) śakti, the sugarcane bow representing the Divine Mother Rāja-mātaṅgī, who indicates the highest knowledge that leads to self-realization. The sweetness of the crushed sugarcane, is likened with the cerebral nectar from the pineal gland, that is emitted during deep meditation.
Everything and everyone that one desires to mesmerize, are strongly attracted and obtained by the grace of the Divine Astra (weapon) Pāśa śakti, the noose/rope that helps to pull us away from all worldly desires and afflictions and focus fully upon ascension and unification with the Divine Mother Lalitā Devi. The rope is a representation of the Divine Mother Aśvarūḍhā Devi, who comes to our aid in the fastest manner and helps quash, all our doubts and inhibitions.
vidadhātv-aṅkuśā nityaṃ stambhanaṃ śatru-saṅgare ।
pīṭhaṃ me kāma-rūpākhyā pātu kāmāntikaṃ manaḥ ॥ 49 ॥
विदधात्वङ्कुशा नित्यं स्तम्भनं शत्रुसङ्गरे ।
पीठं मे कामरूपाख्या पातु कामान्तिकं मनः ॥ ४९ ॥
All the enemies are stalled by the grace of the Divine Astra (weapon) Aṅkuśa śakti, the elephant goad that breaks down the most stubborn karmas and brings us to the point of submission, that is required to ascend to the sublime and higher spiritual dimensions of the Divine Mother Lalitā Devi. The goad is a representation of the Divine Mother Sampatkarī Devi, the One who crushes the enemies afflicting us, however large they may be.
All the cherished wishes and desires are fulfilled by the grace of the Divine Mother Kāma-rūpākhyā seated at the Kāmākhyā pīṭhaṃ.
pūrṇaṃ pūrṇagirī pīṭhaṃ pāyād-arthaṃ madīyakam ।
jālandharasya jālandhraṃ pīṭhaṃ rakṣatu me sadā ॥ 50 ॥
पूर्णं पूर्णगिरी पीठं पायादर्थं मदीयकम् ।
जालन्धरस्य जालन्ध्रं पीठं रक्षतु मे सदा ॥ ५० ॥
Abundance and complete satiation are obtained by the grace of the Divine Mother Māhākāli devi, the timeless one, who grants the highest knowledge and experience leading us to liberation, seated at the Pūrṇagirī pīṭhaṃ. Complete protection from the web of karma, is obtained by the grace of Divine Mother Śrī Tripura-mālinī devi, the One who adorns the triads and permeates them, seated at the Jālandhara Pīṭhaṃ.
sāyujyaṃ tanutāṃ prājyaṃ śrīpīṭhaṃ śrīkaraṃ mama ।
kāmeśvarī cātma-tattvaṃ rakṣed-vajreśvarī ca mām ॥ 51 ॥
सायुज्यं तनुतां प्राज्यं श्रीपीठं श्रीकरं मम ।
कामेश्वरी चात्मतत्त्वं रक्षेद्वज्रेश्वरी च माम् ॥ ५१ ॥
Absorption into the divinity becomes easier and reachable and one ascends to the higher realms of spirituality, by the grace of the spiritually elevating Divine Mother Śrī devi, seated at the Śrī-pīṭhaṃ, also known as the Uḍḍiyāna Pīṭhaṃ. The One who fulfills all wishes and desires, the Divine Mother Kāmeśvarī devi protects and instills the essence of ātma-tattvaṃ, which forges the identity with the active individual consciousness present in all sentient beings. The Divine Mother Vajreśvarī, the strong and impenetrable One, who instills and protects the -
vidyā-tattvaṃ śaiva-tattvaṃ pāyāc-chrī bhagamālinī ।
kāmaṃ chindyān-mahā-śatrūn-amṛtārṇav-āsanam ॥ 52 ॥
विद्यातत्त्वं शैवतत्त्वं पायाच्छ्री भगमालिनी ।
कामं छिन्द्यान्महाशत्रूनमृतार्णवासनम् ॥ ५२ ॥
essence of Vidyā-tattvaṃ, the state of achieving full wisdom and immense knowledge. The Divine Mother Śrī Bhagamālinī, the most virtuous One, who removes all our afflictions and inherent bad qualities, helps instill and protect the essence of śaiva-tattvaṃ, the state of union with the super-consciousness and self-realization.
Desires, excess conjugal indulgence, lust etc. that become internal enemies to spiritual progress are severed by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripura, the One who is in the form of all triads, seated in the ocean of spiritual nectar, called Amṛtārṇav-āsanam. The spiritual nectar is the cerebral fluid that gets emitted during deep meditation causing immense joy and bliss.
krodhaṃ bodhāpahaṃ hanyād-rakta-potāmbuj-āsanam ।
lobhaṃ divyāsanaṃ bhindyād-devy-ātmā divya-rūpabhāk ॥ 53 ॥
क्रोधं बोधापहं हन्याद्रक्तपोताम्बुजासनम् ।
लोभं दिव्यासनं भिन्द्याद्देव्यात्मा दिव्यरूपभाक् ॥ ५३ ॥
Anger, wrath and all other aggression related emotions affecting our spiritual progress, are driven away by greater understanding and knowledge, gained by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripureśvarī, the governess of all triads, seated on a red blossoming lotus in a Rakta-potāmbujāsanam, representing the higher levels of evolved consciousness, signifying great compassion.
Greed, impatience and cupidity are curbed and annihilated by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripura Sundarī, the enticer of all triads, seated in the individual consciousness as Ātmāsanam (Divyāsanam).
mohaṃ saṃharatāc-cakraṃ madaṃ mantrāsanaṃ mahat ।
mātsaryaṃ nāśayen-nityaṃ mama sādhyāsanaṃ javāt ॥ 54 ॥
मोहं संहरताच्चक्रं मदं मन्त्रासनं महत् ।
मात्सर्यं नाशयेन्नित्यं मम साध्यासनं जवात् ॥ ५४ ॥
All types of delusions are collated and seized by the amazing Cakrāsana of the Divine Mother Tripura-vāsinī, the inhabitant of all triads. The Cakrāsana signifies Her presence in all the cakras manifested in the astral bodies of all sentient beings.
All types of intoxication are overcome by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripura-śrī, the One who bestows abundance in all the triads, seated in the Mantrāsanaṃ posture, indicating Her presence in all the vibrations manifested in the triads.
All forms of malice, envy and jealousy are annihilated by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripura-mālinī, the One who adorns the triads and permeates them, in a Sādhyāsanaṃ posture, that signifies achieving anything that one strives for in a swift manner!
ādhāraṃ tripurā rakṣet-svādhiṣṭhānaṃ pureśvarī ।
maṇipūraṃ maṇidyotaṃ pāyāt-tripura-sundarī ॥ 55 ॥
आधारं त्रिपुरा रक्षेत्स्वाधिष्ठानं पुरेश्वरी ।
मणिपूरं मणिद्योतं पायात्त्रिपुरसुन्दरी ॥ ५५ ॥
The root Mūlādhāra cakra is activated, permeated and protected by grace of the Divine Mother Tripurā, the constituent of all triads, satiating our material desires and laying a strong base for spiritual and material progress. The sacral Svādhiṣṭhāna cakra, representing procreation, fertility and emotional strength, is activated and protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripureśvarī, the governess of all triads. The navel Maṇipūra cakra, associated with courage, will power and determination, is activated and protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripura-sundarī, the enchanter of all triads.
avyād-anāhataṃ bhavyaṃ nityaṃ tripura-vāsinī ।
viśuddhaṃ tripurā-śrīśca ājñā tripura-mālinī ॥ 56 ॥
अव्यादनाहतं भव्यं नित्यं त्रिपुरवासिनी ।
विशुद्धं त्रिपुराश्रीश्च आज्ञा त्रिपुरमालिनी ॥ ५६ ॥
The heart Anāhata cakra, representing compassion, faith and emotional energy, is activated, permeated and protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripura-vāsinī, the resident of all triads. The throat Viśuddha cakra, signifying speech and expression in all forms, is activated, permeated and protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripurā-śrī, the bestower of all types of abundance amongst the triads. The third-eye Ājñā cakra, the gateway to the spiritual realms, is activated, permeated and protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripura-mālinī, who adorns and permeates the triads.
iḍāṃ me tripurā siddhā tripurāmbā ca piṅgalām ।
suṣumnāṃ pātu me nityaṃ mahātripurasundarī ॥ 57 ॥
इडां मे त्रिपुरा सिद्धा त्रिपुराम्बा च पिङ्गलाम् ।
सुषुम्नां पातु मे नित्यं महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी ॥ ५७ ॥
The left spiritual channel Iḍā nāḍi, representing coolness and connecting to the right hemisphere of the brain associated with knowledge, arts and crafts as well as emotions, is awakened, activated, permeated and protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripurā siddhā, the One who has complete control and power over all the triads. The right spiritual channel Piṅgalā nāḍi, representing heat and connecting to the left hemisphere of the brain associated with action, work and execution of all tasks, is awakened, activated, permeated and protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Tripurāmbā, the Creator of all triads. The central Suṣumnā nāḍi, representing the central spiritual channel within the spinal cord, carrying the Kuṇḍalini from the base Mūlādhāra cakra to the crown Sahasrāra, is activated, awakened, permeated and protected by the grace of the Divine Mother Mahā-tripura-sundarī, the Supreme super-consciouness - Parabrahman.
Please Click here for Part 5
This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at Krishna@manblunder.com
Narasimha Sumanth
Narasimha Sumanth
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