Nyāsa 7 - Pīṭha Nyāsaḥ ( पीठ न्यासः )
Pīṭha nyāsa is for worshipping the various power spots of the Divine Mother Śakti, that have the vibrations and energy to fulfill all our wishes and grant immense happiness and satisfaction in life.
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Devanagari |
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1 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ am̐ im̐ um̐ ṛm̐ ḷm̐ em̐ om̐ am̐ kāmarūpa kāmarūpa pīṭhāya namaḥ ādhāre । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ अँ इँ उँ ऋँ ऌँ एँ ओँ अँ कामरूप कामरूप पीठाय नमः आधारे । |
Touch the buttocks with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother manifested at the desire manifesting Kāmarūpa pīṭhā (power spot) as Kāmākhyā devi, fulfill all our wishes and desires and shower infinite grace with Her benevolent sight. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s am̐, im̐, um̐, ṛm̐, ḷm̐, em̐, om̐ and am̐, reveal to us the secrets of the entire Creation, fulfill our desires, open the doors of power, grant wisdom and help us evolve spiritually, finally granting self-realization, bliss and fulfillment that comes with liberation. |
2 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ām̐ īm̐ ūm̐ ṝm̐ ḹm̐ aim̐ aum̐ aḥ jālandhara pīṭhāya namaḥ hṛdi । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ आँ ईँ ऊँ ॠँ ॡँ ऐँ औँ अः जालन्धर पीठाय नमः हृदि । |
Touch the heart with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini energy invigorating Jālandhara pīṭhā (power spot) as Śrī Tripuramālinī devi in the form of all triads, grant liberation and bless us immensely. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s ām̐, īm̐, ūm̐, ṝm̐, ḹm̐, aim̐, aum̐ and aḥ, reveal to us the secrets of expansion and devolution, help us in karmic cleansing, grant power and excellence, complete knowledge, healing of all wounds, physical and emotional as well as all diseases and health conditions and ecstasy associated with self-realization and liberation. |
3 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ kam̐ kham̐ gam̐ gham̐ ṅam̐ pūrṇagiri pīṭhāya namaḥ lalāṭe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ कँ खँ गँ घँ ङँ पूर्णगिरि पीठाय नमः ललाटे । |
Touch the the forehead with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother manifested at the complete liberation granting Pūrṇagiri pīṭhā (power spot) as Māhākāli devi, the timeless one, grant the highest knowledge and experience leading us to liberation. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s kam̐, kham̐, gam̐, gham̐ and ṅam̐, grant us the discerning knowledge to free us from all karmas, detachment from all triads and establish our identity with the Supreme Self. |
4 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ cam̐ cham̐ jam̐ jham̐ ñam̐ uḍḍiyāna pīṭhāya namaḥ keśasandhau । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ चँ छँ जँ झँ ञँ उड्डियान पीठाय नमः केशसन्धौ । |
Touch the middle hair partition on the head with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini energy invigorating Uḍḍiyāna pīṭhā (power spot) as Vimalā devi representing the dynamic super-consciousness, grant us devotion and purity in our thoughts and actions. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s cam̐, cham̐, jam̐, jham̐ and ñam̐, relieve us of all evil thoughts and influences, balance our material and spiritual aspirations and grant us spiritual emancipation and unification with the Supreme Self. |
5 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ṭam̐ ṭham̐ ḍam̐ ḍham̐ ṇam̐ vārāṇasī pīṭhāya namaḥ bhruvauḥ । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ टँ ठँ डँ ढँ णँ वाराणसी पीठाय नमः भ्रुवौः । |
Touch the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother manifested at the liberation granting Varāṇasī pīṭhā (power spot) as Viśālākṣī devi, the wide-eyed and all-seeing, who watches over us and showers infinite grace with Her benevolent sight, bless us immensely. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s ṭam̐, ṭham̐, ḍam̐, ḍham̐ and ṇam̐, destroy all afflictions of the physical, astral and causal bodies, grant us abundant wealth, spiritual knowledge and attainment of spiritual powers. |
6 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ tam̐ tham̐ dam̐ dham̐ nam̐ avanti pīṭhāya namaḥ netra dvaye । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ तँ थँ दँ धँ नँ अवन्ति पीठाय नमः नेत्र द्वये । |
Touch both the eyes with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother Durga devi manifested as Avantika at the Avanti pīṭhā, remove all our miseries, grant immense fortune, courage to undertake any tasks and succeed in life. May She bless us immensely. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s tam̐, tham̐, dam̐, dham̐ and nam̐, destroy all afflictions of the physical, astral and causal bodies, grant us composure, contentment, removal of all impurities and revelation of our true identity. |
7 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ pam̐ pham̐ bam̐ bham̐ mam̐ māyāpurī pīṭhāya namaḥ mukhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ पँ फँ बँ भँ मँ मायापुरी पीठाय नमः मुखे । |
Touch the mouth with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini energy invigorating Māyāpurī pīṭhā (power spot) as Māyā devi who signifies the cosmic virtual reality that needs to be transcended, on our journey towards liberation, bless us immensely. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s pam̐, pham̐, bam̐, bham̐ and mam̐ grant us stability of mind, removal of all worries, freedom from all types of bondage and ushering auspiciousness all around and finally liberate us from the cosmic illusion - māyā. |
8 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ yam̐ ram̐ lam̐ vam̐ mathurā pīṭhāya namaḥ kaṇṭhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ यँ रँ लँ वँ मथुरापीठाय नमः कण्ठे । |
Touch the throat with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini energy invigorating Mathurā pīṭhā (power spot) as Kātyāyaṇī devi who signifies support and protection, on our journey towards liberation, bless us immensely. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s pam̐, pham̐, bam̐, bham̐ and mam̐ grant us stability of mind, removal of all worries, freedom from all types of bondage and ushering auspiciousness all around and finally liberate us from the cosmic illusion - māyā. |
9 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ śam̐ ṣam̐ sam̐ ham̐ ayodhyā pīṭhāya namaḥ nābhau । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ शँ षँ सँ हँ अयोध्यापीठाय नमः नाभौ । |
Touch the navel with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother Durga devi manifested as Durgākāli at the Ayodhyā pīṭhā, remove all our miseries, grant immense fortune, courage to undertake any tasks and succeed in life. May She usher in inner transformation and bless us immensely. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s śam̐, ṣam̐, sam̐ and ham̐ grant us comforts, contentment, render selfless service, humility and success in all undertakings, followed by liberation. |
10 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ḻam̐ kṣam̐ kāñcīpurī pīṭhāya namaḥ kaṭyoḥ ॥ |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ळँ क्षँ काञ्चीपुरी पीठाय नमः कट्योः ॥ |
Touch below the hips with the tattva mudra and may the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini energy invigorating Kāmakoṭi pīṭhā (power spot) as Kāmākṣī devi, the one who bestows infinite grace and leads us to liberation, bless us immensely. May the bīja-s hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐) and hum̐ offer protection, power, as well as stability and may the mātṛkā bīja-s ḻam̐ and kṣam̐, grant us all siddhis and help us remain in the state of liberation, free from the cycle of life and death. |
11 |
(iti ṣoḍhānyāsāntargata ṣaṣṭha pīṭha nyāsaḥ) |
(इति षोढान्यासान्तर्गत षष्ठ पीठ न्यासः) |
Thus ends the Ṣaṣṭha pīṭha nyāsa, constituting the sixth part of the six part ṣoḍhā nyāsa. |
This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at Krishna@manblunder.com
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