Nyāsa 2 - Rudra (Śrīkaṇṭha) Nyāsaḥ ( रुद्र (श्रीकण्ठ) न्यासः )
Rudra nyāsa, also called Śrīkaṇṭha nyāsa, signifies the descent of the Divine Father Śiva (seen as Śakti) from the highest state of the super-consciousness to lower states, to assist in the five acts of Creation, Preservation, Destruction/Transformation, Annihilation/Concealment and Resurrection/Favorable grace.
This nyāsa offers protection and removal of all miseries through the combination of various aspects of Śiva combined with Mātṛkā-s.
Dhyānam ( ध्यानम् ) –
nīlavarṇāṃ trinayanāṃ śavāsana samāyutāṃ ।
bibhratīṃ vividhāṃ bhūṣāmardhenduśekharāṃ parām ॥
नीलवर्णां त्रिनयनां शवासन समायुतां ।
बिभ्रतीं विविधां भूषामर्धेन्दुशेखरां पराम् ॥
Salutations to the Supreme Divine Feminine Tārā Devi, who is blue in complexion, three-eyed, seated on a corpse, adorned with serpents and various ornaments, as well as a crescent moon on the forehead.
S.No. |
Devanagari |
Description |
1 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ am̐ śrīkaṇṭheśāya namaḥ lalāṭe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ अँ श्रीकण्ठेशाय नमः ललाटे । |
Touch the forehead with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the beautiful throated Lord Śrīkaṇṭheśa and may the bīja-s hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ and am̐ offer protection and increase our creativity. |
2 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ām̐ ananteśāya namaḥ mukhavṛtte । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ आँ अनन्तेशाय नमः मुखवृत्ते । |
Touch the mouth with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the infinite Lord Ananteśa and may the bīja-s hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ and am̐ offer protection and expand our energies in all our pursuits. |
3 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ im̐ sūkṣmeśāya namaḥ dakṣanetre । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ इँ सूक्ष्मेशाय नमः दक्षनेत्रे । |
Touch the right eye with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the subtle Lord Sūkṣmeśa and may the bīja-s hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ and im̐ offer protection and help us in the control of our senses. |
4 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ īm̐ trimūrtīśāya namaḥ vāmanetre । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ईँ त्रिमूर्तीशाय नमः वामनेत्रे । |
Touch the left eye with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the ruler of the trinity and all triads, Lord Trimūrtīśa and may the bīja-s hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ and īm̐ offer protection and help us in the deep cleansing within us. |
5 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ um̐ amareśāya namaḥ dakṣakarṇe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ उँ अमरेशाय नमः दक्षकर्णे । |
Touch the right ear with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the immortal and eternal Lord Amareśa and may the bīja-s hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ and um̐ offer protection and help us feel contended with fulfillment of desires. |
6 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ūm̐ arghīśāya namaḥ vāmakarṇe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ऊँ अर्घीशाय नमः वामकर्णे । |
Touch the left ear with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the worthy Lord Arghīśa and may the bīja-s hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ and ūm̐ offer protection and help us attain excellence in our pursuits. |
7 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ṛm̐ bhārabhūtīśāya namaḥ dakṣanāsāyām । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ऋँ भारभूतीशाय नमः दक्षनासायाम् । |
Touch the right nostril with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the burden bearing Lord Bhārabhūtīśa and may the bīja-s hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ and ṛm̐ offer protection and help us experience the revelation of our own true self. |
8 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ṝm̐ atiśrīśāya (tithīśāya) namaḥ vāmanāsāyām । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ॠँ अतिश्रीशाय (तिथीशाय) नमः वामनासायाम् । |
Touch the left nostril with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the abundance bestowing Lord Atiśrīśa and may the bīja-s hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ and ṝm̐ offer protection and help us experience stillness in our mind to facilitate deep concentration. |
9 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ḷm̐ sthāṇu keśāya (sthāṇvīśāya) namaḥ dakṣagaṇḍe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ऌँ स्थाणु केशाय (स्थाण्वीशाय) नमः दक्षगण्डे । |
Touch the right cheeks with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the unmoved, stable and imperishable Lord Sthāṇukeśa (sthāṇvīśāya) and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ḷm̐ offer protection and help us experience blissful joy that remains constant and permanent. |
10 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ḹm̐ hareśāya namaḥ vāmagaṇḍe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ॡँ हरेशाय नमः वामगण्डे । |
Touch the left cheeks with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the cause of sustenance and transformation, Lord Hareśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ḹm̐ offer protection and help us experience complete dissolution of the mind and lead us towards liberation. |
11 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ em̐ jhiṇṭīśāya namaḥ ūrdhvauṣṭhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ एँ झिण्टीशाय नमः ऊर्ध्वौष्ठे । |
Touch the upper lips with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon Lord Jhiṇṭīśa, who represents the transition to the higher states of consciousness and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and em̐ offer protection and help us realize the secrets of the self. |
12 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ aim̐ bhautikeśāya namaḥ adharoṣṭhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ऐँ भौतिकेशाय नमः अधरोष्ठे । |
Touch the lower lips with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon Lord Bhautikeśa, who pervades the content of all elements and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and aim̐ offer protection and help us gain all the material and spiritual knowledge. |
13 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ om̐ sadyojātāya namaḥ ūrdhvadantapaṅktau । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ओँ सद्योजाताय नमः ऊर्ध्वदन्तपङ्क्तौ । |
Touch the upper teeth with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon Lord Sadyojāta, who represents the newly born and rejuvenated spiritual awareness within us and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and om̐ offer protection and purify us from within. |
14 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ aum̐ anugraheśāya namaḥ adhodantapaṅktau । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ औँ अनुग्रहेशाय नमः अधोदन्तपङ्क्तौ । |
Touch the lower teeth with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon Lord Anugraheśa, who represents the Divine grace bestowed upon us and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and aum̐ offer protection and heal us of all impurities and karmic afflications from within. |
15 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ am̐ akrūreśāya namaḥ brahmarandhre । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ अँ अक्रूरेशाय नमः ब्रह्मरन्ध्रे । |
Touch the crown of the head with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the most gentle and loving Lord Akrūreśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and am̐ offer protection and bring fulfillment to our lives. |
16 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ aḥ mahāseneśāya namaḥ mukhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ अः महासेनेशाय नमः मुखे । |
Touch the tip of the tongue with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being and commander, who leads the entire Creation - Lord Mahāseneśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and aḥ offer protection and usher spiritual ecstacy at all times. |
17 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ kam̐ krodhīśāya namaḥ dakṣabāhumūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ कँ क्रोधीशाय नमः दक्षबाहुमूले । |
Touch the right arm shoulder with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being, who is the cause of all destruction, wrath and transformation - Lord Krodhīśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and kam̐ offer protection and reveal the secrets of all Creation. |
18 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ kham̐ caṇḍeśāya namaḥ dakṣakūrpare । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ खँ चण्डेशाय नमः दक्षकूर्परे । |
Touch the right arm elbow with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being and the cause of all passion - Lord Caṇḍeśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and kham̐ offer protection and illuminate us to the true purpose of all Creation. |
19 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ gam̐ pañcāntrakāya (pañcāntakeśāya) namaḥ dakṣa maṇibandhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ गँ पञ्चान्त्रकाय (पञ्चान्तकेशाय) नमः दक्ष मणिबन्धे । |
Touch the right arm wrist with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being, who is the cause of Creation, Preservation, Destruction, Annihilation and Reassimilation, the five faced Lord Pañcāntraka (Pañcāntakeśa) and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and gam̐ offer protection and illuminate us with the discerning knowledge to navigate our lives. |
20 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ gham̐ śivottameśāya namaḥ dakṣakarāṅgulimūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ घँ शिवोत्तमेशाय नमः दक्षकराङ्गुलिमूले । |
Touch the right arm knuckles with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the most exalted Lord Śivottameśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and gham̐ offer protection and cleanse us of all our sins. |
21 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ṅam̐ ekarudreśāya namaḥ dakṣakarāṅgulyagre । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ङँ एकरुद्रेशाय नमः दक्षकराङ्गुल्यग्रे । |
Touch the right arm finger tips with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the most exalted Lord Śivottameśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ṅam̐ offer protection and complete development of our understanding to reveal our own true purpose of existence and our identity with the eternal Self. |
22 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ cam̐ kūrmeśāya namaḥ vāmabāhumūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ चँ कूर्मेशाय नमः वामबाहुमूले । |
Touch the left arm shoulder with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being, who supports the entire Creation - Lord Kūrmeśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and cam̐ offer protection and envelop us in compassion towards the entire Creation. |
23 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ cham̐ ekanetreśāya namaḥ vāmakūrpare । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ छँ एकनेत्रेशाय नमः वामकूर्परे । |
Touch the left arm elbow with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Ekanetreśa, who guides us in our pursuit towards the singular reality and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and cham̐ offer protection and help us detach from the material world and realize the purpose of our existence. |
24 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ jam̐ caturānaneśāya namaḥ vāma maṇibandhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ जँ चतुराननेशाय नमः वाम मणिबन्धे । |
Touch the left arm wrist with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Caturānaneśa, who represents the four cardinal directions, the four Vedas consisting of all the knowledge that enlighten us in our spiritual journey and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and jam̐ offer protection and help us gain victory in our efforts to free ourselves from the bad effects of karma and aid in our pursuit, to realize the purpose of our existence. |
25 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ jham̐ ajeśāya namaḥ vāmakarāṅgulimūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ झँ अजेशाय नमः वामकराङ्गुलिमूले । |
Touch the left arm knuckles with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the invincible, undefeated and unsurpassable Supreme Being Lord Ajeśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and jham̐ offer protection and help us maintain a balance in our material and spiritual pursuits. |
26 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ñam̐ sarveśāya namaḥ vāmakarāṅgulyagre । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ञँ सर्वेशाय नमः वामकराङ्गुल्यग्रे । |
Touch the left arm finger tips with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the all encompassing Supreme Being Lord Sarveśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ñam̐ offer protection and help us gain the wisdom to lead us towards spiritual emancipation. |
27 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ṭam̐ someśāya namaḥ dakṣorumūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ टँ सोमेशाय नमः दक्षोरुमूले । |
Touch the right thigh joint near the waist with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the pleasing and calming moon-like radiant Supreme Being Lord Someśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ṭam̐ offer protection and help infuse a karmic balance. |
28 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ṭham̐ lāṅgalīśāya namaḥ dakṣajaṅghāmūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ठँ लाङ्गलीशाय नमः दक्षजङ्घामूले । |
Touch the right leg knee with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the long lasting moon-like radiant Supreme Being Lord Lāṅgalīśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ṭham̐ offer protection and help remove the karmas obstructing our spiritual growth. |
29 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ḍam̐ dārukeśāya namaḥ dakṣapādamūle sandhau । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ डँ दारुकेशाय नमः दक्षपादमूले सन्धौ । |
Touch the right leg ankle with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the unmoved and static Supreme Being Lord Dārukeśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ḍam̐ offer protection and help us control our senses, to stay focused on our spiritual journey. |
30 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ḍham̐ ardhanārīśvarāya namaḥ dakṣapādāṅgulimūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ढँ अर्धनारीश्वराय नमः दक्षपादाङ्गुलिमूले । |
Touch the right leg toe knuckles with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Ardhanārīśvara, who represents the union of both Śiva and Śakti as the static and dynamic super-consciousness and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ḍham̐ offer protection and empower us with the knowledge and wealth, to proceed further on our spiritual journey. |
31 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ṇam̐ umākānteśāya namaḥ dakṣapādāṅgulyagre । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ णँ उमाकान्तेशाय नमः दक्षपादाङ्गुल्यग्रे । |
Touch the right leg toe tips with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the dazzling and immensely compassionate Supreme Being Lord Umākānteśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ṇam̐ offer protection and empower us with the skills and all necessary tools, to proceed further on our spiritual journey. |
32 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ tam̐ āṣāḍhīśāya namaḥ vāmorumūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ तँ आषाढीशाय नमः वामोरुमूले । |
Touch the left thigh joint near the waist with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Āṣāḍhīśa, who provides all the support and balance required for sustenance and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and tam̐ offer protection and help in dispelling all the vices from within. |
33 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ tham̐ daṇḍīśāya namaḥ vāma jaṅghāmūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ थँ दण्डीशाय नमः वाम जङ्घामूले । |
Touch the left leg knee with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Daṇḍīśa, who provides all the support, protection and balance required for sustenance and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and tham̐ offer protection and help in attaining composure, virtues and a moralistic outlook. |
34 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ dam̐ adrīśāya (antrīśāya) namaḥ vāmapādamūlasandhau । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ दँ अद्रीशाय (अन्त्रीशाय) नमः वामपादमूलसन्धौ । |
Touch the left leg ankle with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the pillar of strength and rock solid Supreme Being Lord Adrīśa (Antrīśa) and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and dam̐ offer protection, fortune, contentment and stability . |
35 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ dham̐ mīneśāya namaḥ vāmapādāṅgulimūle । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ धँ मीनेशाय नमः वामपादाङ्गुलिमूले । |
Touch the left leg toe knuckles with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Mīneśa, who lords over all the water borne beings and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and dham̐ offer protection and help in the removal of all impurities. |
36 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ nam̐ meṣeśāya namaḥ vāmapādāṅgulyagre । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ नँ मेषेशाय नमः वामपादाङ्गुल्यग्रे । |
Touch the left leg toe tips with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Meṣeśa, who lords over all the beasts and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and nam̐ offer protection and help in the revelation of our own true identity. |
37 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ pam̐ lohiteśāya namaḥ dakṣapārśve । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ पँ लोहितेशाय नमः दक्षपार्श्वे । |
Touch the right side of the body with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Lohiteśa, who pervades the blood of all beings and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and pam̐ offer protection and provide us with courage, stability and endurance in our quest to reveal our own true identity. |
38 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ pham̐ śikhīśāya namaḥ vāmapārśve । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ फँ शिखीशाय नमः वामपार्श्वे । |
Touch the left side of the body with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Śikhīśa, who is the pinnacle and embodiment of Truth and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and pham̐ offer protection and relieve us of all worries in our quest to reveal our own true identity. |
39 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ bam̐ chāgalaṇḍeśāya namaḥ pṛṣṭhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ बँ छागलण्डेशाय नमः पृष्ठे । |
Touch the back side of the body with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the goat faced Supreme Being Lord Chāgalaṇḍeśa, who signifies new opportunities, as well as the ability to navigate through hardship and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and bam̐ offer protection and relieve us of all bondage and attachments in our quest to reveal our own true identity. |
40 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ bham̐ dviraṇḍeśāya namaḥ nābhau । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ भँ द्विरण्डेशाय नमः नाभौ । |
Touch the navel with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Dviraṇḍeśa, who represents the cosmic egg of the universe with all its multi-dimensions and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and bham̐ offer protection and usher in auspiciousness in our lives. |
41 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ mam̐ mahākāleśāya namaḥ udare । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ मँ महाकालेशाय नमः उदरे । |
Touch the belly with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Mahākāleśa, who represents the highest state of super-consciousness and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and mam̐ offer protection and liberate us from the clutches of the cosmic illusion. |
42 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ yam̐ vālīśāya (bālīśāya) namaḥ vakṣe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ यँ वालीशाय (बालीशाय) नमः वक्षे । |
Touch the chest with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Vālīśa, who represents the pillar of strength and support to the entire Creation and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and yam̐ offer protection and reveal the true nature of our inner self. |
43 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ram̐ bhujaṅgeśāya namaḥ dakṣaskandhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ रँ भुजङ्गेशाय नमः दक्षस्कन्धे । |
Touch the right shoulder blades with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the serpent adorned Supreme Being Lord Bhujaṅgeśa, who represents the activation of all bodily cakras and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ram̐ offer protection and infuse a new drive in us towards making the world a better place for everyone. |
44 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ lam̐ pinākīśāya namaḥ kakude । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ लँ पिनाकीशाय नमः ककुदे । |
Touch the back of the neck with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the serpent trident holding and triads piercing Supreme Being Lord Pinākīśa, who represents His presence and also His grace to overcome all the triads and move towards the singular reality and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and lam̐ offer protection and infuse complete spiritual awareness and understanding within us at all times. |
45 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ vam̐ khaḍgīśāya namaḥ vāmaskandhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ वँ खड्गीशाय नमः वामस्कन्धे । |
Touch the left shoulder blades with the tattva mudra. Meditate upon the sword wielding Supreme Being Lord Khaḍgīśa, who slashes the viel of ignorance and virtual reality surrounding us and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and vam̐ offer protection and make every wish come true. |
46 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ śam̐ bakeśāya namaḥ hṛdayādi dakṣa haste । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ शँ बकेशाय नमः हृदयादि दक्ष हस्ते । |
Slide with the tattva mudra from the heart to the right hand palm. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Bakeśa, who draws us into His clutches when we drift apart on our path and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and śam̐ offer protection and offer all comforts as well as a sense of detachment. |
47 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ṣam̐ śveteśāya namaḥ hṛdayādi vāmahaste । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ षँ श्वेतेशाय नमः हृदयादि वामहस्ते । |
Slide with the tattva mudra from the heart to the left hand palm. Meditate upon the crystal clear and pure Supreme Being Lord Śveteśa and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ṣam̐ offer protection and infuse humility. |
48 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ sam̐ bhṛgvīśāya namaḥ hṛdayādi dakṣapāde । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ सँ भृग्वीशाय नमः हृदयादि दक्षपादे । |
Slide with the tattva mudra from the heart to the right leg toes. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Bhṛgvīśa, who is the lord of the celestial fire wielding Bhṛgu-s and also the facilitator of heat in the entire Omniverse and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and sam̐ offer protection and infuse wisdom and purity within us. |
49 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ham̐ nakulīśāya (lakuṃlīśāya) namaḥ hṛdayādi vāmapāde । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ हँ नकुलीशाय (लकुंलीशाय) नमः हृदयादि वामपादे । |
Slide with the tattva mudra from the heart to the left leg toes. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Nakulīśāya (Lakuṃlīśa), who is the antidote to all the venomous beings, substances and karmas and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ham̐ offer protection and liberate us fully as well as keep us in that permanent state. |
50 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ ḻam̐ śiveśāya namaḥ hṛdayādi udare । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ ळँ शिवेशाय नमः हृदयादि उदरे । |
Slide with the tattva mudra from the heart to the stomach. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Śiveśa, the pure and absolute and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and ḻam̐ offer protection and grant all the mystical powers that are wielded by the higher dimensional beings. |
51 |
hrīm̐ trīm̐ (strīm̐) hum̐ kṣam̐ saṃvartakeśāya namaḥ hṛdayādi mukhe । |
ह्रीँ त्रीँ (स्त्रीँ) हुँ क्षँ संवर्तकेशाय नमः हृदयादि मुखे । |
Slide with the tattva mudra from the heart to the mouth. Meditate upon the Supreme Being Lord Saṃvartakeśa, the destroyer and the dissolver of the omniverse and may the bīja-s, hrīm̐, trīm̐ (strīm̐), hum̐ and kṣam̐ offer protection and keep us in the state of liberation and true bliss of the Self. |
52 |
iti ṣoḍhānyāsāntargata prathama rudranyāsaḥ । |
इति षोढान्यासान्तर्गत प्रथम रुद्रन्यासः । |
Thus ends the Rudra nyāsa, which forms the First part of the six part Ṣoḍhānyāsā of Śrī Tārā Devi. |
Click here for Part 3: Graha Nyasa
This article is written by Krishna Vallapareddy and can be contacted at Krishna@manblunder.com
Narasimha Sumanth
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